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Loser Filip Miucin strikes again (Ex-IGN Plagiarist)


I am a virgin
Thats a deep cut most people wont understand.

BUt yes I agree.
Hey man we got our ethics too, and some of that crosses with writing

At least I know someone here I can easily relate shit like that too; and hey, maybe if they're inspired to learn, they'll hit up the programmers thread

Fuck WordPress
That is all
I'm really not into social media like that, I think all of that shit is insane

But this dude got caught stealing write ups and videos on games and hes still trying to exist in that space?

If you got caught stealing at walmart...you probably shouldn't try your hand at retail...other people who exist in that space and/or are the gatekeepers to that space would probably be ready to shit on you lol


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Do you have the quote where he said that?
Limited while at work but heres a screencap. Now granted this was a response to a negative comment so im sure it came out of a place of desperation/defending himself.



Go Go Neo Rangers!
Hey man we got our ethics too, and some of that crosses with writing

At least I know someone here I can easily relate shit like that too; and hey, maybe if they're inspired to learn, they'll hit up the programmers thread

Fuck WordPress
That is all

Wordpress is the best and worst thing to happen in the websphere.


Limited while at work but heres a screencap. Now granted this was a response to a negative comment so im sure it came out of a place of desperation/defending himself.

I don't know, it was a dumb comparison but I don't think it's worth it reading more into it than that.

Herr Edgy

Eh, generally I want to give people 2nd (or 3rd, or 4th) chances if it doesn't directly affect me. Doesn't help anyone punishing people rather than letting them learn from their mistakes.
Virtue signalling however indicates to me that a person would falsify their own views just to get an upper hand in regards to publicity.
So whether he actually learned from his mistake or is just acting like he does to continue doing what he wants isn't immediately discernible.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I don't know, it was a dumb comparison but I don't think it's worth it reading more into it than that.

I really dont want to sound like THAT guy, but it seems like all of his reactions and comparisons tend to be a bit on the dumb side.
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Fair or not, I don’t think Miucin has any future in games media. This is going to happen every time he tries to stage a comeback, probably for years.
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Plagiarism in any environment is unacceptable. The fact that he did it multiple times and the lengths he went to deny it is him spitting in the face of professionalism.

His response to people trying to help him shows that he doesn't grasp the severity of his actions. That being said, I don't think it's fair to berate him (like how the title refers to him as a loser) and hate mobbing definitely isn't helping anyone.

He has a right to make videos and pursue whatever career he wants, but people also have a right to not take his work seriously and decide not to watch his content.
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Great Hair

Alien Isolation

Wasnt the game on launch full of bugs? Like stupid A.I and at the end the premise of being alone with an alien ... was also not true. On launch day, i too would have shat on Isolated among other evil Human beings and chased by a dumb Alien.

That game is overrated as Anna Nicole Smith´s singing talent. They had to patch it a lot, apparently now its way better.
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His response to people trying to help him shows that he doesn't grasp the severity of his actions.
Well, he did lose his job and was mobbed, that's a pretty severe punishment. Whether or not he replies to this properly is one thing, but people are overanalyzing and puts too much importance on everything he says a bit too much right now. Give him a few weeks and see how he "comes back" before you judge him, he's gonna struggle with being taken seriously for a while now, if not forever, how he learns from this video and response is what gonna define him.

I'm no fan of the guy, but social media justice is a cruel beast.


Fair or not, I don’t think Miucin has any future in games media. This is going to happen every time he tries to stage a comeback, probably for years.
I think if he's really passionate about it and stops actively making things worse for himself, he could eke out a channel. He really does have good presentation on his vids, regardless of what I think about him personally. He's going to have to man up and not let stuff like comments/thumbs down on his vids bother him though, but he doesn't seem to have what it takes for that. I feel a solid apology and letting the work speak for itself would be enough to get by at least.

I don't really care one way or another about another youtuber/streamer because I don't even watch them, but it's kinda silly that people have such a huge hate boner for him. If he wants to make videos and can thick skin the reactions, he should be allowed to do it.


Guy is a legit sociopath. Even this "review" is literally one third him saying "wow aren't I such a fuck up" and two thirds incredibly generic praise that sounds like ad copy. Followed by nothing but sheer deflection to make other people look worse than him somehow.
Came to post this.... he has serious red flags of being a sociopath. I would steer well clear of him.


I am a virgin
I feel a solid apology and letting the work speak for itself would be enough to get by at least.
This is what a lot of companies do; they just put out their statement then move on
If they have to cross a bridge about it further down the line, they do what's necessary (Usually firing someone, etc)

If he's wanting to be his own channel sort of thing, he's gotta understand that to make money doing it, you turn yourself in a brand
And when you're playing with being a brand, that can fuck with people's money, and other things; gotta have thick skin, and know when to nut up and shut up


I would hardly call a looser a guy who, in this day and age of Twitter peer-pressure, insists on never say he's sorry and keeps beating an horse as dead as this one.
The horse being his career.
He's a modern day hero. A contemporary icon.
Wasnt the game on launch full of bugs? Like stupid A.I and at the end the premise of being alone with an alien ... was also not true. On launch day, i too would have shat on Isolated among other evil Human beings and chased by a dumb Alien.

That game is overrated as Anna Nicole Smith´s singing talent. They had to patch it a lot, apparently now its way better.
Played the game day one. Not sure what your are talking about. A.I. was great imo
lol what an entitled piece of cunt. So he wants to come back as a youtuber and thinks he could just sweep everything under the rug like nothing has ever happened? I don't think he understands at all the severity of his actions. He's delusional.

Great Hair

Played the game day one. Not sure what your are talking about. A.I. was great imo

+great atmo, music

- backtracking
- fighting more humanoids, androids*humans than alien
- monotonous hide and seek
- outrageous stupid door puzzles
- the alien sometimes sees you, then other times in front of you ...
- 15h too long
- annoying "save game feature"
- apparently shitty ending
- ive never agreed with IGN, as a yuropeean .. i couldnt care less, but have to agree with xbox fanboy 1º ryan

Overrated, it wears out after the first 5 to 10h. Solid for the first few hours, but not for 10h+. A 6/10 pushed to be an 8+ ... more than a techdemo, demo of 5h? that would have been suffice to experience it.
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+great atmo, music

- backtracking
- fighting more humanoids, androids*humans than alien
- monotonous hide and seek
- outrageous stupid door puzzles
- the alien sometimes sees you, then other times in front of you ...
- 15h too long
- annoying "save game feature"
- apparently shitty ending
- ive never agreed with IGN, as a yuropeean .. i couldnt care less, but have to agree with xbox fanboy 1º ryan

Overrated, it wears out after the first 5 to 10h. Solid for the first few hours, but not for 20h+. A 6/10 pushed to be an 8+ ... more than a techdemo, demo of 5h? that would have been suffice to experience it.

That is your opinion. Not sure why you even linked Joes review because it is largely positive. I have beaten the game 3 times now. I could link just as many reviews (actually more positive reviews) to counter you points but have you even played the game? The A.I. is not perfect duh, but its the best A.I. I have seen in a stealth game. I fucking LOVE the game and that's my stance on it. 9/10


Miucin should rename his channel to “Ethically Challenged” and make it about his attempts to glitch or cheat at games. That’s a good hook.
The IGN guy telling him to fuck off is a bit much and kind of unprofessional.
After putting IGN as a publisher and all the employees that work their buttons off to get where they are is a bit much? After committing plagiarism Filip should be happy thats all Ryan had to say. Im sure the feelings mutual by most of the IGN staff.


I believe in forgiveness for those who ask for it, and I believe in second chances, so I wish the guy the best of luck in all things - including his attempt at a YouTube career.

With that said, I get why people are pushing back here. The industry and profession he’s in is unkind and unforgiving for his very specific transgressions for a reason: it’s what those industries are built on. Once you lose the trust of your audience, the respect of your peers, you’re done. Not because of some horrible “cancel culture”, but because the audience won’t be turning up to read what you right, and your peers can’t rely on you to get it right when it’s their reputations on the line. The things that Filip betrayed are the cornerstone of that industry and those professions, so I completely understand those people turning their back on him.

It’s up to him if he can show his face in public every time he puts out a review, uploads a blog, or contributes to a discussion. He doesn’t need their permission to upload his videos to YouTube.
Sorry, but I have to say the arrogance of the people who apparently believe that Miucin's prior acts are such a crime against humanity that he can never come back is fucking nauseating.

Like honestly, do they think what they do is so special and demanding of purity?

These people aren't creating art or furthering academic study, they are purveyors of water-cooler talk.

People who's career is based on producing disposable junk culture commentary should never get to be so sanctimonious!
Would you be great guy and go have a talk with this awesome YouTuber named BoomStickGaming. Let him know how you feel about everything when it comes to this topic. Come back and let us know will ya?
This is over what amounts to professional lazyness.

He took a short-cut, he didn't rape kittens for Christ sake!

Perspective please. Is this really the worst thing in the world? Especially in the context of fucking YouTube, where people make careers off of other people's art and IP, often hiding behind dubious interpretations of "fair use".

If Plagiarism gets you excommunicated for life maybe media conglomerates really should be sending ninja hit-squads against pirates!
Worst thing in the world? No. Worst thing you can do in journalism? Hell fucking yes. If he had plagerised 1 maybe 2 reviews, I'd be more forgiving, but isn't the count up to like 12 or more? That's a lot of people's work he snatch away for his own personal gain, so how are you even trying to defend this guy? The only reason he stopped, was because he got caught. That says it all in a nutshell.


HAHAHA wtf, apparently he's working at Accenture now?

For those of you who don't know, they are one of the biggest consulting firms out there, it's the equivalent of Google for Business / Accounting / IT Analyst graduates. I remember when I graduated it was top of my list of companies I aspired to work for.

He's probably getting paid better now than 99% of IGN. LOL! (or maybe that's a lie too?)
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
HAHAHA wtf, apparently he's working at Accenture now?

For those of you who don't know, they are one of the biggest consulting firms out there, it's the equivalent of Google for Business / Accounting / IT Analyst graduates. I remember when I graduated it was top of my list of companies I aspired to work for.

He's probably getting paid better now than 99% of IGN. LOL! (or maybe that's a lie too?)

Tough to say. It was discovered his resume was plagiarized as well. Idk enough about Linked In to know how easy it would be lie.
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