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Lionhead Studios and Press Play closed. Fable legends cancelled.


I played it and hated it. It was extremely pretty though,.A proper fable with that engine would of been sublime.

It was probably way over budget and didn't want to sink in any more money in it. They were probably never going to make back the money so the plug was pulled.


Felium Defensor
With this recent studio closing and change in direction for MS(unify ecosystem), will there be more studio closings in the weeks/months to come? Because my gut feeling says yes sadly. :(


A sad, sad day. Feel very sorry for the guys at Lionhead. I always loved the Fable games, and was looking forward to playing FL on PC.


Whats crazy if if years ago MS / Lionhead would have just focused and released a high quality Fable 4 title it would have been a giant release. Terrible mismanagement of the IP

Eh, "just release a high quality AAA game" is easier said than done though. That's advice along the lines of "score more points than the other team and you'll win!". Games like these are huge projects where tons of stuff can and will go wrong.

It sucks for the people getting fired, but the writing was really on the wall for quite some time.

That said, I'lI admit I expected Legends to still come out. (but probably bomb)


The only way this makes sense in my eyes if somebody above Phil Spencer is pulling on the brakes on Xbox.

Why would they otherwise cancel the game so close to completion?

Phil spent all his time trying to get back the goodwill of gamers and this is a counter-productive move that does not make any sense.


Even like 5 hours ago, they didn't seem to know.



Jesus. Without any notice?

Guess this is what happens when you try to reinvent a game that doesn't need changing.

Who ever asked for Fable to become a online VS only game and not a single player RPG lite? If it's true that they were working on what they wanted to create, then they should have seen this coming. Fable Legends was going to flop hard.

Just a total guess on my part but I'd say the problem was Microsoft management interfering too much. Pretty sure they force Lionhead to promote Kinect which spawned Fable: The Journey and then forced Lionhead to promote multiplayer which led to Fable Legends.

To support my theory about multiplayer, Microsoft turned down Rime because it didn't have it.

During an November interview with Spanish video game magazine Deus Ex Machina, Tequila Works’ Creative Director revealed that Rime was initially pitched to Microsoft as an Xbox LIVE Arcade title. But it was turned down due to the lack of multiplayer and social features, which were an integral part of Microsoft’s publishing policies for Xbox LIVE Arcade games on Xbox One during the new console’s design phase.



Who is that Microsoft guy who helps out with the games, happy and gravely voice, maybe ex Rare, Nintendo. Knows loads about Goldeneye and stuff.

He seems to know what makes games fun, wonder how he missed stuff like this, overruled.
Was The Movies just a huge commercial flop? I've seen people on here talk about it, but other than that, I've never seen it, never seen it on sale, never even heard people acknowledge the game. How did a seemingly well-received game go completely under the radar?

It's a computer-only simulation game released in the mid '00s. People who played it will remember it fondly but it likely didn't have a very big audience when it was released due to platform, era and genre.


Legends was going to bomb hard. I can understand cancelling that project. They could have at least allowed LH to try a new franchise...


Hardly. Game was a blast and easily one of the best looking games this gen. Sure it had some wrinkles (no USB mic on PC as an example), but I consider this one of the LARGEST wastes in the history of Xbox. Time to put up Screens and Vids me thinks.

Would it have made much money, though? That's the question.


...lacks reading comprehension.
I always wondered why Lionhead was doing a F2P tactical Fable instead of a fully new game in the franchise. Did they come up with the idea? It sounded stupid from the beginning. I hope Rare won't be the next victim but I don't think Sea of Thieves has the potential to sell a lot.


A company as big as MS what are the chances the corporate culture really changes that fast? Maybe your right but I think it's a stretch.

Something internal must've changed at Rare if they're being so public with a lot of what they do. I mean they only recently released actual footage of Project Dream -- something that people have been scavenging for years now.

Four years ago you'd only hear from Rare with one off E3/Gamescom appearances. Now they're very active in everything g they do now.


Wow, so this game was far along......but Microsoft scrapped the game and shut down the studio working on it?

That is really harsh :(. I wasn't planing on playing this but people were looking forward to this game and now that its scrapped, they can't play it at all now.

Feel bad for the Lionhead and Press Play staff; home they find work soon. It has to be horrible losing your job out of nowhere :(.

I wonder what this means for the Fable series, as they really didn't know what to do with it post Fable 3; Kinect spinoff game, some XBLA co-op adventure and this being a F2P AAA project. Its their Zelda in many respects (the adventure/RPG game), so I wonder if they are going to re-work the series into something else or outright scrap it.

Sad day for Xbox fans and even worse for the talented developers now looking for work. Hope they get on their feet soon and that they move on to making more projects in the future.


I think Playground Studios and Forza Horizon is a nice success-story.

It´s an all start team with developers from all the different racing studios that were shut down in the last 5 or so years.

That's true, though even then that IP it is sort of based on the Forza franchise. It would be nice if they could give the kind of funding and attention studios like Turn 10, 343i etc enjoy, but towards brand new mega IP's instead. I think their current strategy, which seems to be outsourcing that task to third party studios instead, is a misplaced one that won't benefit them or the Xbox brand in the long run.


Damn....I can understand canceling Legends, it looked like shit and 3 years later with nothing to show this was definitely coming. Closing Lionhead though? Why? People still like Fable, Fable 4 would have sold I'm positive. Damn....I hope everyone lands on their feet, Fable 2 comprises some good memories.

Whens the last time you even play it? PC version is the great.


That decimates their output. It is basically 343, Rare, Turn 10 and The Coalition now. BigPark, Good Science Studio, Launchworks, Lift London still seem to be open, but haven't released a game in ages according to their Wikpedia pages. It makes it kinda hard to count them. BigPark doesn't even have a website anymore.
The only way this makes sense in my eyes if somebody above Phil Spencer is pulling on the brakes on Xbox.

Why would they otherwise cancel the game so close to completion?

Phil spent all his time trying to get back the goodwill of gamers and this is a counter-productive move that does not make any sense.

Because the product wasn't that good? If the feedback was really bad it could be extremely damaging


That decimates their output. It is basically 343, Rare, Turn 10 and The Coalition now. BigPark, Good Science Studio, Launchworks, Lift London still seem to be open, but haven't released a game in ages according to their Wikpedia pages. It makes it kinda hard to count them. BigPark doesn't even have a website anymore.

They also have Decisive Games (?) making a strategy game.


Just a total guess on my part but I'd say the problem was Microsoft management interfering too much. Pretty sure they force Lionhead to promote Kinect which spawned Fable: The Journey and then forced Lionhead to promote multiplayer which led to Fable Legends.

To support my theory about multiplayer, Microsoft turned down Rime because it didn't have it.

Shit that's pretty eye opening about how Microsoft approach choosing their investments, looking for boxes to tick on a feature list instead of just fun and interesting games.
Rare has garnered financial success with most of their titles on Xbox including Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, Viva Pinatas, Kinect Sports, Rare Replay, and Killer Instinct.

I won't be surprised if MS close down Rare and just keep their IPs. Killer Instinct is superb but it's made by Double Helix then handed over to Dave Lang.
This sucks. I haven't bought anything from Lionhead in a while since I don't use Windows or own any Xboxes but I've always liked them. Fable seemed cool and I loved Black and White. Here's to hoping everyone ends up in a good place after this and are able to remain creative.
Eh, "just release a high quality AAA game" is easier said than done though. That's advice along the lines of "score more points than the other team and you'll win!". Games like these are huge projects where tons of stuff can and will go wrong.

It sucks for the people getting fired, but the writing was really on the wall for quite some time.

That said, I'lI admit I expected Legends to still come out. (but probably bomb)

They had already made 3 huge AAA Fables before. And yes they had issues in development but they still shipped them. The talent and ability were already within the studio, so no the point stands and the demand from consumers would have been there.

Lionhead is only dead right now because of Fable Kinect and Fable Legends happened instead of Fable 4. Terrible management of the studio and the IP.

Heartbreaking we'll never get to explore Albion again


It's all because of Kinect if you think about it.
Kinect mess up Rare, Lion head, mess up Xbox one from power to price, all because of the "sucess" of Kinect.


So, for Lionhead, is this a direct result of having a long term Beta/unfinished project eating up dollars and not really generating enough buzz or positive word of mouth to sustain a full release schedule?

I was somewhat excited for it as there hasn't been any great Fable game since 2. Also, it really stings to lose a very talented and quirky development studio for MS...Hopefully all of these developers land on their feet.


I mean, I could never really say I enjoyed a Lionhead game. But I've always felt like they were on the cusp of greatness. There were some great ideas at that studio.


I wonder if the Fable Legends beta download will be obsessed about as much as the PT demo download in a few months.


Just a total guess on my part but I'd say the problem was Microsoft management interfering too much. Pretty sure they force Lionhead to promote Kinect which spawned Fable: The Journey and then forced Lionhead to promote multiplayer which led to Fable Legends.

To support my theory about multiplayer, Microsoft turned down Rime because it didn't have it.

Wow, that blows. Microsoft suits are fools. They really don't see creativity and fun being good enough. Has to work with some agenda that likely is there to empty our wallets consistently and keep you online. Sony and MS are night and day in that regard.
Sad to hear of anything like this. It's almost been eight years since Lionhead put out something that garnered any sort of acclaim though. I always thought Legends was supposed to be a quick release to test out the new Xbox hardware for Fable 4, but things obviously got out of control there.
That decimates their output. It is basically 343, Rare, Turn 10 and The Coalition now. BigPark, Good Science Studio, Launchworks, Lift London still seem to be open, but haven't released a game in ages according to their Wikpedia pages. It makes it kinda hard to count them. BigPark doesn't even have a website anymore.

It doesn't when you consider their 3rd party-exclusive stuff.

Whether that's sensible or not is another discussion, but this isn't the whole story.
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