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Mike Pence attends Colts game in order to be seen walking out in protest of protest


I also love how neither of these two bumbling chowderfucks (or their dumbass supporters) have an issue with someone taking a picture of Pence with his hand across his heart while the anthem is playing.


Pence has to be boiling up inside with Trump taking credit for his stunt AND saying it was planned long in advance.
I absolutely cannot contain my anger for this. Just had my aunt try and say it was his right to leave or stay just like you or I. When I pointed out the taxpayer money she just said she's upset with ALL our representatives for wasting our money.

This country is a mess.

No one wants to admit that their side does stupid shit, that's why this whole "Both sides" thing comes up because it's a defense, a poor defense at that, of the person doing the stupid shit.

Republicans ESPECIALLY are prone to this when they spent 8 years claiming Obama was destroying our Economy and was so wasteful. I'll never forget hearing about his vacation that supposedly cost 18 million dollars. Then we look at Trump and how much has been spent on his getaways every single weekend, Pence's bullshit, the other people in Trump's cabinet using private jets... it's just rich folks acting like rich folks. People won't call a spade a spade on spending because that would mean they have to admit that they were wrong about Obama and that budgets and deficits only mattered when he was in office. Good luck getting any republican to do that.


He’s the former governor of Indiana and they were honoring Peyton Manning. Obviously staged, but it would make sense given his connection with the state.

Attempts to honor a sexual harasser, who for some reason most of America just loves.
Leaves when people exercise their free speech.
Wastes taxpayer money to do so.

Great job all around, Pence.


Yes but it wasn't supposed to come across that way. As usual Trump is incapable of keeping his mouth shut and letting someone else steal the limelight from him to please his shitty base.

That's always been Trump's biggest problem and why he's a bit different from the normal Republicans. He always says the quiet part loud.

Glad this PR stunt seems to have blown up in their stupid racist faces. Fuck off Pence and Trump you 2 shit stains.

I really hope it blows up more and gets connected to the rest of the grifters in this administration jetting around everywhere, too.


49ers Eric Reid's response to reporters regarding Mike Pence leaving the game.

Sorry if old.

He left the game to protest, but you know damn well for sure he either saw the game on tv/tablet/phone or he actively found out what the score was. In the end he didn't really protest anything.


Did pence really tweet an old pic of himself “at the game” before he was actually at the game?

Yes, Honestly it'd be pretty innocent under other circumstances, having your PR team tweet some picture of you at a game just as an "excited to join in here" thing. I've posted older pics before when I'm about to go do a thing. In connection with knowing he wasn't actually going there to enjoy himself at all though it is kinda gross and stupid, though, because it's trying to paint it innocently.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Saw on Twitter that the pic he tweeted out of him at the game wasn't even from yesterday's game, is that true?

Edit I see asked and answered. That's fucking hilarious.


No, the plane itself cost at least a quarter mil. That’s not counting secret service and local police.

WAIT, are y'all serious? They spent taxpayer money on a political stunt as people die in Puerto Rico from lack of resources. Mueller gotta hurry up.

It's crazy that these people spend more time complaining about the flag than doing things to honor it. 2018 elections need to get here already.


Did pence really tweet an old pic of himself “at the game” before he was actually at the game?
I thought it was weird when he tweeted it.

He obviously mentions "looking forward to" but posts a photo of them clearly at some game. It was also posted over 90 minutes prior to kick so there would be no way they would be sitting in their seats already.


The Autumn Wind
Motherfucker could have made a statement that he wouldn’t go to a game, donated to a veteran charity and been done with it. He’d have made headlines that way too. But, no, he was so enraged at black players protesting oppression he decided to spend over a quarter million dollars and waste the secret service and local police to make a statement about how much he hates black people.

This administration has no decency st all.
Not only all this, but let’s pretend for a second this wasn’t some cheap political stunt. What exactly are the optics here? We’re dealing with the aftermath of three major hurricanes and the most deadly mass shooting in history, and this dipshit is flying off to a football game?
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