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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh

Y2Kev said:
I really am in love with the idea of owning an 11", fully capable not-shit machine, but I am just having second thoughts. Which means I should probably just bite the bullet and get the 13. The battery is really important.
It will be a 13 inch for me. No doubt. It's still small and ridiculously light. But with some really nice extras


Still Tagged Accordingly
Y2Kev said:
Do the MBAs "pit" like the old MBPs?
what does that mean?

Y2Kev said:
I really am in love with the idea of owning an 11", fully capable not-shit machine, but I am just having second thoughts. Which means I should probably just bite the bullet and get the 13. The battery is really important.
get the 13". my friend got the 11" and i got the 13". he regrets his choice and wishes he got the 13" now after using mine for a bit.

the extra screen real estate and the faster CPU are well worth it imo. my friend agrees.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It's this one:

1.7GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
4GB memory
128GB flash storage1
Intel HD Graphics 3000


Scrow said:
what does that mean?
Always-honest said:
I have no idea what that means :p
I assume it means does it get dents in it like the Pros? It's aluminum, so I assume yes. My MBP has a bunch of "character" pits in various places around the outside of the case. Including an actual dent in the lid.


Oh. Really? Not that I've seen. My MBP has not shown a single sign of wearing down. Nor has my trackpad. But I've only had it a year. Also, the new Air style has been around less time than I've had my MBP, so I don't think there's any way to know whether they're going to do it or not.

I didn't know the Pro case could wear down. What model and year is yours?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Jasoco said:
Oh. Really? Not that I've seen. My MBP has not shown a single sign of wearing down. Nor has my trackpad. But I've only had it a year. Also, the new Air style has been around less time than I've had my MBP, so I don't think there's any way to know whether they're going to do it or not.

I didn't know the Pro case could wear down. What model and year is yours?
Look! I posted a link!


They look like "pits."


It's a 2006 MBP 15". It just reacts with the acid in your sweat I guess.

Juice said:
Not the unibody MBPs. The pre late-2008 MBPs did, but that was quite a while ago..

Good. I have not bought a mac laptop since 2006.


I don't see any pitting on my early 2008 MacBook Pro either.

I guess it depends on your skin sweat and oil composition.

Mine gets shiny.

And the pits look creepy to me. It's like those images of repeating patterns that look like holes.


Still Alive
OK I was a bit bored so I made these real quick, how I want the screens to look next-gen MB. Basically I put a 15" display in the body of a thinner 13" MBP. Same with the Air version;



Even better would be less aluminum bezel, similar to the iMac/displays, but either way glass would be nice in the MBAs.


Sentry said:
OK I was a bit bored so I made these real quick, how I want the screens to look next-gen MB. Basically I put a 15" display in the body of a thinner 13" MBP. Same with the Air version;



Even better would be less aluminum bezel, similar to the iMac/displays, but either way glass would be nice in the MBAs.[/QUOTE]Glass is heavy.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Sentry, looks nice. I'm not sure about that curved bottom, though. Would be nice if it were just flat and industrial when it's that thin, IMO. I suspect Apple will go your way, though.

I wish Apple would go bezel less. I'd like a smaller footprint in my MBA 11. It's still not as small as it could be.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I still think the black bezel is ugly. Luckily the matte has a silver one.


Jtwo said:
I still think the black bezel is ugly. Luckily the matte has a silver one.
I've always liked the black bezel, it's like the signature MBP thing. Unfortunately I won't get it because I'll be getting a matte screen when I get my 15" next year.


JackEtc said:
I've always liked the black bezel, it's like the signature MBP thing. Unfortunately I won't get it because I'll be getting a matte screen when I get my 15" next year.

I'm planning on getting my first Mac next year when the new batch comes around. Thinking of a 15'' MBP. Hopefully they'll put an SSD by default on all MBPs by that time. I also hope aluminium keys make a comeback; that black keyboard is ugly as fuck.
Gorgon said:
I'm planning on getting my first Mac next year when the new batch comes around. Thinking of a 15'' MBP. Hopefully they'll put an SSD by default on all MBPs by that time. I also hope aluminium keys make a comeback; that black keyboard is ugly as fuck.

I think they look sharp with the aluminum. Though they do get a little shiny over time.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Black keyboard is great. This silver aluminum trend has outworn its welcome. It looks so gaudy.

I want black anodized aluminium. That's going to be the new thing. You heard it here first.


So I am now in possession of an AppleTV. Pretty nice. I hear you can hack these things and do some cool stuff too. Any suggestions?


Having a bit of a problem with my Mac mini, mid 2010. Got it connected to my Samsung tv via hdmi and whenever the power goes out, I turn it back on and can't figure out why the display doesn't show, tried unplugging and plugging the hdmi, changing the inputs etc. it usually takes me a few tries of turning it on and off but nothing. Any suggestions?


Bboy AJ said:
Black keyboard is great. This silver aluminum trend has outworn its welcome. It looks so gaudy.

I want black anodized aluminium. That's going to be the new thing. You heard it here first.



Bboy AJ said:
Black keyboard is great. This silver aluminum trend has outworn its welcome. It looks so gaudy.

I want black anodized aluminium. That's going to be the new thing. You heard it here first.
Not until they figure out why it keeps rubbing off they won't.


Bit of a modernisation of my old 2008 unibody MacBook (bit of a rarity, so felt like keeping it over upgrading to an Air):

- upped to 8GB of RAM
- replaced the optical drive, added 120GB SSD as new system disk, kept old HDD as data disk

Woot for SSD :)

Chris R

I'd love to see what Apple can do with liquid metal and/or carbon fiber (if those rumors are true). I love dark colors on my devices (and bezels are fine :p)


I love my black bezel on my Pro. I'll actually miss it when I get an air. I'll also miss the LED pulse when it's asleep. I won't miss the IR port though since I never use it. I am glad they heard the cries and put the backlight back in the keyboard. I may just go with the 13" for the extra resolution. And I hate to say it, but if Apple released an updated Pro with a slimmer design but no optical drive but also had SSD integrated, but allowed RAM upgrades and had the better higher processors, I would probably buy it instead. No, I would. But since I will be getting an Air in the next few months, I hope they don't release them this year.

Also, I would love a black MacBook. Whatever model it is. Especially an Air. Still wish they would perfect some sort of colored anodizing process and offer the MacBook's in customized colors. I'd loooove an orange or red one.


My wife and I are planning on getting the 21.5 iMac and we're not sure what kind of mouse/pad to get. I don't know how the multi-touch work in the Magic Mouse but I'm used to the trackpad in the MBP.


Macnair said:
My wife and I are planning on getting the 21.5 iMac and we're not sure what kind of mouse/pad to get. I don't know how the multi-touch work in the Magic Mouse but I'm used to the trackpad in the MBP.
definitely get the Magic Trackpad. there is no other. best one there is. I don't use mice anymore.

also, why doesn't Opera Mobile capitalize my sentences? makes me look like a 14 year old. bah.
Jasoco said:
I love my black bezel on my Pro. I'll actually miss it when I get an air. I'll also miss the LED pulse when it's asleep. I won't miss the IR port though since I never use it. I am glad they heard the cries and put the backlight back in the keyboard. I may just go with the 13" for the extra resolution. And I hate to say it, but if Apple released an updated Pro with a slimmer design but no optical drive but also had SSD integrated, but allowed RAM upgrades and had the better higher processors, I would probably buy it instead. No, I would. But since I will be getting an Air in the next few months, I hope they don't release them this year.

Also, I would love a black MacBook. Whatever model it is. Especially an Air. Still wish they would perfect some sort of colored anodizing process and offer the MacBook's in customized colors. I'd loooove an orange or red one.
I honestly think you're not going to miss the black, end-to-end glass bezel. The MacBook Air's screen is the perfect level of glossiness. I was using it on the train and at 1/3 brightness, everything was clear as crystal, whereas my friend with a MacBook Pro couldn't see shit last week until he pumped it up to full brightness. That LED pulse sure is purdy, though

I'll repost some of my Air impressions from earlier in this thread if you're still on the fence. I have a feeling the new Pros might be worth waiting for in your case. I don't care much for upgrading RAM, accessing the battery, etc. but you might find that important.

Leona Lewis said:
Anyone not a fan of the tapered design of the Air? It's a little more than half an inch at its thickest point, and I would prefer if it were totally flat like the MacBook Pro. At half an inch all throughout the whole chassis, maybe Apple could fit a bigger battery or some extra ports.

I still love my new Air, but I feel like the crazy-thin palm rest keeps digging into my wrist while I'm using it, and it doesn't feel stable on a desk.


Jasoco said:
definitely get the Magic Trackpad. there is no other. best one there is. I don't use mice anymore.

also, why doesn't Opera Mobile capitalize my sentences? makes me look like a 14 year old. bah.


I tried the Magic Mouse yesterday and it felt weird. The surface is too smooth and curved to do multi-touch. The problem now is that my wife has no experience with macs and is attached with her mouse from her old laptop.


having a mouse on a desktop is still useful for lots of tasks. the magic trackpad is great but I still prefer the mouse when working in iPhoto or dragging files around in finder.

you can keep your existing mouse plus the trackpad hooked up at the same time so your wife doesn’t have to give that up.

The Chef

Interesting story:
My brother had his hard drive fail in his 1st gen Macbook Air. He was going to get it repaired but Apple was going to charge something outrageous so he didn't know what to do with it.

I buy it from him for a $100 and order an original Mac Air Hard Drive (120gb) for a whopping $250. I figure shoot, if I can get it running then awesome, $350 Air.

So I get the HD in the mail. Open up the Air and follow the how-to video on the hard drive companies site. I put it all back together and boot it up with a Leopard thumbdrive in.

"Mac OSX cannot be installed on this machine..." I check disc utility and no hard drive even shows up. Odd. I take it apart, check my connections and try again. Nothing.

The company says it must have been DOA so they send me another one. That one arrives, I install it, same exact issue. I triple check my connections and again...nothing.

I call them to tell them the issue and that I was going to return them and they actually say "How about we send you ONE more to try out." I figure, shoot what the heck.

Got the HD today, put it in, booted up and......nothing. "Mac OSX cant be installed" etc etc.

No idea why. HD must not be compatible even though they say it is. Well, worth a shot I guess. Gonna return them tomorrow.


Hey Apple-GAF, what's the noise like for these new 11 inch Airs? From what I gather, it seems the fan is always on (?), but generally inaudible at the lowest RPMs (due to higher quality fans?). Now, I've owned a few PC laptops over the years, and I'm pretty sure I've always been able to hear the fans, at least in a quiet room. I only ask because I've been on a bit of a neurotic bender lately about noise - I'm currently using a laptop that turns off its fan at low usage, and with the ssd, it is perfectly silent most of the time (and slow as molasses all the time). I've also been using an ipad, which of course, also makes no noise.

So, what's the deal? Is it actually inaudible at normal head distance? Does the fan ever turn off? This is mostly for low usage situations - I won't be doing intensive applications often on it, so I don't really care about the supposed noisiness at load. Thanks!
The Chef said:
No idea why. HD must not be compatible even though they say it is. Well, worth a shot I guess. Gonna return them tomorrow.

Sounds more like there is a SATA failure, I mean either both drives failed or the board itself has an issue...
So Mac-Gaf help me. I will buy a new 27" iMac this week. I'm looking at the upgrade options now and thinking about getting the Core i7 and the 2GB video ram. Are those upgrades worth it?


Benjamin1981 said:
So Mac-Gaf help me. I will buy a new 27" iMac this week. I'm looking at the upgrade options now and thinking about getting the Core i7 and the 2GB video ram. Are those upgrades worth it?
Video ram, no. Not unless you are driving multiple 27" screens. Even then... Not really needed for desktop stuff.

Core i7 might be worth it. It's hyper threaded and is noticeably faster when encoding movie files.
LCfiner said:
Video ram, no. Not unless you are driving multiple 27" screens. Even then... Not really needed for desktop stuff.

Core i7 might be worth it. It's hyper threaded and is noticeably faster when encoding movie files.

The additional video ram doesn't give a better performance for gaming?


Benjamin1981 said:
The additional video ram doesn't give a better performance for gaming?
The video card is not powerful enough to push the pixels that would be consumed by 2 gb of ram. Try increasing AA and other effects up to use more than 1gb and the GPU will choke before the memory gets filled up.

So, nope. not needed

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
How powerful is the $599 Mac Mini in comparison to the other stuff available, and the previous Mac Mini Model? Is the $799 upgrade worth the extra $200 for someone who plans to only watch 720p/1080p video on it? (No gaming).


Juice said:
Not the unibody MBPs. The pre late-2008 MBPs did, but that was quite a while ago..

I have a Core i7 unibody MacBook Pro that I got from work, and it has a very similar effect going on on the front corner where your right hand rests. Either the guy who had it before was seriously abusing this this, had skin that leaked acid, or even the unibodies can have a similar effect.


I feel like I am one Mac generation away from diving in the deep end: an 11" macbook air with 3g, a next-gen mac mini (with either larger TB HDD or smaller SSD as standard), an iPad 3 and maybe even an iPhone. This would be as a current Mac virgin.

To be honest, this year's macbooks airs ticked all my boxes (especially backlit keyboard), but I am currently a bit poor and there is no need to change my computer setup. 3G for browsing on the go or at work (without being monitored) would be icing on the cake. The mac mini would be as part of some sort of HTPC setup, and I feel the current gen model doesn't quite fit the bill. I have hopes for the next revision, though. The iPhone is the only one I'd be unsure about - I really love the windows phone interface (and am a current Android user).


Bboy AJ said:
Black keyboard is great. This silver aluminum trend has outworn its welcome. It looks so gaudy.

I want black anodized aluminium. That's going to be the new thing. You heard it here first.

Black anodizing is several times more expensive than satin / acid etch due to the extra time required in the tank. If they were to offer that finish, expect to pay significantly more.

**with regard to the pitting and issues where the hands rest, I would be willing to be that watch bands and bracelets have some contributing factor.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
How do they color the iPods?
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