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Microsoft really doesnt give a shit about pushing the medium forward. Their approach to winning the gen will reduce the quality of GAMES

Is Matt Damon right?

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Couldn't agree with the OP more.

GamePass is a breeding ground for mediocrity.

I truly hope Sony/Nintendo never put their games day one on a subscription service, or they will end up in the same boat.
- Over 60 games released Day 1 on GP just this year;
- 21 games at 80 MC or higher released Day 1;
- 75.3 average MC on all those releases.

You’re entitled to your opinion, factually wrong as it may be.


*Looking for Kinect 2*
Yeah, okay.
Kinect set a Guinness world record for selling gangbusters.

Kinect 2 came bundled with Xbox One, but MS just made mistake after mistake, dropped the ball in spectacular fashion by focusing on everything but games, and then did a total 180 and never looked back.

Kimect could have been bigger and better, but the games just stopped coming.

Personally I'm both glad and sad it's gone. I'm glad to be rid of the gimmick getting shoved into every game, but I miss some of the creative experiences.


I'm not particularly upset by Microsofts recent strategies......but I am still waiting for them to release a game that makes me want to buy an Xbox,so there's that.
Series S is screwing everyone. There's a reason there are not many games that come to the Switch. Developers and gamers want innovation and improvement. If PS5 and Series X are 50 steps above PS4/One, why would we need to settle for just 10 steps due to Series S?
How the heck is it screwing anyone when we are still supporting the damn PS4 and Xbox one? Drop support of those consoles first then you can talk.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
- Over 60 games released Day 1 on GP just this year;
- 21 games at 80 MC or higher released Day 1;
- 75.3 average MC on all those releases.

You’re entitled to your opinion, factually wrong as it may be.

Elden Ring
God of War Ragnarök
A Plague Tale Requiem
Cult of the Lamb

These are the games which have won GoTY awards so far.

4 of them are available on game pass, and if I'm not mistaken all 4 of them were day 1 releases.

Only an idiot would look at this reception and say game pass is devaluing anything, I guess there's no shortage of idiots 🤷‍♂️
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Gold Member
Elden Ring
God of War Ragnarök
A Plague Tale Requiem
Cult of the Lamb

These are the games which have won GoTY awards so far.

4 of them are available on game pass, and if I'm not mistaken all 4 of them were day 1 releases.

Only an idiot would look at this reception and say game pass is devaluing anything, I guess there's no shortage of idiots 🤷‍♂️

I still need to play Norco and Immortality. Too much trash on GamePass, the backlog is huge.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I still need to play Norco and Immortality. Too much trash on GamePass, the backlog is huge.
I just beat Norco. It's awesome. Like a legitimately great indie movie. Never seen a game with a story quite like it.

Immortality is also great, but also very weird. Don't go in expecting a game. It's an interactive experience, but it's got some cool elements.
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Gold Member
If anything Sony is doing more damage to the medium with how much it pushed the cinematic linear approach through the past decade.
Costume Party Laugh GIF by Halloween Party


What time is it?
Elden Ring
God of War Ragnarök
A Plague Tale Requiem
Cult of the Lamb

These are the games which have won GoTY awards so far.

4 of them are available on game pass, and if I'm not mistaken all 4 of them were day 1 releases.

Only an idiot would look at this reception and say game pass is devaluing anything, I guess there's no shortage of idiots 🤷‍♂️

Put Cult of the Lamb on GamePass, Phil, you coward.
and who exactly is trying to push the medium forward?

please don't say either nintendo or Sony.
Indie developers and Asian developers? Not perfect, but at least they are willing to take risks and try to implement some type of creativity sometimes unlike most other AAA or major companies.


Gold Member
Nintendo are trying to get as many people playing games as possible by creating amazing and polished games that will attract larger audiences, thus more sales of Nintendo games and hardware.

Microsoft are trying to get as many people playing games as possible by enabling people to access said games on as many platforms and in as many ways as possible, thus removing barrier to entry, driving up engagement and generating consistent and reliable revenue.

So we have one company that is focusing on making amazing games, and another that is focusing on ease of access to games. The problem with MSFT's approach is that they need to be focusing on making amazing games ABOVE ALL ELSE. They can have those other goals, but the core focus needs to not be GamePass, streaming or anything else, it needs to be "let's make some freaking amazing games." This has been their problem for a long time now.
Indie developers and Asian developers? Not perfect, but at least they are willing to take risks and try to implement some type of creativity sometimes unlike most other AAA or major companies.

and who exactly is trying to push the medium forward?

please don't say either nintendo or Sony.

BB says hi

Trco wants a belly rub:

Who would fund something like this:



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Just wait until you graduate to PC gaming and have near everything at your fingertips and not piecemeal releases, it'll blow your mind.
I already have PC with a 4090, I don’t think I have everything at my fingertips there, Sony is stubborn so I have to wait for their 1st party games, which usually means that I’ve already played them when they come to PC.
An OT a bit over the top but when all is said and done : Microsoft wants to be the platform, the gatekeeper to gaming. Flourish all you want, do whatever you want as long as it's on my platform and I can take my cut without creating anything but just due to my gatekeeper position and make billions $$$ out of it.


Nope Batman exceeds Spider Man in every way, including being 1st to market.

It's fine to be biased, but don't be delusional.

I've seen too many complaints about Ragnarok for it to be perfection (but I havent played it so I can't personally say)

You still didn't tell me what either of them brought to the table that no other game has done though. Which is what I really want to address.
Why do you work so hard at defending MS? Its embarrassing watching you bend over backwards and accept the shit you're being served. Even hardcore xbox fans have been calling MS out. Its the same shit year after year.

Kagey K

Why do you work so hard at defending MS? Its embarrassing watching you bend over backwards and accept the shit you're being served. Even hardcore xbox fans have been calling MS out. Its the same shit year after year.
I don't see any defending Xbox (or even a mention of them) in that post.

Why do you read things that arent there?


Let's make things clear. Indie games don't need Microsoft to exist in the same proportion they exist now. Gamepass deals and ID@Xbox probably helped some of them over the years, but that remains a drop in the ocean of video games as a whole.

If Microsoft can add something of value to this industry, it's with their money, by funding and publishing new projects with mid or big studios that are potentially struggling given the current state of the industry. They are capable to withstand loss but they only use that on the consumer side (which is, in my opinion, not the biggest problem of video games currently, but i know that everybody won't agree).

Some people have said it, 60 games day one on Gamepass this year, most of them are indie games. Plenty of variety in the indie field, we don't even need 60, it's actually way too much and most of these games would exist without a partnership anyway.


MS themselves have mentioned they only created this Gamepass strategy because they couldn't compete at selling games with everyone else. It was in one of their documents about their Activision deal for regulators i think.

If Xbox wasn't a part of a company like Microsoft they'd be out of business for god knows how long. Gamepass can only be a reality because a huge ass company like MS has money to waste like this.

It's also pretty clear MS was expecting Gamepass to have way more subscribers than they do right now after like 5 and half years, specially considering this is available not just on consoles on sale for 200 dollars right now, on every PC, TVs etc...this shouldn't have less than 30M subscribers by now, specially when they sell them at 1 dollar sometimes and you don't even need a specific piece of hardware for it. That's why they keep missing MS's numbers by like 70%.

If somehow they miss their prediction numbers for the 3rd year in a row even with games like a new Forza, Starfield, etc...they'll probably stop being all-in on this.

There's also the fact that gamers mindsets on Xbox is changing and we're not talking about this enough. When was the last time we saw a MS game inside the USA top 10 best sellers for more than its debut month? You actually see Xbox players saying that "since i have game pass i don't see myself buying a single game full price ever again" and they usually also mean 3rd party games since Gamepass already takes up a lot of their time. How is this setting up a good precedent in an industry where production costs are going through the roof as we speak? How will MS be able to produce huge AAA titles through like over 20 studios with Gamepass subscriptions revenue only? I'd actually like to know if multiplatform games not on gamepass are selling less and less on Xbox. I wouldn't be surprised if companies like Square-Enix not even announcing their stuff on Xbox anymore has anything to do with overall full priced games on this platform decreasing since Gamepass seems to be MS focus now. The only thing i see is that Gamepass is great for indies and smaller titles...that's it.

There's a reason you don't see huge AAA developers praising Gamepass...but only smaller indie developers you wouldn't normally play their games if you paid full price.

The problem about MS taking the Xbox business seriously is that the videogame industry is losing its balance now. This acquisition frenzy would never happen before the Bethesda deal and most stuff would still be 3rd party. When the Activision deal goes through, i'm pretty sure Sony will have something up their sleeve as well. Xbox will also buy more stuff and in the end gamers will always lose, no matter how much MS says "this is for the good of everyone" when it reality, it's good for them and their pockets only, lmao. Sony won't lose access to IPs from Capcom and Square-Enix. If they don't outright buy those, they will have more and more weird deals with these companies.

We don't say this enough: The only reason we don't see more acquisitions right now is because the Activision deal is going through issues right now. Once this is settled, acquisitions will keep happening.

The only thing MS did since they acquired Bethesda was destabilize the industry.
Ya man, its all Microsoft's fault for "forcing" Bethesda to sell.

Tell me, why are all these companies trying to get out of the video game business? I'll tell you, its a risky industry and could go broke if that next game isn't a hit.
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I mean, the OP isn't necessarily wrong, and I mostly agree with him. But I'm not that worked up about it. My backlog goes back generations. I'm good.


I agree gamepass is bad for gaming's future it appeals most to people who see games as a rotating door, if it becomes too successful of a model you can expect a major decline in gaming and a ton of lost content.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Imagine caring about this when Xbox have put out games like Ori and Forza but stuff like Stray has been nominated for GOTY. I platinumed Stray. Decent game. Absolute run of the mill compared to Ori though.

Neither Stray, nor Horizon FW should be anywhere close to the GoTY discussion, maybe genre specific thing and/or Indie categories at best.


I agree personally but that's a matter of taste. In a way they had an impact on this year. What sucks about TGA is the lack of variety represented for big awards, they want to cut a good figure for a non-gamer audience. So yeah it's completely biased but usually it follows more or less metacritic.

And this year was poor, not all years are like this. hence why Stray was here. I'm sure if Ori 2 was released this year it would have been nominated instead.


Kinect set a Guinness world record for selling gangbusters.

Kinect 2 came bundled with Xbox One, but MS just made mistake after mistake, dropped the ball in spectacular fashion by focusing on everything but games, and then did a total 180 and never looked back.

Kimect could have been bigger and better, but the games just stopped coming.

Personally I'm both glad and sad it's gone. I'm glad to be rid of the gimmick getting shoved into every game, but I miss some of the creative experiences.kin

Kinect sucked. I bought the day one bundle. It never delivered on what it promised. And Microsoft let it die a month after Xbox 1 came out. It was made in response to PlayStation eye toy and move controllers which had actually some good content. That fiasco is what turned me away from being Xbox day one consumer.
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Yeah it's really weird to see getting back at the time where you are allowed to make a troll thread about xbox and it doesn't get locked.

Oh stop with this stupid nonsense it's getting embarrassing.

Who are you talking to? What are the people?

Those who already bought an Xbox? Or the fanboys putting the fuel to the fire using their stupid exclusives in the console war?

The people crying in here would never buy an Xbox no matter how good exclusives they have.

Hell if god of war became exclusive on xbox people would be like "damn, so sad to see this franchise has become so bad".

PlayStation dominate because of the brand. Kids grew up with the first generation and sticks with it. Not because of their exclusives.

I know it's hard to swallow for SonyGaf in its hive mind.

The only one crying they care alot are edgy fanboys who would never buy an Xbox to begin with
Over the decades the GOY awards and user reviews for sony disqualifies everything you said. Xbox is a good console but they aren’t even competing with sony or Nintendo in quantity or quality of releases.
Discussion on this topic is pointless unless people can choose a narrative and stick with it. Either Xbox is unable to compete with the likes of Playstation and Nintendo and is largely irrelevant, or it's one of among three successful console manufacturers that is able to compete and is therefore relevent.

The mental gymnastics on display by the OP in order to portray the Xbox as little more than an also ran, while also single handedly being responsible for the downfall of all of gaming as we know it, is a bit of stretch.
What I don't understand is some people here who apparently don't play anything unless they check Metacritic first, and disregard anything that doesn't hit 90+. Like, bro, do you only play 2-3 games per year?

I'm not talking shit about Sony, they're unparalleled in what they do, I'm just not into that particular genera of game. That's why I love Gamepass, it's a shotgun blast of all sorts of generals, with 1st party games thrown on top like a treat. I'm wholely addicted to Potion Craft (not Potion Maker) right now, and I sure-as-shit wouldn't have bothered with it without GP.
What I don't understand is some people here who apparently don't play anything unless they check Metacritic first, and disregard anything that doesn't hit 90+. Like, bro, do you only play 2-3 games per year?

I'm not talking shit about Sony, they're unparalleled in what they do, I'm just not into that particular genera of game. That's why I love Gamepass, it's a shotgun blast of all sorts of generals, with 1st party games thrown on top like a treat. I'm wholely addicted to Potion Craft (not Potion Maker) right now, and I sure-as-shit wouldn't have bothered with it without GP.

I’ll honestly never understand the mentality of people say they don’t give a shit about metacritic and media praise but then say they wouldn’t play a bunch of games they’ve enjoyed without gamepass.

Like, it very easy for me to find and play a bunch of indie games that aren’t on a service. I’ve been doing it for years on Steam, and plenty of other people do as well, which is why steam continues to be the best place for indie games not consoles. Theres like 50 indie showcases a year from all the big platform holders, along with steam next fest which gives you access to a bunch of demos.

Its like saying, “i wouldn’t even listen to all this good music if Spotify wasn’t putting the playlist on the front page for me”. Its like, do a little leg work and support devs
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