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Microsoft ready to talk to devs who want crossplay


How does it split the community?

Even if controller users don't want to be matched against kbm players- crossplay will be increasing the the pool of controller users to play with.

Edit: Are we just assuming a matchmaking system will be binary - player chooses the opt-in pool or the opt-out pool - no interaction between pools.

Any system worth its weight would first try to create matches with players using similar control methods. Then pull in opt-in players as neccisary.

So basically the opt-in crowd would potentially have more people to play with. The PC crowd would have more people to play with. The opt-out crowd will Have the same amount of people to play with.

Your edit is the potential concern. Read my other posts, I'm not belaboring this


Is that due to MS at this point? Or will SE only allow it at this point if it's crossplay between all platforms (which Sony is going to say No to)
It will be both.

First MS because of their requirements/policies to enable crossplay i.e Requirement of always having an option to disable it and patch rollout there could of course but more we don't know being the scenes. Sony is a slight different issue because of stance towards cross console play but it's not what is fundamentally stopping it from coming to Xbox.

Edit -

To note FF14 isn't the only game that has had similar problems - DC universe online is another


The article suggest differently than what you are saying
Sure but it's not discussing all the factors and it directly states MS is still the barrier with their certification requirements in that piece. As far as am aware the PS4/PC implementation ATM doesn't let you disable crossplay and it wouldn't work well with an MMO sharing the same server. Ultimately the fact that Xbox must always have an option to disable crossplay is going to be a barrier in cases like this.

Gotcha. I missed your point previously.

EDIT: Does it talk about the certification requirements? Or am I failing reading comprehension?
😉. It does in the full interview on kotaku.


Sure but it's not discussing all the factors and it directly states MS is still the barrier with their certification requirements. As far as am aware the PS4/PC implementation ATM doesn't let you disable crossplay and it wouldn't work well with an MMO sharing the same server. Ultimately the fact that Xbox must always have an option to disable crossplay is going to be a barrier in cases like this.

Gotcha. I missed your point previously.

EDIT: Does it talk about the certification requirements? Or am I failing reading comprehension?


Microsoft brings out so much salt that consumers are against something that could potentially better gaming overall. It's a sight to see.

MS just want the fame of being known outside of the US, Sony would be crazy to support them by having Xbox blab appear on some of their games.

That's some Trojan horse level shit.


Unconfirmed Member
This is the true innovation we need from this generation. MS would do good to lead the pack here. Figure out the options and features required for each console to partake, allow players the option to choose whether they want to play with/without.


They wouldn't be singing this tune if they were market leaders. Sorry not genuine at all

So fucking what? They are doing it right now so does it matter if they are the market leader or not? Or is it only a good thing if it's not them doing it?


MS just want the fame of being known outside of the US, Sony would be crazy to support them by having Xbox blab appear on some of their games.

That's some Trojan horse level shit.

Ah yes Sony shareholders are logging on to explain why this is not good for gamers. Please explain
I'm so glad that both developers and console manufacturers are pushing for this. Crossplay for every genre except shooters should always be enabled by default, there's no reason not to do it. Crossplay on shooters should also be allowed as an option, something like "Player pool: Xbox / Console / All."
the FF14 situation is such a clusterfuck.

first, MS demanded that the XB1 players had their own servers much like ESO. SE then decided to pass on that version. fast forward to today and we now have Sony turning their nose up at cross-play. what happens here? how does SE make a XB1 version while keeping Sony's policy in check?

I said it in the last thread about cross-play. developers and publishers need to make a strong push for this and tell Sony that their game might skip PS4 if they don't budge on this issue. obviously they wont pass up a user base of 60million PS4s but I dont see how Sony changes their mind here. shit, Sony is ignoring their own userbase on this too.

see how fast they open up if R* requires cross-play for GTA6
Let's be honest here. MS are the ones who benefits the most from this out of all the platform holders here.

Those who benefit the most are gamers and developers. That should be all we care about. Why should I care about the business interests of a giant corporation?
Nah, I bet if MS removed the requirement to login with a live account and replaced it with a handshake between servers then Sony would be much more comfortable with it.

Maybe someone should petition that?

This might be a valid concern except for the fact that literally every other game than Minecraft doesn't require a Live account. Explain those.
Nah, I bet if MS removed the requirement to login with a live account and replaced it with a handshake between servers then Sony would be much more comfortable with it.

Maybe someone should petition that?

The Live login is required because the entire Better Together update is built around the concept of a centralized account system, allowing for a shared, cross-platform friends list, cross-platform access to your servers/worlds/player states, cross-platform DLC purchase histories, and a centralized user authentication and identification system. It's not an arbitrary requirement or a ploy to get users to make new MS accounts. It needs a centralized account, and as developer and publisher of the game they naturally use an MS account as that core account.

This clearly is not the primary issue anyway, as Sony also blocked crossplay on Rocket League, which has no account requirements whatsoever. And when pressed, they've given entirely different reasoning for the block. The login "issue" has only ever been a fan explanation, and it was never a very good one.
I have dreamed of a cross play internet gaming future for a VERY long time. I wish every single game , even on PC and console, could have cross play; controls be damned.

But lets be real here, only the console devs in "last place" will ever push for cross play. That's why Microsoft is doing it right now. Not only that but their plan to tie in xbox with Windows is another a reason they're talking about it so much. I would've liked Microsoft to have pushed for cross play a long time ago, but I suppose for whatever reason it's good they're talking about it now. Hopefully Sony decides it's really "for the players" and Nintendo is cool if they have any future potential cross platform titles.
MS just want the fame of being known outside of the US, Sony would be crazy to support them by having Xbox blab appear on some of their games.

That's some Trojan horse level shit.

You know we've reached a sad state of affairs when I can't tell if you're just fucking around or not.


Yes and no.
Yes I couldnt care less about MS or Sony motivations.
No, I don't see cross play for all titles as a good thing for players.
For some titles, for some genres this could be a good thing...for others dont.
I dont wanna play against Mouse + Keyboard on shooters, nor people playing at insane frame rate versus 30 fps nor agaisnt hackers in titles that we are aware that are cheat fests.
MS is forcing it like is something good for players when in fact its not that simple. They are doing this just cause its good PR for them atm and we got a lot people buying it without thinking the posibles downsides.
Before anyone answer "just put an option and you are done" I don't see how creating another way to split the community can be something positive.
Before jumping into "lets do this" Im more intersted in see how they wanna do it.

Okay, Microsoft isn't "forcing" anything on anybody. They are merely giving developers the option to allow cross play with their platform, which is Windows Store & Xbox.

I don't want to play against M&KB users in competitive either, it's why I don't game on PC lol. However I wouldn't mind playing with PC users on raids in Destiny, or co-op in Gears of War 4.

And some genre's like Puyo Puyo Tetris, Rocket League (I know it supports it), FIFA, 2K, etc. would be great to have cross play on.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Nah, I bet if MS removed the requirement to login with a live account and replaced it with a handshake between servers then Sony would be much more comfortable with it.

Maybe someone should petition that?

Sony didn't say the login is the issue though


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
People being able to play together is a good thing. Not that every developer will want to do this, not that every game can handle it logistically or in programming.

MS just want the fame of being known outside of the US, Sony would be crazy to support them by having Xbox blab appear on some of their games.

That's some Trojan horse level shit.

This makes sense. Other than maybe the Sidewinder game pad back in the mid-90s, what is Microsoft known for at all in the world?

Such a little known company.
the FF14 situation is such a clusterfuck.

first, MS demanded that the XB1 players had their own servers much like ESO. SE then decided to pass on that version. fast forward to today and we now have Sony turning their nose up at cross-play. what happens here? how does SE make a XB1 version while keeping Sony's policy in check?

I said it in the last thread about cross-play. developers and publishers need to make a strong push for this and tell Sony that their game might skip PS4 if they don't budge on this issue. obviously they wont pass up a user base of 60million PS4s but I dont see how Sony changes their mind here. shit, Sony is ignoring their own userbase on this too.

see how fast they open up if R* requires cross-play for GTA6

On the flipside, do you think r* will go so far as to not release the next gta on the largest userbase just to have some ease of server management?
They have way more to lose than to gain.
Gta online has existed just fine so far... Why would they risk losses over this?

Lets be real, the ONLY party to gain significantly from this are gamers, and one sided gains usually dont end up working out long term.

Well see how this goes but right now were just running in circles.

Lol i hope im not giving pubs cross play dlc ideas lmao


how about a middle ground that all side can live with

have PS4 only connect to PC and Nintendo. so shareholder(children) wont get mad

have the Xbox one only connects to PC and Nintendo. then maybe Microsoft can talk less and show more

everyone uses their system login info (steam, uplay, battlenet, origin, psn, xbl, nintendo id)
That's not all sides. I know it's always M$ vs $ony, xbots and sony ponies going at each others throats, but there are normal people who own an xbox/ps4 who'd like to play with their friends on those consoles aswell.
Nah, I bet if MS removed the requirement to login with a live account and replaced it with a handshake between servers then Sony would be much more comfortable with it.

Maybe someone should petition that?

The most pathetic part about this is that you're probably not joking.
Of course they are - they're losing.

Who the flying fuck cares.

It would be insane for Sony to do the same.

It really isn't. Sony's refusal to back crossplay will lead to an ever-increasing amount of multiplayer games that will be objectively inferior on Sony platforms, a list that already includes one of the most popular games of all time. Further, by being seen as the sole obstacle to all-platform crossplay, Sony is hurting the goodwill they garnered at the beginning of the generation, and is likewise refusing the goodwill that they could have gained by cooperating with this initiative. Long-term, this is exactly the kind of thing that will hurt them with both players and developers, and will likely serve as a handicap going into next generation.

Manwhile, the downsides of playing along are...?

It's simply not going to happen.

Perhaps not in the short-term. But it will. And it will be good for everyone.
Sony's reluctance to do this makes the "4theplayers" slogan ring real hollow.

If enough games start to do crossplay between Switch/Xbox/PC, PS4's community will end up the smallest and worst off.
That's not all sides. I know it's always M$ vs $ony, xbots and sony ponies going at each others throats, but there are normal people who own an xbox/ps4 who'd like to play with their friends on those consoles aswell.
Here's the thing though, crossplay at the moment is just random match making slots filled by random people . That's a completely different ballgame (both politically and in engineering terms) from cross-platformn friends, parties, etc. Would be dead nice though!


Junior Member

This game will forever be the wrench in the spokes of conversation of this particular game for a couple reasons:

It's already on PS/PC, right? Yoshida wants all platforms to be crossplatform play and from your link it sounds like he wants to avoid having certification maybe?

Well, that's all well and good except for the part where Sony never really intended on having any crossplay with Xbox, ever. All of their talk about crossplay is what pushed third party developers to come at MS about it and they changed their mindset, but this particular game since it was crossplay with Sony first, it'll never be crossplay with Xbox as long as Sony holds that stance.

So that is two requirements that Yoshida wants, but at the moment only one of them MS could realistically make happen on their own. If Sony doesn't budge, the game won't get made on Xbox.


Sony's stance is that they are protecting the kids.

PR obviously

This might be a valid concern except for the fact that literally every other game than Minecraft doesn't require a Live account. Explain those.


This clearly is not the primary issue anyway, as Sony also blocked crossplay on Rocket League, which has no account requirements whatsoever. And when pressed, they've given entirely different reasoning for the block. The login "issue" has only ever been a fan explanation, and it was never a very good one.

Rocket League on PS4 supports crossplay
with PC

You know we've reached a sad state of affairs when I can't tell if you're just fucking around or not.


Sony didn't say the login is the issue though

No, I was just taking a stab, it is likely one issue though.

This makes sense. Other than maybe the Sidewinder game pad back in the mid-90s, what is Microsoft known for at all in the world?


The most pathetic part about this is that you're probably not joking.



I have a PC, Xbox One and PS4 and I'm happy with the player bases as they are. Most of my friends that I see on a regular basis don't really game that much online so it makes no odds If I play with different people on the same network than different people on several networks.

Also I hate to break it to the people championing crossplay as some kind of feature that would define a generation or somehow ruin an entertainment division but it's really quite minimal, people in the grand scheme of things just do not care, as opposed to actually having games to play on there console of choice, that's what people care about most.
Here's the thing though, crossplay at the moment is just random match making slots filled by random people . That's a completely different ballgame (both politically and in engineering terms) from cross-platformn friends, parties, etc. Would be dead nice though!

The Minecraft Better Together update does support cross-platform friends lists, so that's already here. (No voice chat however.)
Let's be honest here. MS are the ones who benefits the most from this out of all the platform holders here.

Let's be honest here, gamers are the ones that benefit the most. Developers also benefit by being encouraged to spend development dollars and resources on extra platforms and retaining a wider audience overall.

The platform holders generally strive for a closed ecosystem (business asshattery 101), the times they are a changing. As for thinking a platform opening up is anything but a good thing is beyond me mate.
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