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Mass Effect: Andromeda | Review Thread

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I also don't understand how this is a 5 year long project with

1. the fewest squad members since ME1,
2. not possible to customize appearance or armor on squadmates
3. not possible to select powers for your squadmates
4. a worse character creator than the otherwise excellent on in DA:I

What gives? Has development really been this rough that even asset creation was faulty?

If the squadmates were good that wouldn't be an issue. I want to shoot Liam Costa in the face. Can't stand the VA and his lines are god awful.


So EA is going to suck as much money out of Bioware as possible with mediocre or bad games and after that will bury the corpse next to Maxis, Mythic or Bullfrog.


Bioware will be fine.


Why do modern games have to be so much worse? I`ve already suffered trough Mafia 3, Battlefront, Mirror`s Edge and Dragon Age Inquisition.
Don't buy games based on nostalgia for or attachment to a series?!

I loved Mafia 1 (Mafia 2 was okay) but didn't get 3 based on the impressions. Same with Mirror's Edge or Dead Space before that, for example. Gotta reward quality. I was totally in the mood for a new ME game but instead I will invest that money into Nier Automata now. There are fantastic games out there that deserve my money.

BOTW is the best game i played since Ocarina of Time.
Witcher 3 is the best western RPG in my book.

I think we're living great gaming times, beside some very bad management decision which are killing great game series.


The Gamespot review basically confirms my fears about this game. I was optimistic until I saw the Giant Bomb stream, and my hope fizzled out. It still looks worth playing, i'm just not rushing to buy it.


watching the giantbomb quick look and is there something wrong with their recording or does the ps4 pro version run at 20fps most of the time?
So I guess at this point we're going to need this to sell pretty well for them to continue making these games?

Still looking forward to playing but this makes me worried about the future of the franchise.
What relevance does posting this photo have? Like, are we supposed to assume something from it?

Yeah I don't get this. After the thread about the abuse the EA employee recieved you'd think people would just call out Bioware or EA as a whole and not employees directly.
Anybody that gives this game a 9 out of 10 has got some fan boy nostalgia goggles on. The game has legit flaws. Those flaws don't disappear just because you really really like the ip. I love Mass Effect but this game needs more time in the oven.



Eh, saying B-Team... I get why people say it, but at the same time, unless you're a Miyamoto, everyone starts small. The reason why I keep saying management's at fault is because, if this studio is mostly newbies to the industry, they'd need guidance, feedback and a lot of nurturing, which is all on management.

No studio sets out to create wank, and dismissing their efforts as "B-Team" helps no-one. No, they're probably not seasoned veterans, but everyone has baby steps and failures. *shrugs*


Why can't they copy the formula of mass effect 1? That had a good villain and story!

I still remember how menacing the Reapers felt in ME1... so sad that completely disappeared even in the sequels.

I think I have a week to cancel my Origin Andromeda preorder (from the 23rd, EU release date) assuming I don't start/play it. Going to wait it out hoping beyond hope impressions improve


People should have listened to me when I said that the first game was the high point of the series.

Part of the reason this game isn't great is precisely because the designers did listen to people saying the first game was the hghpoint of the series.


Damn, I was very skeptical about the game (especially after Dragon Age: Inquisition), but I was still hoping the game might turn out great. I'm not too surprised it didn't turn out well, though. The trial impressions were mostly mixed at best, and the marketing for the game was bizarre. Moreover, every time I saw the game, something about it just felt "off" to me. From the awful animations and character models, to the seemingly uninteresting story and characters, to the poor acting and writing, it just didn't feel like ME to me. It does sound like the actual gameplay is fun, but I could care less. I've never played ME for the gameplay. So yeah, definitely skipping this one for now. :(


Looks like this game could have used some extra time in the cooker, eh? Fucking end of fiscal year horse shit. I was genuinely surprised they didn't delay the game. That release date always seemed overly ambitious to me.

Well, I'm sad this game doesn't live up to it's incredible legacy, but I'll play it when it drops in price. Got my hands full playing Zelda BotW anyway.
Here's my list of pre-ordered games:
Rock Band 3 - out way too early
Street Fighter V - same
Mass Effect: Andromeda - same
Persona 5 - OH NO


Sounds kinda OK! Maybe? If I focus on exploration? I hope?

I'll wait for a good sale in case the flaws are as big a deal as the negative reviews make them out to be.


So from what I'm reading...

This would be like if Sony decided to give the Uncharted franchise to Sony London Studio -- creators of The Getaway and SingStar.

I'm kidding, well, not really.


Part of the reason this game isn't great is precisely because the designers did listen to people saying the first game was the hghpoint of the series.
Then they took the wrong lessons from that feedback. ME1 is still the high-point of the series as far as writing goes. Personally, I liked its vibe more than the grimdark ME2 and dudebro ME3 as well. And yeah, the Mako part was better than stupid planet scanning.

I still remember how menacing the Reapers felt in ME1... so sad that completely disappeared even in the sequels.
Yup, I fondly remember the days I was fascinated by ME's plot.



I was not expecting this. I'm guessing the low scores aren't simply because the hilariously bad animations? That sucksssss.


I don't get why they hired the Halo 4 writer as the lead writer, considering his only work ever within video game writing was only Halo 4 and nothing else. How can you enter such a prominent position when you don't have the CV for it? Why put the writing aspect of the reboot of a huge franchise into the hands of someone so inexperienced with video game writing? Seems irresponsible by whoever vouched for him.
And not like Halo 4's writing was a real standout job :/
I really hope another developer steps up and fills the gap in the space opera sci fi setting.

Mass Effect is probably going to in the EA hole next to Burnout, Dead Space & Mirrors Edge. The only other game in the area is Halo and that peaked early and is just going to continue the slow decline.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be good sci fi but it will be grounded and gritty.

I want stories about space ships. Lasers. Purple dudes. etc.

I guess Destiny is close but Ill believe the sequel turns that ship around when I see it first hand
What a shame. I was kind of worried when I wasn't feeling the characters in the previews, and with the technical mess with animations in the trial I was still hoping the rest would be good, but I guess it was just a sign of overall poor quality. Hopefully they'll put some serious effort into fixing what can be with patches and dlc, but I'm kinda afraid this was just a cash grab for EA and they won't bother. Fixing this would require a similar sort of readjustment they did with ME3 essentially redoing the end and pushing Citadel DLC. Maybe with another 6 months this could've been a 85 instead of 75.


I would welcome that offer.

Open world happened. It seems that they put most of their resource on it.

From the devs mouths it's not even an open world game. I mean I cannot take my ship and seamlessly go from Habitat 7, to the Nexus to Eos right?

The zones to explore might be larger than DA : I but I see no difference in the system at large.


Sounds like there's stuff to like here, but I'm going to wait and see how much of this mess can be fixed with patches before I play it.

Game will probably cost like $30 by then.
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