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Man Threatens Suicide, Police Kill Him

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1. You never know what an unknown party has inside a house in a country where semi-automatic rifles can be openly carried on the street. Bringing in rifles, in this sense, is likely justified.

2. He had a fucking knife in an enclosed space within 18 feet. That's more than enough for procedure to dictate the use of deadly force. If they're close enough to shoot down at him in bed, he's close enough to lunge at someone and attack with his knife in his room.

3. That detective is fucking terrible when talking to the public. When that's mostly what you do (outside of paperwork), maybe think about working in a different field? Maybe not be the point man?

4. The author seems to be a blogger, not a journalist. The writing reflect as such.

This is coming from a Canadian that believes the right to bear arms is fucking insane, btw.

Did you miss the part where there was no blood on the walls, and only in the bed? Including the bullets were dug out of the bed.

If he was lunging at officers then at 6'4 wouldn't there be blood on a wall?


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
It's sad that this keeps happening.

There was an episode of This American Life earlier this year that summed up the problem pretty well... basically, because our social safety net is in such tatters, it falls upon the cops to be picking up those pieces. Collectively speaking, I feel bad for the police in that sense. They shouldn't be in that situation.

But since that is the reality of the situation, it makes it that much more important that the police have proper training, respect the community and the individuals in it, etc. "The protect and serve" has in the last 15 years in particular been transformed into Us vs. Them"
What makes you sad? That a suicidal individual that can't bring themselves to do what they have made up their mind to do bait law enforcement into a situation that they know will force the officers to use deadly force?

Because any other sane country would have much better systems in place for helping these people.

Fortunately the English guidance on helping mentally ill people doesn't mention assault rifles as a answer anywhere, so I don't have to worry about this sort of thing.


That detective sounds cold to the point of being totally detached from the situation that transpired, plus his story doesn't line up. The guy is a recovering alcoholic who loses his job, goes back on the bottle. The girlfriend calls a suicide hotline for for help getting her drunk and potentially suicidal boyfriend to a hospital and cops show up with rifles? How the hell was that going to do anything but escalate the situation? Were they straight up planning for a suicide by cop? I hate stories like this so much.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Suicide by cop isn't a new thing. It's a well-known issue and I'm pretty sure standard procedure isn't to bring rifles. What the heck...?

Correct. This is excessive force. Since we don't have video it's going to be impossible to judge if they (the cops) had malicious intent and book them, though. :/
What the fuck? Too many stories about cops in America doing stupid ass shit. This is insane. Just for kicks, I googled "Hero police officer" and the first article that popped up was about a dog.


Suicide & the mentally ill is an obvious problem in this city. We had a big youth suicide case not too long ago. This passive response to someone's cry for help is disgusting.
Tase him, mace him, beanbag him, etc, so many options. Why the hell do they choose death every damn time. We have a bunch of judge dredds on the street.
Judge Dredd is far, far more rational and well-reasoned than the psychopathic turds which pass for 'police officers' in the videos we see week in, week out.
It's a Robert DeNiro quote from a movie. I've quoted movies before in posts, often times gang/mafia flicks. Does that make me some kind of crazed mafiaoso lover?
I mean, I've quoted Scarface before, but I don't think I'd like it if a cop did after a situation like this.

"What's wrong with telling a joke after murdering someone? Are jokes bad now?"
Similar thing happened to me once, years ago. Like... must've been at least 10 years ago now. I was threatening to kill myself with a knife so my parents called the police. Cops showed up, saw me with a knife, and drew their guns. I laughed and pointed out the absurdity of the situation, and... the cops actually put their guns away. They talked me into dropping the knife and then took me to a mental hospital.

I guess I'm lucky I didn't get trigger-happy cops like these guys.

There are literally no words to be said here. The absurdity of the situation is oozing. And it perfectly highlights what the fuck is wrong with cops in America.

You, in your state at the time, talked sense into them!!! This is terrifying if you think about it for a second.


I... thought Daily Beast was a satirical news site... and now I wish it was... This whole story reads so much like a satirical piece that it's hard to believe it's real. Absolutely horrible :(

I mean, I've quoted Scarface before, but I don't think I'd like it if a cop did after a situation like this.

"What's wrong with telling a joke after murdering someone? Are jokes bad now?"
I don't want to defend these piece of shit cops in any way, but I get the impression that he posted that Facebook comment some time in the past, before any of this happened. He's still a terrible person but the quote itself isn't really evidence of that or relevant to the story (unless you want to talk about media portrayal of cops and the glorification of police violence and the knock-on effect this has on society etc etc)


Tagged as I see fit
If you are able to apply so much commonsense to this, they why would the officers go in at all? Why not talk the person down and get them to come out? If the only person in danger was the person they killed, why not simply wait? Stand-off's happen all the time.

Now that is a question that should be asked and answered.

Came with assault rifles? It almost seems as if they came ready to kill that guy instead of saving him :(
Tase him, mace him, beanbag him, etc, so many options. Why the hell do they choose death every damn time. We have a bunch of judge dredds on the street.

You don't meet lethal force with nonlethal force. I would not feel comfortable relying on a spraycan of mace to keep a dangerous, determined person from sinking his knife into my chest.

And for all the posts talking about how ridiculous it is to draw a gun on a guy who's threatening suicide... sure, if everything is that simple and pat and everybody's telling the truth at all times, then that isn't very logical. But in a world where people might lie and things are complicated? Think through the ramifications. Somebody has a knife and says they're suicidal. Cops approach and put away their guns. But the crazy guy actually wasn't suicidal and knifes the cops. That wouldn't be so great.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
What is a police officer if not an extremely paranoid civilian that gets to carry around guns and has immunity from legal recourse for his actions?

As far as I'm concerned, these idiots were guilty of murder the moment they walked in there with their rifles drawn. "that person would probably still be alive if the cops didn't show up" is the moral of far too many stories.

You don't meet lethal force with nonlethal force. I would not feel comfortable relying on a spraycan of mace to keep a dangerous, determined person from sinking his knife into my chest.

And for all the posts talking about how ridiculous it is to draw a gun on a guy who's threatening suicide... sure, if everything is that simple and pat and everybody's telling the truth at all times, then that isn't very logical. But in a world where people might lie and things are complicated? Think through the ramifications. Somebody has a knife and says they're suicidal. Cops approach and put away their guns. But the crazy guy actually wasn't suicidal and knifes the cops. That wouldn't be so great.

This kind of attitude is the reason this shit keeps happening. What the fuck is the point of having police if they're going to unload their weapons at the first whiff of potential danger? Diffuse the situation. Don't enter the room. Back the fuck up if he's acting weird. There are so many ways they could've handled this without murdering someone. Literally doing NOTHING would've provided a better outcome.

If they were in danger, they fucking put themselves in that situation. They escalated it to that point. The guy was contemplating suicide. The cops made the decision for him.
You don't meet lethal force with nonlethal force. I would not feel comfortable relying on a spraycan of mace to keep a dangerous, determined person from sinking his knife into my chest.

And for all the posts talking about how ridiculous it is to draw a gun on a guy who's threatening suicide... sure, if everything is that simple and pat and everybody's telling the truth at all times, then that isn't very logical. But in a world where people might lie and things are complicated? Think through the ramifications. Somebody has a knife and says they're suicidal. Cops approach and put away their guns. But the crazy guy actually wasn't suicidal and knifes the cops. That wouldn't be so great.
To some on this board, I truly believe they would think cops would be at fault for their own death. That is beyond sad.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
To some on this board, I truly believe they would think cops would be at fault for their own death. That is beyond sad.

LOL fucking nonsense. Nobody is saying the cops should've "approached and put away their guns". Stop twisting this to defend their cowardice. It sounds like, if the cops kept their distance, the victim was only a threat to himself. If they put themselves within an arms reach of the guy, they've instantly increased the potential injuries/casualties and, given the often demonstrated cowardly nature of cops, they guaranteed there would be at least one casualty. It doesn't take much common sense to realize that taking a rifle and hunting down a suicidal person with a knife isn't going to do anything to improve the situation.
I can't imagine how the family feels. They thought the police would come in and save him and instead he was murdered by them.

That's a hell of a way to learn not to trust the police.
LOL fucking nonsense. Nobody is saying the cops should've "approached and put away their guns". Stop twisting this to defend their cowardice. It sounds like, if the cops kept their distance, the victim was only a threat to himself. If they put themselves within an arms reach of the guy, they've instantly increased the potential injuries/casualties and, given the often demonstrated cowardly nature of cops, they guaranteed there would be at least one casualty. It doesn't take much common sense to realize that taking a rifle and hunting down a suicidal person with a knife isn't going to do anything to improve the situation.

Often demonstrated = a couple hundred officers on the news out of roughly 1 million officers in the US. That's a MINISCULE percentage.
I'm not saying some cops aren't corrupt scumbags or morons. There are. Cops are humans too. I'm sure some have put their phones in kitty litter too.
But to say most cops are cowards when cops are constantly getting killed doing just routine traffic stops, I would love to see you do their jobs.


That's just ridiculous. Somebody threatens to kill themselves so the solution is pointing guns at them? WTF?


Suicide by cop isn't a new thing. People pretty much know that police will respond with deadly force if attacked with deadly force.

Saying that, often in these situations police are merely arriving to the call when an suicidal person forces the police to open fire. Suicide by cop is often forced not the first response by police. Some people rush the officers, open fire, or try to corner the officers while the officers give commands.

For example this video. (NSFL) You can clearly hear the guy telling the officer to kill him.


There are incidents were police can better handle situation of suicide but often if a person if really suicidal, they will attack the police to force a deadly response. Someone mentioned negotiators, they aren't readily available like in the movies. Some places don't have any and in those areas that do, they might take up to and hour to get there. It's often up to the responding officer to try and defuse the situation, place the person under physical control, and take them to a mental institution/hospital.


What kind of stupid cop thinks, "we're going into an enclosed area, let's get our biggest most unwieldy weapon we have in there!" Also, the victim was in a bed room, I assume there is a door, why not use the door as a barrier and talk to him through the door?

I'd like to know how the police approached the suicidal man. Something tells me they stormed the room with guns locked and loaded and yelled at the dude, "Put the knife down or we'll fucking shoot you!" and not, "Hey, we're the police, we're not here to hurt you, but to help you out. Please put the knife down so we can talk this over. We can get through this together, don't do anything stupid."
Often demonstrated = a couple hundred officers on the news out of roughly 1 million officers in the US. That's a MINISCULE percentage.
I'm not saying some cops aren't corrupt scumbags or morons. There are. Cops are humans too. I'm sure some have put their phones in kitty litter too.
But to say most cops are cowards when cops are constantly getting killed doing just routine traffic stops, I would love to see you do their jobs.

You say say this like it's a negative, but I'm pretty sure if you had sent two random people instead of the cops, there would've been no deaths.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Often demonstrated = a couple hundred officers on the news out of roughly 1 million officers in the US. That's a MINISCULE percentage.
I'm not saying some cops aren't corrupt scumbags or morons. There are. Cops are humans too. I'm sure some have put their phones in kitty litter too.
But to say most cops are cowards when cops are constantly getting killed doing just routine traffic stops, I would love to see you do their jobs.

Often demonstrated doesn't mean a majority. It means that this stuff is happening often. "Often" is relative. If you don't think these stories are coming out too "often", I'd be terrified of what your definition of "often" is. And it's hard to respect the #NOTALLCOPS argument when the perpetrators of each of these incidents are defended UNANIMOUSLY by their peers. There's a clear systemic issue here.

"constantly getting killed during routine traffic stops"? Stop, please. If I roll my eyes any harder I'm afraid they might fall out. Their job puts them above the law. Appeals to fear like that are what encourage some cops to exploit that power. Danger is implied when you take the job. A cop who is quick to draw his gun, and knows that he can throw out the standard 'I felt threatened' excuse, is never in any real danger. When is the right to shoot anyone who seems like they may be kinda potentially dangerous going to be extended to civilians?

I haven't had my humanity surgically removed so, while I could likely suck at being a cop, I also know I wouldn't be able to stand idly by while this event unfolded. I wouldn't be able to stomach what a gang of cops did to Kelly Thomas. I wouldn't be able to justify what happened to Freddie Gray. I'd probably end up getting fired for not issuing enough traffic citations or arresting enough non-violent drug offenders because I'm not interested in raising revenue for the government or contributing to our already world-leading incarceration rate. You're right, I'm probably not cut out for law enforcement in the United States.

The United States has the highest per-capita prison population on the planet but the POLICE are the one's who should feel threatened? Go ahead and spin me some more of that police-state propaganda.
One of the many interesting things about america is how simple and easy it is to suicide by cop.

It's easier than learning the alphabet.


I'm curious, in other countries where cops don't have guns on the regular, how this would go?

Oh they'd probably use non-lethal take down martial arts. Duh.


It's a Robert DeNiro quote from a movie. I've quoted movies before in posts, often times gang/mafia flicks. Does that make me some kind of crazed mafiaoso lover?
Do you think it's appropriate to say on social media after killing a suicidal individual? If the answers yes, it makes you a shitty person.
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