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Microsoft will no longer include Gaming Revenue or XBL Monthly Users in its earnings reports.


Gold Member
They aren't changing any game. Why not release the numbers for both if they are "REALLY" changing the game?
So you don't think taking on Google Stadia in the streaming arena and making a play for the 2 billion gamer market isn't a paradigm shift of strategy compared to what they have been doing for the past 20 years damn near?


Yes absolutely, it just depends on the company's appetite to head down a path where all of their other divisions might need to prop up the gaming division while they burn money pursuing this venture over the next few years.

The continuing revenue from Xbox Live will help alleviate the pain somewhat since its essentially free money for them at this point (which I why I don't see them getting rid of it anytime soon) and any microtransaction sales within gamepass games will help, but overall it will require the backing of the company as a whole.

The way I see it, currently only 3 companies in this space can afford to go toe to toe without the aid of external investment (and/or debt financing) - Microsoft, EA and Google.

Microsoft are in a unique (and favourable) position compared to the other two because:
  • They have a large existing user base they can leverage both from Xbox consoles and gamers on Windows 10.
  • They already have existing strong relationships with all the third party companies which will help with content procurement.
  • They now have a strong stable of first party development studios who will be able to consistently deliver exclusive content to the service.
  • While dedicated gaming hardware is still desirable (which it currently is) they can build up a strong subscriber base without the pain of relying on delivering content via streaming on unsuitable Internet infrastructure.
Google are essentially aiming to skip many of these stages with Stadia and head to the "end game" where everything is delivered via streaming only. In my opinion it's a service that's launching too soon and as a whole the proposition isn't attractive enough for the type of customer they are primarily targeting.

EA are somewhere in the middle. They are happy to rely on existing hardware to deliver their subscription service while playing the waiting game for streaming to become more viable. They're also taking an approach which means they are unlikely to be hemorrhaging a load of cash because of EA access - the games only get added to the service after retail/digital sales have tailed off to a certain point. The games are then added to the service with the view of being able to sell microtransactions/Lootboxes to subscribers, further softening the blow of the cheap subscription fee. Once streaming becomes more viable and dedicated hardware sales start to drop they might look at pulling support for xbox/playstation/Nintendo and just offering their games via streaming (ip's like FIFA are strong enough to be able to attempt a move as bold as this) but that's a long while off.

What the likes of Sony/Nintendo do in all of this remains to be seen but it's going to be interesting to witness whatever they decide to do.

Agreed, only large publishers like EA, Ubisoft, Activision etc and tech giants like MS, Apple, Google can dive into this territory and in a sustainable way.


Well this clearly makes sense because Microsoft isn’t into selling games and hardware anymore. It’s alll about GaaS now.
Microsoft would respond with something like, "The B button has been pressed MILLIONS of times!"
Do a 360 and press B out of having X1 exclusives.


Where are you seeing salt? I am personally here because I enjoy a good train wreck, observing from a safe distance. I find enjoyment in both seeing a company succeed, and seeing a company fail. Either way, it is entertaining.
Yes, I care about the Xbox brand, sort of. I care as much as I care about all the fun news articles written about Fallout76 bugs, or Anthem disasters. If MS just reveal the same MAU as last year, i would have nothing to make comments about and would post on other topics. MS want to make news, they got my attention.

Don't take shi serious, I always joke 👊🤭
Ten years ago the Xbox heads were bragging about units sold and Metacritic scores.

My how times have changed.

Remarkable turn of events. MS bigwigs would repeatedly take to twitter to yell from the top of the rooftops on sales numbers. Ever since this gen started they slowly been removing the information they share.
But make no mistake when they back on top again you will see Aaron Greenberg and the like take to twitter again to boast.

Remarkable turn of events. MS bigwigs would repeatedly take to twitter to yell from the top of the rooftops on sales numbers. Ever since this gen started they slowly been removing the information they share.
But make no mistake when they back on top again you will see Aaron Greenberg and the like take to twitter again to boast.
I didn't know it was the same executive leadership running MS from back in those days? Wait its not? You can't hold the actions of one person to someone else. Also I didn't realize that Aaron Greenberg ever stopped boasting on Twitter? Better him boasting online than random people on forums.


Well, there it is.

We all know why, because they don't have the numbers to brag.

But they still should be transparent, just like Nintendo is at least when they flopped a few times.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I don't think the trillion dollar company gives a shit about how successful last gen was and are only focused about how to keep growing.

Hence you skip communicating bad data and if nobody minds the lack of transparency wait until things get better and start reporting / boasting that again. It is fair for them to do this, it is not like their entire business is collapsing, but taking about it in other terms feels disingenuous. Same but when Apple stopped reporting unit sales of phones and tablets...
Hence you skip communicating bad data and if nobody minds the lack of transparency wait until things get better and start reporting / boasting that again. It is fair for them to do this, it is not like their entire business is collapsing, but taking about it in other terms feels disingenuous. Same but when Apple stopped reporting unit sales of phones and tablets...
If people don't mind the lack of reporting in bad times, then its irrelevant to start reporting again when they're good. We live in a non-gaap world now, reporting is changing and it seems permanent as unit sales is becoming irrelevant. Want to know more? Go to the sec website. In apples comparison Android had always been the world leader with 3/4 of the market so "hiding it because of the competition's numbers" isn't true. Sad thing about Apple is that its their largest revenue source, Xbox is the MS's smallest. In reality, these companies aren't going to succeed or fail because of the way they report.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
If people don't mind the lack of reporting in bad times, then its irrelevant to start reporting again when they're good. We live in a non-gaap world now, reporting is changing and it seems permanent as unit sales is becoming irrelevant. Want to know more? Go to the sec website. In apples comparison Android had always been the world leader with 3/4 of the market so "hiding it because of the competition's numbers" isn't true. Sad thing about Apple is that its their largest revenue source, Xbox is the MS's smallest. In reality, these companies aren't going to succeed or fail because of the way they report.

You are circling a bit around my point I think. See the Apple example: that did not happen because of how they compared to Android. It happened because their HW sales were stagnating and/or declining YoY and the revenue figures were made look good by avg sales price rises for their HW (offsetting sale results with higher margins).

Apple was definitely hiding the numbers, their sale trends, because they were painting them in a bad light.

They are also a company that is betting more and more on services despite still a sporting very very profitable niche, but investors deal with spotting trends and murkier the water there was how they addressed some concerns.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Everyone does this. Sony is doing it right now. They wont reveal Days Gone's sales figures. This after gloating over Horizon, GoW and Spiderman selling millions in weeks. Its just the nature of the business.

MS is literally handing out their biggest game for a dollar. they are in it for the long haul which is only good news for gamers.


Who never wants to talk about d**k sizes?
That's right... ;)
Yeah THAT'S the difference. Not being lapped by the competitors.

So is this the part where I remind you of MS’s market cap and you tell me that the overwhelming success of the company doesn’t matter because we’re in adult-make-believe-land?

Fine I’ll play along and when I log into my Robinhood account today I’ll ignore MS’s financials and buy shares based on NPDs and forum posts. Ya know...because that’s how all investors decide where to park their cash.

Is that good enough? Did I make the grade this time Gandalf? Lol. Let me know.


Fine I’ll play along and when I log into my Robinhood account today I’ll ignore MS’s financials and buy shares based on NPDs and forum posts. Ya know...because that’s how all investors decide where to park their cash.

Is that good enough? Did I make the grade this time Gandalf? Lol. Let me know.
There you go! You almost had me there for a bit.
I was beginning to think you had no sense of humour and underestimated people you don't know. Glad I was wrong.


So is this the part where I remind you of MS’s market cap and you tell me that the overwhelming success of the company doesn’t matter because we’re in adult-make-believe-land?

Fine I’ll play along and when I log into my Robinhood account today I’ll ignore MS’s financials and buy shares based on NPDs and forum posts. Ya know...because that’s how all investors decide where to park their cash.

Is that good enough? Did I make the grade this time Gandalf? Lol. Let me know.

Is anyone claiming the company Microsoft is in any danger of going away? No. But, who cares? This is a gaming forum. We are talking about XBOX.

What the rest of Microsoft does means as much to me as Apple, Wal-Mart, Chevrolet or any other corporation.
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Well that means they aren't very good. Because I will bet you an entire paycheck that if their stuff was selling like hot cakes they would be proudly announcing it to the world.

They dont want to show how poorly they are doing because they dont want to push away potential customers, potential developers from developing for their system and to worry share holders.

Honestly I think if this wasn't a billion dollar giant like Microsoft behind the xbox they would have gone bankrupt a year ago. Microsoft has the money to keep a sinking ship afloat. The xbox is like justin long, the consumers keep saying no but there is always someone with money behind them that keeps saying yes.


I don't see what the problem is.

This information is for investors. It's in Microsoft's best interest show the numbers that make their business look better. It doesn't really matter if they are on top of not. We need Microsoft in the market.

This industry is cyclical so I’m sure whoever is at the bottom will be on top again at some point, at least in the US.

Didn't we get numbers just recently showing that Sony has 4 out of the 5 best selling consoles? Doesn't sound that cyclical to me...


Gold Member
Every maker hides things that aren't going well.

Sony and MS will cherry pick the good numbers. And things go bad, it's dead silence or baked into some obscure number. Or even worse, misleading numbers.

Last gen, Sony used to combine PS2, PS3 and PSP sales into one number. And then say it sold more than Wii. But of course, they didn't include NDS or 3DS sales.


I don't see what the problem is.

This information is for investors. It's in Microsoft's best interest show the numbers that make their business look better. It doesn't really matter if they are on top of not. We need Microsoft in the market.

Didn't we get numbers just recently showing that Sony has 4 out of the 5 best selling consoles? Doesn't sound that cyclical to me...

I don’t do console wars. My statement wasn’t a defense of the Xbox brand.

Cocky companies make big mistakes


Is anyone claiming the company Microsoft is in any danger of going away? No. But, who cares? This is a gaming forum. We are talking about XBOX.

What the rest of Microsoft does means as much to me as Apple, Wal-Mart, Chevrolet or any other corporation.

You separate MS from Xbox because MS’s clear success undercuts your narrative but investors do not. It’s one company. Time to come home Frodo.



You separate MS from Xbox because MS’s clear success undercuts your narrative but investors do not. It’s one company. Time to come home Frodo.

What narrative is anyone pushing that Microsoft's success outside of gaming (which is the vast majority of the company) undermine again? I'm really confused what you're talking about.

I'm not telling anyone they should or should not buy Microsoft stock. We are talking about Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo (the one company almost solely focused on video games) here.

Unless you can show me anyone here claiming Microsoft the corporation is in bad shape, you are arguing with a strawman.
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What narrative am I pushing that Microsoft's success outside of gaming (which is the vast majority of the company) undermine again? I'm really confused what you're talking about.

I'm not telling anyone they should or should not buy Microsoft stock. We are talking about Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo (the one company almost solely focused on video games) here.

Unless you can show me anyone here claiming Microsoft the corporation is in bad shape, you are arguing with a strawman.

The thread is about how MS will handle its financial reports for its gaming division going forward.

It’s related to Xbox sure but the decision of how to handle MS’s reports is not up to Phil Spencer and Azure financials are reported in a similar way. Revenue and growth are the focus.

You don’t understand because you are analyzing this through a narrow prism. It’s one company and I kinda doubt the decision of how to handle these reports was driven by a desire to protect MS’s image on NeoGAF or Twitter.

It’s a silly notion in the real world but makes perfect sense in adult-make-believe-world. But that’s fine I guess. Middle-earth is cooler than Manhattan. Aragorn is cooler than de Blasio.

But Prince Caspian will kick all of these dudes’ asses. Narnia fucking rules...


I don’t do console wars. My statement wasn’t a defense of the Xbox brand.

Cocky companies make big mistakes

Oh yes, they do.

I appreciate the no console wars part. Me neither. If I was I would be behind the PC team. I am very interested in the business side of the industry, though. This is a very interesting time to follow it.

Personally I don't do Xbox anymore ( I have an OG Xbox and had a 360 for a while) but I still think we need them to keep at it. They do a lot of things right that would be missed if they tapped out.


Oh yes, they do.

I appreciate the no console wars part. Me neither. If I was I would be behind the PC team. I am very interested in the business side of the industry, though. This is a very interesting time to follow it.

Personally I don't do Xbox anymore ( I have an OG Xbox and had a 360 for a while) but I still think we need them to keep at it. They do a lot of things right that would be missed if they tapped out.
I got an Xbox for Forza and the Forza Horizon games instead of buying a new pc and this was long before they were working on cross platform releases and stuff.

I’ve had fun with it. It seems like they are really kind of painting themselves into the corner with gamepass. Trying to look ahead to prospective future Xbox hardware launches up against the expectation they are creating for customers...

...seems unsustainable for a console launch to me, when new packaged game sales are so vital.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I got an Xbox for Forza and the Forza Horizon games instead of buying a new pc and this was long before they were working on cross platform releases and stuff.

I’ve had fun with it. It seems like they are really kind of painting themselves into the corner with gamepass. Trying to look ahead to prospective future Xbox hardware launches up against the expectation they are creating for customers...

...seems unsustainable for a console launch to me, when new packaged game sales are so vital.

The key is to get people subbed once they have the console and keep them subbed. The average gamer doesn't buy games that often and a lot of times buys a game or two at launch then waits months or even years to buy another game and the likely hood of that being a first party game is less and less viable as the generation gets longer.

If you entice the consumer day 1 with let's say Halo infinite on gamepass yes you lose out on the revenue that you would of gotten day 1 from the $60 sale but now you've got them subscribed for potentially a lot longer than that intial release.
Manufacturers or companies do cherry pick or hide numbers when they are not up to their standards, but I’m actually a little surprised Sony released their VR peripheral numbers. I guess their projections or expectations weren’t that high considering it was a $500 add on.


I always found it interesting that people talk about Gamepass being so good, yet they only talk about how good the "deal" is. As in, if it was $15 a month it wouldn't be worth it at all. Rarely do I see people say Gamepass is awesome without talking about price.

It's like most people believe the service is okay, but it's the low $1 price that makes people love it more.

If they include flight, AOE4, halo infinite and wasteland 3 next year then the game pass will still be worth it after it leaves beta. I mainly buy it for outer worlds but doesn’t hurt to play the games it offer now with the beta price.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Not a good look Microsoft. At least give an explanation as to why. I wonder how their investors feel about this.
The reason they're doing this is because Microsoft is going all in on the Xbox gaming division, and the gaming division is primarily funneled into GP. They plan to take a loss as they build their subscriptions from consumers which will grow once Xcloud (they plan) exponentially.

Essentially, Xbox is here to stay in a big way with this move. They aren't hiding anything from investors, at all actually. They receive a mainstream breakdown of growth each quarter.

The biggest losers are the console warriors, which I think is funny.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
They plan to take a loss as they build their subscriptions from consumers which will grow once Xcloud (they plan) exponentially

... which explains how they are not punishing their MAU’s how? C’mon this essentially the same as when Sony was reporting home and portable console sales together or when Apple decided to stop reporting the iPhone and iPad sale numbers anymore... numbers are not painting the reality they want to paint, so they progressively remove them from public eyes (including console warriors which could help negative word of mouth) or so the thoughts would go.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So you don't think taking on Google Stadia in the streaming arena and making a play for the 2 billion gamer market isn't a paradigm shift of strategy compared to what they have been doing for the past 20 years damn near?

No I don't. It's an evolution of strategy. Companies have been giving us ways to play games through streaming for years now. MS is just taking it to the next (obvious) level. And with doing that, they don't need to hide numbers to achieve that goal.


But will they include them into GamePass ?

Microsoft does not split out Game Pass revenue nor do they give subscription numbers (generally speaking, although Phil said millions of subscriber without saying if that was total or free or close to free), of course, even if they gave subscription numbers - not sure how useful they'll be immediately as they basically gave away the service. Microsoft does split out service revenue, assuming the Game Pass revenue will be in that figure.


I think it's just another PR twist trying to find some good looking metric. Which means that traditional numbers like numbers of consoles sold, games sold, or if they even want to include extra revenue from DLC/IAP/subs then they could say "that game generated $XXX milions in revenue" don't look good. And even the new metrics that they kept using also don't look good specially when compared to the competition.

It's getting weird.
Microsoft does not split out Game Pass revenue nor do they give subscription numbers (generally speaking, although Phil said millions of subscriber without saying if that was total or free or close to free), of course, even if they gave subscription numbers - not sure how useful they'll be immediately as they basically gave away the service. Microsoft does split out service revenue, assuming the Game Pass revenue will be in that figure.
"millions of subscribers" can be 2 million who paid $1 each. If they don't mention the specific number of millions of users, or millions in revenue generated, or profit, or even that it reached certain milestone like "hey, we have 10 million Gamepass users!" is because the number isn't good enough to mention it publicly.
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So you don't think taking on Google Stadia in the streaming arena and making a play for the 2 billion gamer market isn't a paradigm shift of strategy compared to what they have been doing for the past 20 years damn near?
So let me get this straight, they are not reporting gaming revenue or XBL numbers because they are taking on google stadia? Can you explain why google stadia subscriptions will make revenue made from gaming as a whole and XBL subscription numbers irrelevant?
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Microsoft does not split out Game Pass revenue nor do they give subscription numbers (generally speaking, although Phil said millions of subscriber without saying if that was total or free or close to free), of course, even if they gave subscription numbers - not sure how useful they'll be immediately as they basically gave away the service. Microsoft does split out service revenue, assuming the Game Pass revenue will be in that figure.
It was a joke post based on the title of the topic. I was wondering if they would include Gaming revenu and XBL Users information in Gamepass instead of the reports...

I'll do better next time.
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