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Missouri GOP passes bill banning cities from raising their minimum wage

It may be unpopular, but it makes logical sense if you think about it.

Imagine you have a store owner and he initially hired one person at $7.00/hr to run the cashier.

But if we remove the minimum wage, then that same store owner can hire 7 people to work at $1/hr.

Sure, wages are lower, but getting $1/hr hour is still better than getting zero dollars per hour, and on top of that, unemployment goes down.

Everybody wins.

I think you're being facetious, but in case you're not... that's not how any of this works.

Productivity would go way down and turn overs would go way up. It makes fiscal sense to pay people a living wage because then you don't waste money finding and training new employees when the ones you're currently underpaying inevitably leave for a better job.

And no, everybody doesn't win, because unemployment is already low and suddenly you would have a population that can't afford to buy any of your shit, so you go out of business in the process because you've decided to run your store as if you're a sociopath that never took an econ class.
It may be unpopular, but it makes logical sense if you think about it.

Imagine you have a store owner and he initially hired one person at $7.00/hr to run the cashier.

But if we remove the minimum wage, then that same store owner can hire 7 people to work at $1/hr.

Sure, wages are lower, but getting $1/hr hour is still better than getting zero dollars per hour, and on top of that, unemployment goes down.

Everybody wins.
That's pretty smart! They wouldn't be able to live on that kind of wage at all, but at least they're working and that's all that matters.
I hope you're joking
It may be unpopular, but it makes logical sense if you think about it.

Imagine you have a store owner and he initially hired one person at $7.00/hr to run the cash register.

But if we remove the minimum wage, then that same store owner can hire 7 people to work at $1/hr on that same cash register.

Sure, wages are lower, but getting $1/hr hour is still better than getting zero dollars per hour, and on top of that, unemployment goes down.

Everybody wins.

I like this thinking! Now we just gotta convince my landlord to drop my rent from 1300$ a month to 10$ a month!


Ric Flair

It's starting to become funny just how evil the Republican party has become and just how blind so many poor Republican-leaning Americans are to the truth that they are voting against their own interests
People aren't being hyperbolic when they call the GOP evil. This is what they are.

How can anyone vote for these people? Do they pay attention to what they're doing at all? When they see this, do they really believe they are trying to make their lives better?


Blame the voters that keep re-electing them. One would think in the digital age, people would be better informed to make better choices; nope.

I think that's where most idealists grossly overestimated the power of information. People that see the best in the world assume that access to tons of information will mean people will educate themselves and continue to seek out new information they don't know about and add to their knowledge. In reality, it turned out that once people had access to tons of information, they focused only on the comfortable and familiar that confirmed what they thought they knew, or wanted to believe, and ignored everything else because now there was so much visibly unknown out there, it was too intimidating.


Blame the voters that keep re-electing them. One would think in the digital age, people would be better informed to make better choices; nope.

But all those people making minimum wage are going to have their own successful business by next year at the latest! They're just protecting the interest of the ultra successful person they're going to be, and making sure they too can exploit the poor once their (hypothetical) riches start rolling in.
This wouldn't piss off more of the smaller cities in the states that are red? I don't understand how poor Republicans are against raising the minimum wage.

For context, here is the 2016 election breakdown to see how the different areas lean

Does Missouri also use FPTP, and is that map representing by how it's divided? If so, why is St.Louis basically just one riding, when it's the only big city in the area?

Not an American.
It may be unpopular, but it makes logical sense if you think about it.

Imagine you have a store owner and he initially hired one person at $7.00/hr to run the cash register.

But if we remove the minimum wage, then that same store owner can hire 7 people to work at $1/hr on that same cash register.

Sure, wages are lower, but getting $1/hr hour is still better than getting zero dollars per hour, and on top of that, unemployment goes down.

Everybody wins.
What the fuck
This is dumb. The biggest issue with the minimum wage is that it's applied too broadly, giving more local control over it is exactly what we want.
It may be unpopular, but it makes logical sense if you think about it.

Imagine you have a store owner and he initially hired one person at $7.00/hr to run the cash register.

But if we remove the minimum wage, then that same store owner can hire 7 people to work at $1/hr on that same cash register.

Sure, wages are lower, but getting $1/hr hour is still better than getting zero dollars per hour, and on top of that, unemployment goes down.

Everybody wins.

Lol this has to be sarcasm. Because this isn't how it works at all.


The Iowa state legislature recently did this as well after several cities/counties raised the minimum wage. Pretty shitty of them.
Is it bad that the first thing I thought was at least they didn't fuck over trans people at the same time? NC's "bathroom bill" was also a response to Charlotte raising their minimum wage.


Unconfirmed Member
Man the GOP are just addicted to fucking people over, but they'll be rewarded because they're shitting on minorities more.
I don't know how the GOP sleeps at night.
On waterbeds full of democrat and working class republican tears.
Blame the voters that keep re-electing them. One would think in the digital age, people would be better informed to make better choices; nope.
All this information makes it just as easy for people to find groups and ideas that reinforce their current thinking. Stubborn people have less of a reason to think outside the box than ever if that is what they wish to do.
This is like the law we got in Michigan banning a tax on plastic bags at stores. (Specifically aimed at Ann Arbor, we're like a liberal blue bubble, along with Detroit, in a red state).

Republicans are for local control. Except when it is municpal broadband, the environment, minimum wage, right for LGBT, etc. Then all the sudden big government is absolutely needed.

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
This happened in Alabama last year, too. Birmingham was set to raise the minimum wage, then Bentley and those twats in Montgomery pushed through a bill in record time banning all cities in the state from raising their minimum wage.

It's fucking bullshit.


Like the 4th or 5th state. I await the federal freeze on minimum wage having to be the same across the country and not allowed to be raised.


Republicans contend the measure is necessary for the sake of consistency, saying a patchwork of different minimum wage laws throughout the state would be burdensome to Missouri businesses.
Translation: "Those filthy poors gotta remember their place!"
Hahahahahahahahaha. I honestly dont even know how else to react to this cartoonish villainy. Holy fucking fuck, I wonder how the low income Republican voters feel about this shit? As long as this keeps minorities poor too right?
Such a strange philosophy. State's rights, but not city's rights.

It's called the supremacy clause, and it's pretty important to our government on a national level as well.

I don't agree with the policy applied in this case, but there's certainly a policy argument to be made that the state level government should have supremacy over the sub-governments beneath it.

The problem here is that the GOP is in charge and doesn't want progressive cities to address minimum wage on their own, despite minimum wage increases beyond the state or national requirement being an issue better handled at the local level.


It may be unpopular, but it makes logical sense if you think about it.

Imagine you have a store owner and he initially hired one person at $7.00/hr to run the cash register.

But if we remove the minimum wage, then that same store owner can hire 7 people to work at $1/hr on that same cash register.

Sure, wages are lower, but getting $1/hr hour is still better than getting zero dollars per hour, and on top of that, unemployment goes down.

Everybody wins.
Is there no legal action to be taken here? The bill is clearly aimed at a certain area, feels like there should be some type of grounds here for some type of discrimination suit.


Is there no legal action to be taken here? The bill is clearly aimed at a certain area, feels like there should be some type of grounds here for some type of discrimination suit.
Sure does.

Wonder if the ACLU have gotten involved with fighting these laws.


Hahahahahahahahaha. I honestly dont even know how else to react to this cartoonish villainy. Holy fucking fuck, I wonder how the low income Republican voters feel about this shit? As long as this keeps minorities poor too right?
I live here and people have deluded themselves into thinking that raising wages will just cause massive inflation and that it is better to stick with the status quo than reach for the stars. I think Kansas City tried raising their income a couple years back and that got shut down too. But these same people don't seem to notice that the price for things keeps going up anyway so..
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