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Mods you can delete my account. I'm out.

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Flashless at the Golden Globes
How much? Those bastards charged me $35 for an international flight over the summer. I had no choice but to pay because i had to get into contact with my family while on the plane, but $35 for an account suicide is to much.


Rage Bait Youtuber
How much? Those bastards charged me $35 for an international flight over the summer. I had no choice but to pay because i had to get into contact with my family while on the plane, but $35 for an account suicide is to much.
I think it depends on the flight duration and the airline.
I don't give a shit about Sony, PlayStation, PC gaming and several other subjects, but I don't go in their fan threads to derail and flame. That's just plain trolling.
I'm not holding back in general news or discussion threads though, which is the point of a forum in general. Just don't shitpost and you're fine.

This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet


Gold Member
oldergamer oldergamer

Just take a break...and several hundred deep breaths.

Because you're the hero GAF deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So they'll hunt you, because you can take it. Because you're not our hero.

You're a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark knight.


Mods may be right, but I think they've taken a tough stance lately. I posted in an old thread so I wouldn't start another thread and discuss the same topic, and the response I got was: "Another necrobump and you're on a long break. This is the only courtesy warning". So I understood that the necrobump event was not welcomed(even though I don't understand why), but this form of warning also bothered me. They might try to be more polite next time.

This place is not as comfortable as it used to be. I've seen a lot of members banned lately. Maybe they think it's okay to ban few people when a lot of new members arrive.


Ii couldn't agree more op @Mod of War @DGrayson @Faust @Bill O'Rights @EviLore are awesome and I love thier loads.

Edit. Hey who edited my post?
Me too!
They are full of wholesome creamy goodness!!!
I wish lionel mandrake was still here:
he would sum up the situation.

I will try but it will not be a patch.

for those of us just joining us.
OP was upset a MOD harrassed him, so decided to quit after 20 years, though the math doesn't add up/
GAF said no not today, someone gifted him gold and now he/she has decided to stay.

some posters here got banned and there may or may not be a rogue MOD on the case deleting or editing posts.
will we find out? is who knows. is there a conspiracy.... I was told there isn't but that is exactly what they want you to think.
logic says no. but I'm betting it's aliens.

thank you and goodnight

Shocked Bad News GIF
Great job!!!
Only constructive critique: add more jank to post and bad grammar to match retarded vibes from account suicide OP’s in future. We should not only believe the OP is written by Corkey, but you summation as well❤️


People do these attention whore posts should be rewarded with a non ban. Make it impossible to ban these dudes and celebrate their accounts. lol


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I was on a new airbus a couple years ago and the pilot came on the horn and says “hey folks don’t be alarmed but with these new engines, when they start up it sounds like Dory from Finding Nemo doing that “whooowhooowoooo sound…”

And I was like what the fuck is this guy talking about?

Then they started the engines and I was like oh shit he’s right
The barking dog!!



After more then 20 years here I've had enough. I've been harrased by probably a single mod these last few years. It's annoying and I'm done.

I don't need mods stealth editing my posts, deleting my posts, kicking me out of threads because you or someone else doesn't like what I say. Even when I've been banned for making a fucking joke ( btw when someone says " just kidding " after making a joke, they are more then likely just kidding! Without a way to even reply to which ever mod is making those changes (sorry but no name mod edits are weak moderation).

congrats you have taken the fun out of coming here, reading and posting about games. Isn't it funny how you keep running out Xbox fans on this forum?
Season 1 Nbc GIF by The Good Place


I have not been here for very long (can't even make my own topics yet) and I am curious what is this gold that people are mentioning in this topic?


Honestly i think the mods have a hard job to do on a forum like this, and i think they do try to be fair.
In my 4 years here, i have never been banned, never had a custom tag, and only had something like 12 warning points against me in 4 years, even though i have often had heated exchanges with shoitposters on here while defending Xbox (although i dont defend as much now as the shitposters always sign their own death sentence in the end on here). The mods are intelligent and they read situations well usually, and can see when someone is genuinely trolling.

Having said that, i believe at least 9 of those 12 warning points have all been in Nintendo thrreads. One of the mods def is a big Nintendo fan and dosnt take criticism against Nintendo very well, even a bit of banter against Nintendo.

Also i got 3 warning points about a month ago for 'console warring'. I came back on the forum, got the warning, and had to acknowlege the warning. Problem was there was no post used, so i genuinely had no clue what post there were referring too, and it was frustrating as hell to have to acknowlege the warning and accept it while not having a clue what post they were reffering too.
So i'd like to make a suggenstion to EvilLore and the mod team to please always include the incriminating post when giving out warnings, just for the sake of the users sanilty lol because damn that was frustrating for me.:messenger_tears_of_joy:
After more then 20 years here I've had enough. I've been harrased by probably a single mod these last few years. It's annoying and I'm done.

I don't need mods stealth editing my posts, deleting my posts, kicking me out of threads because you or someone else doesn't like what I say. Even when I've been banned for making a fucking joke ( btw when someone says " just kidding " after making a joke, they are more then likely just kidding! Without a way to even reply to which ever mod is making those changes (sorry but no name mod edits are weak moderation).

congrats you have taken the fun out of coming here, reading and posting about games. Isn't it funny how you keep running out Xbox fans on this forum?

Joined 2004

today 2022

More "then" 20 years?

Guy, no need to be banned, just log off, clear your cookies, put Neogaf on block for a few months, come back next year refreshed to talk about how Sonic Frontiers failed to score above 80MC again.

The Stig

What is it with these histrionic threads? Just leave. Click X.

Umm also, is there any spare gold going round?


Gold Member
Brüh touch grass lol. I will never understand the theatrical kind, just leave.
Last edited:


This is fake.

Bro I don't intend to buy a ps5 and by browsing Gaf for five minutes I know which games to get.

You are never gonna get a ps5 you are just trying to score cheap points .
Reversed war bait.

I'm too afraid to not say /s because some would think I'm serious lol.

what? its fake? what is fake?


Rage Bait Youtuber
Joined: Aug 21, 2004

Figure It Out Reaction GIF
Joined 2004

today 2022

More "then" 20 years?

Guy, no need to be banned, just log off, clear your cookies, put Neogaf on block for a few months, come back next year refreshed to talk about how Sonic Frontiers failed to score above 80MC again.
NeoGAF is the resurrection of an older forum, which is more than 20 years old. Many of the oldest posters here came from there.
I had one of my posts deleted yesterday but it's probably for the best because I didn't want any notifications about it. It's fine, relax, just a discussion forum. You should take a break and come back when Sonic Frontiers releases by the look of things.


always chasing the next thrill
i rate this ban me thread a measly 2 green rats out of 10.
They unfairness and rage was way to low to even reach a 3

do better next time.


We all know where he’s moving to, it’s paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty over there if you catch my drift.


I love how GAF Gold allows you to see into the future.


You guys won't believe what AJUMP23 is gonna say next.
It's gonna be about him wanting to be a mod.


One of the green rats
I had a post deleted recently in the God of War performance thread when I said something about the Xbox series S holding this gen back. Lol. I probably deserved that though. 🤣
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