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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh



Apple launched a $999 iMac today but it is edu only. I wonder how well something like that would do if released to the general public.



Does anyone know where to find replacement feet for the MacBook Pro? My second one has peeled off today. Dat wobble.


Mine has lost 3 of them. They're sitting on the table waiting for the fourth so I can glue them back on eventually when I feel like it.
Souldriver said:
I hate to be that guy, but I've got a honest question.

You can find Windows laptops for half the price with the same specs as a Macbook. Now, I'm fully aware that you're not getting the same computer experience. The Mac has OSX, incredible hardware, build quality, battery life, high quality screen, ... that all of the Windows laptops with the same specs lack. However, if you go shopping for a 1,800 dollar Windows laptop (to compare with a 15inch macbook pro), then you will also get a sexy looking device, great build quality, big battery life, top notch screen, arguably better specs, ... and the experience becomes more comparable to that of a macbook, except for OSX off course.

So my honest question is: does OSX make the difference, price considered, or are there things that I'm overlooking that you simply never will get on a Windows laptop, even if you spend as much (say 1.5k) on one of those as you would on a mac?
IMO there are no other laptops that offer everything the macbooks do, regardless of price.


H_Prestige said:
IMO there are no other laptops that offer everything the macbooks do, regardless of price.

Their competitors at that high end price offer alot more...

At this point, most people will agree you're just paying the Apple tax for the price of anything Apple.
how stupid would it be to buy a MBA and rock Win7 on it? i need a small notebook with good battery life and i really only like the MBA but unfortunately i need to run mostly windows programs.
Diprosalic said:
how stupid would it be to buy a MBA and rock Win7 on it? i need a small notebook with good battery life and i really only like the MBA but unfortunately i need to run mostly windows programs.
Windows 7 is awesome on my MacBook Air. Just use virtualization software unless your plans include gaming of any kind.
Diprosalic said:
how stupid would it be to buy a MBA and rock Win7 on it? i need a small notebook with good battery life and i really only like the MBA but unfortunately i need to run mostly windows programs.

you will not get the battery benefits from windows 7 on the MBA, but from the other thread lion is a bit a battery hog.


Two words. Dual. Boot... Parallels... Boot. Camp. Parallels...

Uh, BootCamp + Parallels = Best of both worlds = Ability to use Windows at the same time, or log into Windows itself to game.

That itself is worth the Apple Tax. And don't even start with the Hackintosh shit.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Jasoco said:
Two words. Dual. Boot... Parallels... Boot. Camp. Parallels...

Uh, BootCamp + Parallels = Best of both worlds = Ability to use Windows at the same time, or log into Windows itself to game.

That itself is worth the Apple Tax. And don't even start with the Hackintosh shit.
If you will use OSX, true. If you won't, get a Sony Vaio if you want Windows. Best looking hardware out there.

Don't bother with a Hackintosh unless you want to stress every time an update comes out.
I just wanted to say that the MacBook Air is sexy as hell. It's like ultraportable PC manufacturers just stopped trying these past few years.

Look at these bold designs from a few years ago:



And to think that at the time, they totally outclassed the MacBook Air in basically every category.


KevinRo said:
Their competitors at that high end price offer alot more...

At this point, most people will agree you're just paying the Apple tax for the price of anything Apple.
They don't offer the trackpad on my MacBook Air. Therefore, whatever else they might bring to the table, they'll lose my dollars.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Leona Lewis said:
My current laptop. Still so beautiful and blew the original MBA out of the water. Did everything but far better along with still having an Ethernet port, optical drive, and smaller footprint.

Anyone want to buy it? I won't use it now that I have my 11" MBA. Sigh, I'll miss her. But I won't miss Windows 7 much and definitely won't miss the shit trackpad. Trackpad gestures are a big deal these days.


paid requisite penance
What's the word on the Time Capsule? Does it work well? Does it offer good value (compared with the alternatives)? Can it double as a regular external hard drive?

It's crazy fast. Eight cores total, and turbo boosts up to 3.8 Ghz.



Has Thunderbolt and it's 27", so it should last me 5 years or so, I'm hoping. :-/


Jiminy Crispies.... If only they could put that kind of power in a laptop and not have it fry and egg and your testicles.
I was waiting for the next Mac Pro to get a powerhouse Mac capable of running Logic with loads and loads of different virtual instruments and effects and such, but the latest iMac maxed out sounds more and more tempting... It's a fuckload cheaper too. Decisions.....


Jasoco said:
Jiminy Crispies.... If only they could put that kind of power in a laptop and not have it fry and egg and your testicles.

I tested my quad core Macbook Pro w/ Geekbench and it scored dead even with my 2008 8-core Mac Pro... laptop power is pretty damn awesome these days.


Still, if only they could put more than 2 cores in the laptops. But I'd much rather the Air I will be getting not be hotter than the Pro I already have. Damn does this thing get hot.

Of course I'm using a C2D. Do the i5's and i7's have cooler running temperatures?


So Airs run really hot? Do the unibody Macbook Pros run cooler than the old C2D non-unibody ones? Do the Airs run cooler than that? That is all I know, and the thing gets hot as hell doing nothing but browsing.


I don't know. I was asking how hot the Air's get... Googling....

This might help:


Good lord I miss my iMac. :(

I had purchased the top of the line model last summer, but then decided to go to school one-thousand miles away, and transporting an iMac as a student was simply not feasible. Or smart. So I opted for the MBP. iMac day one at graduation.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Macbook Pro battery: Health: 94%, 274 Cycles, 87% Charge - 3:38 remaining. Good or bad?
Kilrogg said:
What's the word on the Time Capsule? Does it work well? Does it offer good value (compared with the alternatives)? Can it double as a regular external hard drive?

Just read the user reviews in the Apple Online Store. There are many people reporting that time capsules just die after a certain period of time. I would not buy one. Buy an Airport Extreme and hook up an external hard drive to it.


I have a Time Capsule. I do not use it wirelessly, I use it hooked up with Ethernet and I've never had a issue with crashing or freezing etc. It's a good system.

But then I have a little 250GB external which I just use as a drag and drop system and a way of sharing files between our home computers. I use it store stuff like lossless music and then I can just hold down the Option key as I open iTunes and I can choose my lossless.

I think a combination of both a full back up and a drag and drop device is the best way forward.


Still Alive
Nice thread OP, one improvement however that I think could be made is adding the pricing options under the tech specs of each model. Anyway, i've been waiting for a thread like this to post on the future of MBPs in general..

When do we think the MacBook Pro line will be getting a facelift? Hardware wise, I was thinking about what possible differences/upgrades could be made, and then the obvious came to mind: multi-touch screen.

Can we start making predictions on when MBPs will be touched by the touch of Apple to receive touch? I want to look back on this page in the future and see who guessed right (and which of them have been banned :lol). I'm not sure if it has been discussed a whole lot before, but I think we can guarantee MacBooks receiving multi-touch (via more than trackpad) will happen one way or another. The question i've been thinking is, how exactly do they physically implement this?

Do they remove the physical keyboard all-together? I think it could happen if it somehow incorporated an intuitive force-feedback touch system (not vibration). But then where does it go? Does the Mac BOOK suddenly become an XL iPad (MacPad?) with OS X and i7 horsepower? Do we even want that? How different would Lion have to be really? iOS Lion? Snow Lion? …

Or do they make two 13"/15" monitors (bottom touch, top norm) to take over the surface area of the insides. Or some kind of slide mechanism of the screen to retain physical keyboard only when needed. I could certainly see two screens, with you being able to throw stuff up from the bottom touch to the viewing monitor, or just having it basically be like the super expensive optimus maxims keyboard everyone was drooling over a while back. A constantly on-screen keyboard with a 'trackpad' area alongside a dock/shortcuts etc.. but where would you rest your palm? Would there be an ugly 'chin' like bezel similar to iMacs?

Speaking of bezels, who else would love a bezel-less MBP screen area? There's zero point for it really. I saw on Gizmodo the other day a laptop with a no-bezel approach and it looked beautiful. Basically the whole screen goes from edge to very edge, no black glass border. With the iPhone 5 rumors of 'magical' bezel-less edge-to-edge screen technology, I hope we'll be seeing this sooner rather than later, even with the iMacs. Plus it really would trim down the physical size of a MacBook.

Another thing, when should we expect retina display in 15+ displays? Which comes first: MacBook retina display, or MacBook Touch… or better yet: MB touch or iMac touch?

What is the future of the laptop line, really? Will MacBook Pros become the G4's of the desktop line, with MB Air's being powerful enough for most? I really want to know people's thoughts on this; it interests me greatly. Or will they start off with something small like the trackpad becoming a display as well, since it's already glass and already multi-touch.. I wouldn't like that tbh, one giant leap would be nicer.

Any other physical changes we should expect in the future? As someone who has a 15" MBP sitting in front of me most of the day, it occurred to me it won't last forever, and it could even be better.


I don’t think multi touch on the screen is obvious at all. as long as the screen is facing us and not in the same plane as our hands, it will be cumbersome.

apple may make a new line of weird hybrid iPads at some point but that’s not what the Mac line is about.

so, no, I don’t think there’ll be touch on the screen. not an a device Apple calls a “Mac"

the OBVIOUS change is the removal of the optical drive. expect that gone from the 15” pro in less than a year. 15” pro becomes an Air-like machine but with more horsepower, higher res screen, dedicated gfx, monster battery, etc. weighs less than 4 pounds. that’s the next facelift


Still Alive
Whether or not Lion was a step towards multi-touch is pretty much undebatable, isn't it? If not for MBP, at the very least for iMacs. A swivel down type monitor, for example.

I mean, "the power of OS X with the magic of iPad" is a bit more than hinting at something greater to come, imo anyway.


Sentry said:
Whether or not Lion was a step towards multi-touch is pretty much undebatable, isn't it? If not for MBP, at the very least for iMacs. A swivel down type monitor, for example.

I mean, "the power of OS X with the magic of iPad" is a bit more than hinting at something greater to come, imo anyway.

You see this patent for a touch screen iMac which can fold flatter.


More images here:



The thing I really love about the Macbooks is the ventless design (apart from the vent on the hinge). So sick of all the vents in other laptops.


Sentry said:
Whether or not Lion was a step towards multi-touch is pretty much undebatable, isn't it? If not for MBP, at the very least for iMacs. A swivel down type monitor, for example.

I mean, "the power of OS X with the magic of iPad" is a bit more than hinting at something greater to come, imo anyway.

I don't think multitouch on a Mac's screen makes a Mac better. more novel, yes. but not better.

and, remember, making a UI that's finger friendly means revamping the ENTIRE UI. That's how Apple works. they won't supply the basic Aqua UI and a stylus for the little buttons. they won't add touch to a screen until all buttons and widgets are made for fingers.

So, by saying that a Mac will have a multitouch screen, you are basically saying that Mac OS is dead and will be replaced by a fully finger sized UI. I don't see why they would do that.

I just don't see the advantage for Apple when they have the iPad out there creating this new market for them where they are the undisputed leader. why drag the Mac into it and make things more complicated?


Still Alive
LCfiner said:
I don't think multitouch on a Mac's screen makes a Mac better. more novel, yes. but not better.

and, remember, making a UI that's finger friendly means revamping the ENTIRE UI. That's how Apple works. they won't supply the basic Aqua UI and a stylus for the little buttons. they won't add touch to a screen until all buttons and widgets are made for fingers.

So, by saying that a Mac will have a multitouch screen, you are basically saying that Mac OS is dead and will be replaced by a fully finger sized UI. I don't see why they would do that.

I just don't see the advantage for Apple when they have the iPad out there creating this new market for them where they are the undisputed leader. why drag the Mac into it and make things more complicated?
This is simple, to take over the vield of desktop computing like they have with their other products. Think about it, iPod wasn't the first MP3 player out there, but in the end when someone says 'MP3 player' they think iPod. Same goes for iPhone = smartphone, tablet = iPad etc. I think it's all a big push to recapture the computer market once again. It is the future, either way, it's just a matter of time.

Imagine this system with everyone having iphones, icomputers, itablets, and iTV's all working in this closed environment from apps to contacts to whatever. It's the future and the PC is the next step.

In the end it's about media navigation, and this stretches across more than mobile devices.


When do you guys think that there will be a design change in the iMac? The Aluminum iMac launched in August 2007, and the Aluminum Unibody followed in October 2009. It has been about two years since then. I know we just had a spec bump in May, but do you think they will do a facelift soon?


Outdoor Miner said:
Where can I see this info on my battery?

Get iStat Pro... it's the easiest and it's a handy widget.

Or you can click "About This Mac" (From top left corner menu, the little apple icon) then "More Info..." then "system report" then "power". And I'm sure there's many other ways.

As for the touch screen Mac... I don't think that's going to happen. No one wants fingerprints all over their screen.


NotTarts said:
The thing I really love about the Macbooks is the ventless design (apart from the vent on the hinge). So sick of all the vents in other laptops.

Seems like all they're good for is sucking up & packing in dust, eventually causing the laptop to overheat.

Getting sick of this pos Dell inspiron. Will prob get a MBA soonish.


Jasoco said:
Still, if only they could put more than 2 cores in the laptops. But I'd much rather the Air I will be getting not be hotter than the Pro I already have. Damn does this thing get hot.

Of course I'm using a C2D. Do the i5's and i7's have cooler running temperatures?

I have a 15" 2.53GHz i5 and it runs a fuckload cooler than my previous Core Duo 2.0 Glossy

I can't give exact temps or anything, but lets just say, the core duo's heat could be felt through the wood on the underside of my desk, and my new one is warm to the touch on bare skin. And only in the back corner (where the logic board is), the other 3/4 of the bottom of it are room temp. And the top side (keyboard area) is room temp as well.


paid requisite penance
Can we reasonably expect a Mac Mini refresh early next year? Someone said they weren't that frequent, but I just checked, and apart from 2007-2009, they actually seem to happen after a year or half a year.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
So who here has installed Windows on the new i7 air? Whats your gaming performance like? (yes, I'm serious)

Kind of interested in real world performance, rather than benchmarks.

Chris R

Kilrogg said:
Can we reasonably expect a Mac Mini refresh early next year? Someone said they weren't that frequent, but I just checked, and apart from 2007-2009, they actually seem to happen after a year or half a year.
Next update should be Ivy Bridge and a new case. Early next year might be too soon, but March/April seems like it might be when the update occurs.


Kilrogg said:
Can we reasonably expect a Mac Mini refresh early next year? Someone said they weren't that frequent, but I just checked, and apart from 2007-2009, they actually seem to happen after a year or half a year.

They just refreshed them. So probably summer earliest?


Sentry said:
This is simple, to take over the vield of desktop computing like they have with their other products. Think about it, iPod wasn't the first MP3 player out there, but in the end when someone says 'MP3 player' they think iPod. Same goes for iPhone = smartphone, tablet = iPad etc. I think it's all a big push to recapture the computer market once again. It is the future, either way, it's just a matter of time.

Imagine this system with everyone having iphones, icomputers, itablets, and iTV's all working in this closed environment from apps to contacts to whatever. It's the future and the PC is the next step.

In the end it's about media navigation, and this stretches across more than mobile devices.

they don't want to take over desktop computing because there are no margins there. they can't take over desktop computing with screen multitouch and their current prices.

and they don't want to lower their prices to reach the market that windows serves below a thousand bucks.

Apple is more interested in growing iOS to redefine what computing will be than to try to make their Macs cheaper or try to gussy them up as "pro" ipads.


paid requisite penance
rhfb said:
Next update should be Ivy Bridge and a new case. Early next year might be too soon, but March/April seems like it might be when the update occurs.

Yeah, I was thinking March/April, because February would be too soon considering the current model is from late July. What's Ivy Bridge? The next step after Sandybridge? If so, is it that much better? As for the new case, I'm not an expert on anything Mac, but I always got the feeling that the "unibody" was basically Apple's next major step in computer design and that they wouldn't depart from it for a while.

The only thing I would want in the current Mac Mini is a better GPU. Not asking for much, but 512MB of VRAM would be nice. 256 seems too little. Also, 256-bit instead of 128-bit, but I guess I'm asking too much. I mean, a 2,5GHz Core i5 is pretty good all things considered, and 4GB of ram is enough (I'd upgrade it to 8 anyway because it's so cheap), but the GPU clearly is the bottleneck. Well, the 5400rpm HDD is another bottleneck I guess, but I can swap it for an SSD a few years from now when they're more affordable.


tagrat said:
When do you guys think that there will be a design change in the iMac? The Aluminum iMac launched in August 2007, and the Aluminum Unibody followed in October 2009. It has been about two years since then. I know we just had a spec bump in May, but do you think they will do a facelift soon?

Fairly sure it was October 08... I'd expect a facelift in 2012 perhaps...
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