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[LTTP] Final Fantasy VII

Cutty Flam

I’m glad there was another explanation of all the menu commands and items at the presidential ceremony. Materia is kind of complex but I’m starting to understand the ins and outs of it slightly better now. Next session will include a lot of battles in the field. It’s time to explore as well as start honing the battle system skills, level up some of the crew and try stealing a bunch of items
That's all your attitude, dude.

Haha that's episode is on right now, everything is shit, haha
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Reseterror Resettler
Rufus and Sephiroth are unpredictable. Both are highly capable. Why was Sephiroth on that ship at that time though? I just realized how strange seeing him there was. Does Shinra or Rufus have something he needs? And why is Hojo after Sephiroth? I’ll have to meditate on these things

You're at the mystery phase of a first FFVII playthrough. Which was my favorite thing. Figuring out how all the disparate threads tie together and what everyone's role is. Good stuff.

Cutty Flam

This carnival Golden Saucer area is a fun place to be. I love that Cloud has gained an insanely unique ally here too. Some random cat fairy who likes to predict the future

This place is owned by Shinra, however


You don't get to decide what opinions people are allowed to voice. The remake is hot garbage. I'm glad you enjoyed a game that you got, but they absolutely ruined Final Fantasy VII with this crap remake.
No. They expanded upon the game and modernized it where necessary. The writing is better. The character development is better. The envirionments are much better realized. The combat system is miles better. It also isn't poorly translated and filled with bugs such as literally entire stats not working like the original FF7. It doesn't ace every aspect (Sidequests are fairly dull) but it's a worthwhile remake.

The original FF7 is fantastic, but its a product of its era for sure.
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Please abstein from the hyperbolic FF7 'remake is shit' tirade..

It's such a drag seeing people take a dump on something one thoroughly enjoyed (despite my own fears), and something that for once isn't churned out purely as a money grab, but actually retains some the original soul and adds a little of it's own.
Everything related to FFVII after FFVII was a money grab. It's their most popular entry and they're milking and retconning it to hell. The whole Crisis Core shit was awful, and demonstrates that the Square of today is nothing like the Square of the 90's.

Remake isn't shit, but it shits all over a much better game. It's also weird that some people are getting so obscenely bent out of shape over the fact that most people aren't too crazy about it. I'm not talking about you, but there were a couple other people on the first page who immediately started lactating because someone criticized the remake


No. They expanded upon the game and modernized it where necessary. The writing is better. The character development is better. The envirionments are much better realized. The combat system is miles better. It also isn't poorly translated and filled with bugs such as literally entire stats not working like the original FF7. It doesn't ace every aspect (Sidequests are fairly dull) but it's a worthwhile remake.

The original FF7 is fantastic, but its a product of its era for sure.

The premise that expanding is always good is completely unfounded and flawed. Expanding on a game isn't an inherently good thing. And in this case it's a very bad thing. I wouldn't say that the Remake is quite as bad as the Crisis Core game retconns, but it's still bad nonetheless. And modernizing something is never necessary. It's always humorous when people use the phrase "product of its era" in the context of artistic expression, as if they're making some sort of profound point. The original may be poorly translated but it's still better than the remake in every way except for the graphics, which really doesn't mean a whole lot.


The premise that expanding is always good is completely unfounded and flawed. Expanding on a game isn't an inherently good thing. And in this case it's a very bad thing. I wouldn't say that the Remake is quite as bad as the Crisis Core game retconns, but it's still bad nonetheless. And modernizing something is never necessary. It's always humorous when people use the phrase "product of its era" in the context of artistic expression, as if they're making some sort of profound point. The original may be poorly translated but it's still better than the remake in every way except for the graphics, which really doesn't mean a whole lot.
Expanding on it isn't an inherently bad thing either. Most of the additions in Final Fantasy VII: Remake are worthwhile additions and the game is better for it. Modernizing is "Necessary" depending on what the goal of the remake is and how well the gameplay has aged. Final Fantasy VII's gameplay is straigth up unexciting by todays standards. It has a turn based combat system that requires no strategy at all and the game does a poor job of individualizing every character.

In OG FFVII, every single character is nearly identical aside from some marginal stat differences and their limit breaks. Everything else is decided by their equipment and materia. Compare to FFVII: Remake, where every character plays completely different from one another and has a specific role to play. Thats not to say that turn based = bad, but FF7's combat was never anything special or remarkable to begin with.

Characters in FF7: Remake are better developed and have far more depth to them than the OG cast. The dialogue is much better and it helps that the game has some incredible voice acting talent to back it up. Events which should have been treated with more care in the original are now finally getting the proper attention they deserve. Take the bombing run for instance. In the OG, everyone acts as if they just came back from the office afterwards. In the remake, it actually shows what the repercussions are and question the morality of it.


Everything related to FFVII after FFVII was a money grab. It's their most popular entry and they're milking and retconning it to hell. The whole Crisis Core shit was awful, and demonstrates that the Square of today is nothing like the Square of the 90's.

Remake isn't shit, but it shits all over a much better game. It's also weird that some people are getting so obscenely bent out of shape over the fact that most people aren't too crazy about it. I'm not talking about you, but there were a couple other people on the first page who immediately started lactating because someone criticized the remake
Nothing about Remake is money grab though. Enjoyed it as a stand alone game.

They haven't retconned anything with Remake. The Crisis Core stuff, beside being a detour, doesn't bother me, why should it bother you? I just ignore it.

You just sound very militant, and I see no reason to be.


Linux User
Never played FF7 because for the life of me I just can't handle early PS1 3D.

Games like Suikoden, Star Ocean, Xenogears and FF6 are timeless because of it's art style.


Never played FF7 because for the life of me I just can't handle early PS1 3D.

Games like Suikoden, Star Ocean, Xenogears and FF6 are timeless because of it's art style.
If they were timeless I don't think there would be a push for 2.5 HD remakes..

Cutty Flam

What a crazy stream of events that have taken place ever since I reached the Gold Saucer, Who could have guessed that a desert prison lay beneath the Casino? And then the events that took place with the boss, Dyne? Shinra is crushing the planet and its inhabitants like no other world I've seen in a video game. Almost NPC for NPC, (outside of most children NPCs who are mostly oblivious) everyone's lives have been ruined in one way or another. It's like only 10-15% of the NPCs are doing 'alright' amonst all the madness

Those who say this game is overrated are fools!

One last note, I lost my crew's Buggy as soon as I got it :messenger_loudly_crying:


I love the story elements tied to The Gold Sauser. I hope they really flesh out in remake part 2. I want it to be grandiose and full of wonderlust.
Man you must be on a similar schedule as my wife, Cutty. She just picked FF7 back up, left off midway through disc 2 and is getting back on track. You are right about to my favorite stretch of the game, from here to the end of disc 1 it really takes off. So if you’ve been having a great time so far you’re in for a real treat.

Cutty Flam

Man you must be on a similar schedule as my wife, Cutty. She just picked FF7 back up, left off midway through disc 2 and is getting back on track. You are right about to my favorite stretch of the game, from here to the end of disc 1 it really takes off. So if you’ve been having a great time so far you’re in for a real treat.
I forgot all about discs, how many are there in FFVII? I’ll have to guess three

This game has some of the finest NPCs I’ve played with in some time dude. It makes the story that much better and enhances the world. The crew is getting stronger too. AVALANCHE is a looking solid now with Cloud, Barrett, Tifa, Aeris, Nanaki, and now Cait Sith. Apparently I missed a teammate somehow too…a chick with black hair it looked like

The part where Dyne killed himself left a huge impact and impression. I can’t believe this guy killed himself being a father and all to a 4 year old little girl….The trauma must have been insurmountable… Shinra + the desert prison deleted his humanity. It seems that in the FF series there are no shortages of surprising moments

Cutty Flam

You skipped over Shinra Building!!

That was one of the greatest moments of my young gaming life, the build up of the Shinra boss and then that reveal in his office, the sword... then the escape. Wow. What a moment.

Indeed. It was just pure magic, as I recall...
I actually have some pics of that section of the game, I'll have to upload them one of these times. Shinra Corporation Headquarters was a section that I didn't really take my time with, but that was probably due to to the nature of the building. All the cogs making the destruction possible are within that building, it was guarded well enough, and it's just not a welcoming setting. The former President of Shinra had it coming, and with what I know now that dude had to be taken out. His son, Rufus, is probably worth killing as well, but idk I guess I'll have to see what he does before anything can be said for certain. It'll be interesting to see how Cloud and the gang take down Shinra. At the start, we hit them right where it hurts with the bombing mission and bought the planet some more time as well but then they retaliated...

Since then there's been so much that has happened and much has been said, it's tough to guess when we'll enter another battle or mission that'll gain AVALANCHE some ground here
I forgot all about discs, how many are there in FFVII? I’ll have to guess three

This game has some of the finest NPCs I’ve played with in some time dude. It makes the story that much better and enhances the world. The crew is getting stronger too. AVALANCHE is a looking solid now with Cloud, Barrett, Tifa, Aeris, Nanaki, and now Cait Sith. Apparently I missed a teammate somehow too…a chick with black hair it looked like

The part where Dyne killed himself left a huge impact and impression. I can’t believe this guy killed himself being a father and all to a 4 year old little girl….The trauma must have been insurmountable… Shinra + the desert prison deleted his humanity. It seems that in the FF series there are no shortages of surprising moments

It is 3 discs but the content isn’t evenly dispersed between.


Could never play these types of games, had it all the way back in ps1 days. It’s the eye melting gfx that got me to start and finish this on ps5. Was a good time.

Never got the extra dlc, got my fill.

Cutty Flam

Recently visited a little village. It was a devastated little village, a Mako Reactor blew up three years ago. We also met two parents who have been deeply distressed about their son, Zach, who hasn’t contacted them in over 10 years…Aeris knew Zach. She said he was her first true love and he went missing (five years ago?)



It's been a while since I played the original, but I remember always being on team Aerith. However, after the Remake I'm all in on team Tifa.

Cutty Flam

Cloud's presence and character, as the main protagonist of this game is kind of insane. I haven't played as a character that carries this kind of weight + masculinity since maybe Chris Redfield in his prime

Beautiful OST

The cutscene and lesson brought to AVALANCHE by Nanaki's Grandfather was profound. It seems blurry still, the big picture, but what is clear is that Shinra and Sephiroth are manipulating and destroying the Lifestream for their own purposes. The song below perfectly illustrates how precious the Lifestream is and what it is through sound. It's very rare to find a track like the one below, it was stunning when I heard it and I paid extra close attention to the words of Bugenhagen when he began to teach



One of my all-time favorites. I saw the Distant Worlds orchestra a few years ago at the Chicago Symphony Center, and Nobuo Uematsu was guest conductor for the performance of Aerith's Theme.

I wept like a fucking man baby.

So many good memories of that game. Have fun with it. :)

edit: I see this is an old thread. Hope you are having/had fun with it.
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Enjoy it, OP. Take your time, don't rush. FF7 is the Zelda Ocarina of Time of JRPG's. It was made at a time when Squaresoft was at their absolut peak. FF7 is a very soulful game. Pure talent and passion without bullshit went into it's development.

The Remake turned out shit because of two things: A) Nobody asked for a "reimagination". People were asking for a "remake", because at the time a remake basically meant "the original game with better graphics". So yes, people actually asked for a "remaster" when they said "remake". B) Nobody asked for a complete genre change. I mean, how can you take one of the best and most popular video games ever produced... and completely change its fucking GENRE?! Even if the goal is to develop a "reimagination" of any game, it should AT LEAST stay the same genre and not something completely different. Imagine how ridiculous it would be if, let's say a hypothetical QUAKE 1 "remake" suddenly became a 3rd person cover shooter? Or a character action game? Ridiculous!
The remake is amazing, you just have bad taste.
Glad you’re still going strong Curry. My wife finally got around to completing the game! It ended up not being one of her favorites but she doesn’t seem to be really into RPGs, that said she can appreciate the quality of it and the history. It’s definitely telling how the game has benefited from the remake.

Yeah, the remake was great. I don’t love all the filler and I do prefer the classic ATB system, but the presentation and world building is such an improvement. Watching me play through the remake is the reason my wife wanted to try the original, and she is excited to play through again before the next part comes out. Hopefully it will only be a 2 parter, I don’t think it would be good to stretch this out into a trilogy.

Cutty Flam

I like how everything builds up to something worth fighting for. Amazing how these Final Fantasy games are able to masterfully show what goes on in the underworld and behind the scenes plus how everything affects everyone's lives

The dude living in that sewer pipe with the trophies in the Slums sticks out; he's probably sick because he's made his home in an old sewer pipe. Even the business owner in FFVII are begging their patrons to buy so that's how hard it is for everyone. There's also a lot of sorrow felt at Kalm. Shinra has done a number on these people and the planet

My last time playing was a trip. A lot of hooded figures were acting strange and talking about a reunion. Met Sephiroth underground at the Shinra Mansion and he left a destructive materia for us; hardly considered us worth his time and fled on the spot. I'm going to try to open up this safe before I move on; there's a little riddle to solve and open it

Dr Bass

I like how everything builds up to something worth fighting for. Amazing how these Final Fantasy games are able to masterfully show what goes on in the underworld and behind the scenes plus how everything affects everyone's lives

The dude living in that sewer pipe with the trophies in the Slums sticks out; he's probably sick because he's made his home in an old sewer pipe. Even the business owner in FFVII are begging their patrons to buy so that's how hard it is for everyone. There's also a lot of sorrow felt at Kalm. Shinra has done a number on these people and the planet

My last time playing was a trip. A lot of hooded figures were acting strange and talking about a reunion. Met Sephiroth underground at the Shinra Mansion and he left a destructive materia for us; hardly considered us worth his time and fled on the spot. I'm going to try to open up this safe before I move on; there's a little riddle to solve and open it
You're making me want to play this game again.

The real one. Not the Remake Heard Turd.


I like how everything builds up to something worth fighting for. Amazing how these Final Fantasy games are able to masterfully show what goes on in the underworld and behind the scenes plus how everything affects everyone's lives

The dude living in that sewer pipe with the trophies in the Slums sticks out; he's probably sick because he's made his home in an old sewer pipe. Even the business owner in FFVII are begging their patrons to buy so that's how hard it is for everyone. There's also a lot of sorrow felt at Kalm. Shinra has done a number on these people and the planet

My last time playing was a trip. A lot of hooded figures were acting strange and talking about a reunion. Met Sephiroth underground at the Shinra Mansion and he left a destructive materia for us; hardly considered us worth his time and fled on the spot. I'm going to try to open up this safe before I move on; there's a little riddle to solve and open it
This makes me wanna play again as well. My wife played it for the first time with me during Covid lockdown and we would split a bottle of wine each evening and play for hours. It’s a super fond memory and she loved it to the point we are playing FF Pixel Remasters as I type this
I played it fully for the first time last year, and it was a wonderful experience for me despite the fugly visuals, awful translation, and some annoying missables.

Cutty Flam

Yesterday was a lot of fighting in the fields. For a solid hour or so I was battling enemies and making my way through Mt. Nibel I believe the area was called. Best part about that was that they played the song that plays in the Slums when you navigate throughout this portion of the overworld

The highlight was fighting this one huge, bluish Dragon fiend that would sometimes freeze for turns at a time. It was a colossal battle because my crew lost to him the first time. Relentlessly attacking this enemy while it stood froze was intense and I'm not gonna lie it felt amazing fucking it up for rounds like that in succession as it stood defenseless (for whatever reason that was)

Made my way to the reactor where Tifa's father was murdered, walked up to the Genova door but nothing happened. So I made my trek back to the town where Cloud and Tifa grew up which took a good fifteen minutes to reach



Enemy skill was such a lifesaver in this fight, especially aqualung was great here. Obtaining Trine was also decent.

Very memorable fight for me as well. The pipes leading down to the boss area and all.

Cutty Flam

-Fought the monster inside the safe at Shinra Mansion
-Fought a mysterious Ninja Warrior in the grasslands Jungle area
-She stole 200 gil
-Won a fight where Cloud, Barrett, and Nanaki all turned into frogs versus frogs. When we won the battle all three of us were frogs and the end victory dance was one mighty leap in unison, as frogs

Can’t believe I only paid like $7-9 for this game
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