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More than 200 dead in suspected U.S. airstrike that hits civilians in Mosul

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Can we not have any snarky Trump comments in this thread please? Every modern US president before has overseen these sorts of massive atrocities several times during their presidency.

EDIT: Should also note that we should wait for more info too. I could be wrong, and this could all be a direct result of Trump's shoddy orders. Who knows. But what I do know is that this sort of thing has happened before under Obama as well.
It's not an "every president" thing. Trump specifically relaxed the tolerance of civilian casualties.

Seriously, this is fucking disgusting. There will be no apology or accountability for this. No headlines. No nothing. No international mourning. No Facebook pictures.

Just more persecuted brown people dead.


Sad news. Not a fan of when Bush, Obama, etc did it, still not now. Pointless deaths, and a huge amount of them too.

Trump just gonna be more careless about it, and media will still frame it as the good fight and justified.



Seriously, this is fucking disgusting. There will be no apology or accountability for this. No headlines. No nothing. No international mourning. No Facebook pictures.

Just more persecuted brown people dead.

The bodycount must be close to a million since that evil fuck Dubya started his "war on terror", and nobody gives a fuck. Just 200 more inconsequential brown people getting bombed into oblivion on the other side of the globe.


Jesus, 200 civilians in just one strike?

Trump is really hell-bent on beating Obama's numbers in everything, huh?


Nice to know rhat in an era with so much political uncertainty you can always count on the US to haphazardly kill civilians thousands of miles away as the military industrial complex grinds on no matter who's in charge.

The banality of evil indeed
Western pundits can't attribute this to an anti-Russia or anti-Iran angle so there won't be a huge outcry about it. Waiting for the inevitable attribution error label by western media, really the contrast of western media coverage between E. Aleppo and Yemen, Mosul, W. Aleppo couldn't be more obvious. I can't wait for CNN anchors to start crying for civilians in Mosul. Can't wait for the vigils, hashtags and marches in Boston and all talk about the million last hospitals being bombed in Mosul being mentioned. Western media continues being a hypocritical laughing stock. Anyway, frustrating double standards in coverage aside the US-Russia rivalry shouldn't take away from the hard work and sacrifices the Iraqi forces on the ground are doing to liberate the remaining parts of W. Mosul. The sooner they finish it the better.

"human shields" line been dropped yet?
Not giving an excuse for this but ISIS has and continues to use human shields. I know it's an old excuse to justify straight up slaughter by the big boys Russia/US and it's disgusting but ISIS has used human shield plenty of times against IA and ISF which has slowed down liberation of cities significantly. Same with the moderate rebelsSalafi rebels and their AQ and ISIS buddies in Syria. Still doesn't excuse this by any means.

Condolences to all affected.

Sad that only 6 dead people here got more attention than 200+ dead over there.
"Brown Moooslims. Who cares." That's the world we live in.

Some pretty bad images circulating on some Iraqi media on the net showing the victims being buried in mass family graves :(

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
This drone technology sucks balls, that's appalling.
Drone technology is working exactly as it was intended to do. But don't worry, I'm sure the US will hurry to put some guidelines on drone warfare the moment another entity gets its hands on the tech. It's only bad when somebody else does it.


Gold Member
Drone technology is working exactly as it was intended to do. But don't worry, I'm sure the US will hurry to put some guidelines on drone warfare the moment another entity gets its hands on the tech. It's only bad when somebody else does it.
Accidentally hitting a fuel truck sounds like shit tech to me.


I really think you need look into the amount of people who died under Obama's drone programming.
No standards have loosened, Trump is only following Obama's legacy which Obama took forward from Bush.

Imagine if these deaths had been caused due Russian actions, the thread would be 50 pages longer by now.
This is just blatantly false. I feel embarrassed for you.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
What was the total tally of civilian deaths during Obama's presidency?

Well I guess I will quote myself.

Here is what The Bureau of Investigative Journalism says. It covers up to 2015.

The White House released long-awaited figures in July on the number of people killed in drone strikes between January 2009 and the end of 2015, which insiders said was a direct response to pressure from the Bureau and other organisations that collect data. However the US’s estimate of the number of civilians killed – between 64 and 116 – contrasted strongly with the number recorded by the Bureau, which at 380 to 801 was six times higher.

Seems like cheeto breath is going to top this within the first few months of his presidency.


Can we not have any snarky Trump comments in this thread please? Every modern US president before has overseen these sorts of massive atrocities several times during their presidency.

EDIT: Should also note that we should wait for more info too. I could be wrong, and this could all be a direct result of Trump's shoddy orders. Who knows. But what I do know is that this sort of thing has happened before under Obama as well.

There is no reason to hold back. Several Human Rights groups have reported since Trump took over US strikes have suddenly been targeting traditionally civilian facilities etc. Yes under Obama there were mistakes made but under Trump we are seeing a deliberate change in tactics which he himself said he would do. He openly bragged he would kill men, women, children and bomb the shit out of everything


This has been happening for years, screw people being giddy to turn this into just a trump thing.

With the only consequence being a possible statement if we're lucky about doing their best to minimize civilian casualties.

Complete fucking horseshit.

More deaths than all the terrorist attacks in Europe in the last year.

But we didn't mean to kill all these families.

Then fucking do better because this is not okay.
In 4 years he's gonna dwarf the amount of civilians killed compared to previous admin, can't even imagine those numbers if re-elected. (and who knows if other wars lay ahead)


Unconfirmed Member
It's not an "every president" thing. Trump specifically relaxed the tolerance of civilian casualties.

He did? I'm no Trump supporter. But I'd like to know where he said to relax tolerance of civilian casualties.


I guess that's one good thing about Trump, people now actually start condemning the US drone strikes in the middle east
Well, Trump did say in an interview that he considered the U.S. murderers.

Edit: He said "killers" to quote him correctly.

Killing 200 innocent civilians for presumably a small group of terrorists is unacceptable and it makes me sick to my stomach.
To him, being a "killer" is cool, and a good thing, because his only moral guidance (if this can be called so) is getting the upper hand on every petty issue by whatever means, and he can't conceive winning without somebody losing. And that who wins gets to dictate what's right and wrong.
He's a fascist after all.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
This has been happening for years, screw people being giddy to turn this into just a trump thing.

With the only consequence being a possible statement if we're lucky about doing their best to minimize civilian casualties.

Complete fucking horseshit.

More deaths than all the terrorist attacks in Europe in the last year.

But we didn't mean to kill all these families.

Then fucking do better because this is not okay.
Honest question: is it possible to do better? If this a case of Trump being evil and lowering standards, fine. But in general, can this actually be avoided in a large-scale bombing campaign?


Honest question: is it possible to do better? If this a case of Trump being evil and lowering standards, fine. But in general, can this actually be avoided in a large-scale bombing campaign?

They bombed a school being used as a shelter just the other day in Syria.

If they put more fucking effort into verifying what they're blowing to shreds it wouldn't have happened.

Either carelessness or military incompetence. Either way, it's horrifically unacceptable.

Fix your shit.


Honest question: is it possible to do better? If this a case of Trump being evil and lowering standards, fine. But in general, can this actually be avoided in a large-scale bombing campaign?

Door to door knockdown fighting with tens of thousands of boots on the ground and high casualty to success ratio.

Solving the problem of making up with air directed artillery what you cannot make up with boots on the ground due to political problems concerned with high deployment numbers has been an issue plaguing the US government since Vietnam. I remember reading that the Chiefs originally wanted 3-400k more troops for the initial invasion (keyword here being /invasion/, this was before the plan was changed unilaterally by the White House post regime change to stay and occupy the nation) of Iraq but Rumsfeld shot them down every time over and over again until they got down to a number he wanted, then he told the White House the plan. Same thing happened in Vietnam with McNamara > Johnson White House. When you're actively terrified of thousands and thousands of caskets with american flags on them coming back home your ability to wage war any other style but the Roman style of "make a desert and call it peace" dramatically diminishes.
Obama killed a lot of civilians, but at least he fucking reviewed many of the missions. From my understanding Trump (this actually is probably a good thing..) just handwaves everything and lets other people take care of it


This has been happening for years, screw people being giddy to turn this into just a trump thing.

With the only consequence being a possible statement if we're lucky about doing their best to minimize civilian casualties.

Complete fucking horseshit.

More deaths than all the terrorist attacks in Europe in the last year.

But we didn't mean to kill all these families.

Then fucking do better because this is not okay.

This is state sponsored terrorism being waged against the middle east. Sickening and evil.
What was the total tally of civilian deaths during Obama's presidency?

I'll do you one further. How many people do you think died in Iraq during Clintons precidency due to sanctions?

When Saddam gasses thousands of his own people with chemical weapons- Which by international law warrants invasion and declarations of war for crimes against humanity, the US didn't do anything in 87' because Saddam, like many puppet regime dictators was a boon that played ball with US interests. The US might not have liked it, but those Kurds getting gassed in their own villages are worth less than the allure of lost oil revenues.
The US only cared enough to stop Saddam when he invaded Kuwait which was a sign they couldn't control him anymore. In a massive blunder they decided to not remove Saddam while at the same time, telling the Iraqis to fight for a revolution, with the US withdrawing and leaving them to die in the hands of a genocide imposed by Saddam throughout the 90s.

It's not that a war against Iraq was not warranted. Saddam had broken every sort of violation you could think of. His sadism is the stuff of legends. People opposed to war because people didn't think that the US had the Iraqis best interest in their focus. If it did, there would have been an invasion after the chemical weapons.

The US looks the other way. It's why it sells for billions of dollars in weapons to Saudi Arabia, who gives them Sunni groups like ISIS who can then start proxy wars in Shia territories. The Shias themselves are distursting of the US after the CIA backed coup during Eisenhowers administration which overturned a conservative leader and replaced it with 20 years of ruthless dictatorship which turned Iran into a fanatical state that set that country back hundreds of years and regressed into a oppressive revolution.
Sunnis and Shias have fought since the days of Muhammed, but the escalation in recent years rest highly on Western imperalism. There is enough blame to go around with colonization, puppet states, drawing map lines. And then we have the nerve to see them as toxic enemies when our governments are the ones who've destabilized them.

You cannot blame Muslims not to buy it when western leaders talk about peace in the middle east, and sells so many weapons to groups and regimes who're going to use them. The disconnect is extreme.
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