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Mental Health |OT3| - How do you deal with depression?

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I have a facebook and youtube page where I share advice videos for people suffering with anxiety and depression. I have been a counsellor for 12 years and helped people out of some very dark places, and thought i could share tips for free


I like your videos man. I like the way you frame things. The video about improving your self-image was good, I enjoyed the analogy of getting let down by someone after making plans with them consistently and losing trust in them, it does feel I see myself as that untrustworthy person letting myself down. One of my core values is getting up again and again after I'm defeated and my plans fall through, but there comes a point where you realize that all your doing is getting up just to fall again, and for years nothing has ever worked out, you've only lost the most valuable years of your life. I know your answer to this is to take baby steps but I don't know how much this applies to what I'm going through as the reason why I'm falling is because I just don't know what I want and if it's even possible. It changes so I give up.

I'm so fucked up. Layers and layers and layers of fucked up. I'm been trying to help myself for years, but society doesn't seem to reward that. I refuse to live conventionally or conviniently as we are programmed to and question everything, and boy am I suffering for it. But where do I end and my mental health problems begin? It's not clear. There are examples in my past where I'm so glad I never gave in to the force feeding of conventions, it ended up enlightening me and giving me a reason to live.


Gold Member
Distraction, mostly. It was a certain type of pills for some time. And I happen to bounce off and on them again and again. Getting distraction is the main problem. Because I don't actively seek out distractions, no motivation etc. I also have this dualistic relationship with loneliness and humans in general. I generally don't want to be around people and I find it taxing but there are days where a hug would be really something. And when I'm around humans and be sufficiently distracted, people seem to like to hang out with me (which is a bit hard to understand for me). But that's another story.

There is no answer on how to deal with it. But I know that it is quite dangerous when you are left alone with your thoughts, especially when you "lack" the ability/awareness to self-reflect and take a step back into the abstract. That's almost impossibly hard to do when you are already "beyond the edge". I cought myself almost always before going down to deep. I failed twice and ended up in hospital.
I tried talking to a therapist once and walked out when he suggested that I should try to "entangle" myself with other humans in a way, that I would feel a "responsibility" towards them in terms of causing them pain when I would be suddenly gone. Logically speaking, that advice might've made a lot of sense but I couldn't and can't "load off" my problem onto other people that way. That's too selfish, even for an asshole like me.

I think that you're willing to talk about this is a good thing and something that many fail to do. So you have that going for you already and that's not a small step, IMHO. And there seem to be a lot of smarter people than me in here to give you better advice, I think. What seemed to help me (at least partially) was to go on a journey. I ended up going to Hong Kong and Osaka for a while. But that's a luxury that not many have, I realise. It's actually the small gestures that require the most "effort", IMHO. And those small gestures are also the most rewarding/helping. What small things do you like (to do)? Could even be something like looking at certain types of plants in your favourite park or drinking coffee with just the right amount of milk etc. Taking regular walks might work for you? Try to change the route regularly and maybe even try to get lost on purpose. That being said, my "advice" can be invalid as I am not "cured" (whatever that means). Maybe at some point I won't be able to come back because I've gone too far over the edge (again).

I stop myself before this turns into a wall of text. It's just ramblings anyway...


not tag worthy
Hi everyone,

I found a wonderful odnerful podcast called feeling good with David Burns.

It’s goes into great detail about CBT. I’m only on the fourth podcast but it’s really nice to listen to and great for general learning and has given me food for thought about my reaction to criticism and how I handle things.

Also it says it will go into cognitive distortions on later episodes. But so far for me it’s just a nice learning tool and something to listen to and to learn from. I don’t know how others will respond to the podcast but for me it’s just really nice and relaxing
Both hosts are soothing to listen to.

He also wrote a book and I found it on the internet archive (if this is not allowed then tell me I will remove it)

They allow you to rent books out online.

Hope this helps anyone and keep on everyone, one step at a time. You all matter you are all great.

Peace and love to you all 😀
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I thought I would post here after a particular crappy Saturday where I had no energy and all I wanted to do was lay down and shut my eyes all day (I did neither BTW).

I suffer not quite from depression (I don't think so anyway) but low mood and anxiety. The latter tends to create the former or make it worse. This time of year usually starting around New Years Eve I get particularly low and it seems to get worse the older I get. This year I have felt it quite badly.

To make things a bit worse I have developed a self destructive behaviour. It probably started in earnest about 6 years ago and crept up on me without realising. The most important thing is I recognise it myself without having to have it pointed out to me which is a start I think?

I intend to use gaming (and other things) as a distraction as I know if I break the behaviour I will have this part sorted. It wont entirely cure my low mood or anxiety but it will alleviate it as it only makes it worse as it stands. I think if I can't progress in 6 months it we probably be time to get a bit of help. I am confident I can sort the worst of it with distraction and lifstyle change though.

Ithought a good start would be to write it down in brief somewhere..... so there it was

I thought I would post here after a particular crappy Saturday where I had no energy and all I wanted to do was lay down and shut my eyes all day (I did neither BTW).

I suffer not quite from depression (I don't think so anyway) but low mood and anxiety. The latter tends to create the former or make it worse. This time of year usually starting around New Years Eve I get particularly low and it seems to get worse the older I get. This year I have felt it quite badly.

To make things a bit worse I have developed a self destructive behaviour. It probably started in earnest about 6 years ago and crept up on me without realising. The most important thing is I recognise it myself without having to have it pointed out to me which is a start I think?

I intend to use gaming (and other things) as a distraction as I know if I break the behaviour I will have this part sorted. It wont entirely cure my low mood or anxiety but it will alleviate it as it only makes it worse as it stands. I think if I can't progress in 6 months it we probably be time to get a bit of help. I am confident I can sort the worst of it with distraction and lifstyle change though.

Ithought a good start would be to write it down in brief somewhere..... so there it was
I'm on the same boat. A huge part of this shitty feeling is due to the dead of winter. Once the weather warms up you start to feel more lively.


I'm on the same boat. A huge part of this shitty feeling is due to the dead of winter. Once the weather warms up you start to feel more lively.

Yes I agree.

For me it is also caused by the months of October-December being extremely busy, not always in a good way, but in a distracting way and then entering this vacum of nothingness during January-February. I also reflect and regret about the previous year and worry about whats coming.

It's something I need to & will work on.....


I could be depressed, or maybe not. What I can say is I'm definitely in a groove I can better work toward getting out of. I guess little bits work for me as I've never been one to easily open up.

One thing. Cows. I deal with these large animals on a daily basis. It's not something I really planned on doing when I was younger but, for various reasons, here I am. There's much to do, to figure out if I take the time to do so. One thing I do have, and don't use, is the time. Old habits call.


i used to have depression pretty bad. i would lay in bed for most of the day.

but i haven't been doing that in a long time. one thing that helped was getting a cat. ever since i started keeping pets, i am never really alone, and they know how to treat you right when you are feeling down.

also weed.


Unconfirmed Member
i used to have depression pretty bad. i would lay in bed for most of the day.

but i haven't been doing that in a long time. one thing that helped was getting a cat. ever since i started keeping pets, i am never really alone, and they know how to treat you right when you are feeling down.

also weed.

Can confirm cats have a wonderful way of cheering you up. Plus they won't let you lie around doing nothing, they're not too subtle about wanting food.
If you happen to spend most of your time indoors (whether due to necessity or choice), consider getting some indoor plants. Heck, even if you're a killer of plants -- a "black thumb" -- pick up a new one every month or two and throw the old one out. You might feel a bit guilty, but potted plants are available year round for fairly cheap ($5 - 20).

Not only do plants improve your mood simply by having them in your field of view, but they can also improve your local air quality.

Here is a handy-dandy infographic of the top air-filtering plants. If you are gung-ho and really want to fill your house/office with plants but you are on a budget, I recommend Peace Lilies, Bamboo palms, and Varigated Snake plants.

Each of those is hardy, tolerant to low light conditions, but most importantly they can can be split/divided so that you can gradually increase the total number of plants in your house or office at no extra charge (well, you'll need to buy the potting soil + receptacle).

Remember that some houseplants are poisonous to pets.



Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Anyone heard what happened to dagZ?

I'm afraid he may have commited suicide. I was talking to him regularly, and then he disappeared. He hasn't logged in since April 2018..


DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi This tells me I should adopt some of my late grandma's plants.

Azelover Azelover That does sound concerning. One can only hope he decided to check himself in somewhere and went dark from the internet to sort things out.

D dagZ Hope you are well.

I wondered this morning how to best use a therapist. When I visited on I seemed to use her as a paid sounding board. It certainly has helped to bring up issues which I normally wouldn't want to talk about in a normal social setting (including here). Now I'm thinking it would be a good idea to visit a psychologist and see how that goes.
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I've been a relatively bubbly and positive person here on GAF, and I pride myself in trying to be a little small ray of sunshine for people. With that said, I'm a very broken person in reality. I have crippling depression and anxiety; and while I normally like to just meme and poke fun at my misfortunes... it's really starting to affect me. It's embarrassing to admit, it really fucking is. I don't like talking about my problems in fear of being seen weak and broken -- even though I am those things. I like cheering people up and making them feel better, but this whole time I've been ignoring myself. And me putting all my own issues on hold has finally caught up to me.

Yesterday I went into work; things were going okay. Then all of a sudden, I start breaking down -- in front of my co-workers. I get pulled to the side and am asked what's going on. I spill everything : my depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, literally EVERYTHING. They comfort me, but tell me it's not safe for me, or the residents (I work at a nursing home), to be working there in my current state. I've never felt so ashamed of myself in my life. I've always prided myself in helping people, but now I can't even do the thing I've always done best. I am barely functional, and am basically living moment by moment.

I set up an appointment with my therapist, but, holy shit. I haven't felt this low in a long time. I've certainly dealt with worse in my life (don't worry, I wont get into that), but this really fucking sucks. Right now my current distraction is, well, my friends and GAF. That's pretty much it. I'm lacking motivation for much else. So, yeah, if you guys have any ides for coping mechanisms that would be awesome.

Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
I've been a relatively bubbly and positive person here on GAF, and I pride myself in trying to be a little small ray of sunshine for people. With that said, I'm a very broken person in reality. I have crippling depression and anxiety; and while I normally like to just meme and poke fun at my misfortunes... it's really starting to affect me. It's embarrassing to admit, it really fucking is. I don't like talking about my problems in fear of being seen weak and broken -- even though I am those things. I like cheering people up and making them feel better, but this whole time I've been ignoring myself. And me putting all my own issues on hold has finally caught up to me.

Yesterday I went into work; things were going okay. Then all of a sudden, I start breaking down -- in front of my co-workers. I get pulled to the side and am asked what's going on. I spill everything : my depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, literally EVERYTHING. They comfort me, but tell me it's not safe for me, or the residents (I work at a nursing home), to be working there in my current state. I've never felt so ashamed of myself in my life. I've always prided myself in helping people, but now I can't even do the thing I've always done best. I am barely functional, and am basically living moment by moment.

I set up an appointment with my therapist, but, holy shit. I haven't felt this low in a long time. I've certainly dealt with worse in my life (don't worry, I wont get into that), but this really fucking sucks. Right now my current distraction is, well, my friends and GAF. That's pretty much it. I'm lacking motivation for much else. So, yeah, if you guys have any ides for coping mechanisms that would be awesome.

My suggestion to you is -- continue being the light in other people's lives. One thing's for sure, you never know how much other people need it since they could -- just like you -- be putting on a façade (in a good way obvs) to avoid the wrong kind of attention. Good on your co-workers for being cool about the situation. Good luck with the therapist. Hopefully you can look back and find solace in the fact you did not take it out on people and instead made others' lives better. Trust me, it matters more than you'll ever know.

Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
To go off what Melon said^

Does anyone know what the feeling of ~perpetual melancholy~ is? Like... that's a superfluous way of describing my outlook but idk. I feel like I'm a happy person (I am when in public, among my friends, etc.) but pretty much my whole life I've been very dark. Like in that other thread with the whole bloomer and doomer thing. Inside, I'm like Jupiter's never-ending storm but outside I'm like a happy-go-lucky. I feel like the spiritual side of me strives to be that on the outside, and unabatedly so, but internally I feel like I'll pretty much never be satisfied with my life (in good and bad ways I guess). This is partly due to my workaholic nature and also my drive to achieve so many things in my life.

But it's not depression, I'm sure of it. Compared to the friends I have that have struggled with it, and considering what they tell me, I can't say I'm in the same position.

Again, anyone know what I'm talking about? I feel like no one in my regular life understands but ya never know ya dig.


To go off what Melon said^

Does anyone know what the feeling of ~perpetual melancholy~ is? Like... that's a superfluous way of describing my outlook but idk. I feel like I'm a happy person (I am when in public, among my friends, etc.) but pretty much my whole life I've been very dark. Like in that other thread with the whole bloomer and doomer thing. Inside, I'm like Jupiter's never-ending storm but outside I'm like a happy-go-lucky. I feel like the spiritual side of me strives to be that on the outside, and unabatedly so, but internally I feel like I'll pretty much never be satisfied with my life (in good and bad ways I guess). This is partly due to my workaholic nature and also my drive to achieve so many things in my life.

But it's not depression, I'm sure of it. Compared to the friends I have that have struggled with it, and considering what they tell me, I can't say I'm in the same position.

Again, anyone know what I'm talking about? I feel like no one in my regular life understands but ya never know ya dig.
Same. Pretty much why I don't bother to do anything.


I've been a relatively bubbly and positive person here on GAF, and I pride myself in trying to be a little small ray of sunshine for people. With that said, I'm a very broken person in reality. I have crippling depression and anxiety; and while I normally like to just meme and poke fun at my misfortunes... it's really starting to affect me. It's embarrassing to admit, it really fucking is. I don't like talking about my problems in fear of being seen weak and broken -- even though I am those things. I like cheering people up and making them feel better, but this whole time I've been ignoring myself. And me putting all my own issues on hold has finally caught up to me.

Yesterday I went into work; things were going okay. Then all of a sudden, I start breaking down -- in front of my co-workers. I get pulled to the side and am asked what's going on. I spill everything : my depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, literally EVERYTHING. They comfort me, but tell me it's not safe for me, or the residents (I work at a nursing home), to be working there in my current state. I've never felt so ashamed of myself in my life. I've always prided myself in helping people, but now I can't even do the thing I've always done best. I am barely functional, and am basically living moment by moment.

I set up an appointment with my therapist, but, holy shit. I haven't felt this low in a long time. I've certainly dealt with worse in my life (don't worry, I wont get into that), but this really fucking sucks. Right now my current distraction is, well, my friends and GAF. That's pretty much it. I'm lacking motivation for much else. So, yeah, if you guys have any ides for coping mechanisms that would be awesome.

Hi Melon,

First off I know it probably doesn't help much to hear it, but it's definitely something you shouldn't be ashamed of.

I wont pretend I know how you're feeling but a couple of things I do to cope when my mood is low are:

I avoid the news. I'm currently on a news ban. I find it so depressing especially in recent years so I boycott it. I figure if it's important enough that I need to know about it I inevitably will. An extension of this is I will avoid dark or melancholy TV.

Gardening (if possible). In the UK a lot of study has been done into the link between gardening and peoples well being. I saw an interview where a doctor was saying they wanted more research done so they can prescribe gardening to people with mental health issues along with whatever else. A lot of community gardens spring up in the UK in recognition of this.

A trick I use is to make a list of things/jobs I need to do no matter how big or small. Then I make myself complete something on the list. This makes me feel like I have acheived something today no matter how small and it just removes something from my mind. It can be as small as paying the window cleaners bill or as big as rebuilding the rotten raised plant beds in the garden.

Lastly I use gaming as a big distraction. Similar to the above if I go to bed after making progress in a game (my backlog) or have caught up on some reading I feel like it was time well spent and that helps me.

I hope you find what works for you and feel better soon. Take care.
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Winter SUCKS. Depression hits everyone to some degree in winter. No energy in the air. No life. No greenery. Shits a vacuum. Reminding myself of this restores sense of morale.

Satisfaction is good in small sweet doses. Indifference is a nice equilibrium. It's good to be in the middle. And every now and then a bad experience is healthy.

That gardening thing makes sense. We are human and have a longing for nature. Anything outdoors-y I imagine has a positive effect. Fishing's great too.
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Winter SUCKS. Depression hits everyone to some degree in winter. No energy in the air. No life. No greenery. Shits a vacuum. Reminding myself of this restores sense of morale.

Satisfaction is good in small sweet doses. Indifference is a nice equilibrium. It's good to be in the middle. And every now and then a bad experience is healthy.
Winter is great. Summer is depressing as fuck. Happy people and warm weather need to fuck off tbh.


i used to have depression pretty bad. i would lay in bed for most of the day.

but i haven't been doing that in a long time. one thing that helped was getting a cat. ever since i started keeping pets, i am never really alone, and they know how to treat you right when you are feeling down.

also weed.
Its weed but if you over do it you would to a really really dark place and it takes months some time over a year to get out of it.


Winter SUCKS. Depression hits everyone to some degree in winter. No energy in the air. No life. No greenery. Shits a vacuum. Reminding myself of this restores sense of morale.

Satisfaction is good in small sweet doses. Indifference is a nice equilibrium. It's good to be in the middle. And every now and then a bad experience is healthy.

That gardening thing makes sense. We are human and have a longing for nature. Anything outdoors-y I imagine has a positive effect. Fishing's great too.

with the 20 min per day of lightbox usage, Winter became my favorite season in a month. Seriously, more people should get these SAD lamps, as for me it worked better than any pills I took.
I'm in a shit place at the moment. I've been on antidepressants for a year or more, and to be fair I've had a good run of feeling okay. The past couple of weeks I crashed and burned so unbelievably quickly, today I lay in bed all day. Work is getting me down, fucking negative people dragging me down.

I just needed to vent my sadness.
Going to ask this girl out on Thursday in my group, we seem to get along pretty well. It will be the last day I see her so its now or never. I don't know how I will take the rejection if it comes Its been a long time since I have asked someone else out since I broke up with my ex. I have been feeling better lately but I a little worried it could set me back. Weed and metal have been holding me off lately.
It’s been about 7 weeks since my hospitalization and things aren’t better. THey told me to raise the BuSpar but that just aggravated me, felt really weird, I don’t think the BuSpar is doing anything at all

They will tell me to increase the Remeron next and I’ll try it but anytime I’ve tried higher then minimum dosage of antidepressants I’ve always had weird reactions

They gave me a goal to walk to a park every day but it I haven’t been able to do it, I get about 20-30 feet from my house and start feeling the chest tightness and tight breathing feeling. That’s even with the benzos. I only truly feel near calm when I’m on a benzo and that’s become an everyday thing now, sometimes more than once a day.

I’m terrified they will hospitilize me again for “failure to thrive,” like before.

It’s not as bad as before, at least I leave my house somewhat occasionally, albeit briefly, but I’m still non-functional publicly. It takes increasing dosaes of sedatives to get me to the psychiatrist every 3 weeks and the therapist every two weeks. Last time was rough.

I don’t know what’s wrong with my brain
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It’s been about 7 weeks since my hospitalization and things aren’t better. THey told me to raise the BuSpar but that just aggravated me, felt really weird, I don’t think the BuSpar is doing anything at all

They will tell me to increase the Remeron next and I’ll try it but anytime I’ve tried higher then minimum dosage of antidepressants I’ve always had weird reactions

They gave me a goal to walk to a park every day but it I haven’t been able to do it, I get about 20-30 feet from my house and start feeling the chest tightness and tight breathing feeling. That’s even with the benzos. I only truly feel near calm when I’m on a benzo and that’s become an everyday thing now, sometimes more than once a day.

I’m terrified they will hospitilize me again for “failure to thrive,” like before.

It’s not as bad as before, at least I leave my house somewhat occasionally, albeit briefly, but I’m still non-functional publicly. It takes increasing dosaes of sedatives to get me to the psychiatrist every 3 weeks and the therapist every two weeks. Last time was rough.

I don’t know what’s wrong with my brain
Hmmm you did make progress no? You aren’t in the mental hospital any more and you said you left the house more. Sounds like improvement to me. You absolutely have the potential to thrive you have already made progress. It’s time to end the negative cognition my friend. Instead of thinking “They are going to take me back to the the hospital” Turn that into “I have admitted to myself that things are better and I can make them better” 😊 stay strong
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It’s been about 7 weeks since my hospitalization and things aren’t better. THey told me to raise the BuSpar but that just aggravated me, felt really weird, I don’t think the BuSpar is doing anything at all

They will tell me to increase the Remeron next and I’ll try it but anytime I’ve tried higher then minimum dosage of antidepressants I’ve always had weird reactions

They gave me a goal to walk to a park every day but it I haven’t been able to do it, I get about 20-30 feet from my house and start feeling the chest tightness and tight breathing feeling. That’s even with the benzos. I only truly feel near calm when I’m on a benzo and that’s become an everyday thing now, sometimes more than once a day.

I’m terrified they will hospitilize me again for “failure to thrive,” like before.

It’s not as bad as before, at least I leave my house somewhat occasionally, albeit briefly, but I’m still non-functional publicly. It takes increasing dosaes of sedatives to get me to the psychiatrist every 3 weeks and the therapist every two weeks. Last time was rough.

I don’t know what’s wrong with my brain

That sounds horrible :messenger_anguished:

Maybe if the walk to the park is not achievable right now set yourself your own goal that is and feel proud of yourself when you achieve it. I hope you can feel a bit better soon.

Not the same level of some of you but I have had a bad couple of weeks. I'm still struggling with my compulsive behaviour again which in turn is making me suffer from anxiety and low mood. This also manisfests physically in tiredness, stomach pains and irritability.

I am determined to get it under control though.

bad guy

as bad as Danny Zuko in gym knickers
As mentioned before exercise especially outside because sunlight. Also cleaning up your room/apartment /house.


I dont know how what I'm going to say will affect you people here, but I feel like I must say it:

I've been in antidepressants for more than two years, but I'm now clean for more than 4 months.
The results?

I do now feel like I've thrown those two years of my life to the fucking trash.

1. Because after passing a couple of grief periods from my ex, now I'm in a third because all the love, affection and happiness I couldnt grow for her at the time, is now rising up from the ground where they were buried due to the pills.
And this really sucks because our relationship ended kinda bad and now its very difficult to me to communicate nothing to her and I'm swallowing all this new emotions that appeared suddently and its affecting my health.

2. In general, I feel a lot more capable of enjoying and appreciate things. This is a feeling you dont know you lost with the pills until you regain them. Antidepressants normalize your emotion range, so you dont feel as bad, but also dont feel as good. And believe me, people around you can notice it and feel like you are not into the things you do, like if you lack energy for everything. You may lose your job, or your love...

Before taking pills, I strongly advice to wonder what life-style changes could any of you do to improve.

Communicate with your family and friends about your concerns and worries and try to trust them. Is this not a possibility? Go to a psychologist and spit everything out.
Try to think again about what ideas in your head ar rational or not. Dont judge yourself so harshly. We all have done bad things and have 'immoral' thoughts.
Our mind is a nest of ideas of every kind. Dont be afraid of the bad ones that could eventually spark, you cant help it.

Making excercise, improve your diet...
But the pills.... only for when there's nothing you cant do even with some effort.

Just an advice from my experience.
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I dont know how what I'm going to say will affect you people here, but I feel like I must say it:

I've been in antidepressants for more than two years, but I'm now clean for more than 4 months.
The results?

I do now feel like I've thrown those two years of my life to the fucking trash.

1. Because after passing a couple of grief periods from my ex, now I'm in a third because all the love, affection and happiness I couldnt grow for her at the time, is now rising up from the ground where they were buried due to the pills.
And this really sucks because our relationship ended kinda bad and now its very difficult to me to communicate nothing to her and I'm swallowing all this new emotions that appeared suddently and its affecting my health.

2. In general, I feel a lot more capable of enjoying and appreciate things. This is a feeling you dont know you lost with the pills until you regain them. Antidepressants normalize your emotion range, so you dont feel as bad, but also dont feel as good. And believe me, people around you can notice it and feel like you are not into the things you do, like if you lack energy for everything. You may lose your job, or your love...

Before taking pills, I strongly advice to wonder what life-style changes could any of you do to improve.

Communicate with your family and friends about your concerns and worries and try to trust them. Is this not a possibility? Go to a psychologist and spit everything out.
Try to think again about what ideas in your head ar rational or not. Dont judge yourself so harshly. We all have done bad things and have 'immoral' thoughts.
Our mind is a nest of ideas of every kind. Dont be afraid of the bad ones that could eventually spark, you cant help it.

Making excercise, improve your diet...
But the pills.... only for when there's nothing you cant do even with some effort.

Just an advice from my experience.
Whatever happens You must know that there is other people who had it worst than you and that is life, you must be strong in your head and dont let anything affect your mental health, you are not alone.


Exercise is one of the, if not the, most important things. If your body knows it's not moving and doesn't anticipate moving, it won't be motivated to move.

It's easy for me to just sit on my ass, whether it's at work, in the studio, or vijya. That's when shit gets bleak. That's when you've got to take that first step toward developing inertia, which can be very, very hard.

If at all possible, keep moving.
Ashwagandha helps me but I have to take it daily for 1 month before it starts to work so if you run out of cash at times it can take awhile to get back up to working again. Anyways after taking it for one month I get much less depressed and my thinking is much clearer and it's easier to talk to people without getting stressed.

Other things that help is excising if doable even just a little bit helps, getting sunshine for about 10-30 minutes. Taking short walks daily alone is best for me. Taking time to just take some deep breaths daily really helps me especially before I have to do something stressful I will take a few minutes and just take some deep breathes first and it makes it a little easier.

Saying something nice or doing something for someone everyday helps me to feel a little better about myself and we all need to feel good about ourself. It can be as easy as please and thank you.

I'd also strongly suggest getting your hormone levels checked if you have been very depressed your likely low in something because almost everyone has problems with their hormones in the US it's worth looking into it especially if your over or under weight, because fixing your hormones can help keep your weight more where it is supposed to be. (If you are told to get on testosterone I'd suggest that you inform your doctor that you want to use a estrogen blocker with it.)

I hope these things can help you they have been helping me.
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