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Maajid Nawaz, Sam Harris & Joe Rogan have a chat. *Hint* It's pretty good.



Maajid talks about his background in Islam and being a Muslim on two different hate lists for two opposite reasons. Talks about suing the SPLC, his years in an Egyptian prison during the 2001 terror days. Sam talks about his interview with Charles Murray (The Bell Curve) and why he is now on SPLC's hate list. They discuss political science and how polarized its become, race, gender, Muslims, Islam and the current climate in journalism and the media.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maajid_Nawaz (Maajid)


I only discovered Maajid recently, but I've grown very fond.

Caught bits of this podcast live yesterday, and they were discussing how "taboo" subjects, opinions, and statistics not being able to be discussed are causing some serious harm.

Hits the "regressive" perspective nail straight on the head.

Will definitely catch up with the rest later today.


Looking forward to this one.

Find it funny that some will call Sam a bigot to suit their agendas, when he's one of the biggest cheerleaders for progressive/reformist muslims like Maajid, as all on the progressive left should be.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
What a time to be alive where a podcast that was mostly about getting high af and having fun wondering out loud about Atlantis back in the day ends up having to anchor us onto sanity and reason, lol.

Half of the subjects this episode would make a lot of platforms burst into flames trying to have a real conversation about, not that you'd notice by how grounded and casual it's all taken on here as us usual.


Neo Member
I am glad that there seems to be a growing number of individuals from the "skeptic" community who see Progressive politics as authoritarian and irrational. But they seem to be completely unaware that the same sophistry used by Progressives now against them is the same sophistry they used against conservatives, traditionalists, and religious people. They seem to have forgotten that they were part of the Progressive coalition against conservatives and Christians. Did they just forget they called for the Bible and other religious texts to be labeled with (trigger) warnings? That teaching children religion was tantamount to child abuse? I will never forget going into a Barnes & Noble and seeing religious texts stuck with yellow warning labels by the "skeptics!" The new atheists were every bit as authoritarian and irrational as their Progressive allies, because they were Progressives at the time. They peddled extreme, inflammatory language and historical myths against Christianity (e.g., the thoroughly discredited "conflict" thesis) in just the same way that Progressives are poisoning the well of our history and legal institutions. And Christians were tarnished with the bigot brush for their views on sexual ethics in just the same way that "skeptics" are being called bigots for their questioning of the gender theory and gender politics of Progressives.

But still, for all that has happened, you'll find no reflection from these folks. Which is why I am very wary aligning with them socially or politically in the fight against the mania and extremism on college campuses.


Nawaz is in no way a contrarian. I don't particularly warm to him, perhaps his dress sense is too showy for me, perhaps his former life as an Islamist reveals my bigotry, but everything he has ever said has been in the vein of a Mill's like Liberal.
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Neighbours from Hell
Rogan's podcast is so awesome. It's one of my regular listens. I also like Sam Harris a lot. Not afraid to speak his mind on controversial issues. This was a good one, listened to it yesterday.


What a time to be alive where a podcast that was mostly about getting high af and having fun wondering out loud about Atlantis back in the day ends up having to anchor us onto sanity and reason, lol.

Half of the subjects this episode would make a lot of platforms burst into flames trying to have a real conversation about, not that you'd notice by how grounded and casual it's all taken on here as us usual.

Joe gets typecast a lot for his size and the drugs, but I think he's just a pretty smart and very open minded guy who is willing to listen to a lot of differing opinions, able to hold his own in a talk with Sam Harris but also a fuckwad like Alex Jones.

Nawaz is a dangerous contrarian. The media's littered with them in the UK.

Were you going to explain that or no?


What a time to be alive where a podcast that was mostly about getting high af and having fun wondering out loud about Atlantis back in the day ends up having to anchor us onto sanity and reason, lol.

Half of the subjects this episode would make a lot of platforms burst into flames trying to have a real conversation about, not that you'd notice by how grounded and casual it's all taken on here as us usual.
Fully agree. The type of platform this show has; being usually 2 or more hours, is fantastic. It gives guests the opportunity to elaborate more than a misconstrued sound bite. I have enjoyed what the podcast has become. I'm pretty sure Rogans shows get more views/listens than most TV news/lat night interview shows get these days.


Fantastic podcast. The whole part about Twitter allowing terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to have accounts, while banning people like Milo and Tommy Robinson, is a powerful indictment.


Joe gets typecast a lot for his size and the drugs, but I think he's just a pretty smart and very open minded guy who is willing to listen to a lot of differing opinions, able to hold his own in a talk with Sam Harris but also a fuckwad like Alex Jones.

Were you going to explain that or no?

Hey now, Alex is defiantly an ass hat, but are you telling me you didn't enjoy the hell out of that episode? Episode #911 was bat shit crazy!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Fully agree. The type of platform this show has; being usually 2 or more hours, is fantastic. It gives guests the opportunity to elaborate more than a misconstrued sound bite. I have enjoyed what the podcast has become. I'm pretty sure Rogans shows get more views/listens than most TV news/lat night interview shows get these days.

Yup. Gotta retract any asterisks I was still putting next to Joe when I picked it back up last year. Wasn't giving him enough credit. He's matured into a top tier host and moderator who gives guests just the right breathing room and direction across a lot of different personality types and fields, one-on-one or a panel, casual or deadly important. He brings an uncommon mix of laid back open minded and informed skeptic to flow between, leverages his life experience to keep it real, and doesn't let his own ego get in the way of adjusting whatever he needs to for a good overall outcome -- including dialing way back on what he appears to know to bring it out of the guest for the audience's benefit. All for 2-3 hour straight shots, too, which usually requires either more people to bounce between or a lot more planning and editing to stay sharp. Black belt jitz right there.


What a time to be alive where a podcast that was mostly about getting high af and having fun wondering out loud about Atlantis back in the day ends up having to anchor us onto sanity and reason, lol.

Half of the subjects this episode would make a lot of platforms burst into flames trying to have a real conversation about, not that you'd notice by how grounded and casual it's all taken on here as us usual.

This is the best podcast available right now imo. It's very enjoyable and Joe has grown a lot as a human being, as he says, which makes the conversations really grounded and at the same time ahead of anything other people are doing, in a casual/accessible way at least.


Fantastic podcast. The whole part about Twitter allowing terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to have accounts, while banning people like Milo and Tommy Robinson, is a powerful indictment.

All social media is so biased it hurts. Algorithms my ass, there people with very clear ideologies there that manipulate everything as they wish.


I think that’s the first time I’ve ever exposed myself to Alex Jones... what the fuck did I just see. Untreated functional Schizophrenia?
Basically. But you should listen to the entire thing. It's like art. Joe purposefully gets Alex Jones drunk off whiskey and then offers him a joint. What follows is near 4 hours of the most mind blowing rants you will ever see. I guarantee it. It's a trip to say the least. Joe's facial expressions during the entire thing show his range as a host and comedian. I give it 665 pedofile vampires out of 666.


I remember the old days on here when just mentioning his name would bring pages of insults and derision. I never unnderstood it, the man's been putting out good stuff for years. My favourites are the Bill Burr, Doug Stanhope ones. The one he did recently with the rock singer alien guy was a hoot.
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Joe Rogan podcast is hit and miss for me but I enjoy listening to his opinions. I definitely recommend the episode he did with the former westboro Baptist chick very very good.


I remember the old days on here when just mentioning his name would bring pages of insults and derision. I never unnderstood it, the man's been putting out good stuff for years. My favourites are the Bill Burr, Doug Stanhope ones. The one he did recently with the rock singer alien guy was a hoot.

I'm not creating a new topic for it, but Kanye, once loved by the community who left, is now a milkshake duck too (for them) hahahhahaha
I think he got redpilled.


I'm not creating a new topic for it, but Kanye, once loved by the community who left, is now a milkshake duck too (for them) hahahhahaha
I think he got redpilled.
I saw that on 'some other site' and just laughed. Kanye thinks for himself and some people hate that. Guess who?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
La la la, oh here's one I missed, let's start the day off with some JRE...

"This can tear down people who've spent a lifetime demonstrating that they aren't the thing they're being accused of"

"Right, because recovering from that accusation is almost impossible and would take forever." "Right, it is basically impossible and would take forever. And all that you do along the way is to keep reminding people of the charge. And if you were to win on a technicality like everyone were to have forgotten--oh, yeah, that's the racist!" "That's the rapist! Yeah." "That's the guy who's pro-rape, right?" "Yeah. It's so simple."

"Nobody bothered to read beneath the headline, and so suddenly, in the middle of the thing where everyone was tearing apart his life, they said, 'AND he's a holocaust denier!'" ... "And of course, nobody cares, get on to the next victim. Everyone's a Nazi."

"You find out you don't have the allies you think you have"


Deep breaths, Tyler. Deep breaths. Sip your milkshake.


La la la, oh here's one I missed, let's start the day off with some JRE...

"This can tear down people who've spent a lifetime demonstrating that they aren't the thing they're being accused of"

"Right, because recovering from that accusation is almost impossible and would take forever." "Right, it is basically impossible and would take forever. And all that you do along the way is to keep reminding people of the charge. And if you were to win on a technicality like everyone were to have forgotten--oh, yeah, that's the racist!" "That's the rapist! Yeah." "That's the guy who's pro-rape, right?" "Yeah. It's so simple."

"Nobody bothered to read beneath the headline, and so suddenly, in the middle of the thing where everyone was tearing apart his life, they said, 'AND he's a holocaust denier!'" ... "And of course, nobody cares, get on to the next victim. Everyone's a Nazi."

"You find out you don't have the allies you think you have"


Deep breaths, Tyler. Deep breaths. Sip your milkshake.

Precisely what I found weird about the left deciding Jordan Peterson was an alt-right nazi sympathizer. Look, I disagree with half his views, but after seeing universities go wild in protest over talks by this guy I decided to check out a bunch of his videos, and like...This guy, this guy, is a nazi sympathizer? Says who? Is he even alt-right (he, by the way, describes himself as a classical British liberal)?

Same with Ben Shapiro, I'm pretty liberal and don't agree with a lot of his arguments, but come on, a 120 pound when wet Jewish guy isn't a nazi.

He had both of them on, both good talks. Two people I decided to listen to to not confine myself to a liberal bubble so quick to paint people as nazis.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Precisely what I found weird about the left deciding Jordan Peterson was an alt-right nazi sympathizer. Look, I disagree with half his views, but after seeing universities go wild in protest over talks by this guy I decided to check out a bunch of his videos, and like...This guy, this guy, is a nazi sympathiser? Says who? Is he even alt-right?

Same with Ben Shapiro, I'm pretty liberal and don't agree with a lot of his arguments, but come on, a 120 pound when wet Jewish guy isn't a nazi.

He had both of them on, both good talks. Two people I decided to listen to to not confine myself to a liberal bubble so quick to paint people as nazis.

Yeah, after settling into peace and a level head after everything, I'm embarrassed about how much I was letting that bubble compromise my own perspective and critical thinking about issues as an individual, including my own participation in judgment toward people getting scandalized at times--what I was going along with without a critical eye more than once, or just letting myself dismiss certain people passively without looking into it myself. Yuck.

The Evergreen scandal with Brett Weinstein was probably my biggest alarm bell that things had gotten...weird, here and in the hard progressive social space in general with the sort of thing you're referring to. Here's someone who isn't being given the time of day by almost any outlet except Fox News and Joe Rogan, being called a racist Nazi shiteater despite being a Jewish civil rights activist professor at an famously liberal university, with all this video footage of standing calm around circles of screaming #fuckoffs from students and still trying to make it a teachable moment in heroic consideration of the kids shitting on him and threatening him. On GAF his appearance on Fox News was good enough for almost everyone in a very large thread to conclude he was definitely a piece of shit just for appearing there to give his account of things when no one else would have him on. No one bothered to watch that interview before confidently using it to decide he was a Bad Guy without a doubt, doubling down on it as necessary etc. There was at least one gaffer here who was one of his students and vouched for him as a sincere and thoughtful absolutely-not-a-racist, too.

You know your judgment -- and the whole group's -- is compromised when you're putting so much effort into self-righteously holding people you don't know in contempt, and can point to their mere appearance on the Bad People TV Channel as all the evidence you need, but definitely don't allow yourself to watch the video at any point to draw your own conclusions about what the video actually proves about him. As a Jewish guy myself I stepped back from there and all the dubious alt-right Nazi rhetoric being thrown around with him and took some time to actually watch the Fox interview, the 3 hour Joe Rogan interview, and looked at the agenda of the student paper that had leaked his faculty memo and painted him as a racist et al. It's so obvious from minute one of taking the hate parade blinders off that the guy was the true non-disparaging "social justice warrior" trying to be a voice of reason against the tide of warped progressive values that had circled around to the other end at another flavor of racism. Same misguided authoritarian left bubble at Evergreen that we had landed at here.

The episode I linked above offers such a sober, critical examination of all the toxicity and group delusion going around with everyone jumping at the first chance to scandalize someone into the ground every day while intentionally avoiding looking beneath the headline to see what anyone's really looking at before leaping and moving on. That eagerness to launch into blind self-righteous destruction of people and businesses when pointed at the next target on the list is not a function of sound moral/ethical behavior toward others. Like you mentioned with Jordan Peterson, it's immediately obvious with five minutes of your own background work that JP is not some sort of alt-right Nazi prophet; he's at the opposite end, trying to do good and help people lost and confused become grounded again where he can, despite immense unjustified character assassination and blowback every step of the way. He and Brett and other folks insisting on trying to do good despite social efforts bombarding them are demonstrating infinitely more character than anyone who sees a photo of them with "alt-right nazi fascist privileged white cis fucking pig" underneath and joins a self-righteous hate rally.

It's alarming how few outlets there turn out to be for people on the wrong side of the echo chamber's outrage machine to speak with their own voice. Joe's podcast has stepped up to ensure at least the one.


La la la, oh here's one I missed, let's start the day off with some JRE...

"This can tear down people who've spent a lifetime demonstrating that they aren't the thing they're being accused of"

"Right, because recovering from that accusation is almost impossible and would take forever." "Right, it is basically impossible and would take forever. And all that you do along the way is to keep reminding people of the charge. And if you were to win on a technicality like everyone were to have forgotten--oh, yeah, that's the racist!" "That's the rapist! Yeah." "That's the guy who's pro-rape, right?" "Yeah. It's so simple."

"Nobody bothered to read beneath the headline, and so suddenly, in the middle of the thing where everyone was tearing apart his life, they said, 'AND he's a holocaust denier!'" ... "And of course, nobody cares, get on to the next victim. Everyone's a Nazi."

"You find out you don't have the allies you think you have"


Deep breaths, Tyler. Deep breaths. Sip your milkshake.

Thought that episode was pretty informative. And entertaining. I believe Charles, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson and both Weinstein brothers (educators) are doing group conferences this summer in a tour like fashion. I am trying to get tickets ASAP.


Yeah, after settling into peace and a level head after everything, I'm embarrassed about how much I was letting that bubble compromise my own perspective and critical thinking about issues as an individual, including my own participation in judgment toward people getting scandalized at times--what I was going along with without a critical eye more than once, or just letting myself dismiss certain people passively without looking into it myself. Yuck.

The Evergreen scandal with Brett Weinstein was probably my biggest alarm bell that things had gotten...weird, here and in the hard progressive social space in general with the sort of thing you're referring to. Here's someone who isn't being given the time of day by almost any outlet except Fox News and Joe Rogan, being called a racist Nazi shiteater despite being a Jewish civil rights activist professor at an famously liberal university, with all this video footage of standing calm around circles of screaming #fuckoffs from students and still trying to make it a teachable moment in heroic consideration of the kids shitting on him and threatening him. On GAF his appearance on Fox News was good enough for almost everyone in a very large thread to conclude he was definitely a piece of shit just for appearing there to give his account of things when no one else would have him on. No one bothered to watch that interview before confidently using it to decide he was a Bad Guy without a doubt, doubling down on it as necessary etc. There was at least one gaffer here who was one of his students and vouched for him as a sincere and thoughtful absolutely-not-a-racist, too.

You know your judgment -- and the whole group's -- is compromised when you're putting so much effort into self-righteously holding people you don't know in contempt, and can point to their mere appearance on the Bad People TV Channel as all the evidence you need, but definitely don't allow yourself to watch the video at any point to draw your own conclusions about what the video actually proves about him. As a Jewish guy myself I stepped back from there and all the dubious alt-right Nazi rhetoric being thrown around with him and took some time to actually watch the Fox interview, the 3 hour Joe Rogan interview, and looked at the agenda of the student paper that had leaked his faculty memo and painted him as a racist et al. It's so obvious from minute one of taking the hate parade blinders off that the guy was the true non-disparaging "social justice warrior" trying to be a voice of reason against the tide of warped progressive values that had circled around to the other end at another flavor of racism. Same misguided authoritarian left bubble at Evergreen that we had landed at here.

The episode I linked above offers such a sober, critical examination of all the toxicity and group delusion going around with everyone jumping at the first chance to scandalize someone into the ground every day while intentionally avoiding looking beneath the headline to see what anyone's really looking at before leaping and moving on. That eagerness to launch into blind self-righteous destruction of people and businesses when pointed at the next target on the list is not a function of sound moral/ethical behavior toward others. Like you mentioned with Jordan Peterson, it's immediately obvious with five minutes of your own background work that JP is not some sort of alt-right Nazi prophet; he's at the opposite end, trying to do good and help people lost and confused become grounded again where he can, despite immense unjustified character assassination and blowback every step of the way. He and Brett and other folks insisting on trying to do good despite social efforts bombarding them are demonstrating infinitely more character than anyone who sees a photo of them with "alt-right nazi fascist privileged white cis fucking pig" underneath and joins a self-righteous hate rally.

It's alarming how few outlets there turn out to be for people on the wrong side of the echo chamber's outrage machine to speak with their own voice. Joe's podcast has stepped up to ensure at least the one.
Fucking spot on insight. Great post. Again I think the reason is the long format. Maybe if more media wasn't beholden to the advertising they getorw shows would pop up like the JRE.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Thought that episode was pretty informative. And entertaining. I believe Charles, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson and both Weinstein brothers (educators) are doing group conferences this summer in a tour like fashion. I am trying to get tickets ASAP.

Oh word, will def look into that. Thanks for the heads-up.


Some of the other really good interviews mentioned in this thread.

JRE is seriously underrated and typecast too much, the long form format really helps as mentioned, a lot of these people I'd only hear snippets on traditional media about and would typecast them, before becoming contentious about what I was doing and giving them a chance to indirectly speak to me.

Another one doing this is Dave Rubin (yes, the one who had a falling out with OFFFCOUUURSE guy, but he's so much better on his own)



I was slightly wrong about the Sam Harris tour..... https://samharris.org/events/

AUG 11, 2018 1:00 PM
The Civic
With Eric Weinstein, Bret Weinstein, Maajid Nawaz and Douglas Murray.
Log in for pre-registration code

AUG 12, 2018 1:00 PM
ICC - Darling Harbour Theatre
With Eric Weinstein, Bret Weinstein, Maajid Nawaz and Douglas Murray.
Log in for pre-registration code

Yeah, sadly I can't afford a trip to New Zealand or Australia would be a hell of a trip though. Line up is stellar.


Ok, another great pick not actually related to politics.

"David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL and former USAF Tactical Air Control Party member who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is an ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete and world record holder for the most pull-ups done in 24 hours."


Ok, another great pick not actually related to politics.

"David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL and former USAF Tactical Air Control Party member who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is an ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete and world record holder for the most pull-ups done in 24 hours."

Hmm I missed that one I think. Do they cover his military career? Or is it more about working out and being healthy?


Ok, another great pick not actually related to politics.

"David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL and former USAF Tactical Air Control Party member who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is an ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete and world record holder for the most pull-ups done in 24 hours."

It's been a while since I watched it so I don't remember all the topics covered, but dude, watch it, it's freaking amazing overall.
From what i gather the Sydney and Auckland dates are referenced as day-long 'conferences' (10 hours worth) and ya gotta belly up ~$600 per head.
Unknown what that sum entitles you to aside from a hefty dose of free thinkin'.
"You find out you don't have the allies you think you have"


Deep breaths, Tyler. Deep breaths. Sip your milkshake.

If you don't mind me asking, for someone who says something like "you still post on NeoGAF after everything that happened?," is there anything online that you would like people to point to? Is there a post or article that you feel best represents your story, and any developments that happened after the fact that may have not gotten the attention they should have?

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Let me say first..I love JRE, it's the only podcast I listen to religiously.

But..Joe kinda starts to bug me after a few months of listening.
First and foremost, he tends to tell the same stories far to often. It's the classic case of JRE bingo..
"Sitting in the car with my girlfriend listening to Dice"
"Sam got hit by a car" etc..

But that's just common for how much he podcast. 3 or 4 times a week that's bound to happen.

My main gripe with Joe..
He has ZERO concept of your every day average (pardon the pun) Joe..
See, Joe knows very little about "the real world" Hes always been a sub-par comedian but got a golden ticket during when Hollywood was tossing out production deals in the early 90's.
At 24 Disney cut him a check and hes been a rich SOB lol
Dont get me wrong, that fucker knows what projects to pick. Aside from his first gig (Hardball) hes been on a rampage of success.

What's this mean?
Joe..stop telling us to "Drop everything, pursue your dreams!"
We have jobs, kids, bills..
We cant do Yoga and Jui-Jitsu 14 times a week, we all dont live in "weed friendly states", we cant eat DMT like candy and we cant and eat wild Elk all week.
We cant take 8 weeks off a year and have North Americas greatest hunters chaperone us.

So, I love the show but this mentality some of his fans have and what he trys to give off is just annoying.

I love the show tho.

And. Joe is a shitty comic. Bert K. sucks. Tom is ok but his wife is better. Joey is funny. Ari has his moments.
Duncan and his trippy dippy nonsense is HORRIBLE.
And ditching Redban was a awesome. Redban can be launched into the sun. Dude is 40 with the brain of a 13 year old boy.


we cant and eat wild Elk all week.

I don't know why but you had me rolling here, buddy. So true lmao.

Also, "cut your carbs yo" shows up too often, and I'm one of those who tries to reduce carbs. I've seen the benefits.


I mean there is a reason for the Joe (insert meme) Rogan jokes. I get the gripes but can look past most of it due to the fact it's so entertaining.


I saw that on 'some other site' and just laughed. Kanye thinks for himself and some people hate that. Guess who?

Sorry again, but I had to comment here, this is one post for the new thread about the MAGA hat: "Good. He deserves to have his brand destroyed over this, I wish he could lose everything."

muahahahahhahaha those people are not normal.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Edit: n/m, this one's a professional bullshitter and knows it.
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Crazy podcast, I mean, the woman is nuts.

Just gave it a listen last night. I kinda like her. She had some good points about the Military Industrial Complex, and how Obama was a war criminal. How it seems she hates Neo-Liberals more than Neo-Cons. Like she horse-shoe'd around the spectrum so far she is like a radical centrist. How she was talking about the left having no power and the MSM is not 'the left', her take on the media was interesting.

I liked when she called out Vice and Joe was like.... "um i know the guy who started Vice and he isnt some 'arm of the state'".

Im glad Joe gets guests from all over the spectrum.
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