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Microsoft is finally clarifying the situation regarding future Bethesda games

I don’t like exclusives and long for a world where I can just buy one system, but you have to fight the battle you’re engaged in sadly. I have all systems, but this is amusing because of the Sony fanboys who have made everything about exclusives and ‘wins’. It’s always nice to see a bully get punched in the mouth.

I do feel a little bad for nice people with PlayStations who just like to play games... But they’ll probably just buy an Xbox to play them and not treat it like some kind of holy war.
While I see some of the points you make, I also see the motivation behind creating exclusive content from a platform owner's perspective, because let's be honest here nobody would buy a switch if it wasn't for the exclusive content.

So my impression is that games that are exclusive would not get made, at least not in the same manner if it wasn't for the platform holders doing their best to differentiate their hardware (look at what EA, Activision and Ubisoft to see the difference in the approach compared to Sony and Nintendo). I'm pretty sure that uncharted and the last of us would not exist if Sony had not been put in a corner with the mess the PS3 was.

Sony built their studios back in the 90s to boost their platforms, MS bought them for the same reason.

We can always run emulators to bypass some of these limitations!


so while I was having dinner with friends, what we all thought would happen happened and a part of fanboys who never bought an Xbox said it wouldn't happen (of course) if you want I could remember the names of these users by heart
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At 8:47

Here is the compilation of takes.



Okay for my situation I guess. Playing TES6 and Starfield on PC.
Kinda funny if you think about how games are going to look in 2023/2024 on that hardware then. Probably 60 TF - 80 TF of performance then for some juicy juicy juicy RayTracing. :messenger_sunglasses:

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Very happy that Phil Spencer clarified everything earlier today.

- All previously released games stay as is and will receive updates, expansions, etc. as normal.
- All contracted games will be fulfilled which is Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo which was already known.
- All future games will otherwise be exclusive to Xbox/PC and Game Pass.

Super hyped!!! Starfield, The Elder Scrolls VI, Indiana Jones and whatever else they end up having for this generation and beyond will be exclusive as they fucking should be.

The only game I see as an exception will be Wolfenstein III as it will wrap up the current storylines in the previous games and can give the series a break while Machine Games will then move on to full production of Indiana Jones.

What a great day!!! Xbox baby!!! Whoooo!!!! :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:


as everyone with a brain said playstation user can wait just for timed exclusives like Deathloop.and tokyowire and mmo like Eso or fallout76 that's it .


So where are we?

Are Bethesda games coming to other platforms? I hope they do.

Existing games will continue to be supported.

Game currently under contract will be released and supported.

In future, there may be other contracts that Bethesda do.

GamePass will be the place for exclusive games.

Astral Dog

The best thing about this is that decent competition prevents collusion.

For everyone who is sick of video game company greed, XBox being strong competition to PlayStation is absolutely the best thing.

If Bethesda games all came to Sony as well, the competition wouldn’t be there as much and the collusion would go on. We don’t want Microsoft and Sony in bed together.

As it stands this is going to heat up the whole market, which means cheaper consoles and games. This is a good thing for everyone.
Except Bethesda fans on Switch and PlayStation lol 🤣



because was you was one the main one of the fools who carried on with nonsense that Microsoft would release everything on PlayStation? you will understand for yourself that you deserved all the quotes next time think about things more
I did? When?
I think you should go back and read the quotes. Hahahaha
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Astral Dog

Sony better fucking be on the phone with capcom or square enix right fucking now. No more diddly-dicking around wasting money on timed exclusives and porting games away while Microsoft continues to bolster the xbox value proposition.
man Capcom going first party sucks even more, they been slaying on all platforms and have big current/ next gen AND big Switch games coming, fortunately i don't believe they will let themselves be bought that easily.


Show me. Was this before or after they changed most powerful console to most powerful Xbox and then bungled the gold doubling?
No none of this (I've just checked) and as I am a sincere person, I apologize to you, I remembered badly it was hezkiel or something like that to which I replied. You were certainly part of the group that giggled at the lack of clarity on the exclusivity of the acquisition but I was wrong. you weren't the one I quoted. sorry
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That's nice, but why wait so much to clarify it in the first place? There must be a reason not to boast it since this kinda of deal takes forever to be consolidated.

Fishy still, but congrats Xbox owners.

Wonder what response this will trigger...
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It means existing live service games(like ESO) that have legacy on other platforms.
What he actually did say is this:

"There's contractual obligations that we're going to see through as we always do in every one of these instances."

This is obviously about games like Death loop and Ghostwire Tokyo. Everyone already knew that they were going to honor those contracts and deals that were made in the past.

"We have games that exist on other platforms, and we're going to go support those games on the platforms they're on. There's communities of players. We love those communities and we'll continue to invest in them."
This is obviously about games like ESO and Fallout 76. We also knew that these games would comtinue to be platform so there's still nothing new about what he said.

And finally when he could have ended this easily and make everything clear he say this:
"And even in the future, there might be things that have either contractual things or legacy on different platforms that we'll go do."

Legacy on other platforms could mean many things and this is exactly where people like you and other fanboys like Stuart360pretend that it's very clear when it really isn't.

Games like TES,Fallout,Doom and many others all have history on Playstation as well. That what "Legacy" means or at least it could mean. Once again he's talking with riddles and half-words.
It's really beyond me how you and the rest of the xbox fanboys in this site managed to be so sure about something so vague.

Btw i've said many times that i DO hope and wish ALL Bethesda games remain 100% exclusive to Xbox. This is because 1) i never cared about any of Bethesda's or Zenimax's games and 2) because even though i personally don't care i do realize they are big franchises and that will really put some fire into Sony's pants.And we all know that competition is good.

But just like i expected there was nothing today that made this situation any more clear than before.
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That's nice, but why wait so much to clarify it in the first place? There must be a reason not to boast it since this kinda of deal takes forever to be consolidated.

Fishy still, but congrats Xbox owners.

Wonder what response this will trigger...
clarified because they saw that across social media many playstation fanboys were spinning incredibly positive news for the Xbox platform as something irrelevant as if nothing had changed. Instead it must be clear that the Xbox today has the largest First party on the market.


Sony better fucking be on the phone with capcom or square enix right fucking now. No more diddly-dicking around wasting money on timed exclusives and porting games away while Microsoft continues to bolster the xbox value proposition.
Sony interested in becoming a bigger PC and mobile game developer? That's what they would be taking on if they buy Square Enix.

It's possible that they try and spin that out but it is pretty decent chunk of Square Enix revenue


Good, more competition. Plus, since it's on PC, we can play any "exclusive" game at a nice 60/120 fps vs something like god of war or spiderman.


clarified because they saw that across social media many playstation fanboys were spinning incredibly positive news for the Xbox platform as something irrelevant as if nothing had changed. Instead it must be clear that the Xbox today has the largest First party on the market.
And it took them around 6 months (since September 21st announcement) to notice that?

Come on guys... really?
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