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Media Molecule up there with Naughty Dog as the best of Sony's studios? Why no love?


2 and 3 don't impress me nearly as much as Drake's Fortune, and even then that's not much of a compliment.

I'm still playing 3's MP and it's an unbalanced, unresponsive piece of trash. Think I had a thread on it somewhere.

The Uncharted series is incredibly overrated series. Easily the weakest of the other ND trilogies.

In my opinion, of course. Shame that sharing an opinion here usually degrades to 'lol joke post?'
Just because you don't "like" them, doesn't make them a "stinker".
It's like me saying The Dark Knight / Nolan Batman movies are rubbish, just because I don't "like" them.


Just because you don't "like" them, doesn't make them a "stinker".
It's like me saying The Dark Knight / Nolan Batman movies are rubbish, just because I don't "like" them.

Sure, I accept whatever quality the games are and what they mean to the rest of ND's fanbase (Da Naughty Gaaaaaaawds). Still think they're bad games tho. But that's another discussion for another day.


Sure, I accept whatever quality the games are and what they mean to the rest of ND's fanbase (Da Naughty Gaaaaaaawds). Still think they're bad games tho. But that's another discussion for another day.
Yeah, I'm sure only the Naughty Dog fanboys (Naughty Gods 4-Life) are believing that these games are good. All the others hate them... *cough*
And yes, different topic.


For me Little Big Planet has been one of the most innovative games this generation, that implemented important innovations in an appealing way for the core gamer. And well, seems they did a great job both sales, awards and reviews specially considering how small they are.

It also was shocking for me seeing my little cousing prefering LBP over Mario (she had a GBA and prefered there Sonic over Mario there).
I enjoy MM games, but I don't think think they are anywhere near ND's games.

I'm still playing 3's MP and it's an unbalanced, unresponsive piece of trash.

If it's a piece of trash why are you still playing it 2+ years later? Makes your hatred of the game sound a little phony.
Wait....how did LBP2 score lower than the original?!

I feel as if they are equal. Different experiences but always great IMO.

Happens with a lot of sequels, even if they're widely considered better, because the appeal of something new is no longer there.


Anyway, I love Media Molecule and I think their output is great. Definitely one of Sony's best studios, and I think they're extremely different and distinct from most of their sister studios which is one of the best things about them. Tearaway was one of the best games of last year (and perhaps the best Vita game to date) and I look forward to their next game.


Tearaway is stuck over on Vita which limits its audience quite a bit. They haven't released a console game in 3 years so they've kind of fallen out of public perception a bit. Their underwhelming showing at the PS4 reveal didn't make anyone too excited. I'm sure that will change once they unveil their PS4 project.


If it's a piece of trash why are you still playing it 2+ years later? Makes your hatred of the game sound a little phony.

I'm a completionist. I picked up the game this year. I can deal with a lot of bullshit in multiplayer. I've played much worse games.


hide your water-based mammals
I've never enjoyed LBP. It is far too floaty and unresponsive. The gameplay mechanics just simply are not interesting. Charming set up, but it feels like that's where they put all of their effort into.

Tearaway was good, but with no challenging obstacles it felt like an elongated tech demo.
This is shocking coming from you. MM is a class dev.
What no love? I love MM stuff. They're just different.

Besides, they made best power point ever
"You know ultimately it's about making someone feel something."

That is about a presentation but they apply the same core belief to their games. There are games with sharper mechanics but they make some of the most charismatic games in the industry that players remember for the fun they had and the happiness they felt.

They get it. Important studio for Sony and important line of thinking for the industry.
2 and 3 don't impress me nearly as much as Drake's Fortune, and even then that's not much of a compliment.

I'm still playing 3's MP and it's an unbalanced, unresponsive piece of trash. Think I had a thread on it somewhere.

The Uncharted series is incredibly overrated series. Easily the weakest of the other ND trilogies.

In my opinion, of course. Shame that sharing an opinion here usually degrades to 'lol joke post?'

Oh you can share your own opinion of course but thankfully your opinion about the Uncharted series is an unpopular one.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Cause no good graffix. Naughty Gods do good graffix.

I know you're being a bit tongue in cheek, but MM are very talented when it comes to rendering. The LBP games are chock-ful of interesting techniques. Alex Evans is a rendering whizz, and the glimpse we got of their PS4 project was very impressive IMO.

I think their PS4 game will be closer to an ultimate incarnation of their vision, and from a tech POV will be more readily/casually appreciable now that it is 3D etc. I think some people discounted LBP's technical chops because it was working on a 2D plane.
I don't know. As someone who fully completed all of the levels in LBP 1&2, I think the platforming was great. It is different than Mario and other games, but that doesn't make it bad. It may take a bit to get used to, but that comes very quickly. There are so many great ideas throughout those games! It is a shame that so many people can't get past the "floaty jump" issue. Reminds me of the U3 aiming haters (another control non-issue I had no problem with).


Because LBP is so damn overrated. It's terrible as a 2D Sidescroller / JnR or whatever it is supposed to be. Yes, editor possibilities are rich and a lot of funny ideas came through this by the community. But that's it, every creative level I started I was like "Heh, funny idea." For about 5 seconds because then you have to actually play the thing and that's no fun at all. Because of the gameplay mechancis that were already mentioned here.

It's funny that MM is compared to ND in here. Because I dislike the Uncharted series for some of the same reasons. Aiming, shots and hits feel so unresponsive and wrong. It's hard to explain. I blame this partly on the crappy Dual Shock 3 (for shooters) which is why I still have some hope left that I might actually enjoy UC4 with the far superior DS4. Coming from the 360 controller and Gears of War, aiming and shooting always felt terrible in every UC.

That's all just my personal opinion, though.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'll be "that guy."

Tearaway is overrated. While the storyline was fine, the gameplay became stagnant. I bought it day one and absolutely adored what I played for the first three worlds. But, as I played, I was expecting some sort of evolution. Nothing changed. Enter a world, do a fetch quest/side quest for some character, peel some stuff, move on. It got repetitive extremely quickly. I was incredibly bored by the end of the game.


I actually like Media Molecule more than (current) Naughty Dog myself. No disrespect to ND, they make great games and I like Uncharted. But they mainly just make what's popular in gaming, which would be the cinematic stuff these days. Mm on the other hand has made some truly unique games. Also, I'm not a fan of gory, grimdark series like The Last of Us. It's the main reason I never really gave Attack on Titan a chance last year. Though so far, that series thankfully doesn't seem to take itself extremely seriously like I thought it did. But I digress...

Even though I prefer Mm, I think it's pretty easy to see why they're not as beloved as ND. FIrst off, they're games are "kiddy" in appearance. There are some notable exceptions, but generally games aimed at kids don't get as much love and acclaim as something more serious like Uncharted or TLoU. Also, ND has been around a lot longer than Mm, and thus has the advantage of being more cherished due to being a part of people's younger days or childhood. Then there's the fact that Mm's latest game is on the Vita and didn't sell that well. Finally, there's the whole "floaty" complaint with their iconic franchise LittleBigPlanet. It's a vocal minority thing and all, but it's still a detraction.

It would be nice if Mm received as much love as ND, but oh well. They still get plenty of critical and commerical attention, and don't seem to be in danger of going under like Liverpool or anything. That's good enough for me.

Really hope their PS4 game is unveiled at E3....and that Move won't be an absolute requirement.
Media Molecule are good developers but not great. I thought LBP was ok. Don't get me wrong, it did look good and had a coop mode but the game wasn't fun to me. The controls are bad, floaty, not responsive. It's definitely not Mario, Rayman or Donkey Kong style of platforming.

And i never cared for making my own levels, never found the fun in that to be honest.

Tearaway was way better than LBP though but again nothing really special. Creative and imaginative ? yes. Fun ? not so much.
A lot of people saying MM are not good developers?

I think the review scores of their games says otherwise. They are very talented.

Again, I'm not saying they are necessarily as good as ND, but they must surely be up there with their resume so far.


Their underwhelming showing at the PS4 reveal didn't make anyone too excited. I'm sure that will change once they unveil their PS4 project.

I'm not anyone but the Media Molecule sculpt demo was for me the best, most 'next gen' part of the whole show.

I'm STILL excited to sculpt!

Put another way, if ND released UC4 tomorrow I'd think "great I'll buy that when I get a PS4" however if MM released something based on their reveal demo tommorow I'd be in the queue buying a PS4 in my lunch hour.


MM is my favorite Sony studio, even though I didn't like LBP (did like Tearaway though). I just think that they're an exemplary development studio for innovative experiments and games. Their ideas are bold but they make it work.
I'm still playing 3's MP and it's an unbalanced, unresponsive piece of trash.

So.....you're playing an MP that you find an unbalanced and unresponsive piece of trash?

2 and 3 don't impress me nearly as much as Drake's Fortune, and even then that's not much of a compliment.

I'm still playing 3's MP and it's an unbalanced, unresponsive piece of trash. Think I had a thread on it somewhere.

The Uncharted series is incredibly overrated series. Easily the weakest of the other ND trilogies.

In my opinion, of course. Shame that sharing an opinion here usually degrades to 'lol joke post?'

You're like those people who enjoy Jak 1 more then 2 & 3
(by the way I am a avid Sly Cooper fan but find Sly 2 the most lacking of the series)

I agree about U3 MP not being as great at U2
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