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Mass Effect: Andromeda | Review Thread (READ MOD POST)


not me
The reviews are quite polarising no? I imagine this game would have hit the upper 80s if it got the technical issues right.

Personally I think it will sell well regardless of opinions, Mass Effect has that kind of draw. If Bioware are smart they will get to updating and addressing these issues immediately and put out some awesome DLC for later this year. Much like Witcher 3 did, that had many new animations added, a UI overhaul and many more.

I think another thing to consider here is that the team that worked on this is pretty much new to this franchise.

I'd like to believe it's the technical​ issues, but the key point for me is that reviewers typically praise BW story and characters almost universally as a plus, whereas here the reaction to that aspect is mixed at best. That's pretty worrying to me, since BW could fuck up everything in a game and I'd still.love it because of their character writing (coughDA2cough).


The reviews and Quick Look have confirmed what I already suspected would be the failings of Andromeda. The game has taken a tonal shift away from the more dire and epic conflict of prior games in favor of a lighter tone with more exploration. Without the high stakes and central driving story, what makes Mass Effect a Mass Effect game is simply gone. We can nitpick over the technical glitches all day but that would have been only an amusing side issue if the story had pulled us in.

I have to dissagree with this idea that a Mass Effect game has to have high stakes with a world ending threat constantly pushing the narrative. Andromeda was sold to us as a new story that introduces a brand new galaxy to explore, key word being explore. The tonal shift to being explorers is what appealed the most to me. Maybe there will be some new epic threat to deal with, but they cant just throw that in right at the get go. The whole point of this new mission is to find a new home for mankind in some far off galaxy that noone has ever been too.
Bargain bin confirmed. Maybe we'll actually see that Mass Effect trilogy remaster now so they can squeeze out a few more dollars before shelving the franchise for a while.


I hope EA learns the real lesson of the original Mass Effect for the inevitable sequel. You can mess with amount of exploration or gameplay all you want, but the story is what anchors the series. The stakes need to be raised, and the player's decisions need to have weight. Characters need to be complex and unique enough to be memorable. Finally, for bonus points the game should touch on issues or themes larger than itself.

I don't even think it's that. Wrex aside, the original Me1s characters are actually pretty crappy for Bioware. Kaiden and Ashely were both "meh", Garrus was boring as hell, and Liara was so annoying and so eager to jump into bed with you it was embarrassing. It took Me2 to turn the both of them into the absolutely stellar cast mates they ended up becoming.

What made Me1 work for me was the overarching narrative - it was the closest I've ever come in a game to feeling like I'm in a giant big budget sci-fi experience. The aliens, the reapers, the Geth, the Citedal - that's what made it work for me. that's what got me past the incredibly badly designed MAKO sequences, the cardboard cut-out enemies and the monotonous as hell collection quests and base design. Shepherd's conversation with Sovereign was *amazing* - and Virgil's revelation was a pay-off worth waiting for. The final sequence, running up the side of the citedal and then ordering the human fleet into battle to protect the Destiny's ascension is one of my favourite endings of all times in a game.

That's one thing I've been worried about for a while with ME:A - it seems to just be recreating the original game. It has a replacement citedal, the squad seems the same as in ME1, and they have utterly failed in the marketing to sell me on the overarching plot. Me1 and Me2 had fantatsic trailers and previews that made me want to know more - this game hasn't. It seems that's because it doesn't have those same, incredibly strong narrative beats,


Gold Member
To be fair, they could spend less money by focusing on telling a great story and making the game linear and less expansive. Mass Effect doesn't really need to be some huge, super long open world game. Bioware was at their best with things like KOTOR and the ME triology that gave players some freedom on what order to tackle main story areas but otherwise was pretty linear.

oh, yeah, i'm sure you're right. but the question is: if this game flops, financially, is ea gonna be in the mood to even give bioware another chance? :) ...

Or "let's shut down this studio"

yeah, there's that, too :) ...


unfortunately, depending on sales, i think the lesson ea could just a easily take from this: 'if we have to spend even more money on this franchise in order to create something 'acceptable', well, screw mass effect!' :) ...

Yeah, I think "fuck it" is a much more likely response. Especially considering how ugly the Mass Effect community has gotten now in two back to back games.


Omg. I hope all the GameStop clerks around the country at least TRY to warn people before they cash them out for this game.

About a game with a meta in the 70's?

WTF is that? Joke post? This has to be, right? Is this game Too Human or something? Each of the reviews has an opinion on how they react to the game. I can't even..
That's because Destiny was mostly structured like an MMO and its DLC expanded on it as such. ME: A's DLC's just gonna be some extra quests.
Destiny from the start was praised for its great gameplay. It was just missing a good context for it. The gameplay was a great anchor that DLC could fix. Gameplay has never been Mass Effect's strength. It's been serviceable enough to let the story and environment shine. DLC can't retcon the 10s of hours in the base game. That's always going to have to stand on what it is...which is disappointing. Also judging by Andromeda, the devs don't seem to be up to the task. It's hard to see great Mass Effect content coming out of that shop.
Or "let's shut down this studio"

I think this is the most likely scenario. Bioware Montreal was clearly not ready to fully develop a AAA game on their own, which is a shame because they ARE very good at combat design. Unfortunately it seems they needed more help on just about everything else. I could easily see EA dissolving that studio now and extracting the top talent back to Edmonton.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
It makes me wonder if they hadn't done what they did to themselves with the ending of the trilogy...how long could they have successfully ran with Shepard as the main protagonist and just kept slightly adjusting formula?

I wonder how long people would've just kept eating it up if they had figured out a way to go that route instead of basically forcing themselves out of the Milky Way post trilogy and doing the reboot.

I think it was time to move on. None (or at least few) of the complaints are really the setting changing, or even the new characters (beyond bad dialogue writing at time).

Even if they had kept Shepard, they really needed to get out of the Milky Way. The Reaper threat needed wrapped up, and a big appeal of space games is getting out of the known galaxy IMO. So that's something they got right. They just need to get a more compelling story and better writing in place if they get to do a sequel. Along with fixing the tech issues of course.
I don't understand the knocks against the combat. From what I've played, granted on pc so 60+fps, the combat is soooo good.

I think this is the most likely scenario. Bioware Montreal was clearly not ready to fully develop a AAA game on their own, which is a shame because they ARE very good at combat design. Unfortunately it seems they needed more help on just about everything else. I could easily see EA dissolving that studio now and extracting the top talent back to Edmonton.

Yeah, agreed.
Did Destiny fans believe that? I had fun in my 10 hr trial. Quite frankly I don't trust the game journalist industry. I'll judge it on my own merits. Others will do so. Wallets will speak eventually.

Probably because there's nothing else like it. I agree with you, just saying.

Because from what I've played it' still good. A lot of the issues this game has aren't actually out of line with the rest of the series. Having said that, it's 2017 and this is the 4th entry in a beloved series, so it's not even remotely unreasonable to expect more (new team or not). I don't think anyone would be wrong to feel disappointed with Andromeda but you can be disappointed with something and still like it.

Thanks for the responses, and I agree with you all actually. My example would be the ones others are mentioning: Destiny. Fun gameplay, hours spent, but nothing to brag about when it came to story or characters. I just stand with my position about spending $60 for this specific Mass Effect, a series where story and characters were a fascination with the fans.


Unconfirmed Member
These are about the scores I was expecting. Not terrible but not great either. I'll pick it up for $20-30 sometime later.
Goddamn that's a fucking great ACG review, the compass pointed to ass bit got me laughing for a good 5 minutes straight. Awesome stuff Karak!


Does any of the reviews focus on insanity difficulty?

I have always felt Mass Effect 2 and 3 are better when played on insanity. I think the combat moves to a different level. I would like to hear from people that have played the full game on insanity, and their thoughts on the combat.

Also, one review I read said you have less control over your team...does that mean no more hotkey skill use when you want to set up combos?

Ray Down

I mean, dude that's how game development works. Any game you've heard thats been in development "For 5 years" started that in pre-production with full scale development being shorter. Guerrilla made Horizon in the same time frame, and had to literally change the entire way their studio and engine operated to create an open world RPG. Nintendo put out Zelda in the exact same amount of time.

Again, the ME:A had as much time, or more than almost every modern AAA game dev cycle. Its no ones fault other than the Bioware team themselves if they weren't able to create a product up to franchise standards.

Pretty much, hell really stands out for Horizon since its really such a departure for the team in most aspects from how they did the Killzone series.

Where do you think EA/Bioware go from here with Mass Effect?


Gold Member
It makes me wonder if they hadn't done what they did to themselves with the ending of the trilogy...how long could they have successfully ran with Shepard as the main protagonist and just kept slightly adjusting formula?

I wonder how long people would've just kept eating it up if they had figured out a way to go that route instead of basically forcing themselves out of the Milky Way post trilogy and doing the reboot.

as many other's've said (& i agree): the series never should've been a trilogy. it should've been episodic, like uncharted or halo. likely would've made life a lot easier on the montreal studio had this been so...

the trilogy idea was just a mistake...


Gold Member
Some bugs in this game are just mind blowing. If you are wearing a helmet, the rain will just hit your face inside of the helmet, and skip the helmet completely. It`s so weird.
Here is my thing on multiplayer, ifs set up differently at least on lower levels. You really have to level up your powers for them to be effective. You really need to get that starting assault rifle at least 8-10 times in a loot crate for that thing to do decent damage. It's a different approach, gone are the days of going into bronze with a man guard and just charging/nova killing everything in one hit. I will still get this for the MP and just got the pro yesterday so I hope it has a pro patch. (Played the game on x1)

As far as the single player, it's presentation is rough and ugly and reminds me of mass effect 1, I hated mass effect 1, 2 was more tolerable and I found 3 to be the best. With the 4 hours I put into the single player I know I spent a lot of time thinking

That's a poor Garus replacement
That's no Joker
That's no EDI
Thata no Wrex or Grunt

Only time will tell, and I mean 100's of hours of gameplay before I can see if these characters will grow on me. Otherwise I would be judging it unfairly. Does the game seem janky at times visual wise? Absolutely, but I'm going to see it through. So I can see what the reviewers are saying, but I will ultimately decide on my own
It's not that a meta in the 70s is bad but ME3 bad an 89 and I found that game pretty meh compared to ME2. Think I'll just wait till a sale for this one.


Maybe we need to rethink AAA. It doesn't say if the game is actually good.

How much do subpar high-school writing, lots of bugs, off-putting animations, and MMO-quest design mean to you?

Many of the reviews point out whether or not the game is actually good.

EDIT: oh you mean the term AAA. 'AAA' just means budget and market prominence.

Some bugs in this game are just mind blowing. If you are wearing a helmet, the rain will just hit your face inside of the helmet, and skip the helmet completely. It`s so weird.

wow I thought Ryder was sweating inside the helmet :lol
Yeah, I think "fuck it" is a much more likely response. Especially considering how ugly the Mass Effect community has gotten now in two back to back games.

That's the unfortunate side effect of something becoming more and more popular.

A Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster might be their best bet honestly.

Even as someone who owns the trilogy on multiple platforms I would be way into this


Felium Defensor
Deep down, glad I waited & didn't pre-order. This money will go toward better games for now. 5 years of dev time and what budget, do we know? At least $50 million+ we can safely assume(?)


Why is it, that EA always ruins great studios over time? I remember vividly how they split Westwood and eventually killed command&conquer with that move. Also Maxis, we will never see a good Sim City again...

It's sad to see BioWare go the same route, I guess it's only a matter of time till EA gets rid of them too, they are very likely looking at the metascores, like every publisher does :(


Really Really Exciting Member!
Maybe we need to rethink AAA. It doesn't say if the game is actually good.

AAA was always a question of big budgeted game with a big team behind in my mind. Never was it about the game getting a metascore of 90+.
A Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster might be their best bet honestly.

Haha can you imagine a trilogy remaster release this fall or early next year, and as a bonus you get Mass Effect Andromeda for free.

I'd pre order it day one, I'd love to replay ME1-3 on a ps4 pro with a controller with all DLCs bundled in. I own all the games on PC but don't feel like messing around with patches to play with controllers and missing DLC.


Well not gonna pick this up. They don't deserve my money right now. Shame, my favorite franchise down the shitter.

Hope they can make a great new iP at some point.

Just give me a ME remaster.


God dammit.

Well...atleast its not DA2. And mostly 7s and 8s are still pretty good.

Yet Dragon Age 2 has a better Metacritic.

As Walker put it, a lot of reviewers seem to give scores more based on the name and what they want it to be than what they actually write in them. BW really seems like on of the studios that gets a bigger pass here and there. I certainly think DA2 did.


Well despite the mixed reviews Im still looking forward to getting into this game tonight. Reading some of the more positive reviews helped after the disappointingly average reviews. Its good to know that the story/characters are still clicking with some and from what I have seen I think they will click with me too.


Dragon Age 2 reviewed higher than this. So it's less Andromeda is the DA2 of the ME franchise and more DA2 is the Andromeda of the Dragon Age franchise.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
AAA was always a question of big budgeted game with a big team behind in my mind. Never was it about the game getting a metascore of 90+.

It's a term that shifted over the past 10-15 years. For those of us that were on forums back in the N64/PS1 era (maybe before, we didn't have internet at home during the early gens for me) AAA generally just meant the cream of the crop games. The absolute must play, on most top 10 GOTY list type games. A lot of people would say things like "AAA or no play" as a way of saying they only had time to play the best of the best, for instance.

There wasn't so much knowledge of budget etc. back then. Plus without the indie scene most games were either similar budget, with the exception of some of what we'd call mid-tier games today.

But yeah, now it gets used just to mean huge budget games from the major publishers.


100% agree. Horizon was amazing. The story is fantastic and it answers almost all your questions by the end. Loved all my time with and it never felt like a chore. Hell, I rarely fast traveled because the combat was so fun.

I loved The Witcher 3 so much, and played it to death. HOrizon borrowed far too much from it, at times it felt like Aloy had witcher senses. I actually feel Horizon is the most over-rated game I've played in a long time.

I am gutted that ME has been treated with such a throwaway attitude judging by many of these reviews. Luckily Sony have refunded my preorder, I will definitely play this game but no way am I spending £55 on it, I trusted Bioware way too much on this one.


Yet Dragon Age 2 has a better Metacritic.

As Walker put it, a lot of reviewers seem to give scores more based on the name and what they want it to be than what they actually write in them.

The bar has been raised, while BioWare has continued stripping out features and content out of their games.


Tears of Nintendo
A Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster might be their best bet honestly.
I think complete editions of the first 3 games packed with all DLCs could be good enough withot even remastering anything. I mean, for fuck's sake, you still and to this fucking day need to by all DLC seperately from the game through shitty BioWare site and there's no complete / ultimate / whatever editions available. WTF is that?! This is the main reason why I didin't bought any DLC for ME3 cz fuck this shit and BioWare site as a platform for DLCs especially.


After the feedback we got last week it was obvious the game was going to be a disappointment. Bioware fucked up, it's not like they didn't have enough time to nail it.


Why is it, that EA always ruins great studios over time? I remember vividly how they split Westwood and eventually killed command&conquer with that move. Also Maxis, we will never see a good Sim City again...

It's sad to see BioWare go the same route, I guess it's only a matter of time till EA gets rid of them too, they are very likely looking at the metascores, like every publisher does :(

What does EA have to do with this? EA is not the almighty boogeyman people think it is. This game is not even done by the Bioware A-Team. And they had 5 years, like come on... It's not always EA's fault
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