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LTTP Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild; Breath of the Boredom

I'm bored with Breath of the Wild as well. I don't know if I would call it a bad game, but it just hasn't clicked for me. I think I would enjoy it more if it were a full-fledged RPG. Playing it just made me want to play Skyrim instead.


I’m at this part where I have to get this blue flame to light the furnace and it keeps raining 😑. I like the game but it’s been a stop and start kind of thing for me, it can get frustrating.


I'm absolutely sure that people who dislike the game have no attention span. I'd love to be proved wrong.

I think it’s more the type of game where it takes a decent amount of time to advance the story, and the combat is sporadic so it’s often a beautiful walking sim. As I said I definitely like the game and see the quality of it, it just hasn’t clicked where I’m driven to advance that much.


I think it’s more the type of game where it takes a decent amount of time to advance the story, and the combat is sporadic so it’s often a beautiful walking sim. As I said I definitely like the game and see the quality of it, it just hasn’t clicked where I’m driven to advance that much.

That's a fair comment. Most people who don't like it seem to want it to be a more action-packed game and really I don't get why because there's an abundance of them out there.
I'm absolutely sure that people who dislike the game have no attention span. I'd love to be proved wrong.
The world just felt so empty to me. I mean, I love exploration in games and that goes hand-in-hand with big open worlds, but BOTW didn't really do it for me even after 20 hours. Very little variety in the landscape, flora and fauna, repetitive goblin/moblin encampments, static NPC's with next to nothing to say. It was almost certainly due to technical limitations / performance. The game was ambitious, but you can tell they hit a wall.

Edit: And, yeah, I'm also in the camp that missed traditional Zelda bosses and dungeons. =/
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Suffers with mild autism
I think it’s more the type of game where it takes a decent amount of time to advance the story, and the combat is sporadic so it’s often a beautiful walking sim. As I said I definitely like the game and see the quality of it, it just hasn’t clicked where I’m driven to advance that much.

"[often a] beautiful walking sim" isn't a bad thing, it seems to me. The idea of the original LoZ was to recreate the enjoyment and experience of wandering out in the woods alone as a child (something I also hold dear, as someone fortunate enough to have had mysterious extended woods near a couple of our houses when younger). BoTW recreates that feeling better than any prior entry in the franchise, in my estimation.


Remember back at launch when people were stanning so hard for this game that you'd swear they'd been touched by the hand of god shiggy himself?

Goodness me.


The world just felt so empty to me. I mean, I love exploration in games and that goes hand-in-hand with big open worlds, but BOTW didn't really do it for me even after 20 hours. Very little variety in the landscape, flora and fauna, repetitive goblin/moblin encampments, static NPC's with next to nothing to say. It was almost certainly due to technical limitations / performance. The game was ambitious, but you can tell they hit a wall.

Edit: And, yeah, I'm also in the camp that missed traditional Zelda bosses and dungeons. =/

Good reply. I suppose what I said sounded critical but what I really mean is that the people who'll the most out of the game are those who want to take their time with it.

It's not for everyone of course. I'm kind of in a position in my life where I'm happy for a single game to take up my schedule. When it's over I'll move to the next one but I think it's why the tranquility of BotW really resonated with what I'm looking for in games. Ironically it's how I felt as a kid, then grew out of as a teen/young adult, and then got back into.

I do agree it feels like they hit a wall. Seems like they were playing around with a lot of limitations making the game.

"[often a] beautiful walking sim" isn't a bad thing, it seems to me. The idea of the original LoZ was to recreate the enjoyment and experience of wandering out in the woods alone as a child (something I also hold dear, as someone fortunate enough to have had mysterious extended woods near a couple of our houses when younger). BoTW recreates that feeling better than any prior entry in the franchise, in my estimation.

That's a really good way of putting it. The game is all about aesthetics (and by that I mean feelings, not actions).
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I'm playing through the game for the 4th time and I find it just as engaging as it was for me the first time. Can't say that for most open world games this gen (even the ones I enjoyed greatly).


Whereever you are stuck, use guides and walkthroughs. It is like a traditiinal RPG, similar to what we use to have 10-15 years ago. No hand holding, lots of secrets and hidden places that have nothing to do with main story and side quests.

I know it is cliche but this game is the very defination of "its the journey that matters, not the destination"


Neighbours from Hell
I started off hating it but eventually grew to love it. It's just overwhelming at first because it doesn't hold your hand or nudge you on where to go, and also the weapon breaking is a deterrent. But once you sink a dozen or so hours into it you'll settle in.


I’m at this part where I have to get this blue flame to light the furnace and it keeps raining 😑. I like the game but it’s been a stop and start kind of thing for me, it can get frustrating.
You can use arrows for some short distance btw. Also get a dry spot to build campfires nearby to skip time. Personally it's not that hard for me, at the end I lighted up all the lanterns for fun.


I dunno what it is about this game, but it brings the worst out of some people:

Probably regretting doing that hours later. Sigh.

Though "inspired" is a kind word for blatant copying, have you seen the inventory menu of the game? 100% same UI placement. Some terrain are even the blatant copy of BOTW starting area. Shameless devs.

It may come as bit rough, but Mihoyo devs already had some history of plagiarism. The revered Honkai Impact in Google Store blatantly copied long combat sequence of other mobile games characters 1 to 1, multiple characters. The hilarious thing is the whole game got copied by another publisher with another name. Chinese copyright system is a mess.
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Unconfirmed Member
It's a nintendo game dude it's epic. 10/10. Nothing like horizon zero dawn or all those indie games. This shit is amazing. Nintendo once again makes a 100% unique game deserving of a perfect score.
This motherfucker knows what his talkin' 'bout!!!


Gold Member
I spent over 135 hours on this game by the time I beat it. I enjoyed it, but you have to be in the mood for a free roaming kind of game. It has RPG elements, but they're not complicated, NIntendo makes it simpler than you would find in other free roaming kind of games and simplicity is a good thing sometimes. I would give it a 10. But yeah I was able to devote a lot of time to it. Playing 2 or 3 hours here and there doesn't cut it, you need to be invested in it daily and put good hours in daily. Its like something you would play on vacation and you need to cut everything else off and try to finish it within like a month otherwise you'll never finish it. I remember doing that with Wind Waker and when I came back to play it I was lost on what I needed to do. I did eventually finish it, but I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out some things I was supposed to remember. This aint Mario Kart or like Mario Odyssey where you could play here and there and not miss a beat.


My advice,, controversially, is; if you’re not loving BotW, follow a play guide. If you can get your hands on the official one, do it. It’s a great book.

I followed the official guide and it helped me understand the game world rules. Pretty soon I was only referencing it when I got really stuck.

I deem BotW as possibly the greatest game ever made. An absolute masterpiece. A true work of art that can be used as an example of why video games can be as special as movies, books and music.


Beautiful game, but it’s a slog to advance the story. Everything takes forever. At the rate I’m going I’ll finish it hopefully before I’m dead.


Threads like this make me want to start the game again. But then I remember what happened the last time I did. I was reminded of how long it takes to start playing. Then of how thinly spread the world feels. How little the weapon system feels, even when I try and play the game on its own terms.

Get a weapon as a dungeon reward? Tough luck, that bad boy is breaking just as soon as everything else. "But wait, there's an overly expensive repair system if you're interested!" Joy.

I'm probably going to try again anyway.

Edit: I'm still salty about the first "Fuck this game" moment I had. One of the not-dungeons. With absolutely no reason to think I could, I'm expected to take a nocked arrow to a blue flame, expect it to light the arrow and not the rest of the bow or person holding it, then fire that through a door. I got absolutely no enjoyment out of needing to look up the solution to something I had no reason to expect was a thing. Firing through flames was something I remembered and expected from previous titles, that's it.
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hey guys

i just started this after getting a switch through work. started with zelda as ive always been a fan of said series.

but bloody hell is this boring.

does it get better as you go on or??

I dont think breath of the wild, aside from the open world aspect, is a great zelda game.

Those 100 copy and paste dungeons and the missing of real themed endboss dungeons just didnt do it for me. The main dungeons had all copy and paste bosses too.

So my negative aspects:

+ Open World
+ Nice Story (i liked it)
+ good Graphics
+ physics

- Weapon System
- 100 copy & paste Dungeons
- boring main dungeons
- copy and paste endbosses
- no real value in gathering kokoro seeds
- no real themed dungeons that were always part of the zelda formula

I can also play farcry or assasins creed fir the same amount of fun
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The world is too empty but I still enjoyed it. It's definitely overrated though and just has some bad mechanics (weapon durability is almost never fun folks, even in games where it makes more sense like Witcher 3).


It’s the only Zelda I’ve beaten 3 times since OoT. Fucking magical. If you’re bored it’s your own fault 🙃

i beat it once with 100 %. Not the slightiest interest playing it a seocnd time.

I will just wait for Breath of the Wild 2 and hope for real dungeons to come back.
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I've beaten it once (160 hours - main game + DLC) and I'm not really tempted to go back. The original playthrough was a magical experience and going through it again would sully that experience and highlight the downsides of the game. Ignorance is bliss for me with BOTW.
I’m a Zelda fan, but the Zelda formula was getting boring for me.

Botw dusted the things, that I didn’t like, and introduced many things I was hoping, and somethings, that I didn’t even know, that I wanted.

The strict dungeon - open world cycle was especially appalling for me, and for me the Botw conserved the best elements of that cycle with the ton of bite sized mini dungeons (that have excellent puzzles), while also feeding the appetite for bigger dungeons with the boss ’dungeons’.

I love that! This way the freedom of the adventure is always near. In old Zeldas, I sometimes started to wish, that the dungeon that I was in would just end already, but here I felt free!

And I absolutely LOVE the breaking weapons!
Perhaps I would appreciate a wider range of durability and an easier way of maintaining key weapons...but I am not sure. In the end I might just want to fine tune the system for fitting it with other peoples tastes better. For me it felt almost perfectly calibrated. In this game I appreciated my arsenal more, than in games, where the weapons are taken for granted. The system increased situations where you need to improvise as well as weigh risks of encounter ahead, and plan your actions.


always chasing the next thrill
Threads like this make me want to start the game again. But then I remember what happened the last time I did. I was reminded of how long it takes to start playing. Then of how thinly spread the world feels. How little the weapon system feels, even when I try and play the game on its own terms.

Get a weapon as a dungeon reward? Tough luck, that bad boy is breaking just as soon as everything else. "But wait, there's an overly expensive repair system if you're interested!" Joy.

I'm probably going to try again anyway.

Edit: I'm still salty about the first "Fuck this game" moment I had. One of the not-dungeons. With absolutely no reason to think I could, I'm expected to take a nocked arrow to a blue flame, expect it to light the arrow and not the rest of the bow or person holding it, then fire that through a door. I got absolutely no enjoyment out of needing to look up the solution to something I had no reason to expect was a thing. Firing through flames was something I remembered and expected from previous titles, that's it.
replay it in nintendo vr


I want Ocarina of Time in the Style of the Breath of the Wild. That would be awesome. They could even just take Twilight Princess with a story in the same style of breath of the wild with Midna.


For me it felt almost perfectly calibrated. In this game I appreciated my arsenal more, than in games, where the weapons are taken for granted. The system increased situations where you need to improvise as well

The problem with botw is fighting enemies is almost completely pointless. You dont gain anything worthwhile while losing weapons you got.

The game is so easy that i beat it on master mode barely fighting any monsters. In fact i discovered around 20 shrines and only crafted the easiest armor set, the guardian one. That was enough to beat every boss including Ganon.

The game is very badly designed
The problem with botw is fighting enemies is almost completely pointless. You dont gain anything worthwhile while losing weapons you got.

The game is so easy that i beat it on master mode barely fighting any monsters. In fact i discovered around 20 shrines and only crafted the easiest armor set, the guardian one. That was enough to beat every boss including Ganon.

The game is very badly designed

I thought it was fun hunting all the items, food, weapons and crafting materials...in fact, I’m feeling, that it made all the fighting one of the most rewarding experiences!

Difficulty wise I thought the Botw was comparable with games on the tougher spectrum, perhaps even reminding Souls series, only tuned to wider audiences. It was fun to learn enemies moves and try to come up with economical strategies for saving resources.


Why did we need to revive this horrible thread?

I support the majority opinion that the game is good. If you hate the game then we're not the same kind of people.. but that's ok, there's been all sorts of people I've disagreed with in my life. Heck there's like 100 million football fans that I disagree, that's certainly greater than the botw haters.


It was ok. Something I really missed was quests and achievements. There was no way to slowly complete this game to 100% without guides or playing a million hours.
I loved how detailed and big the world of Hyrule was in this game. But honestly, I would be perfectly fine with them making the next game more linear.

Breakable weapons and shields was a horrible idea. And I didn't much care for the whole cooking thing either.


I thought it was great, the thing is you need to speak to everybody you meet in the game to get everything out of it. Loads of secret stuff, like shit loads
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