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Magic: the Gathering |OT11| Amonkhet - Have you ever had decks with a Pharaoh?

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Is |OT12| Standard? More like ban-dard too on the nose?

I think so.

You're reading too much into if demons had other forms of resurrection the chain veil doesn't necessitate permadeath since it's just a raw power increase.
Say demons on a plane use horcrux/one ring style form of resurrection. Since the split in soul would happen ahead of a confrontation any amount of power couldn't amount to permadeath.

transdimensional was meant as in it doesn't adapt its properties to a plane, it always has the same function.
No lol. I'm saying other people are reading too far into it. I'm saying to those that are to stop doing that. I don't think there's any horcrux shit going on at all. Those dudes are dead. And I agree with you here that the Chain Veil works the same everywhere until they find a reason to state it doesn't. But you said this, which is what I was contesting:

the chain veil isn't transdimensional anyway. There should be no way it works properly on every plane.
I'm sure there will be planes it doesn't work properly on when the story demands it. But right now it's worked everywhere she's needed it.
Real talk: if between Iconic Masters, Masters 25, and whatever else they print they can't find a way to get Aether Vial/Horixon reprinted I'm going to smack someone. I'm sick of it being a $40 artifact/$60 Land respectively, considering how little they both see play.
Three Visits at common please.
That please.
No lol. I'm saying other people are reading too far into it. I'm saying to those that are to stop doing that. I don't think there's any horcrux shit going on at all. Those dudes are dead. And I agree with you here that the Chain Veil works the same everywhere until they find a reason to state it doesn't. But you said this, which is what I was contesting:

I'm sure there will be planes it doesn't work properly on when the story demands it. But right now it's worked everywhere she's needed it.
I thought the chain veil was from Innistrad and as such had a specific function of permakilling demons on that plane, thereby not being transdimensional would mean not taking on properties of other planes with other forms of resurrection.

Did someone say Kotophed or Razawhatshisname aren't dead?

I am now curious what plane the chain veil shouldn't work on. Supposedly it shouldn't work on a plane where Spirits are being suppressed. That is because the chain veil is a tool for the resurrection of the onakke and haunted by their ghosts, the power should hence be in part if not totally supplied by those. My best guess would be Kamigawa since spirits have a physical form on that plane.


Did someone say Kotophed or Razawhatshisname aren't dead?

I am now curious what plane the chain veil shouldn't work on. Supposedly it shouldn't work on a plane where Spirits are being suppressed. That is because the chain veil is a tool for the resurrection of the onakke and haunted by their ghosts, the power should hence be in part if not totally supplied by those. My best guess would be Kamigawa since spirits have a physical form on that plane.

Looking back, nobody said that directly. I think I subconsciously remembered the post about Ormendal/Grisselbrand and went off on that, too (though that too was a lore conclusion leap lol). Oops, gotta be more careful.

I have a feeling the last demon will have a way to get around it, and I don't mind your idea of Kamigawa being the place. I also hope they do away with the Veil at this point, or after she's freed or whatever. I don't super powered macguffins like this, and I don't think they should stick around for long if used.

How great would it be if she was about to be offed by #4 and in poofs Garruk to take him out, saying nobody but him is going to take her down.
I'm sure the P3K card in Masters 25 will be a sucky legend for EDH but god I hope it's Imperial Recruiter.

They're gonna need something saucy for this and a still-expensive P3K card is gonna be one of the best options. It's been well over the waiting period on the Judge Reward version, which came out way back in 2013.

Reminder that these are the fifteen non-reserved cards with prices over $60:


Assuredly Iconic Masters and Masters 25 will each include at least one of these; Zodiac Dragon seems like a super-obvious call for the former, and any of the other five P3K cards would make more sense as the set's entry to M25 than some rando garbage common.


Mana Drain isn't on the reserve list? How is that even possible? I thought every rare until Urza block were on it. The reserve list is even more random than I thought lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Mana Drain isn't on the reserve list? How is that even possible? I thought every rare until Urza block were on it. The reserve list is even more random than I thought lol

It was an uncommon


Zodiac Dragon will be a near bulk Mythic once it gets reprinted. It's the insane rarity of the card that makes it's price, not any sort of gameplay value.
Zodiac Dragon will be a near bulk Mythic once it gets reprinted. It's the insane rarity of the card that makes it's price, not any sort of gameplay value.

It's rarity plus some people not realizing what the actual current Oracle text on it is plus a tiny bit of people being really really bad at card evaluation.
So why did announcement day get pushed back even? They haven't really showed anything of substance. Did they need more time to hash out new blocks? Or did they think the MTGO replacement would be ready if they waited a bit?


So why did announcement day get pushed back even? They haven't really showed anything of substance. Did they need more time to hash out new blocks? Or did they think the MTGO replacement would be ready if they waited a bit?

What do yo mean nothing of substance? They announced like 20 different things.
What do yo mean nothing of substance? They announced like 20 different things.

I mean they typed up a bunch of words. Literally the only image shown out of all of this was the Ixalan key art and normally we would have had that months ago. They could have easily typed all this out and announced it on the day originally planned, these are all products that have been in motion for years.

That is, unless it is the core set change that made them delay. Even then, that hardly seems delay worthy.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
I mean they typed up a bunch of words. Literally the only image shown out of all of this was the Ixalan key art and normally we would have had that months ago. They could have easily typed all this out and announced it on the day originally planned, these are all products that have been in motion for years.

That is, unless it is the core set change that made them delay. Even then, that hardly seems delay worthy.

They needed to wait until after Metamorphosis 2.0 in order to announce Dominaria and the Core Set.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
|OT12| [1] thread since last Standard ban.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So why did announcement day get pushed back even? They haven't really showed anything of substance. Did they need more time to hash out new blocks? Or did they think the MTGO replacement would be ready if they waited a bit?

It's because they're announcing stuff that would ordinarily be covered by the Fall Announcement which is no longer happening.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Boy a lot of people are going to be pissed at Christmas when they ask for some packs or something and they end up with Silver Bordered crap.
Ultimately, we're sticking to one thread title for a while, and Marvel being banned already feels like old news, so perhaps we should go back to suggesting titles actually relates to Hour of Devastation.

Or maybe "Infinity War sneak peak".


So now that I'm at a computer, thoughts

Predictions for Tomorrow

  • Unscrewed
  • Rivals of Ixalan
  • Magic Origins 2
  • Commander 2017 full reveal
  • Archenemy: Eldrazi
  • Special 25th Anniversary Bundles
  • Magic Digital Next official reveal trailer, more at HasCon

I mean ... I'm ready

Prediction 2: YEAHHHHHHHHHH WOOO (expected, but calling it ANYTHING else other than DOMINARIA would've been a fucking shame)
Prediction 3: Duh. Also Cities of Gold? Are we doing this
Prediction 4: I mean, it SOUNDS like Origins 2, but it's just called Core I guess for clarification? Anyway, Creepy Rudy redeemed.
Prediction 5: nawp
Prediction 6: Replace this with Duel Decks.
Prediction 7: Ayyyy almost there, it's not a bundle, but it's a Masters set! Smarter.
Prediction 8: Nope, not till Hascon

On Pirates and Dinosaurs in Ixalan

holy fuck mate. Two great tastes that taste great together. Mounts? Vehicle Ships? Are we playing this now?

On the Unset

Haters to the left, the king of all cheesy MTG jokes is back, and I'm excited AF. There's so much pent up humor that MTG typically stays away from that I want to see it all here.

Today's Story

Liliana is hardcore af. Also Belzenlok is on Dominaria, it's obvs now.

Future Story (Ixalan)

Possible this is where Ajani goes to find some friends, gets tangled up in Vraska making waves (hee hee) and thinks reaching the Cities of Gold is a good way to get power to beat Bolas.

Explorers of Ixalan board game thing

+ MTG. Sounds awesome af. Absolutely something to put in Targets and Wal-Marts.

On Rivals being so close, January instead of Feb

Possible they're trying to give more weight to Dominaria and hype it up hard?


I also agree that they could've shown more in the fall but I think they just want to concentrate on this for now, and maybe they want to launch Magic Digital Next in 2018? Beta this fall or something? I dunno.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
This has to be a hobby store only product. no way they put this in Target to trick unsuspecting new players/parents

They sell Conspiracy at Target.

You can't even buy enough of it to actually draft with at Target.


riddle me this batman


Prerelease Weekend: April 21-22, 2018

Release Date: April 27, 2018

Game Day Weekend: June 23-24, 2018

Game Day is two months from the release? The fuck?
I mean they typed up a bunch of words. Literally the only image shown out of all of this was the Ixalan key art and normally we would have had that months ago. They could have easily typed all this out and announced it on the day originally planned, these are all products that have been in motion for years.

They were going to announce Masters 25 which would've started the 25th Anniversary discussion. Because of that they wanted to cover Dominaria, which is far and away the biggest and coolest announcement for that. Normally they don't announce a block over a year in advance because they have to make sure the name is cleared, the Hasbro code is in place, the release calendar is locked, etc., so they needed to get final signoff on all of that. In this case, they also had the problem that they normally announce each block at once, and in this case there wasn't a block anymore, and so they had to prepare the Metamorphosis 2.0 announcement, which they hadn't even started on much less run it through upper management and legal. So to avoid announcing one 25th Anniversary project and stopping there, they basically just rolled the spring and fall announcements together and gave us stuff a year out.


Given how ridiculously easy it was for the Gatewatch to take down Razaketh, I'm assuming that was deliberate in order to set them up for a big loss when Bolas arrives and stomps them. Because there was absolutely zero tension or suspense in that story, the gatewatch basically took him apart without breaking a sweat.

(Which makes sense, they killed two Eldrazi at once...)


Given how ridiculously easy it was for the Gatewatch to take down Razaketh, I'm assuming that was deliberate in order to set them up for a big loss when Bolas arrives and stomps them. Because there was absolutely zero tension or suspense in that story, the gatewatch basically took him apart without breaking a sweat.

(Which makes sense, they killed two Eldrazi at once...)
Everyone expects Bolas to destroy them at this point. That just makes me worried it won't happen.


How fucking exciting is it that Dominaria of all places and sets starts off the Large Set Paradigm?

It feels almost like MTG is restarting itself. And we get to be right there.

I wish MTG had a planeswalker card that was YOU that you could change and modify as the sets continued. Each individual part of the planeswalker could be changed out, and the art would be whatever you wanted. Ponies, Superheroes, whatever. The relevant part is the abilities and stuff.

I mean granted, YOU are the planeswalker playing, and the abilities/people are your spells/stuff, but still.

I guess the MMO will scratch that itch.



I still love that Richard Garfield is on the Dominaria team

You know what that means


boyz get in here
Sheltering Prayers was legit sideboard tech back in the day versus decks that wanted to Stone Rain every turn starting on turn 2.

That's fair - I hadn't considered the Standard of the day. Classic mistake on my part. Trap Digger, though. That's never been good or remotely useful, haha.

I was trying to conjure some scenarios to win a game with it. Like, getting enough to spike a Player with Boros Reckoner / Mogg Maniac / Spitemare.


How fucking exciting is it that Dominaria of all places and sets starts off the Large Set Paradigm?

It feels almost like MTG is restarting itself. And we get to be right there.

I wish MTG had a planeswalker card that was YOU that you could change and modify as the sets continued. Each individual part of the planeswalker could be changed out, and the art would be whatever you wanted. Ponies, Superheroes, whatever. The relevant part is the abilities and stuff.

I mean granted, YOU are the planeswalker playing, and the abilities/people are your spells/stuff, but still.

I guess the MMO will scratch that itch.

I think to be honest the fiction of the game and lore no longer matches the mechanics of the game at all. They used to try to get it to fit, but when was the last time you saw a member of the gatewatch summon a creature from another plane to fight for them?

It feels like we are no longer suppossed to be a planeswalker battling it out - more like the invisible narrators hand behind the scene. Because no planeswalker we've seen to date has anywhere near the power and range of abilities the rl player has.


I think to be honest the fiction of the game and lore no longer matches the mechanics of the game at all. They used to try to get it to fit, but when was the last time you saw a member of the gatewatch summon a creature from another plane to fight for them?

It feels like we are no longer suppossed to be a planeswalker battling it out - more like the invisible narrators hand behind the scene. Because no planeswalker we've seen to date has anywhere near the power and range of abilities the rl player has.

Yup we're more of premending PWs.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I think to be honest the fiction of the game and lore no longer matches the mechanics of the game at all. They used to try to get it to fit, but when was the last time you saw a member of the gatewatch summon a creature from another plane to fight for them?

It feels like we are no longer suppossed to be a planeswalker battling it out - more like the invisible narrators hand behind the scene. Because no planeswalker we've seen to date has anywhere near the power and range of abilities the rl player has.
The idea is that Jace isn't giving you his full powers. He's just lending you a hand and his loyalty dictates what he's willing to do for you.


Magic: The Gathering |OT12| Hour of Devastation - Do you have the time to talk about our God-Pharaoh and Savior?
Magic: The Gathering |OT12| Hour of Devastation - We're Not Worthy!
Magic: The Gathering |OT12| Hour of Devastation - Gatewatch. Bolas. Whoever Wins, We Lose.
Magic: The Gathering |OT12| Hour of Devastation - Extinction Level Event (subtle dinosaur ref!)
Magic: The Gathering |OT12| Hour of Devastation - Amonkhet Going Out of Business Sale - Everything Must Go

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The idea is that Jace isn't giving you his full powers. He's just lending you a hand and his loyalty dictates what he's willing to do for you.

His point is more that in the stories they don't seem to be "playing Magic", i.e summoning creatures and attacking with them. Well except Liliana at least
Honestly, we'll be longing for inaccurate mechanics representation when the movie comes out and there's a five-minute CGI battle between Jace's Phantasm and Chandra's Phoenix.
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