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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Weirdly the thing that's got me rattled isn't so much the lethality of it - it's obviously shit but I mean in my head I know what you're saying but there's still that nagging 'what if' but the bigger worry as stupid as it sounds is what the buggering hell is going to happen after. I mean the global economy is heading for fuckery and the question is whether I'll be able to continue supporting my wife, whether people around me will end up in poverty, what that will drive people to, etc. I honestly hope the government has the right plan to keep people alive economically as well as in health.

Same situation bro.

In the last year we literally moved into our dream apartment right on the beach with amazing views, infinity pools and all the facilities you could wish for. It's basically paradise but at home and we spent the previous 5 years grafting and suffering so we could make this move. Now this comes and it's like what if it was all for nothing? What if we will no longer be able to sustain what we worked towards etc.

Now that I type that out it seems incredibly selfish but my worry in the last couple of days has also shifted to the economy having seen how quickly things have become quiet business wise.

But firstly the priority should be the health of everyone and then we worry about the economy afterwards. If we have to make some changes in our lives after it's all over but the upshot is less people get sick then so be it.

Being stuck indoors with my wife who now also has to work from home and not even being able to use the gym is doing a number on me lol.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
So question from a PA guy. We were told to close non essential businesses and avoid large gatherings

My job involves driving from my home to another person's private residence (usually a suburban house) in a private vehicle. So does that count? Or is just public business fronts like retail that they were talking about because that's the only one they mentioned specifically
Weirdly the thing that's got me rattled isn't so much the lethality of it - it's obviously shit but I mean in my head I know what you're saying but there's still that nagging 'what if' but the bigger worry as stupid as it sounds is what the buggering hell is going to happen after. I mean the global economy is heading for fuckery and the question is whether I'll be able to continue supporting my wife, whether people around me will end up in poverty, what that will drive people to, etc. I honestly hope the government has the right plan to keep people alive economically as well as in health.
You're not alone in your worries. Try to cover your gaps as best you can and pray.

I hope you're right. If so we should see things settle down in the next few weeks and hopefully we can all return to normal ASAP.

The next 2-3 weeks will be critical everywhere.
I don't think we'll return to normal for at least a year. Industries will be eager to get back to work (and in fact China is already back to work and is restoring supply chains) but people will be leery about going out and spending money, unless it is to prep.

For anyone concerned about food, I always recommend learning how to sprout. Mung beans, lentils, and whole mustard seeds are readily available, cheap, often in bulk. Anyone worried about having fresh veggies in a disaster need merely to sprout them on their own countertop.
Friend living in Taiwan just posted this on another forum. Looks like they are smashing it.

Taiwan has a wonderful National Health Service, with a vibrant community of Doctors. People desire to become Doctors, and there’s an abundance of them.

Taiwanese are also habitual mask users regardless of this outbreak, and certain manufacturing companies have changed their output to enable enough masks arrive at pharmacies throughout the country.

It helps that Taiwan is relatively small, with a 23 million population, an island, so early and decisive quarantine, self isolation, and strict rules regarding what to do for each individual were implemented as soon as China started to obfuscate its responsibilities.

We had a 2 week school closure we’ll before any other country, and all public spaces have access to hand sanitiser spray.
If you feel ill, there is a hotline number 1922, to phone, they give advice in all languages, if you are under quarantine then the government will provide you with 25 quid a day per person in your household, free food deliveries on a daily basis, and phone you 3 times a day to follow their instructions, like asking how your symptoms are, etc. If your symptoms get worse they send a CDC team in, to evacuate you to a specific hospital.

Schools classes will be closed if a single student is confirmed, and the entire school closed if 2 students in the school get it. Th3 entire county school system gets shut down, including unis and colleges, if over 12% of the school’s have closed.
I mean, they are on top of it, the numbers haven’t gone up from the 45 cases or so. They did go up today, but that was because 9 people arrived back to Taiwan from a package tour of Eygpt, but they were known and have been quarantined immediately.

I have a feeling it’ll only take one idiot to spread it to an uncontainable level, but it hasn’t happened yet.
3 weeks ago, one guy who had to self quarantine, went off on a tour of Taiwan instead. Turns out he didn’t have Coronavirus, but the government fined him $1,000,000 Taiwanese Dollars. Which is about £27,000, as a warning to other mental deficients.

Fair play to the authorities over here.


This chart displays hospitalization rates among those who showed up to the doctor complaining about symptoms.

From the start, doctors confirmed (and continue to confirm) that ~80% of people are asymptomatic or have mild-enough symptoms that they never show up to get it checked.

Not only does this imply it is far more widespread than official reports (I think most would agree on that), but it's also far less deadly than these charts are indicating. If you have ~184k cases worldwide and 7,182 deaths yeah that's a pretty big deal.

But what if the total number of infected is actually in the millions / tens of millions? Suddenly that death toll doesn't look so alarming, now does it?

In my mind, the only missing variable is to check how many people already have coronavirus antibodies in their system (a very different test and probably harder to conduct). I'd expect that millions upon millions have already gotten the virus and recovered without seeing a doctor once.

This is so true. People must understand that the statistics given here apply to people who have seen a doctor and tested positive. All mild courses or generally all courses without tests are missing in the statistics. The percentages given are therefore in reality MUCH lower.


This is so true. People must understand that the statistics given here apply to people who have seen a doctor and tested positive. All mild courses or generally all courses without tests are missing in the statistics. The percentages given are therefore in reality MUCH lower.

While this is true, we also shouldn't make up things here as well. Thinking *millions on millions* got the virus already and recovered is as unsubstantiated as thinking the numbers are 100% accurate already. Nobody expects the death rate to be 9% by the end of this whole thing.

Don't panic, but don't take it lightly. Both things are extremly dangerous. And in the end, regardless of actual numbers. Our healthcare systems are in danger anyway. They already crash. See: Italy, Spain and France.
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While this is true, we also shouldn't make up things here as well. Thinking *millions on millions* got the virus already and recovered is as unsubstantiated as thinking the numbers are 100% accurate already. Nobody expects the death rate to be 9% by the end of this whole thing.

Don't panic, but don't take it lightly. Both things are extremly dangerous. And in the end, regardless of actual numbers. Our healthcare systems are in danger anyway. They already crash.

I don't think there's an unreported number in the millions. But even if the number of unreported cases is only twice as high (and it is certainly much higher), the death rates and the percentage of critical cases are already falling sharply.

The situation is of course serious either way. This disease, if spread unchecked, has the potential to kill millions on this planet. These are then not only people who die from the coronavirus, but also people who could have been affected by anything, but who cannot be treated due to overburdened hospitals.
People just have to stop thinking only about themselves, especially if they are under 50 or have no previous illnesses.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
I don't think there's an unreported number in the millions. But even if the number of unreported cases is only twice as high (and it is certainly much higher), the death rates and the percentage of critical cases are already falling sharply.

The situation is of course serious either way. This disease, if spread unchecked, has the potential to kill millions on this planet. These are then not only people who die from the coronavirus, but also people who could have been affected by anything, but who cannot be treated due to overburdened hospitals.
People just have to stop thinking only about themselves, especially if they are under 50 or have no previous illnesses.
Especially if they have plenty of food at home already. Like geez how much pasta and such do you need? Think of others for goodness sake
While this is true, we also shouldn't make up things here as well. Thinking *millions on millions* got the virus already and recovered is as unsubstantiated as thinking the numbers are 100% accurate already. Nobody expects the death rate to be 9% by the end of this whole thing.

Don't panic, but don't take it lightly. Both things are extremly dangerous. And in the end, regardless of actual numbers. Our healthcare systems are in danger anyway. They already crash. See: Italy, Spain and France.
No one is taking it lightly.

Brainless panic is just as dangerous, if not moreso.

So when people point out facts (like the high infection rate with mild or no symptoms) to help put minds at ease, we're all on the same side.

The "millions upon millions" is based on the high rate of spread / infection, the long dormancy, and the delay between outbreak and lockdown. News of the virus was leaked in November. Countries have only really started locking down within the last 30 days. Why aren't the bodies already piling up?

Like I already said, most people would agree that we are vastly underestimating the total number of infected, it's just a matter of how much we are underestimating.

Without an abundance of tests AND the high false-positive rate of the tests, it seems plausible that the numbers we are being given only shows a portion of the full picture.


7 confirmed cases in my area now and 1 death but I suspect the number of asymptotic cases is going to be higher.

We’ve already cancelled a number of planned social events, already started social distancing standing a few steps back from people. Got some backup food in just in case but will be heading out tomorrow to gather more.


I've had an itchy throat since yesterday with no fever, malaise, aches, or chills. Actually had some phlegm deep down that came out me earlier.

A friend of mine who is a doctor suspects that it could acute upper respiratory infection and not coronavirus.

Lad, do I have coronavirus?


Get this shit you savages:

I am using this due to Psoriasis for years and it's better than any toilet paper.

I don't like using these but we have them because they are standard in the middle east. I'll use it if I have to because it beats fighting on the streets for toilet paper.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I don't like using these but we have them because they are standard in the middle east. I'll use it if I have to because it beats fighting on the streets for toilet paper.
Well if you are located somewhere where this is standard, then you probably do not have to fight for toilet paper though : )


I've had an itchy throat since yesterday with no fever, malaise, aches, or chills. Actually had some phlegm deep down that came out me earlier.

A friend of mine who is a doctor suspects that it could acute upper respiratory infection and not coronavirus.

Lad, do I have coronavirus?
Without a test you never know ,best is to self quarantine.

If you life in The Netherlands just spread away so that we get immunization.
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Well if you are located somewhere where this is standard, then you probably do not have to fight for toilet paper though : )

This is true actually lol. It's the bottled water here that is fast becoming short in supply. The toilet paper aisle was full yesterday.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
This is true actually lol. It's the bottled water here that is fast becoming short in supply. The toilet paper aisle was full yesterday.
It's probably hot in there, I would guess too. Or not? I was only in Dubai, that's my whole middle eastern adventure. And well all of it was waiting a day for plane : D And that to me, which was in....mmmmm....in May, was pretty unbearable, but air is definitely different there.
Jordan's security forces prepared to "use force" to enforce virus lockdown

Jordan’s Directorate of General Security have said they are “prepared to use force” to enforce the kingdom’s coronavirus lockdown, according to state-owned Jordan News Agency.

Security forces said they will use all the means available to them, including “the use of appropriate force to implement the decisions that aim to protect citizens and preserve their safety.”

On Tuesday, the kingdom announced a two-week lockdown to stop the spread of the pandemic.

People can only leave their homes in cases of “extreme necessity,” public transport has been suspended, and work in the private and public sector has also been temporarily stopped. Only “emergency” medical surgeries and consultations are permitted.

The country’s military is also set to deploy at the entrances and exits of main cities. The government has banned people from moving between provinces.

Jordan has 35 confirmed cases of the Covid-19 virus. More than 4,700 people are in quarantine, according to Minister of Health Saad Jaber.

Jordan's security forces prepared to "use force" to enforce virus lockdown

Jordan’s Directorate of General Security have said they are “prepared to use force” to enforce the kingdom’s coronavirus lockdown, according to state-owned Jordan News Agency.

Security forces said they will use all the means available to them, including “the use of appropriate force to implement the decisions that aim to protect citizens and preserve their safety.”

On Tuesday, the kingdom announced a two-week lockdown to stop the spread of the pandemic.

People can only leave their homes in cases of “extreme necessity,” public transport has been suspended, and work in the private and public sector has also been temporarily stopped. Only “emergency” medical surgeries and consultations are permitted.

The country’s military is also set to deploy at the entrances and exits of main cities. The government has banned people from moving between provinces.

Jordan has 35 confirmed cases of the Covid-19 virus. More than 4,700 people are in quarantine, according to Minister of Health Saad Jaber.

Wow. It's coming to Europe too. France will be first. Macaroni will be like "You didn't listen. Now I'm croissant. I warned you. But you didn't listen. Violence baguettes violence."

Seriously though, this sucks. There will be violence if this doesn't ease off. Britain are still doing it right - it's the only way to keep civilization going.
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It's probably hot in there, I would guess too. Or not? I was only in Dubai, that's my whole middle eastern adventure. And well all of it was waiting a day for plane : D And that to me, which was in....mmmmm....in May, was pretty unbearable, but air is definitely different there.

It's not actually too bad yet (30°C) but the tap water here is liquid ass so everyone drinks bottled water. It's probably the one thing that is universally used by everyone (regardless of background) across the country.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Company's finally taking it seriously, I'm gonna be working from home soon for the foreseeable future. Software dev with basically no reason to be in an office.

If I would have said literally yesterday that I was going to start working from home they'd have had questions, but today thanks to "new medical evidence provided to the UK government" we're suddenly going on lockdown. Ridiculous that it's taken so long when half the staff can work from home no problem.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
It's not actually too bad yet but the tap water here is liquid ass so everyone drinks bottled water. It's probably the one thing that is universally used by everyone (regardless of background) across the country.
And well that's far more frightening, if the water runs out. Here we even can drink tap water, I don't do that, but it's perfectly fine. So I hope that in your place shit does not hit the fan.


Gold Member
+142 dead in 24 h. + 2000 new infected (Spain)

People skipping the lockdown by walking TOY DOGS on the street. Another one dressed in a dinosaur costume, just for the lolz.

Checking out the news feels like seeing a live-action South Park show.

As for the blaming game, we all know that every superpower in this world (China, USA, Russia) have ultra-secret research labs developing funny things to fuck up the world in the most imaginative ways possible. It was just a matter of time that an accident like this happened. It's on humans to be that self-destructive.
Wow. It's coming to Europe too. France will be first. Macaroni will be like "You didn't listen. Now I'm croissant. I warned you. But you didn't listen. Violence baguettes violence."

Seriously though, this sucks. There will be violence if this doesn't ease off. Britain are still doing it right - it's the only way to keep civilization going.

Jprdan always seemed to be very laid back people, hopefully they don't break quarantine and use of force does not become a thing. Sure things can get messy but hope the very least not near Iran levels of messy.

France I would think if only a mob of people start to protest, not sure when other countries would go into panic and start getting messy.
People should just chill out and don't panic we are all facing the same mess.
Jprdan always seemed to be very laid back people, hopefully they don't break quarantine and use of force does not become a thing. Sure things can get messy but hope the very least not near Iran levels of messy.

France I would think if only a mob of people start to protest, not sure when other countries would go into panic and start getting messy.
People should just chill out and don't panic we are all facing the same mess.

It's dumb and a mess. Executing people in public because they may or may not have the flu. Cool.


Gold Member
This is so true. People must understand that the statistics given here apply to people who have seen a doctor and tested positive. All mild courses or generally all courses without tests are missing in the statistics. The percentages given are therefore in reality MUCH lower.

There is such an overwhelming number of normal flu/cold/allergy cases, that we should be getting much higher negatives if we could test everyone with symptoms.

But test are giving so sparingly, that only the ones that are highly suspect would get the test to begin with. Until we get a better handle on the denominator, the percentages mean little.
New York City mayor says he's "absolutely considering" a shelter in place order

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said he is "absolutely considering" ordering the city's residents to shelter in place during the coronavirus pandemic.

"Right now we have taken a series of steps to reduce the number of people who are circulating around," he said. "But we're going to look at all other options, and it could get to that for sure."

New York City has already closed schools, ordered restaurants to offer takeout and delivery only and encouraged workers to telecommute if they can.

Nearly seven million people living in a wide swath of Northern California, including Silicon Valley, have been ordered to shelter in place. The order went into effect at midnight Monday.

Nope, no one is excuting people in public, not even North Korea.

I was going a bit hyperbolic there, sorry, it's just my weird sense of humour. But martial law exists for that purpose, of enforcing law and order. I don't want to see martial law at all in Europe, and I am already worried about the comedown after all is said and done. Is the day coming when the first bullet flies in Europe for someone buying loo roll?
more reports coming in for the day, BNO does not seem to tweet as much so I have to take the screencaps


the numbers go up as the day goes on, USA by the end of the day had over 900 on Monday so don't expect a decline just yet


Chicago is getting pretty bad. Wife and I both work from home status, all bars and restaurants closed...coffee shops...gyms...movie theaters. We're basically down to gas/grocery/pharmacy. Still healthy though! Fingers crossed we (and all of you) stay that way!

Euro 2020 postponed until 2021 amid coronavirus pandemic, Norwegian FA says
From CNN's Ben Church

UEFA has decided to postpone this year's European Championship until 2021 because of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, according to the Norwegian FA.
The soccer tournament had been due to kick off in Rome, Italy, on June 12 and was to be played in 12 different host cities across the continent.
At an emergency meeting Tuesday, European football's governing body ruled the competition will now be played between June 11 to July 11 next year, says the Norwegian FA, which is one of UEFA's 55 members associations. UEFA has yet to confirm the decision.
Read the full story here.
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