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Microsoft NL: too many defect Xbox Ones, no longer capacity to repair XB1, try abroad

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Neo Member
I really have to thank Microsoft. Before knowing all about the consoles I had decided to buy just one of the consoles, but I was very much in doubt as to which. Then the detalis got out. Seeing as the PS4 is both more powerful, cheaper and is the only of the two that's available in my country (Norway), Microsoft made the choice extremely easy.

It's absurd that the machine hasn't even got a release date in many countries. I actually feel a little bit insulted, like I don't matter to them as a customer at all. (Which is a mistake, we Norwegians buy insane amounts of tech, and at ridiculous prices compared to for example the US)
My 360 works flawlessly till now, a month old One doesen't seem to be dying either. Better watch out for tons of PS4's melting in agony from playing those 8 hours long single-player "AAA experiences" in Full "fuckin amazing graphics" HD. Sony burrow your rotting corpses in the cheapest grave already. That's all you can afford now.


Microsoft just shot themselves in the foot.

I don’t know how much the rest of you know about Netherlands culture (I’m an expert), but honor and cheese are huge parts of it. It’s not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Holland, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the Netherland public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase these all-in-one systems, nor will they purchase any of Microsoft’s other products. This is HUGE! You can laugh all you want, but Microsoft has alienated all Tier 2 countries with this move.

Microsoft, publicly apologize and extend the warranty to 3 years FOR FREE or you can kiss your business goodbye.

hehe always raises a laugh *tiphat*


My 360 works flawlessly till now, a month old One doesen't seem to be dying either. Better watch out for tons of PS4's melting in agony from playing those 8 hours long single-player "AAA experiences" in Full "fuckin amazing graphics" HD. Sony burrow your rotting corpses in the cheapest grave already. That's all you can afford now.
You should be terminated for that post.


I work and talk with dutch designers every week, some of which game and are on their third or fourth Xbox 360. If the Xbox 360 with all of its early issue still sold reasonably well in the Netherlands, I don't think the Xbox One will suffer a lot because of it. Hardware failures are, quite honestly, not high on priority lists for a lot of consumers when they purchase a games console. If they were, Microsoft wouldn't, for the majority of this generation, have sold better than Sony because their early models' reliability was so bad that to me it was baffling how some consumers and even people I know continued to purchase it.

I know a person who has 3 Xbox 360s, 1 of them doesn't work and is out of warranty and only one of them wasn't replaced during the warranty period. How this was acceptable to him, and its still his favourite console, is beyond my understanding.

Rude, unnecessary hyperbole much?


Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXIII for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and cancel FFXIII for 360 or you can kiss your business goodbye.
Wouldn't this imply that they're in absolutely no rush on their Tier 2 launch countries? Were this coming up in the next few months these kind of people would be on staff and some extra units to repair are the exact kind of training they'd want the techs to get before there was an official launch to "officially" get units. Stuff sent in from consumers is way better to work on than things that you fake-destroy in-house for training.

Either there are no plans, period, or the repair work gets done at some larger center that covers more territory... and if they're getting busy that's not exactly good either. Even this would make no sense-- We've had no real reports of large failure numbers or any signature issue. People of the region deserve some simple answers on this stuff. The Kinect language barrier thing was debunked as bullcrap well before release and imported units have been working just fine. Since the first of the year no one can claim supply issues either; Microsoft is already starting to play the shipped units versus sold game. It is really that difficult to "officially" launch a product in any given country, especially if you plan to do zero marketing?

I don't care if Microsoft internal numbers show they're likely to sell 4 total units. At least pretend to be a functional company and do good by the people who actually pre-ordered the thing 8+ months ago.

God, such a classic. It never ceases to amuse me.


Thanks, I've edited my post. Didn't realize that it was part of a larger joke. My mistake! Thanks for the reference. My apologies, Bundy.

No worries at all, can't expect everyone to get every reference ever made on GAF, I just thought people might want a history lesson!


If this is true it is quite a terrible move by MS. We were told that repairs could be done in the Netherlands (Eindhoven if I am correct). So I can imagine that some people bought the Xbox One, because of this very reason.

I am glad that I could muster the patience to buy one, since I was more inclined to buy it when I heard of the repairs being done near my hometown.

Has there been an official statement of sorts yet? There was also another rumor going around (this week) that the Xbox One was really being delayed to 2015. Really hope it is just a rumor and that MS can give us some more information/shed some more light on the situation regarding delays.


Why would they even put themselves in a position that they would allow consumers to send repairs in a country where it hasn't launched?

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?


This half added story will be picked up by every news outlet while the PS4 thumbstick issue still hasn't been talked about.


Well since the Xbox hasn't even officially launched in the Netherlands I could imagine that they are not prepared to repair them


You would think so.

I could imagine even 50 systems would be overwhelming. How do they repair them if there is no supply/replacements/parts to do so?

Edit** I see it's offered by someone there...yeah, no way I'd undertake that until an official release. I'd imagine the volume just from people accidently damaging systems would be hard to keep up with. People like screwing things up.


Sound really crappy to live in Europe at the moment and being an XB1 owner.
My friend recently moved there for a lead QA job, hope his doesn't die before titanfall!

It's fine if you're in a country where the XB1 is actually supported/launched.

Failure rates have got to be pretty low? We haven't heard much.


With my RROD Xbox 360 it got sent from UK to Frankfurt to Prague to get fixed or replaced.

Doesn't really matter as long as it gets fixed quickly.
This half added story will be picked up by every news outlet while the PS4 thumbstick issue still hasn't been talked about.

Bingo! It's some kind of mass hysteria. PS4 is advertised, shown by press and seen by gamers as a ultimate console, god almighty walking among peasant hardware. Sure, Microsoft had a really terrible PR after unveiling Xbox One mainly because shit coming from Mattick's mouth and utter desinformation. Sony took advantage and every lack of Microsoft's console was used to say "Look we have this plus far superior hardware for only 399 bucks". They just forgot to add that once again in terms of exclusive launch titles gamers will face a nightmarish drought. After all the games are the key, the essence, right? If yes why gamers bitch about hardware like PC spec nerds? Yup, both machines have PC architecture, but they are designed to work on a go (15 mins installs? Fix it!), offer out of a box experience. It doesn't matter what's under the hood when it comes to gameplay, new featurs. Mythical in console world 1080p/60fps is more important than Drivetar in Forza 5 (which in fact runs Full HD and 60 frames), cloud future etc? You'll say that all this cloud talk is pure nonsense, but hey, Microsoft has the mighty Azure platform, they run the IT aspect of the biggest companies in the world, they have the financial strenght to achieve this seemly ridiculous "power of 4 Xbox One's in one box using the cloud". Sony is a almost bankrupt company, always was far outta Redmond's league. But yeah, wank over GDDR5, GPU teraflops in the age when hardware will constantly lose it's importance in favour to cloud based computing. Dead Rising 3 is only 720p, cross-gen title started on X360 and you know what? It couldn't take any of the fun I had decomposing literally tens of thousands zombies.

Last thing - XO has weaker specs, but treating it like a cripple poor thing is absurd. Just wait for new Halo gameplay and Gears from Black Tusk Studios flashing out the power of UE4. Or get hyped over cinematic experiences, using film lenses, charming QTE sequences, interactive movies that suck form the plot to "press to" gameplay and games redesigned to be shooters due to Gears of War success.


I have read the original article and it doesn't say that , It says it's not repaired in the netherlands but it's send abroad. Nor do you lose your waranty.
I tell you that. You can check it youself on https://myservice.xbox.com/ if you own Xbox One in tier 2/3 country. I can't request service for my Xbox One anymore (warranty expires Feb 6, 2016) and I could do that for the last three months.
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