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Loki |OT| Time Crimes


I zoned out during the chaos scene, and I really didn’t enjoy it. It felt really “off”. You can and almost see and hear the director say “Okay now duck down there for no reason while the woman runs past… and now follow her.” I get that it was one of those long shot scenes, but it felt like that was more important than that scene being good or having any weight. It didn’t feel like they were rushing to get somewhere, it felt like I was watching a fight scene play out in a stage show but with a lot more CGI.

Other than that, I’m enjoying the show.

They leaned too far into the term “Enchant” for it not to be the enchantress. 😂
I zoned out during the chaos scene, and I really didn’t enjoy it. It felt really “off”. You can and almost see and hear the director say “Okay now duck down there for no reason while the woman runs past… and now follow her.” I get that it was one of those long shot scenes, but it felt like that was more important than that scene being good or having any weight. It didn’t feel like they were rushing to get somewhere, it felt like I was watching a fight scene play out in a stage show but with a lot more CGI.

Other than that, I’m enjoying the show.

They leaned too far into the term “Enchant” for it not to be the enchantress. 😂

I had the exact same feeling.


Elden Member
I zoned out during the chaos scene, and I really didn’t enjoy it. It felt really “off”. You can and almost see and hear the director say “Okay now duck down there for no reason while the woman runs past… and now follow her.” I get that it was one of those long shot scenes, but it felt like that was more important than that scene being good or having any weight. It didn’t feel like they were rushing to get somewhere, it felt like I was watching a fight scene play out in a stage show but with a lot more CGI.

Other than that, I’m enjoying the show.

They leaned too far into the term “Enchant” for it not to be the enchantress. 😂

same, it felt too robotic and weird, not natural, chaotic or anything good. And the whole Loki magically reversing the falling building thing was weird looking
I like Loki. I like the premise. But I feel direction and writing are subpar.

I found lady Loki to be strangely attractive and I don't know why.


Elden Member
I like Loki. I like the premise. But I feel direction and writing are subpar.

I found lady Loki to be strangely attractive and I don't know why.

she’s a Hollywood actress with world class makeup artist, hair stylist, and clothing stylist, filmed with amazing cameras and professional lighting, over and over again until they get flawless angles…. Plus they intentionally tried adding some slight sexual chemistry.

Also i like it too, I think the last episode just wasn’t good, especially coming off a great 2nd episode. It felt like it had all this momentum, then they just stalled it out with this little filler side quest.

That’s it, that’s what’s wrong, that whole episode other than one quick line about variants, felt like an anime filler episode. There were no stakes (too early for us to fear the characters failing to survive) and the location was boring (seriously they made a moon falling into a planet boring… how!!!??).

it felt like a bad modern Doctor Who episode (and honestly Sylvia even looks like the 13th doctor!)


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Elden Member
He could do that but couldn’t conjure train tickets? His powers are confusing.
Yeah, and his powers have always seemed to have a visible effect, usually green flashes or particles… but with this nothing. I mean it’s nit picking and I’m fine with just “Loki can do magic, good magic, especially when his life is in danger”, but the way it was filmed was just… it looked like a theme park ride where the destruction resets after the audience passes by.
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I found lady Loki to be strangely attractive and I don't know why.

she’s a Hollywood actress with world class makeup artist, hair stylist, and clothing stylist, filmed with amazing cameras and professional lighting, over and over again until they get flawless angles…. Plus they intentionally tried adding some slight sexual chemistry.

Also i like it too, I think the last episode just wasn’t good, especially coming off a great 2nd episode. It felt like it had all this momentum, then they just stalled it out with this little filler side quest.

I figured it out and it peers into ones own perversion.



same, it felt too robotic and weird, not natural, chaotic or anything good. And the whole Loki magically reversing the falling building thing was weird looking
Yeah that was a bit too casual for what should have been a much more important moment. Loki the trickster, who just does illusions and stuff, suddenly pulls off some Dr Strange Sorcerer Supreme shit and makes a whole building un-fall but it’s no big deal. Since when has he got high tier capabilities?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Yeah that episode was just bad.
And this

Maybe focus on writing a good story instead?
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Yeah that episode was just bad.
And this

Maybe focus on writing a good story instead?

By the end of this decade every main character from the last 40 years will have come out. Personally can’t wait for Star Wars Episode 12 where Emperor Palpatine tells us all about his pronouns.


Really liked the third episode, I didn't mind the slower moments and felt the chemistry between them worked really well. I also just thought the setting was fucking cool, the final moments of some far away civilisation; I often thought if I could time travel I'd love to go back and see events like that, did not expect them to somehow turn that into an MCU show.

My only gripes are really that power-levels are still all over the place, so Loki who got previously knocked out by an overweight woman and a guy shopping in k-mart can now stop a falling building, okay, noted. He can also teleport, but gets thrown off a train and has to run around crowds. Usually I don't let the power-level stuff in the MCU annoy me, the comics had the same issue - but in the one show where they literally have a "you can't use your powers here" mcguffin device, like come on, they could literally just of said "this mcguffin limits your power" and it's a get out of jail free card for the inconsistency. I have no idea if this Loki is a wimp or a badass and it undermines his character development.

Also the last scene being one shot was a nice idea, but the set was way too small to pull it off and it was pretty obvious they were running in circles around it.

As much was I normally like moaning about injecting politics, I thought Loki revealing he was bi was actually done well, makes sense for his character, and wasn't shoe-horned in too badly; If I met an alternative universe me I'd totally want to know how and who I fucked too!. But I feel like praising this might come back and bite me in the ass when we've not seen the whole show, MCU writers probably needed full on restraints to stop the "Loki as president timeline" becoming about trump bad, let's see.
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Perpetually Offended
Yeah that was a bit too casual for what should have been a much more important moment. Loki the trickster, who just does illusions and stuff, suddenly pulls off some Dr Strange Sorcerer Supreme shit and makes a whole building un-fall but it’s no big deal. Since when has he got high tier capabilities?

Look at the prison scene in Thor the dark world... He uses telekinesis then... Also in the show when he summons the Roomba. He's always had it. Just didn't use it all that much.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I mean Loki being bi-sexual didn't bothered me at all. Off all the cases, his case makes the most sense.

He's a god. male/female is too low a topic to waste time on. You think Zeus didn't experiment ?

Didn't Zeus fuck people while he was a goose or a cow?

Anyways, yea, the sexuality of a fictional god in a comic book show of all things is the last of my worries. I just don't care the least bit.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I mean Loki being bi-sexual didn't bothered me at all. Off all the cases, his case makes the most sense.

He's a god. male/female is too low a topic to waste time on. You think Zeus didn't experiment ?
It didn't bother me either, I just raised a eyebrow.
The poor quality of the writing on the other hand did
They could keep that scene in there and just have a better story and I'd be happy.
It's just annoying seeing the writer brag about it when she failed on the one job she had.


I mean Loki being bi-sexual didn't bothered me at all. Off all the cases, his case makes the most sense.

He's a god. male/female is too low a topic to waste time on. You think Zeus didn't experiment ?

Same here i see them as greeks anyway, those people loved to fiddle with the same sex. However that tweet made me laugh


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
It didn't bother me either, I just raised a eyebrow.
The poor quality of the writing on the other hand did
They could keep that scene in there and just have a better story and I'd be happy.
It's just annoying seeing the writer brag about it when she failed on the one job she had.
What was poor about the writing in your opinion? I thought this episode was the best one yet because we actually got to see Loki in his element for once.


What is this boring dog shit.

So disappointed in the huge drop in quality of all three tv shows. So much down time with nothing interesting happening. Loki is literally a few people in front of a green screen in every scene. So dull and low budget.

An entire episode just to learn the TVA are just variants themselves. So much boring useless filler.

Edit- also the god of mischief fist fighting goons in each episode is so freaking lame and unimaginative. He is a frost giant for fucks sake.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
What is this boring dog shit.

So disappointed in the huge drop in quality of all three tv shows. So much down time with nothing interesting happening. Loki is literally a few people in front of a green screen in every scene. So dull and low budget.

An entire episode just to learn the TVA are just variants themselves. So much boring useless filler.

Edit- also the god of mischief fist fighting goons in each episode is so freaking lame and unimaginative. He is a frost giant for fucks sake.
Low budget? Oh please lol


Didn't Zeus fuck people while he was a goose or a cow?

Anyways, yea, the sexuality of a fictional god in a comic book show of all things is the last of my worries. I just don't care the least bit.
It’s actually canon in Norse mythology that Loki has an open sexuality. He once turned into a mare to seduce a stallion, and later gave birth to Sleipnir, Odin’s eight-legged mount.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
It makes since for Loki to be bi considering his visual appearance is fluid. That said sexual orientation reveals have become so boring that nobody cares except these snowflakes that need validation because they have no self worth to begin with.

I couldn't care less who or what you fuck as long as it is legal. There is nothing shocking or scandalous about it. Gays and lesbians have become boring entertainment. Heaven help us where these low effort writers go next for controversy.


It’s actually canon in Norse mythology that Loki has an open sexuality. He once turned into a mare to seduce a stallion, and later gave birth to Sleipnir, Odin’s eight-legged mount.

Now thats some next level sexuality.


It didn't bother me either, I just raised a eyebrow.
The poor quality of the writing on the other hand did
They could keep that scene in there and just have a better story and I'd be happy.
It's just annoying seeing the writer brag about it when she failed on the one job she had.

I don't think it's poorly written at all and loved the interactions between Loki's. Loved the setting as well, even with it's terrible green green.


3rd episode was a bit of a miss. I don't like such sudden tonal shifts in characters.

However, this show is far superior and more interesting than the other Marvel tv shows.

The music is excellent. The main thème in particular.


The scene where the building falls, might be Loki using a time stone he might have stolen from the TVA. Would make the most sense since the building was reversed not just moved away.

Also maybe why he wasn't stressed about breaking the tempad since he could reverse that as well.


Look at the prison scene in Thor the dark world... He uses telekinesis then... Also in the show when he summons the Roomba. He's always had it. Just didn't use it all that much.
Thanks for pointing that out, I watched that movie once. I still think having the power to casually use telekinesis on a big tower but getting absolutely fucked up most of the time creates a cognitive dissonance. Don’t get me wrong though, I won’t let it stop my enjoyment of the show.
That was an awesome episode! The fight scenes are still the weakest part of the show but everything else is top notch. Can't wait for next week's episode.
So, the rumours were true. Loki isn't the protagonist in his own show.

And my god, the constant validation of Silvie. She's the best. She's the strongest. She suffered the most. I was expecting to hear that she had to be pruned because she was a woman variant.

My goodwill is gone. I'm out.

Edit: Oh, there's a post credit scene... Ok, I'm back.
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So, the rumours were true. Loki isn't the protagonist in his own show.

And my god, the constant validation of Silvie. She's the best. She's the strongest. She suffered the most. I was expecting to hear that she had to be pruned because she was a woman variant.

My goodwill is gone. I'm out.

Edit: Oh, there's a post credit scene... Ok, I'm back.

He's not the protagonist?

Amazingly great episode, made me shout at the screen a couple of times. I don't think the last episode is filler, this weeks episode wouldn't work without last weeks episode.


That post-credits scene is awesome.

Some YouTuber probably watched the episode without seeing the post-credits scene and posted an hour long performative rant about how the episode ended.

100% truth there that's for sure.
Even if Silvie was the new protagonist, she is a good character and the mystery surrounding the TVA is interesting.


So the series already ended nice.

Everything half interested in the series was murdered off.

Short miniserie i guess.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
It has been a VERY long time since a show got a actual audible gasp from me and this show did it twice to me in one episode.

Disney has truly outdone themselves with this. Amazing stuff.
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