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Marvel Phase Four Schedule


Gold Member
So I am assuming Doctor Doom will be introduced in FF. Will be interesting to see how Marvel portrays him for the film. So far the Doctor Doom we have seen on screen, has not been very impressive.

I am hoping for an R rated Blade.
I don't follow comic stuff. But always thought Doctor Doom is awesome. His green elf kind of costume is weird. Reading more about him, he's got that odd combo of good and bad and indifference making him have so many avenues for a good story.

Give him movie on his own.



I guess I should be more clear on this.

I don’t want to devote 10+ hours into watching a lower budget what amounts to a drawn out movie. There is a reason I’ve tried to watch agents of shield, Luke cage, daredevil, and Jessica Jones and just got bored an episode or two in. It’s been nice for 23 movies that all those were kept separate with super minimal crossover.

That’s my gripe.

Apparently the shows will be 6-8 episodes only and big budget. They are helmed by Marvel Studios unlike SHIELD and the Netflix shows. The quality should stay high, especially since they are officially part of phase 4.

People in here still wishing for Marvel failure? Even though the last 5 out of 6 films have made a billion? Really?
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Gold Member
Apparently the shows will be 6-8 episodes only and big budget. They are helmed by Marvel Studios unlike SHIELD and the Netflix shows. The quality should stay high, especially since they are officially part of phase 4.
That's good to hear.

I had my hopes up for Punisher. Slogged through season 1 and bailed I think 3 episodes into season 2.

Way too boring and slow. And too much drama. This series would have been perfect in a 6-8 episode format with the fat cut out of it.


Cool, but where's my Spider-Man 3?
I'm hoping for a 2021 release so maybe it's the untitled Summer 2021 film?

Other than Spider-Man I guess I'm most exciting to see the MCUs version of Blade and since that's being played by an actor that was in Luke Cage I'm hoping that means that they can re-cast and finally give us a Daredevil film in the future.


Ah the transformers defense....🙄

Don't bring up user reviews. There was 100% a smear campaign by people that hated Bree Larson.

Released April last year, 15 months ago
56,000 reviews.

Released March this year, 4 months ago.
90,000 reviews.

It took Homecoming over 2 years to reach 100k reviews. And Ragnarok and Black Panther a year to a year and a half to reach 90k reviews.
Curious to see Shang-Chi, Blade, Fantastic Four (assuming it'll actually be good this time), and when it's confirmed Spider-Man 3.

I'm especially excited for anything Spider-Man featuring Tom Holland.

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Perpetually Offended
Curious to see Shang-Chi, Blade, Fantastic Four (assuming it'll actually be good this time), and when it's confirmed Spider-Man 3.

I'm especially excited for anything Spider-Man featuring Tom Holland.


As far as Hulk... Blame Universal Studios. They won't sell the rights to him to Disney and they're the only way there will be a Hulk movie... Through them.

Mister Apoc

Demigod of Troll Threads
does anyone get that feeling. Of all the phase 4 movies, Strange seems to be the most cosmic. I feel like the villains he will fight will be more powerful than the villians that the heroes from the other phase 4 movies fight?

is this accurate?


Honestly I have franchise fatigue. Zero interest in watching anything else from here after FFH and it was fantastic.
Infinity War is my jumping off point. these are decent movies but thinking back on them, none of them ever really stood out for me. Endgame turning into a clip show only reinforced that, wow I do remember seeing the first Avengers movie, and it wasn't all that amazing, i mean it was ok, but sitting there having some company wax nostalgic over this sort of decent movie, i was like, gah, what a waste of time.

honestly i felt like Endgame was crap. the story was just dumb as fuck. the heroes, they are less likeable the more films gets made. there are no consequences to anything ever. the "thrill of seeing all the characters together onscreen" is just, i dunno, hasn't this already been done? am i supposed to be blown away by a shot with 30 characters when i've already seen shots with like a dozen? they are all disposable, they don't ever really do anything heroic, and despite having lived with these films for a decade now, i don't feel part of this grand narrative they are forcing. even if a character dies, it doesn't matter, a prequel will come out a year later, or they will go back in time. hard to get invested when nothing matters.

not to say they will stop making these. comic fatigue will have zero impact. Disney holds all IP for the youth of multiple generations of consumers and they are the world's largest IP company, they will continue pumping out shit and making money like they rigged the game. cos they have.
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As far as Hulk... Blame Universal Studios. They won't sell the rights to him to Disney and they're the only way there will be a Hulk movie... Through them.
That's lame. At least X-Men has been confirmed for the MCU, possibly as early as 2023 to give the franchise some breathing room.

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I don't follow comic stuff. But always thought Doctor Doom is awesome. His green elf kind of costume is weird. Reading more about him, he's got that odd combo of good and bad and indifference making him have so many avenues for a good story.

Give him movie on his own.

I love reading comics but the only characters I've followed in that kind of format were Spider-Man and Batman.

J. Michael Straczynski's early 2000s run of The Amazing Spider-Man is a must-read; I actually collected all of the volumes. I stopped reading The Amazing Spider-Man around the time Spider-Man was fighting Zodiac and running Parker Industries. It's very fun to get engrossed in a good comic but I typically hold out for when the issues are re-released in a single volume format.

Nowadays it's less appealing because of the focus on character ethnicities and social media text bubbles. Marvel are trying to target a younger, "woke" generation of readers, I guess.
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Unconfirmed Member
In a different timeline I bet they use women that actually physically resemble the women from the comics and not just mediocre actresses with 3 to 4 lines of dialogue per film.

Gun Animal

Scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I wonder what Disney will do once people lose interest in their comic book properties.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel is what the MCU is all about. Marvel had already sold the movie rights to all their popular franchises (Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Hulk) when Disney bought them. Nobody gave a shit about Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, GOTG, Antman, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel etc until the MCU. Those all worked out. It's reasonable to assume that These new adaptations will be successful as well.

I'm expecting Shang-Chi to perform poorly in the US because a lot of Americans won't take much interst in a mostly Asian-Cast film with an Asian lead, unfortunately, but the Chinese market is huge so it should at least break even. Everything else seems solid---Black Widow and the Eternals will be carried by their lead Actresses alone. Multiverse of Madness and Love & Thunder are guaranteed blockbusters.

My biggest disappointment here is that it looks like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 got pushed back even further into 2022 at least. It also looks like we'll be skipping Spider-Man: Graduation and going straight into a College-Age Spider-Man, since we're not getting a new one until at least 2022.
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I'm up for Lady Thor but not so sure about Portman since she seemed kinda just there in the other films, lol

I dunno, the other choice is having Valkyrie be lady Thor but I'm not fond of the actress.


Yup, excellent example, can't name anyone who'd be a better fit for Captain Marvel. Kinda like RDJ for Stark.

Nintendo really need to hit her up for a Metroid movie.

Fox Mulder

My biggest disappointment here is that it looks like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 got pushed back even further into 2022 at least.

It sucks. Firing James Gunn was dumb and they brought him back after he signed on to do Suicide Squad, which isn't coming out until 2021.


Couldn't care less about any of those movies listed. My girlfriend is going to lose her shit when she sees this Thor news lol, she really enjoys the current MCU Thor for obvious reasons, and generally dislikes disruptive woke/feminist antics.


Gold Member
shocked the world doesnt have superhero franchise fatigue yet. blows my mind. it doesnt even need lore, they could just reboot each character every movie and itll sell on formulaic vfx action film and IP name alone

shocked disney hasnt tried their hand at videogame or anime properties yet tbh. i think theyre just slow playing until marvel is on romcom/b-tier comedy level trash
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Gold Member
What has been announced is the entire Phase Four, no Avengers movies.

“It is the complete Phase Four the way I announced the complete Phase Three five years ago – things can move, things can change as they did if you go back and look at what we talked about five years ago for Phase Three, but we’ve been working on this for quite a while and it’s pretty set. But there are always changes possible.”

Spoilers on where the Black Widow movie is going.
We had a movie this year called Avengers: Endgame, and it is very much an ending, as you saw, to so many of those characters. So Phase 4 is about beginnings, and Phase 4 is about learning new things about characters you already think you know like Black Widow, meeting incredible new characters like The Eternals and Shang-Chi, going on new adventures with Doctor Strange and Thor, and these Disney+ shows which I promise will be spectacular and not what anybody’s expecting..

Phase Five already planned out
“We debated what we should announce today. Should we announce 4 and 5? We’ve planned them out, we’ve got five years down the road and I was like, I think eleven projects in two years is plenty. Having not mentioned anything for two or three years.”

Avengers will be back eventually
“[It’ll be a] very different team than we’ve seen before. That’s what Endgame was all about. It will be a very different incarnation of the team with some people you’ve already met and some people you haven’t met yet.”

Mahershala wanted the Blade role
Finally, he also briefly discussed “Blade” with THR, saying it was Mahershala Ali himself who called Marvel where he was very upfront about his desire to make a new Blade movie. Feige added: “When Marhershala calls, you answer.”

I enjoyed Bree as captain marvel, i liked the cut of her gib and overall attitude. The new 007 who played alongside her though...she didn't read well IMO.

Anyway. No thanks for Blade. The first blade is one of the best action/horror(?) films of all time. Blade 2 and 3 are a fucking travesty.

Go back and watch the trilogy back to back. 2 and 3 are terrible compared to 1. Even with the cast, 3 couldn't be saved.

Top keks if Blade is played by Ryan Reynolds though and they go all Deadpool with Snipes as his mentor ala whistler.
Isn’t that just the Fox New Mutants movie?
As I understand it, New Mutants is the last movie in the current X-Men film franchise which is separate canon from the MCU. I'm actually not sure where you got "New Mutants confirmed for Phase 4" in the article listed in the OP.

"There's no time left to talk about mutants and how mutants fit into the MCU." ~Kevin Feige

Phase 5 movies will probably extend to 2023 which should be enough time to reboot the X-Men.
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My biggest disappointment here is that it looks like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 got pushed back even further into 2022 at least. It also looks like we'll be skipping Spider-Man: Graduation and going straight into a College-Age Spider-Man, since we're not getting a new one until at least 2022.

We won't necessarily skip graduation, MCU time line is currently set in 2024 after Endgame. By the time we get a new Spider-Man 3 it will be 2022 or 2023, it will almost align with MCU time line.


We won't necessarily skip graduation, MCU time line is currently set in 2024 after Endgame. By the time we get a new Spider-Man 3 it will be 2022 or 2023, it will almost align with MCU time line.

I hope we don't have to wait until 2022 or 2023 for Spider-Man 3.
Homecoming was 2017 so there was only a two year gap between releases.


Looking forward to Cap Marvel 2. I have a feeling the film is going to open on a panning shot of New Asgard. It will zoom into the window of Valkyrie’s bedroom. The camera will be focused on a Valkyrie, sleeping comfortably in her luxurious bed. Then, from behind, we see a strong, yet feminine, female’s arm reach around Valkyrie’s body, giving her a loving squeeze. A smiling, blonde haired goddess, slowly rises up, from behind Valkyrie’s shoulder, and kisses Valkyrie on the neck, with a good morning whisper. Valkyrie smiles back at Carol and the two of them wise crack, back and forth, but it will be really hard to hear the dialogue because of all the cheering from the audience.

When the actual plot kicks in, we will find Captain Marvel is having a problem with her powers and may even temporarily lose them. She will rise to the challenge and defeat the evil using only her natural abilities and prove to the world that she is amazing even without powers. Then she will get her powers back, and officially proclaim herself the new leader of the Avengers.
Don't you know how race swapping characters works? It's a one way street.
This wasn't about race but more of a jab at how silly the script got. I like Reynolds but he shouldn't have been cast in Blade.

So if he became the new blade, the franchise would be more deadpool and less blade


I felt that she looked bored in the movies. Marvel is generally good so we will see I suppose.

If you are talking about Natalie Portman, there is a world of difference between phase 2 Marvel Studios and phase 3 Marvel Studios.
Marvel Studios was kept in line by corporate a lot more in phase 2 and so there wasn't as much creative freedom. Portman's character didn't have a lot to do in that 2nd film but she was locked in to a contract. She obviously hated her time on the 2nd film but the very fact that she is returning for Thor 4 shows that she will have a meatier role and she is much more inspired.

She is a great actor and I'm personally positive that she will shine in the new film.


The only one I'm really interested in is Dr Strange multiverse . Maybe I can get the full on cosmic story that I was hoping endgame would've been . I'm talking Eternity ,, Living Tribunal sort of cosmic.


Elden Member

Hmm. Who wants to take a guess at which film will see 1 Billion+? The only one I see having a chance is Thor and Fantastic 4. Doctor Strange will probably be great, but I cant imagine him being a Billion dollar pull. Hawkeye and Blackwidow I imagine as being poorly recieved. Eternals will be a hard sell, 100% dependant on marketing, but it could be another GOTG case. Too little is known about blade, hell do we even know if its considered part of the MCU as a whole? I dont understand how they'll just shoe horn vampires into the mix now.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I noticed there's not much excitement for Eternals.

I don't know a whole lot about Eternals but from what I've read about of the comics, it could be a lot of fun.


Perpetually Offended
I noticed there's not much excitement for Eternals.

I don't know a whole lot about Eternals but from what I've read about of the comics, it could be a lot of fun.

I'm looking forward to it!


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm looking forward to it!
Same here, bruv.

I love cosmic Marvel and the fact that the inspiration for the original comic was Chariots of the Gods.

Kinda surprised there's little to no excitement at least here on it but I can empathize with the cape shit burn out.

I thought Rachel Weisz was in this movie though. Still a beautiful member of the tribe especially at her age. I guess she's in one of the other Marvel films.

What did catch me off guard is Eternals is coming out this year. I thought it was a year or two away. No good pics or trailers yet though but I guess they're saving that for the Super Bowl.
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