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Multiple independent sources reporting FFVII remake for PS4

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There are people on NeoGAF, right now, who think Shenmue III, Final Fantasy VII remake, and The Last Guardian will all be at Sony's conference.

It's gonna be amazing isn't it? No matter what happens, post Sony conference, GAF is gonna be amazing.

I'm ready for all the salt.


lol thats the worst comparison ever....

Its not like that at all...

in fact its the exact opposite... its like Mozart was originally composed with vuvuzelas, and its now being composed with a full orchestra...

PS1 graphics being upgraded to Advent Children models is what people were hoping for.... if you want PS1 graphics... play the HD version... OBVIOUSLY a REMAKE isnt for you.

Ooh, slamming the point home by randomly capitalizing your words!

My point is that a different direction would be best. Not chibi, not advent children. Go back to the concept art as a base, and re-develop the visual look from there.
It is 2:25 here and I just went to lie down in my bed with my head on my pillow. Hopefully I don't fall asleep.

The Sony conference is what I have been looking forward to. I'm just getting sleepy.
How can you? I'm super stocked and I've been in front of the computer since 14:00. ;-)

Ray Down

I thought the models looked cute in a kind of weird way. But yeah, it's understandable that people would want them updated lol

At the time they were amazing, but FF8 and FF9 showed how the models could have looked alot better.

Plus the translation.

Here the question, voice or non voiced?


I'm ready to be blown away. LETS DO THIS


I'll take one of the three (most likely TLG). FF VII probably exists but not sure they'll unveil it here and lol no way @ Shemue III
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