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more than 2 months after release, BG3, a single player RPG,is still averaging 200k players a day on steam with overwhelmingly positive user reviews


Sales numbers don't really impact GOTY that much, though. If they did we'd see more influence from the annual cookie cutter sports titles and COD's in the GOTY space given their position on sales charts at various times of the year. BG3 being where it was on the PS5 charts really wasn't that surprising given the lack of pretty much anything else that wasn't sports releasing around that time. Not saying the game isn't great, but it also wasn't really competing with many other games and it still was downloaded less on PS5 in the US and UK during release month than the top sportsball games in each region.

My point is that some genres just don't get the same nod toward GOTY that more traditional action adventure games seem to. I could definitely be wrong, but I think something like Zelda would beat out a CRPG like BG3 not because it's a better game but because it has more mainstream appeal.

They’ve given an indie game GOTY at least once IIRC. If that can happen, there’s no reason BG 3 can’t take it. And I think it likely will, I think Geoff and his team are decently aware of what’s happening in the industry, the fact that not only was BG 3 such a step forward for its genre and has reached sales records that no other CRPG has achieved before to my knowledge, but also served as a reminder of what hard work and dedication can result in as opposed to rushing out a product (ironically, this might not have been made such a public discussion if certain other developers hadn’t hastily gotten so defensive before anyone even said anything), these are important factors. Just as BOTW was clearly the most talked about game in the industry for 2017 in terms of impacting the medium, BG 3 has grabbed that status for 2023. That alone doesn’t guarantee a win, but it definitely is going to be a significant factor in its favor.


Gold Member
They’ve given an indie game GOTY at least once IIRC. If that can happen, there’s no reason BG 3 can’t take it. And I think it likely will, I think Geoff and his team are decently aware of what’s happening in the industry, the fact that not only was BG 3 such a step forward for its genre and has reached sales records that no other CRPG has achieved before to my knowledge, but also served as a reminder of what hard work and dedication can result in as opposed to rushing out a product (ironically, this might not have been made such a public discussion if certain other developers hadn’t hastily gotten so defensive before anyone even said anything), these are important factors. Just as BOTW was clearly the most talked about game in the industry for 2017 in terms of impacting the medium, BG 3 has grabbed that status for 2023. That alone doesn’t guarantee a win, but it definitely is going to be a significant factor in its favor.
It probably can take it and it probably should given what it has accomplished. I don't know about sales records for CRPG's, but hasn't Larian been pretty tight-lipped about the actual numbers? I'm sure the numbers are good but I don't think we really know how good.

I'm also not sure that I agree that BG3 is the most talked about game of 2023. I can think of some others that have received more attention, albeit not always for favorable reasons. BG3 received lots of buzz and media attention at launch but it hasn't spent much time in the headlines since release other than as a comparison to other games and the chatter about Xbox issues.
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It probably can take it and it probably should given what it has accomplished. I don't know about sales records for CRPG's, but hasn't Larian been pretty tight-lipped about the actual numbers? I'm sure the numbers are good but I don't think we really know how good.

I'm also not sure that I agree that BG3 is the most talked about game of 2023. I can think of some others that have received more attention, albeit not for favorable reasons. BG3 received lots of buzz and media attention at launch but it hasn't spent much time in the headlines since release other than as a comparison to other games and the chatter about Xbox issues.

I can’t find an official article, but I guess people have a way to track Steam sales? People were saying it had reached 10 million by September. Factor in PS5 sales, and the upcoming Xbox version, and wow:

Pay Day Money GIF


Gold Member
It’s so, so good. I wish I had free time like all these people on their third playthrough or whatever. Do these people have jobs?

Anyway, I just finished Act 2 at about 55 hours of play time. It’s really impressive how the game continues to give you interesting situations and colorful dialogue. Every combat encounter has some kind of unique twist to it. There are tons of fights that are apparently the only time a given enemy type appears in the whole game!

It’s almost painful just knowing how much stuff I’m not seeing because there are so many choices and different ways for things to play out. Heck, when you transition from Act 1 to 2 you have a choice of two paths to take. Each path is like an entire chapter of the game in itself with numerous stories, quests, characters, locations, etc. that you might never even see.
Yeah it can seem overwhelming at first if you look at it as a normal game. But if you think of it more like a table top roleplaying experience you know that your choices lead to different outcomes that have been curated by the dungeon master. Just do your best to roleplay your character and take each segment as if you would a table top session instead of trying to rush to complete the game as you usually would. I regretted not accomplishing many things my first run but as I finished up I was happy with the outcome overall as I played my Neutral Good Drow Monk as well as I could and saved who I could save.
I'm not doing a demi-urge run with a sorcerer character who is still good at heart, but a bit more mischievous and it's been hilarious so far.

So yeah, just hang in there and enjoy the roleplaying experience side of things. :)


. Heck, when you transition from Act 1 to 2 you have a choice of two paths to take. Each path is like an entire chapter of the game in itself with numerous stories, quests, characters, locations, etc. that you might never even see.

It doesn't lock you out of them - you can do one all the way to act 2, then once you get to the inn head back on the other one to hit the unique side quests.
I'm pretty sure you can see most content in a single playthrough - what varies is the outcome and how you tackle it.
I'm wrapping up act 2 now at 75h
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