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Master of None starring Aziz Ansari - Netflix Series - S1 out now; S2 coming in 2017

Show's great! Probably my favorite thing alongside Kimmy Schmidt to come from Netflix.

One question though

Was that dude at the beginning of EP7 a depiction of your average PUA in the wild?

That's the
creepy dude that follows a girl home
right? I think it was just a general commentary on what men go threw vs women. That happens in real life all the time.


That's the
creepy dude that follows a girl home
right? I think it was just a general commentary on what men go threw vs women. That happens in real life all the time.


I just rewatched the
follow the girl home bit
and can sorta see what they were going for now.
Episode 2 completely sold me on this show as both a comedy and a commentary. I am also a first generation immigrant and it was such a relatable and humorous episode.

I need to get my parents to watch. I feel like my dad is pretty similar to Aziz's dad (including the part where he
took to video games late in life even though he didn't have anything fun growing up.


Show is a masterpiece. The only quibbles I have:

1) I hate when aziz uses his high pitched voice. It's a cheap way to get laughs.
2) I wish he got real actors to play his parents. He could easily have gotten actors from India to play them.


Watched the first 2 episodes after seeing the positive comments and I really like the show. Everything feels really natural and funny.
Show is a masterpiece. The only quibbles I have:

1) I hate when aziz uses his high pitched voice. It's a cheap way to get laughs.
2) I wish he got real actors to play his parents. He could easily have gotten actors from India to play them.

I find his dad hilarious. I don't care if he can't act.




Goddamn episode 3 is basically my life. Really affecting stuff. Absolutely adore this show.

And yeah, Aziz's dad is fucking hilarious, even if his acting isn't amazing.
Aziz's dad can't act worth a damn, but his heart is in it, and so he comes across as charming and funny. His mom is awful tho. Eps 5 & 6 are my faves. 6 was basically 500 Days of Summer. The feminism Ep was great too, the shot of Dev next to the rakes LOL
The director of photography needs to have a bigger budget. He needs to go nasa level prime lens to do this avaliable light thing he's doing.


Death Prophet
This show is surprisingly good regardless of the sometimes bad acting. It doesn't really bother me at all.

This is what bothers me about it, I think. It seems like everyone is a bad actor. :S Still, I've only seen two episodes. I do love how it's shot and it's interesting, but it hasn't won me over yet.
I didn't notice the brownface in The Social Network haha what the hell!

There was Chiwetel Ejiofor playing an indian dude in The Martian which was a bit weird.


Episode 9 was the best thus far for me. Hit so many poignant moments about relationships.

Great show overall, I quite enjoyed it.


Episode 9 was the best thus far for me. Hit so many poignant moments about relationships.

Great show overall, I quite enjoyed it.

Seriously, I just got out of a long term relationship with an Indian chick...this shit is soul crushing.


Watched all 10 Episodes and wow... As a mid 20's person approaching 30's I found it so relatable, considering I'm Asian as well so it probably hit harder than it should. It's simplistic approach of story telling on topics was quite well done and thought provoking once you got passed the comedy, the humour in most places was quite well placed and this was helped a lot due to the fantastic cinematography and the probably one the best soundtracks chosen for a TV series.
Aphex Twin fucking BOOKENDS the series bro. Best music direction ever on top of just being the straight up best show ever.

The last five minutes should be shown mandatorily to every human being on their 32nd birthday. Not even joking.

Beach House on the end of episode 3. When the Twin Peaks theme music plays in the intro to episode 6. Damn, this soundtrack on point.


Also, love the cinematography.


The acting is mostly subpar. Denise would be better if she didn't seemingly rush her lines, sometimes I think she talks too fast abruptly.


I'm not the hugest fan of Aziz's humour so some of the humor doesn't work for me, but I have to say I am really enjoying this show.

I just watched the episode where he goes to Nashville and I really taken aback about how lovely it was. It's refreshing to watch a show about young adults that isn't knee deep in cynicism.

Big Brett

Yeah, this series was fantastic. I'm not sure it needs another season, as it's pretty self-sustaining on its own at the moment. That said, it was all-too relatable at some points. Got some serious Louie vibes too.

Finished it about an hour ago. Absolutely wonderful show and I loved that they didn't go the obvious route with the ending.
Incorporating the Bell Jar scene with the multiple slices of other people's lives was a great touch.
I think this is strong enough to stand alone as a complete work, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want more. As someone else had mentioned, I think it should be mandatory viewing for any 30 something who has no idea what the fuck they're doing in life.

Also, people should listen to the NPR interview with Alan Yang and Aziz. It's very enlightening. Especially as it turns out that the entirety of Ep 2 was in fact the life stories of their respective parents


Just finished Ep
. I can see the 500 Days of Summer in this, yeah. It's my favorite movie though so I'm always down for that. c:

Really loving this.
Enjoyed the first three episodes last night... but the acting feels way off, like they know they are reading lines and being recorded. But it is just funny enough for me not to care.


listen to the mad man
I agree that the line delivery sounds overly performative, but in most of the cases that doesn't feel like bad acting to me, it just feels like the way that young hip are constantly, like, putting on a front to one-another. The writing supports that too: a lot of the conversations involved the characters trying to, like, riff off each other and pretend that they're not anxious neurotic weirdos. Dev almost never says anything sincere in the entire show, right?

I probably wouldn't read so much into it except, like, this is clearly the main theme of the show. Like, why is it that every episode has a scene of Dev workshopping a text reply to someone because he's worried about how it'll come off?
I agree that the line delivery sounds overly performative, but in most of the cases that doesn't feel like bad acting to me, it just feels like the way that young hip are constantly, like, putting on a front to one-another. The writing supports that too: a lot of the conversations involved the characters trying to, like, riff off each other and pretend that they're not anxious neurotic weirdos. Dev almost never says anything sincere in the entire show, right?

I probably wouldn't read so much into it except, like, this is clearly the main theme of the show. Like, why is it that every episode has a scene of Dev workshopping a text reply to someone because he's worried about how it'll come off?

so much this forever.

this is 100% the way everyone around me talks. it was like walking through brooklyn on a saturday, which, since this show basically takes place in brooklyn permanently last saturday, is likely the intent.
I thought this was stand up when I clicked on it. Turns out to my surprise that it is a tv show. After being less than impressed with Aziz's stand up comedy, I wanted to see if he improved his on stage performance. This show really makes his humor shine. I prefer him with structure and story lines now. I am really impressed and feel like Aziz and his co stars are in their element. A great show so far (4 episodes in).
That's his actual parents so you gotta cut em some slack.

kind of a weak excuse tbph but i don't think they're bad at all.

like everyone else in the show, they're exactly how people sound. in e10,
his dad sounds like a dad having a serious conversation with his son, which he is not until that episode. previously he sounded like an awkward dad. like all dads on earth except maybe louis ck. he seems cooler than most other dads.
pretty much all of dev's friends are having casual conversations with him until they're not, at which point, they start getting more real. rachel is a perfect example of this. in e9, the way
wells can be so good in the what if i came like this scene and then drop the fucking casavettes hammer in the end of the episode
i mean...

i legit find it hard to believe people who think the acting is wack on this show. i felt basically like I was sitting in buttermilk channel at 12:15 on a Sunday.
The acting is bad? What? It's not the BEST, but definitely not BAD

"this show is perfect and the last five minutes of the finale made me completely refocus my life but i better find something to complain about or people will know i based the biggest decision of my life on a television show"


>shrug emoticon<
"this show is perfect and the last five minutes of the finale made me completely refocus my life but i better find something to complain about or people will know i based the biggest decision of my life on a television show"


>shrug emoticon<

I don't think they got past the 2nd episode.


Episode 2's acting is painfully bad... I'll keep going but it's kind of off-putting
Yeah, that was the only episode I thought really didn't work from an acting standpoint. Not even just Aziz's parents, but the interactions between him and his friend (forgot the friend's name) when they were deciding to do the dinner were a little awkward. Still entertaining though, and I thought that was really the only rough patch of the series.

I agree that the line delivery sounds overly performative, but in most of the cases that doesn't feel like bad acting to me, it just feels like the way that young hip are constantly, like, putting on a front to one-another. The writing supports that too: a lot of the conversations involved the characters trying to, like, riff off each other and pretend that they're not anxious neurotic weirdos. Dev almost never says anything sincere in the entire show, right?

I probably wouldn't read so much into it except, like, this is clearly the main theme of the show. Like, why is it that every episode has a scene of Dev workshopping a text reply to someone because he's worried about how it'll come off?
Actually, this is probably it. Now that I think of it, a lot of the interactions in the show sound pretty similar to the ones I've seen or heard at school between 20-somethings.


I'm second generation, but my grandfather had the most heartbreaking story about how he had to take his only friend (a cow) to the butcher because it got tuberculosis in post WW I Poland. He still cried about it into his 90s. From that part of this show I was hooked. Looking forward to the rest of the episodes.

There was an excellent interview with the creators that Terry Gross did on Fresh Air. I highly recommend it.


Just finished it, and it was pretty great. Admittedly some of the acting (particularly Dev's friends) was a little weak, but it didn't hurt the show for me. Netflix is building a pretty impressive lineup of shows.

Also, Aziz's dad is not a good actor, but it really works. He's pretty damn funny and I was always happy when he showed up.

Edit: The Saved by the Bell clip in the Indians on TV episode made me say "What the fuck?" Yikes.
up to ep 7 and ive really enjoyed it. Noel Wells is cute and she and Aziz are great together. I laugh anytime H John Benjamin gets to be on screen.
Whoah, wasn't expecting that pragmatic of an ending. Was expecting something more conventional romcom. Definitely leaves more to stay in the noggin. If that's the finale ever, it's a braver one than most series.


I'm on episode 9 now. it's fucking great. It actually unfolds in a way that's opposite to how these shows traditionally handle situations. I like it.
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