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Matt Hargett on lockhart (5nm, portable device) Will Not Hold Back Next-Gen Games

5 nm is booked out for 2020 and 2021....He was being funny.


I don’t believe that is a complete list, but you’re right about it being booked.


I suppose the question is whether they have been able to get the 7nm chip Zen2 based chip and then essentially port it over to 5nm, make it so that it'll run everything the other chip will (at lower settings) without any issues (and in a way that doesn't irritate developers who have to work towards one more piece of target hardware) and have it all ready to release at the same time. Seems like a lot of work to do.

Maybe someone with an engineering background can shed some light on this.
That is what they are doing. Lockharts SoC will be the same as the XSX' one with fewer CU's and less RAM.
Devkits have profiles for XSX and Lockhart, so that makes it easier for devs to optimize for each box.
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Gold Member

Please don't be true.

Although, it would fit perfectly with Xcloud. Oh shit...
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Extra doubt, since to make this work, AMD would smoke entire industry away. If they can do this, then imagine what about notebooks, etc...


instantly destroyed credibility.
People might also want to toss aside his PS5 defensive Tweets that's being thrown around as fact.
I called it out and doing so here again with a this subject, were you not a supporter of the above?


If real I would definitely buy the portable and the standard console. Wondering about the battery life though.


I highly doubt lower specs won’t hold a nextgen game back unless ps5 is the lead platform and that’s bad news for other platforms so if the want a game to work on S it’ll be scaled down dramatically
Well did the Wii, Wii-U and Switch hold anything back. There's a bit more work in trying to test and optimize for another platform. But people forget how configurable devs make their games. You can reduce the performance required by simply cutting the frame rate or resolution. Disable certain affects or reduce the intensity of them. It's up to the developers. Even if you had more power, it doesn't mean they have to use it.


People might also want to toss aside his PS5 defensive Tweets that's being thrown around as fact.
I called it out and doing so here again with a this subject, were you not a supporter of the above?

He's made Sony fanboy comments like that that I don't agree with either, sure.


That is what they are doing. Lockharts SoC will be the same as the XSX' one with fewer CU's and less RAM.
Devkits have profiles for XSX and Lockhart, so that makes it easier for devs to optimize for each box.

That would mean AMD has a viable 5nm chip ready to ship in 2020 but that they haven't got one ready for their own CPU/APU lineups. Sounds unlikely. Especially since we're expecting 5nm Zen 4 next year.
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Would be smart. Just like a PSP 3 would be smart at this point.

And for the people who keep mentioning Vita, that was when the game studios had to make separate games for both PS3/PS4
and VIta... Just like when Nintendo had to separate their studios to 3DS games and Wii / Wii U games.

We’re not in the same place.
Doubt Nintendo, Xbox or PlayStation would separate there projects/studios for Home console and Portable if they stick/ decide to go portable games..... so don't mention the Vita to why it wont work lol.

But if they do what Nintendo did with the Switch does and have the same games but downscaled.... then both Xbox and Playstation would have all the 1st party exclusives portable but also all there 3rd party games that have been on PS4 and Xbox

People might not think they wont want it or it wont sell, but it would. It saved Nintendo from the Wii U failure and both Playstation and Xbox have better 3rd party games for sure.
Only Nintendo would wouldn’t like it


Would be smart. Just like a PSP 3 would be smart at this point.

And for the people who keep mentioning Vita, that was when the game studios had to make separate games for both PS3/PS4
and VIta... Just like when Nintendo had to separate their studios to 3DS games and Wii / Wii U games.

We’re not in the same place.
Doubt Nintendo, Xbox or PlayStation would separate there projects/studios for Home console and Portable if they stick/ decide to go portable games..... so don't mention the Vita to why it wont work lol.

But if they do what Nintendo did with the Switch does and have the same games but downscaled.... then both Xbox and Playstation would have all the 1st party exclusives portable but also all there 3rd party games that have been on PS4 and Xbox

People might not think they wont want it or it wont sell, but it would. It saved Nintendo from the Wii U failure and both Playstation and Xbox have better 3rd party games for sure.
Only Nintendo would wouldn’t like it

Yeah but Nintendo is the only one with loads of experience with handhelds. Sony has some experience (they've only realised two handheld platforms, 3 if you count PSPGo) whereas Nintendo has released close to 20 devices if you count all the bits and bobs (different Gameboys, different DSs, different 3DSs and 2DS) and then Switch. Microsoft has zero experience with handhelds and given that they lost this generation (at least in terms of market share and certainly mindshare if the instagram/twitter/youtube stats are anything to go by), I can't see them taking that sort of risk.


Yeah but Nintendo is the only one with loads of experience with handhelds. Sony has some experience (they've only realised two handheld platforms, 3 if you count PSPGo) whereas Nintendo has released close to 20 devices if you count all the bits and bobs (different Gameboys, different DSs, different 3DSs and 2DS) and then Switch. Microsoft has zero experience with handhelds and given that they lost this generation (at least in terms of market share and certainly mindshare if the instagram/twitter/youtube stats are anything to go by), I can't see them taking that sort of risk.
Microsoft may not have experience with handheld gaming machines, but they've been in the portable computing world longer than virtually anyone else in the game. Palm pilots, phones, tablets - Microsoft has been there since the start. Does that translate to handheld gaming? Who knows. If Microsoft want to compete in the Asian territories, a portable next-gen Xbox is going to do better than the Series X and Series S combined. It's not a risk from a pure "would people want this" point of view - the answer to "would you want a hand-held machine capable of playing every major third party game in addition to the entire Xbox library - including all backwards compatible titles" is always going to the "shut up and take my money".

The risk is: is it physically possible to make a usable hand-held gaming machine packing next-gen power? I have a basic understanding of some of the hardware at play, so while I certainly love the concept and would pay a premium for it, I just don't see how it is physically possible. I could be wrong - my limited understanding is limited. And if I am, I'll buying one a portable Xbox on day one. But... I just don't see it happening.


That would mean AMD has a viable 5nm chip ready to ship in 2020 but that they haven't got one ready for their own CPU/APU lineups. Sounds unlikely. Especially since we're expecting 5nm Zen 4 next year.
You didnt read my other post? Everything is decided by yields. And when you are on a new node like 5nm, the yields will be much lover than 7nm (at this point)
The more transistors you use, the lower the yield. (more defects on the chip) That's why XSX and PS5 and all PC GPU's, wich usually uses al lot of transistors, isn't viable for 5nm yet. What you need is a sweetspot where the size of the chip (# transistors) gives you the best yields, and I guess an APU with 20CU's were the prefered size for MS. (cost/performance) (yield = cost)
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T the end of the day, 4 TF is 4TF. The reasoning for this to exist being to satisfy 720p gamers is borderline sabotage. Unless it's a handheld.
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T the end of the day, 4 TF is 4TF. The reasoning for this to exist being to satisfy 720p gamers is borderline sabotage. Unless it's a handheld.
I can understand the difficulty keeping your narrative afloat when the only number you have to cling to is "4"
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I hope it's not true. Microsoft seem to have acknowledged that Nintendo owns the portable space. That's why Microsoft is supporting Switch with software, it's not a competitior.
Also reads more like speculation rather than inside information.

Or using it as a testing ground for a few of their games. a portable xbox sounds kinda crazy when you think about it.


Yeah but Nintendo is the only one with loads of experience with handhelds. Sony has some experience (they've only realised two handheld platforms, 3 if you count PSPGo) whereas Nintendo has released close to 20 devices if you count all the bits and bobs (different Gameboys, different DSs, different 3DSs and 2DS) and then Switch. Microsoft has zero experience with handhelds and given that they lost this generation (at least in terms of market share and certainly mindshare if the instagram/twitter/youtube stats are anything to go by), I can't see them taking that sort of risk.

I get that, I don't think its about experience as much as its what your marketing towards for what they can achieve. Obviously Nintendo’s experience and magic is something no1 can replicate.

But Im sure plenty of Xbox fans would love to go portable. Yes its very hard for xbox to sell 30+ million units on there first portable but if its a family of devices at a cheap price it might do well. Again im not saying its a risk worth taking, but they might do very well and make fans happy they can play there games on the go.

To be honest I just want xbox to do it, so it makes Playstation release a PSP 3

I have a switch but Id love to play my Playstation exclusives and 3rd party library on the go. If I have access to my vita and PSP games then that would be super sweet. ( yes Im dreaming )
The PSP done well and sold more units than the 3ds and on par with Gameboy advance maybe more.

The vita mostly failed because it couldn't convince 3rd party to make games for them and they didnt have enough of there own studios making dedicated games for the system. But now they wont have that problem because they can just downscale there games and having it all on one family of systems, kind of what Nintendo does with the Switch and Switch Lite.
Xbox and Playstation can do the same and not beat Nintendo but sell a good amount of units with the right strategy. The library on the Xbox and PS4 is quite alot.


If true, maybe this should be called the Xbox series P! Oh wait, that sucks.

I didn't consider the second option though, a NVIDIA Shield sized xbox series S would still be nice, though not nearly as exciting.
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Why not? It makes 100% sense after the success of the Switch. Release a low-cost portable console that can play the entire Xbox library. Really shocking Sony didn’t do the same.
How could it be high end and low cost at the same time?????????????


I would be super shocked if lockhart was a portable console but that sure would shake up the video game market.
I think a dedicated portable xbox device will happen. Maybe not now but in the future. Plays all games for series x in 1080 p or lower all old xbox games. Streaming for x cloud all digital. Perfect for a lot of markets. Even if it does 80 millions units like the psp that is still a success. Do i think its happening now? no but I really hope it does happen.

I have a switch. I love it but lets not lie the system is built like a piece of garbage. Why should nintendo care? they are the only handheld console around. Everyone will buy it. If there is another competitor there will be more pressure on nintendo to make better hardware have more sales on games etc. WE all win in this. Competition is good

Codes 208

Gold Member
I think a dedicated portable xbox device will happen. Maybe not now but in the future. Plays all games for series x in 1080 p or lower all old xbox games. Streaming for x cloud all digital. Perfect for a lot of markets. Even if it does 80 millions units like the psp that is still a success. Do i think its happening now? no but I really hope it does happen.

I have a switch. I love it but lets not lie the system is built like a piece of garbage. Why should nintendo care? they are the only handheld console around. Everyone will buy it. If there is another competitor there will be more pressure on nintendo to make better hardware have more sales on games etc. WE all win in this. Competition is good
People have been saying this since the original Xbox. There were “leaks” and rumors of a handheld xbox during the 360 lifespan.

spoilers: it never happened, and considering Ms’s handheld philosophy squares around the surface line of products: I seriously doubt we’ll ever see one. Its always possible, but I doubt it.

mand I’m saying this as a sucker for handhelds. There’s a good reason to make one, especially to market xcloud on the go, but I still doubt it’s existence when all the prior rumors/leaks suggested it’s just a weaker series x.
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I would be surprised if Sony or Microsoft ever tried to horn in on Nintendo's handheld territory ever again. I mean on one hand the Switch has shown that there is definitely a market for hybrid-type consoles, but on the other it's a lose-lose situation for whoever goes for it - they'd have to compete against both Nintendo, who's ruled that space for decades (though the PSP did put up an admirable fight) and the other platform maker, who wouldn't be "held back" by having to take a handheld SKU into account.

I dunno. The Vita is a nice piece of hardware, if Sony had done some things differently (MEMORY CARDS) it could have had a much longer lifespan. Who can say.


Gold Member
So, a next gen handheld console with a Zen 2 x86 processor and that's the "low cost" SKU? Yeah, not happening


I would be surprised if Sony or Microsoft ever tried to horn in on Nintendo's handheld territory ever again. I mean on one hand the Switch has shown that there is definitely a market for hybrid-type consoles, but on the other it's a lose-lose situation for whoever goes for it - they'd have to compete against both Nintendo, who's ruled that space for decades (though the PSP did put up an admirable fight) and the other platform maker, who wouldn't be "held back" by having to take a handheld SKU into account.

I dunno. The Vita is a nice piece of hardware, if Sony had done some things differently (MEMORY CARDS) it could have had a much longer lifespan. Who can say.

PSP sold more than 3DS and Gameboy Advance.
Only the DS and also classic gameboy combined with the Gameboy colour have sold more than PSP. And they are Nintendo’s biggest selling machines.

People forget Nintendo failed plenty of times but come back from the ashes lol.

All Sony has to do is have decent memory cards and downscale there console games (PS4 and PS5 ) a decent price, and they will have a winner. Same with Xbox. All your gaming library on the go on day 1 is a big sale.
They might not get close to outselling the Switch but they will do well for both PlayStation and Xbox.

110 million plus PS4 owners aren't gonna say nah, I dont want my games on the go. All your current library on the go... Day 1 for me lol


A portable device with 4TF GPU would be feasible with the same size of Surface Pro using a Ryzen 4800U with double the core (16 CU).
4800U is the current core of the Surface Laptop.
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PSP sold more than 3DS and Gameboy Advance.
Only the DS and also classic gameboy combined with the Gameboy colour have sold more than PSP. And they are Nintendo’s biggest selling machines.

People forget Nintendo failed plenty of times but come back from the ashes lol.

All Sony has to do is have decent memory cards and downscale there console games (PS4 and PS5 ) a decent price, and they will have a winner. Same with Xbox. All your gaming library on the go on day 1 is a big sale.
They might not get close to outselling the Switch but they will do well for both PlayStation and Xbox.

110 million plus PS4 owners aren't gonna say nah, I dont want my games on the go. All your current library on the go... Day 1 for me lol

The PSP wasn’t competing with the 3DS, it was competing with the DS, which sold around 60 million units more than it did. Fewer people in general were buying dedicated handhelds when the 3DS and Vita arrived..

Never said anything about Nintendo never failing, just that they’ve always owned the handheld space...which is true.


The PSP wasn’t competing with the 3DS, it was competing with the DS, which sold around 60 million units more than it did. Fewer people in general were buying dedicated handhelds when the 3DS and Vita arrived..

Never said anything about Nintendo never failing, just that they’ve always owned the handheld space...which is true.

Im just saying Portable playstation or a xbox portable can be successful. PSP sold over 80 million units. They had one failure and one success. Yes the DS sold way more (nintendo biggest selling device ever)

Gameboy advance also didnt sell like Gameboy colour, or DS. But now switch is looking to overtake the 3Ds, ok its a hybrid but you get what I mean. All different times and strategies.
I think it just depends on the strategy and market they are targeting.
I think if either xbox or playstation doesn't make mistakes like price, memory card and battery life, they can be successful with there handhelds.

If you told 110 million ps4 users that there gaming library would be on the PSP 3 day one, it would be successful. Especially if they didnt have to form on memory cards lol.

Of course NIntendo has always held the handheld space, they are the kings of it along with the X factor they always have. Im just saying, xbox and playstation can sell many handhelds if done properly. They have a huge advantage with the backlog of current gen games they have, which the switch is porting over.


Microsoft may not have experience with handheld gaming machines, but they've been in the portable computing world longer than virtually anyone else in the game. Palm pilots, phones, tablets - Microsoft has been there since the start. Does that translate to handheld gaming? Who knows. If Microsoft want to compete in the Asian territories, a portable next-gen Xbox is going to do better than the Series X and Series S combined. It's not a risk from a pure "would people want this" point of view - the answer to "would you want a hand-held machine capable of playing every major third party game in addition to the entire Xbox library - including all backwards compatible titles" is always going to the "shut up and take my money".

The risk is: is it physically possible to make a usable hand-held gaming machine packing next-gen power? I have a basic understanding of some of the hardware at play, so while I certainly love the concept and would pay a premium for it, I just don't see how it is physically possible. I could be wrong - my limited understanding is limited. And if I am, I'll buying one a portable Xbox on day one. But... I just don't see it happening.

Could very easily make the counter-argument that they've been failing in the portable computing space longer than anyone else. Palm pilots were only popular until blackberry came along. Windows phones are all but dead now, right? (Windows phones make up less than 1% global market share).

I personally don't think Xbox will ever do well in Asian territories (particularly Japan). I don't want to call it anti-Americanism but they just have absolutely no interest in Xbox whatsoever. It's not like Microsoft is doing anything particularly wrong in Japan. Japanese developers are not interested in working with them and therefore Japanese consumers on the whole don't have the time of day for Xbox because their needs are met by Sony/Nintendo. I really doubt releasing a portable is going to do anything at all to change that. Especially since they would be up against the Switch.

I mean, have you checked out the Famitsu sales data for Japan? For the most part people don't give a shit about 3rd party games (at least the ones you and I probably care about).
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You didnt read my other post? Everything is decided by yields. And when you are on a new node like 5nm, the yields will be much lover than 7nm (at this point)
The more transistors you use, the lower the yield. (more defects on the chip) That's why XSX and PS5 and all PC GPU's, wich usually uses al lot of transistors, isn't viable for 5nm yet. What you need is a sweetspot where the size of the chip (# transistors) gives you the best yields, and I guess an APU with 20CU's were the prefered size for MS. (cost/performance) (yield = cost)

I did read your post. What I'm asking is does AMD actually have a 5nm node that works? ie how do you know they've moved the IP blocks over to that 5nm node or are you just speculating? It may not even be ready for production (of any yield) yet.
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