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Marvel Introduce Diverse New Warriors Characters “Snowflake” (Jock) & “Safespace” (Non Binary) B Negative (vampire) Screetime (Edgy Meme Boy) & more

Remember this when people debate that there's a trend of woke ideology in entertainment and media. There's a lot of patently invalid "if you complain about this stuff you're just as bad as the woke side." type of arguments that get made.

It shouldn't have to get this bad in every single industry before people stop denying that this is a trend and it's damaging. You can see the effects becoming worse and faster in comics than other mediums because how quickly "fresh talent" can be brought on board and produce new books. Without seeing the gradual, industry wide, decline something this shitty is almost unbelievable... but after having already experienced comics like Ignited, for instance:




That are (co) written by comics veterans like Mark Waid, it's nearly impossible to be shocked. These people are absolutely steeped in it. I can only hope that the universal backlash against this New Warriors rollout can serve as the beginnings of a wake up call.
This ideology includes the convenient belief that criticism and dislike is a symptom of racism and bigotry. So the normal cognitive dissonance that you and I might experience -- to say nothing of the normal business logic that tries to meet the customers' desires -- simply does not take place inside their skull.

It's a neutron bomb, hollowing out entire industries while leaving a husk behind that kinda-sorta looks like the old thing. It is able to continue for so long because it specifically takes advantage of the well-meaning support and hopefulness of fans.
This ideology includes the convenient belief that criticism and dislike is a symptom of racism and bigotry. So the normal cognitive dissonance that you and I might experience -- to say nothing of the normal business logic that tries to meet the customers' desires -- simply does not take place inside their skull.

For the ones that aren't often, or even entirely, cynical. There are true believers that genuinely think everyone opposed to their "diversity" efforts (and it's not actually promoting diversity if it's universally packaged with far leftist ideology. it's just propaganda.) are just bigots plain and simple. But a lot of these people know better and are running game.

I'm sure I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know, but it's funny how sparse (basically non existent) the cries of racism are in the face of this particular backlash. It's because this is so overtly shitty most of the cynical ones know they can't get away with it.

It's a neutron bomb, hollowing out entire industries while leaving a husk behind that kinda-sorta looks like the old thing. It is able to continue for so long because it specifically takes advantage of the well-meaning support and hopefulness of fans..
It's basically hit everything to varying degrees. There are a lot of very decent people who are just sick of the culture war conversation in their hobbies altogether, that end up saying the "you guys are just as bad" line. I can sympathize with that feeling. But it results in too many actively trying to not see what is a clear trend to anyone paying attention.

I often talk to people like this (or look at their posts) and think okay... I get being tired of the whole conversation; but how bad do things have to get? Do most things really have to be as bad as Marvel's New Warriors before the people making shit like that aren't the same as the people calling it out? Can we not clearly identify that a comic like New Warriors is part of a larger trend that's also responsible for the push to censor Persona 5? Among countless other like minded efforts.

It's just like, get real, we know where this goes. Click the link and see what counts for a new Marvel comic these days. And if you think the people behind that are fundamentally different than the people pushing all the rest of it, you're kidding yourself.

Psychic Twins. “All twins are psychic, but we’re psychic-er.” Snowflake, a cryokinetic, can materialize snowflake-shaped shuriken projectiles for throwing. Safespace can materialize pink forcefields, but he can’t inhabit them himself, the reflex only works if he’s protecting others. They’re hyper aware of modern culture and optics, and they see their Super Heroics as “a post-ironic meditation on using violence to combat bullying.” They're probably streaming this.

"Snowflake and Safespace are the twins," the writer says, "and their names are very similar to Screentime; it's this idea that these are terms that get thrown around on the internet that they don't see as derogatory. [They] take those words and kind of wear them as badges of honor.

"Safespace is a big, burly, sort of stereotypical jock. He can create forcefields, but he can only trigger them if he's protecting somebody else. Snowflake is non-binary and goes by they/them, and has the power to generate individual crystalized snowflake-shaped shurikens. The connotations of the word 'snowflake' in our culture right now are something fragile, and this is a character who is turning it into something sharp.

"Snowflake is the person who has the more offensive power, and Safespace is the person who has the more defensive power. The idea is that they would mirror each other and complement each other."


A teen “living vampire” exposed to Michael Morbius’s blood as a child in a rogue, but life-saving medical procedure. He still ages like a regular kid, but has all the abilities of Morbius. He’s also obsessed with all the music and attitude of a “classic” long-past decades like the '90s, and the '00s. “The world is a vampire…and so am I.”

B-Negative is the goth kid. When he was a baby he got a rogue lifesaving blood transfusion, we assume, from Michael Morbius. And now he has a very similar look, and very similar vampire powers," shares Kibblesmith. “B-Negative ages like a regular person (or does he?) and he definitely drinks blood (or does he?), but designer/artist Luciano Vecchio took brilliant inspiration from the '90s Spider-Man cartoon and gave B-Negative the 'leech suckers' that the animated version of Morbius had on his palms.”


A regular kid scooped up into the world of teenage Super Heroing. Her “magic backpack” is actually a pocket dimension with seemingly infinite space, from which she can pull out useful or random objects—it’s not always under her control. She claims to get her power from god, but “not the god you’re thinking of.”


A Meme-Obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s “experimental internet gas.” Now he can see augmented reality and real-time maps, and can instantly Google any fact. Does this make him effectively a genius? He sure acts like it does.

"I wanted to have teen characters who felt as "now" as the New Warriors did in 1990,” explains Kibblesmith. “The New Warriors have been zeitgeist characters from the beginning, you get edgy skateboarding Night Thrasher in the '90s and the Reality TV team in the 2000s, and now in 2020, we have New Warriors who have never grown up without the Internet, and one character who appears to essentially live inside it.

“The word ’screen time’ is only ever used in a sort of restrictive sense, and because we’re doing a story about teenage rebels, a lot of the names are about teens fighting against labels that are put on them. So with Screentime, we liked the idea that he has infinite screen time.”

I saw these on Twitter and thought “They can’t be real”
Oh they are real.


Street Fighter IV World Champion

Psychic Twins. “All twins are psychic, but we’re psychic-er.” Snowflake, a cryokinetic, can materialize snowflake-shaped shuriken projectiles for throwing. Safespace can materialize pink forcefields, but he can’t inhabit them himself, the reflex only works if he’s protecting others. They’re hyper aware of modern culture and optics, and they see their Super Heroics as “a post-ironic meditation on using violence to combat bullying.” They're probably streaming this.

"Snowflake and Safespace are the twins," the writer says, "and their names are very similar to Screentime; it's this idea that these are terms that get thrown around on the internet that they don't see as derogatory. [They] take those words and kind of wear them as badges of honor.

"Safespace is a big, burly, sort of stereotypical jock. He can create forcefields, but he can only trigger them if he's protecting somebody else. Snowflake is non-binary and goes by they/them, and has the power to generate individual crystalized snowflake-shaped shurikens. The connotations of the word 'snowflake' in our culture right now are something fragile, and this is a character who is turning it into something sharp.

"Snowflake is the person who has the more offensive power, and Safespace is the person who has the more defensive power. The idea is that they would mirror each other and complement each other."


A teen “living vampire” exposed to Michael Morbius’s blood as a child in a rogue, but life-saving medical procedure. He still ages like a regular kid, but has all the abilities of Morbius. He’s also obsessed with all the music and attitude of a “classic” long-past decades like the '90s, and the '00s. “The world is a vampire…and so am I.”

B-Negative is the goth kid. When he was a baby he got a rogue lifesaving blood transfusion, we assume, from Michael Morbius. And now he has a very similar look, and very similar vampire powers," shares Kibblesmith. “B-Negative ages like a regular person (or does he?) and he definitely drinks blood (or does he?), but designer/artist Luciano Vecchio took brilliant inspiration from the '90s Spider-Man cartoon and gave B-Negative the 'leech suckers' that the animated version of Morbius had on his palms.”


A regular kid scooped up into the world of teenage Super Heroing. Her “magic backpack” is actually a pocket dimension with seemingly infinite space, from which she can pull out useful or random objects—it’s not always under her control. She claims to get her power from god, but “not the god you’re thinking of.”


A Meme-Obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s “experimental internet gas.” Now he can see augmented reality and real-time maps, and can instantly Google any fact. Does this make him effectively a genius? He sure acts like it does.

"I wanted to have teen characters who felt as "now" as the New Warriors did in 1990,” explains Kibblesmith. “The New Warriors have been zeitgeist characters from the beginning, you get edgy skateboarding Night Thrasher in the '90s and the Reality TV team in the 2000s, and now in 2020, we have New Warriors who have never grown up without the Internet, and one character who appears to essentially live inside it.

“The word ’screen time’ is only ever used in a sort of restrictive sense, and because we’re doing a story about teenage rebels, a lot of the names are about teens fighting against labels that are put on them. So with Screentime, we liked the idea that he has infinite screen time.”

I saw these on Twitter and thought “They can’t be real”
Oh they are real.

Noooooo thank you.


Shit like this is why my local comic book store went out of business. In their attempt to reel in a new audience (who don't read comics), they've completely alienated their actual audience. GG Marvel.

Why am I not surprised the creator of these characters looks exactly like this dude?


1, balding eventhough he is in his 30s
2, pedo glasses
3, pedo beard
4, duck-mouth selfie
5, selfie with a switch

I don't even need to see his twitter feed to know he is a pedo. FBI, do your job and check out his harddrive.


Gold Member
Surely this is some kind of social experiment. It started off ridiculous and then I read about "Trailblazer" and couldn't maintain my suspension of disbelief.


Gold Member
Can you all at least pretend to like this? It's better they make new characters than retconning (see gaying wolverine & cyclops )

Helk no, these characters, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, are just dumb. Their "powers" are dumb. Their very character concepts are dumb.

Here is what you do. Write a CHARACTER who is INTERESTING, UNIQUE, and has a COOL POWER that fits them. Then you set them in an ENGAGING WORLD.

Then, and only then, do you determine their gender and sexuality. You dont build an entire character around being gay or trans, or whatever the fuck. Real people arent like that and they dont connect to comic identities based around such things.

Superman could be straight, bi, asexual, or a plant. That stuff doesn't define the core of the character. Same for batman, spiderman, all the good characters that lazy writers copy into identity politics because they can't actually make up a GOOD CHARACTER on their own who just happens to be gay or whatever.


This author, man :messenger_tears_of_joy:

"Hi guys, I'm a nonbinary woman who likes women, and I think I've got multiple people living inside me. Oh, and my girlfriend and I are going to get out of poverty by making dice. Pls no bully."

Hey MARVEL. This is the demographics you are basing your future sales and survival of the company on?

What about you make products for normal people that actually have money for discretionary spending?

Artisian dice making business. lol. Jesus christ. I have heard a lot of really retarded business ideas but this must take the cake.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
This author, man :messenger_tears_of_joy:

"Hi guys, I'm a nonbinary woman who likes women, and I think I've got multiple people living inside me. Oh, and my girlfriend and I are going to get out of poverty by making dice. Pls no bully."

This has got to be a joke account, right?


Pandering is stupid.

Pandering so blatantly to a market that is this extremely niche is insane.

Like they're trying to bury any possibility of their stories being believable. Suspension of disbelief? Who needs it! We'll be printing money with all these gay brownie points we're earning!

Oh wait.... "hey gays? GAAAYS? WHERE ARE YOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo...."


(not aimed at you, aimed at the tweet)
So we are now at the stage where we celebrate severe mental illness instead of making sure they get the treatment they need to function normally.

Oh, no, I guarantee at least 90% (if not more) of the people on Twitter and elsewhere referring to themselves as “plural systems” do it because they think it sounds cool to say they have Loki and Jesus Christ living in their heads arguing with each other.


You've never heard of multiple systems before? You horrible pluralphobe!

This is made up bullshit. Unless they have Dissociative Identity Disorder.


Dissociative identity disorder, previously called multiple personality disorder, is usually a reaction to trauma as a way to help a person avoid bad memories.
Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality identities. Each may have a unique name, personal history, and characteristics.
Treatment is talk therapy.
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