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Mat Piscatella (NPD) - In the US in 2023, physical spending on software for Nintendo platforms accounted > 50%, xbox < 10% and PS ~ 40%


I've changed back to mainly physical this generation. Feels good. The only games I will probably buy digital are indie games.

Starship Troopers GIF


It's almost as if... YOU CAN'T FIND ANY XBOX GAMES IN STORES TO BUY TO BEGIN WITH! How do you expect me or anyone to buy them if you don't put them out there? This is Sega Saturn 97/98 levels of self sabotaging their system.

I'm talking about the latest and greatest high quality AAA games also not random shovelware trash.
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It's almost as if... YOU CAN'T FIND ANY XBOX GAMES IN STORES TO BUY TO BEGIN WITH! How do you expect me or anyone to buy them if you don't put them out there? This is Sega Saturn 97/98 levels of self sabotaging their system.

I'm talking about the latest and greatest high quality AAA games also not random shovelware trash.
That’s ok, you can just buy Adorably Digital XSX Next and be happy to own nothing!


Gold Member
The Xbox numbers really don't surprise me because:
A) The Series S is the main seller this generation,
B) Game Pass, and
C) Physical copies of xbox games have been dwindling for a while now.

To point C: All of my local big box retailers have been shrinking their Xbox physical shelf space for a year now. Half of what used to be Xbox space is now split between PlayStation 5 and Switch. None of my local stores has carried any recent physical release since Robocop. No Avatar, no Forza Motorsport. If I wanted physical copies, online retail was my only option.


I haven't bought a physical Xbox game is many years. Well before game pass was introduced. I don't think GP killed it... People just finally getting used to the idea of digital media on a larger scale thanks to movie and music streaming apps. I have a big wall of physical Blu-ray movies and never touch them anymore, to be honest I wish I never bought any of them I can just stream them all now. Same with games really. After a while you realize it is all just taking up a lot of unnecessary space.
For real I did the same thing. I havent touched my bookshelf cabinet of blurays in years prob have about 500 blurays a bunch unopened sealed and these are like classic movies worth owning too. It was like hoarding shit.


No surprises here regarding they physical splits.

I won't be surprised if the digital splits are just as bad as for MS given the smaller user base and Gamepass. I mean, it selling less software overal than the PS4 in Europe.


Physical is only dead if we as consumers are dumb enough to just do what the corporations tell us to do. If you want to keep physical media, buy it!
Don't worry, physical is far from dead. It's a few company apologists trying to push that idea because the company is forcing that on them. Physical hasn't died even in music and that shift was decades ago. If you wanted you can still buy your albums on CD today.

Just because MS has possibly stopped publishing physical games, has possibly stopped making a console with a drive, and has had its retail presence dwindle because it rents games from the cloud, they justify those lack of options by suggesting that everyone is doing it and those options disappearing is not an issue with xbox specifically. That's all it is.
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Gold Member
Just because MS has possibly stopped publishing games, has possibly stopped making a console with a drive, and has had its retail presence dwindle because it rents games from the cloud, they justify those lack of options by suggesting that everyone is doing it and those options disappearing is not an issue with xbox specifically. That's all it is.

It's painfully fucking obvious that Microsoft aren't really the big player in the video games industry they should be. A series of catastrophically stupid decisions has seen to that. Which is a good thing, seeing as they are the ones championing the change to digital more than anyone else.

It's clear that the sooner they fuck off from console production and just become a third party publisher, the better off the industry will be.


Don't worry, physical is far from dead. It's a few company apologists trying to push that idea because the company is forcing that on them. Physical hasn't died even in music and that shift was decades ago. If you wanted you can still buy your albums on CD today...
Well said. Microsoft has heavily pushed its platform digital, and will use the results of said push as justification for why they'll drop physical. "Well, our users went digital all on their own - it's out of our hands". And the apologists will sell that lie with coloured graphs and bolded statistics.
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No surprises here regarding they physical splits.

I won't be surprised if the digital splits are just as bad as for MS given the smaller user base and Gamepass. I mean, it selling less software overal than the PS4 in Europe.
Ms trained their audience not to buy games,
I currently subscribe to gamepass because I still have it dirt cheap, but if I play a game on gamepass that I think I actually will want after it leaves game pass, you better believe I buy it physically on switch or playstation


Ms trained their audience not to buy games,

True. I can't believe no one at MS saw this coming.

You have many MS fans here claiming that Game Pass is the best value in gaming. Consumers will go towards the path with the least resistance. If I had a dollar for every time someone said "I'll wait for the game to come to Game Pass", I'd be filthy rich by now.

What MS fans aren't aware of is that Game Pass is the best value in gaming because it is currently heavily subsidized by MS and it's not sustainable at the current prices. If Game Pass was the dominant service and it somehow "took off", the real pricing would follow to sustain such "value".
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I find it really odd that Microsoft finally got what they wanted back in the Xbox one launch era. People on their platforms have gone digital.

However they now seem to be pulling back from the Xbox brand/console space judging by their recent press.

So my guess is they just got people accustomed to not buying games period and just using game pass. However they have been giving away years of game pass for cheap or even free for a long time now and only recently stopped.

And once the subs stop growing then what? New games don’t really drive new subs like new games drive sales, so you get stagnation.

I feel like in chasing the sub model, Microsoft kind of killed their long term future.

But then again maybe they think it is just easier to make money on Minecraft, Call of Duty, and mobile and just abandon AAA gaming all together. In reality the “hardcore” market is pretty niche at this point and really aging out of the core marketing demo most companies target.


Gold Member
I just like cartridges more than discs. Although, granted, you can't decapitate people with a cartridge, which you can easily do with a disc.

That being said, I feel the quality of blu-ray discs has declined; they're too flimsy to use as a decapitation tool, no matter how fast you're spinning them.
Don't worry, physical is far from dead. It's a few company apologists trying to push that idea because the company is forcing that on them. Physical hasn't died even in music and that shift was decades ago. If you wanted you can still buy your albums on CD today.

Just because MS has possibly stopped publishing physical games, has possibly stopped making a console with a drive, and has had its retail presence dwindle because it rents games from the cloud, they justify those lack of options by suggesting that everyone is doing it and those options disappearing is not an issue with xbox specifically. That's all it is.
Funnily enough, vinyl has started making a comeback in music. Kinda funny seeing records and record players on sale at Walmart, again.


Gold Member

This big boy may not be for slicing but I'm sure it can do other kinds of damage.
The Neo Geo modules are well known (and tested) for their usage as armor plates. In fact, NASA once used Neo Geo modules are thermal plating for their Space Shuttles.


Gold Member
Not surprised. I haven’t bought a single game on Xbox since I got it, digital or physical, and I don’t plan to in the future either. Meanwhile I’ve bough a physical copy of every single big Nintendo game.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Won who? They are underperforming everywhere.
This is a basic reading comprehension issue. We're discussing digital vs physical sales and I mentioned that Xbox consumers were convinced to switch to digital in greater percentages than the other systems. I'm not talking about Xbox console sales vs other systems. This is about people who own an Xbox choosing digital or physical and what goes into making that choice. Just look at the comment I replied to that you quoted, slow down, read. Or look at just the title of the thread. No one is discussing amount of units sold. We're discussing percentage of physical vs digital sold per system.
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Can't remember the last physical game I bought on xbox and I buy a lot of games despite having game pass. It was probably modernwarfare 2019 honestly which I did sell to a mate when I realised I liked the game and bought it digital when on sale.
Digital on xbox I quite often get on sale from CD keys or at least purchase xbox vouchers at a discount from cd keys and use xbox reward points to buy vouchers. So I feel like it's quite easy to get a digital game in xbox at a discount, and on top of that if it's a game pass game you get 10% off.
I do buy physical on switch though as the games maintain their value. Digital switch games are too expensice and rarely go on sale, even when in sale they don't drop by much.
Having said that I do not wish for xbox physical to go away I appreciate that some people prefer physical over digital, I still have a stack of DVDs which are not on any digital service that I keep. I think xbox should release a USB disk drive for the series s.


It's painfully fucking obvious that Microsoft aren't really the big player in the video games industry they should be. A series of catastrophically stupid decisions has seen to that. Which is a good thing, seeing as they are the ones championing the change to digital more than anyone else.

It's clear that the sooner they fuck off from console production and just become a third party publisher, the better off the industry will be.
PC Gaming has been all digital since 2010 and no one bats an eye, the truth is that many doesn't care and they don't envision these big ass companies including Valve going bust in their lifetimes.


PC Gaming has been all digital since 2010 and no one bats an eye, the truth is that many doesn't care and they don't envision these big ass companies including Valve going bust in their lifetimes.
PC is a much different beast. It's an open platform for one, has digital games constantly on sale at ridiculous prices, has a MUCH better preservation scene and then there's the high seas.

PC accepted all digital because it was an easy, convenient process. That's just not the case on closed platforms like consoles.


PC Gaming has been all digital since 2010 and no one bats an eye, the truth is that many doesn't care and they don't envision these big ass companies including Valve going bust in their lifetimes.

PC is a much different beast. It's an open platform for one, has digital games constantly on sale at ridiculous prices, has a MUCH better preservation scene and then there's the high seas.

PC accepted all digital because it was an easy, convenient process. That's just not the case on closed platforms like consoles.
plus pc gaming had absolutely miserable DRM before, playstation and nintendo are buy media, own media, plug in and use media,
pcs were buy games, deal with DRM that could damage disk drives, prevent the game from working, limit installs, all sorts of garbage,


PC is a much different beast. It's an open platform for one, has digital games constantly on sale at ridiculous prices, has a MUCH better preservation scene and then there's the high seas.

PC accepted all digital because it was an easy, convenient process. That's just not the case on closed platforms like consoles.
98% of the PC gaming players have most, if not, all of their libraries on Steam, a single company, and they don't think they will ever lose it.


im really curious just how much 5,000,000 people playing a game on gamespass is worth, both to MS and to a Dev. Assuming a dev might walk away with a couple hundred million dollars if the game had just been bought “normally”. I can’t see microsoft paying out that much for 5mil free players 🤷‍♂️


Yep, with most Sony first party titles having around 65% of their sales from physical copies they're definitely not going to be ditching physical completely anytime soon. Xbox on the other hand...
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PC Gaming has been all digital since 2010 and no one bats an eye, the truth is that many doesn't care and they don't envision these big ass companies including Valve going bust in their lifetimes.

When the service and prices are so good there’s really nothing to worry about.

But if shit hit the fan and we really wanted something - we can sail the high seas.


I was thinking about switching to digital last night and switched on my Xbox for the first time in ages. I quickly realised what a mistake that was when I saw the prices of games on there, looking at resi 4 it’s like £55 and I can get it on disk for £25-30. In another few months I’m sure it will I’ll be sub £20. I see the benefits of what digital can bring but it no way outweighs the benfits of physical.

Not only that but the fact that a lot of games once I’m done I have no desire to keep them and have the ability to re sell. I mean by that point I may only get like £5 or something but that’s still better than nothing. Having a massive collection of games does not Interest me anymore. (Arkham origins for example, got it physical, beat it, no desire to return to it so I can now sell the disk and let someone else enjoy it)

Sonic frontiers is £50+ on the store, can get the disk for sub £20 these days.

As for people saying they don’t like having boxes displayed, I put the disks in a cd wallet in a drawer and keep the boxes themselves in a box in my loft.

The only games I have on display are my Dreamcast and sega Saturn collection because there cool as fuck.

If Xbox go full digital I’m out, series x will be my last console full stop, I’ll buy another before there discontinued just in case mine ever breaks so I have a backup then I’m fully switching to pc.
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