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Naughty Dog made female characters less feminine to be trans friendly (No Spoilers)

You know those Victoria Secrets models are real and not CGI, right?

And several common next door girls have great bodies. Boobs are still a thing in the world. I assure you. Go outside. lol

Im sure those would survive an apocalypse, for sure! They would even protect themselves with the latest trend of swimwear, just like Skyrim or any other RPG!


You know those Victoria Secrets models are real and not CGI, right?

And several common next door girls have great bodies. Boobs are still a thing in the world. I assure you. Go outside. lol
I really don't understand those people arguments. Who cares about realistic when we can design characters the way we want? WHY should I design an average character just because most of the population is average?

Why would a woman try to fight and risk their life when they have better chances at surviving if they let them a man do it for them?

You would think that if you could create a character you would create them attractive.
Please don't come with the virgin argument again, you are probably the first ones fapping to hentai/porn/instagram models for hours and try to shut down these arguments putting yourself on a fake pedestal.
I can probably spot 3/4 stunning girls(even more in these months) in a day of walking around my city with big bouncing boobs, yes they are slim too, they exist.
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You know those Victoria Secrets models are real and not CGI, right?

And several common next door girls have great bodies. Boobs are still a thing in the world. I assure you. Go outside. lol

You know that absent the luxuries of modernity and in a savaged mad max world, Victoria’s Secret models wouldn’t exist?

Dina is built like a young mother. Ellie is slender but fit. Abby changes based on the timeline m: she’s skinny in flashbacks, built like an ox when she’s well resourced and working out, then slender again at the end when she’s been held prisoner for months. The women in this game look like women living in a post apocalyptic world and only one is especially stacked at a specific point in the timeline. The way people are grasping for things to criticize here is borderline ridiculous.

Gameplay a little too samey from the first game? Sure. Story a little bit messier, maybe bloated? Ok. No 1080p performance option on Pro consoles? I think that’s a miss. But post apocalypse women don’t look like I think they should? Jesus get a life

Jon Neu

The thing is most men dream of a zombie apocalypse scenario where things return to survival of the fittest and we stop sitting in cubicles and shit. They all know how they'd survive it and why they'd be great at doing so but if the women aren't attractive and submissive it kinda ruins their fantasy a bit, I mean, what am I hoarding goods and killing zombies for? Some lesbians? You aren't even skimpily dressed! Post-apocalypse fantasy officially ruined.

Criticizing the obvious agenda of Cuckmann regarding women designs and their fantasious unlimited power based on the feminist fantasy of strong independent woman doesn’t mean we want him to introduce hot women to fap for.

I mean, I know you are who you are and ad hominems are your thing, but please, try to make some kind of legit argument for once.


You know that absent the luxuries of modernity and in a savaged mad max world, Victoria’s Secret models wouldn’t exist?

Dina is built like a young mother. Ellie is slender but fit. Abby changes based on the timeline m: she’s skinny in flashbacks, built like an ox when she’s well resourced and working out, then slender again at the end when she’s been held prisoner for months. The women in this game look like women living in a post apocalyptic world and only one is especially stacked at a specific point in the timeline. The way people are grasping for things to criticize here is borderline ridiculous.

Gameplay a little too samey from the first game? Sure. Story a little bit messier, maybe bloated? Ok. No 1080p performance option on Pro consoles? I think that’s a miss. But post apocalypse women don’t look like I think they should? Jesus get a life
You don't need to be a Victoria's Secret model to have fucking big boobs. Just genetics. It's a thing.


I really don't understand those people arguments. Who cares about realistic when we can design characters the way we want? WHY should I design an average character just because most of the population is average?

Why would a woman try to fight and risk their life when they have better chances at surviving if they let them a man do it for them?

You would think that if you could create a character you would create them attractive.
Please don't come with the virgin argument again, you are probably the first ones fapping to hentai/porn/instagram models for hours and try to shut down these arguments putting yourself on a fake pedestal.
I can probably spot 3/4 stunning girls(even more in these months) in a day of walking around my city with big bouncing boobs, yes they are slim too, they exist.
High five!!



I wish I knew how to edit gifs so I could change this so he's talking to a video of Druckmann.


You don't need to be a Victoria's Secret model to have fucking big boobs. Just genetics. It's a thing.

How many characters need to have how much screen time and what cup size (on average) for you to feel like this zombie game where you massacre weaker women left and right is realistic enough?
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Im sure those would survive an apocalypse, for sure! They would even protect themselves with the latest trend of swimwear, just like Skyrim or any other RPG!
You are delusional if you think an average indipendent girl, with some physical training, would have a better chance at surviving than a girl using her beauty to make the stronger men shield her.
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Quite the contrary. The most masculine woman is still leagues behind of men in athleticism and strenght.

The women who would survive are the hotter ones, because they will mate with the most powerful men.
More like they'd be chained up like animals and raped by the most powerful men. Those civilised settlements in Jackson and Seattle are an exception and not the norm.
I really don't understand those people arguments. Who cares about realistic when we can design characters the way we want? WHY should I design an average character just because most of the population is average?

You don't even need to go very far to find literally thousands of games with drop-dead gorgeous women.

In the same way that you're not obligated to make "realistic" character designs in a post-apocalyptic society, Naughty Dog are free to make a mixture of gorgeous, average looking or even masculine looking women.
If they want to create some women characters that look how you'd expect them to look in a broken down society where its survival of the fittest, then they should be able to do so.

Why would a woman try to fight and risk their life when they have better chances at surviving if they let them a man do it for them?

Its a post-apocalyptic society, where laws and customs have broken down. You don't think women would consider it advantageous to be able to fend of a litany of potential rapists.

You would think that if you could create a character you would create them attractive.

Tell that to Brienne of Tarth, or Tyrion Lannister. Sometimes its more interesting to have ugly characters. Some would argue that if everyone was unilaterally beautiful, then it would be a bit boring.

And as I've said, there are probably thousands of games that do exactly this.

Please don't come with the virgin argument again, you are probably the first ones fapping to hentai/porn/instagram models for hours and try to shut down these arguments putting yourself on a fake pedestal.
I can probably spot 3/4 stunning girls(even more in these months) in a day of walking around my city with big bouncing boobs, yes they are slim too, they exist.

There are tonnes of beautiful women everywhere. I do not doubt it. Go to any average Gym or even your average corporate office, and everyone looks great. But there are also plenty of women around who aren't what you'd describe as conventionally attractive.

I love gorgeous women as much as the next guy, however, just as you want it to be okay for there to be unlimited sexy women in games, it should be okay for people to design butch women characters.
I really don't understand why this is such a contentious issue.

Abby is ugly. Okay. Why is that a problem?

You don't need to be a Victoria's Secret model to have fucking big boobs. Just genetics. It's a thing.

Genetics are also responsible for small boobs and muscular women.


The thing is most men dream of a zombie apocalypse scenario where things return to survival of the fittest and we stop sitting in cubicles and shit. They all know how they'd survive it and why they'd be great at doing so but if the women aren't attractive and submissive it kinda ruins their fantasy a bit, I mean, what am I hoarding goods and killing zombies for? Some lesbians? You aren't even skimpily dressed! Post-apocalypse fantasy officially ruined.
I think you posted that in the wrong forum.
A lot of the women in Fallout 4 still look good (dirty, but good) and it's a western made game that takes place 200 years after worldwide nuclear war. Checkmate Druckmann.

Clickers? please. Try to survive a radstorm and giant scorpions.

You aren't on that level, TLOU.

Hell, You can even have lesbian romance in the game and it's not annoying lifetime channel cringe.

Eat your heart out, ND.


You don't even need to go very far to find literally thousands of games with drop-dead gorgeous women.

In the same way that you're not obligated to make "realistic" character designs in a post-apocalyptic society, Naughty Dog are free to make a mixture of gorgeous, average looking or even masculine looking women.
If they want to create some women characters that look how you'd expect them to look in a broken down society where its survival of the fittest, then they should be able to do so.

Its a post-apocalyptic society, where laws and customs have broken down. You don't think women would consider it advantageous to be able to fend of a litany of potential rapists.

Tell that to Brienne of Tarth, or Tyrion Lannister. Sometimes its more interesting to have ugly characters. Some would argue that if everyone was unilaterally beautiful, then it would be a bit boring.

And as I've said, there are probably thousands of games that do exactly this.

There are tonnes of beautiful women everywhere. I do not doubt it. Go to any average Gym or even your average corporate office, and everyone looks great. But there are also plenty of women around who aren't what you'd describe as conventionally attractive.

I love gorgeous women as much as the next guy, however, just as you want it to be okay for there to be unlimited sexy women in games, it should be okay for people to design butch women characters.
I really don't understand why this is such a contentious issue.

Abby is ugly. Okay. Why is that a problem?

Genetics are also responsible for small boobs and muscular women.
OK. But this world only allows them? Did they infect every big boobed women out of envy so only the fugly would last? lol
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OK. But this world only allows them? Did they infect every big boobed women out of envy so only the fugly would last? lol
Boobs consist mostly of fat. Broadly speaking less food = less fat.

And like I said. If you want to make a game where every woman has DDD cup boobs, then go for it. Even if you don't want to make a game, I'm sure you'll be able to find a dozen or two where that is the case.
If Naughty Dog want to make a game where ladies have small boobies, then that's fine too.

Besides, what's wrong with small boobs anyway? Boobs are boobs, I take them any size and shape they come in.
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Yeah, and less food = no way to build muscles. Try to build Abby muscle mass while starving, not even in 20 years.

Food wise it looks like the big camps are set up really well. Butcher shop loaded with meat, farms, regular lunch.

Still, Abby is like the 1% of 1% of humans. Game went from the Walking Dead to a YA apocalypse fantasy.


In the sex scene I was keen on catching a glimpse of some boobs and when the money shot came I honestly couldn't tell if it was boobs or a man's pectorals, that speaks volumes.
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Gold Member
Is a woman being not feminine even trans friendly? Don't trans women want to be as feminine as possible?
In the sex scene I was keen on catching a glimpse of some boobs and when the money shot came I honestly couldn't tell if it was boobs or a man's pectorals, that speaks volumes.

Abby's tits are what happens when men go on hormone replacement therapy or eat too many Soy based products.
Boobs consist mostly of fat. Broadly speaking less food = less fat.

And like I said. If you want to make a game where every woman has DDD cup boobs, then go for it. Even if you don't want to make a game, I'm sure you'll be able to find a dozen or two where that is the case.
If Naughty Dog want to make a game where ladies have small boobies, then that's fine too.

Besides, what's wrong with small boobs anyway? Boobs are boobs, I take them any size and shape they come in.
Ok then why is everyone in the game on steroids and overly buff if the world ended and were going back to tribal days early EU,Africa,Asia,Russia,America ect. Most people wouldn't not be that buff but you run across tons of people who are 6ft+ with tons of muscle mass. The only way to keep up that level of mass is by eating tons of carbs then burning them off. Food would be a rare commodity in this type of setting. Meaning that only the best fighters and the cheif of the tribe would be the ones with that level of muscles. Not random dude or women NPC 5 would be anywhere near there body level.
Food wise it looks like the big camps are set up really well. Butcher shop loaded with meat, farms, regular lunch.

Still, Abby is like the 1% of 1% of humans. Game went from the Walking Dead to a YA apocalypse fantasy.
Food wise it looks like the big camps are set up really well. Butcher shop loaded with meat, farms, regular lunch.
And thats where its extreamly inaccurate those shops would be scrapping by we have had world wars were platoons and entire armies starved to death. And thats with them getting supply drops and support from local residents.


Lol i'm not going to waste my time highlighting everyone in here saying a bunch of homphobic, transphobic and hateful bullshit.

If you read posts containing the word tranny or shitting on the women in the game for being ugly, yeah you definitely fit into the group I labeled you in.

Literally the first page is filled with that shit.

As far as my avatar not dropping panties, that's the most retarded shit I've read all day and I read most of this thread. So there's that. I guess I should post a picture of some good looking dude because then that means i'm good looking right? I can assume what you look like just going off that shit post.
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I think you posted that in the wrong forum.

Nah, it's just a weak argument especially considering TLOU's world it creates. I personally think it's retarded how most women look ugly/gay/trans in Outer Worlds, a functioning capitalist utopia (dystopic if you hate capitalism) where things like soap and make-up are plenty abundant, heck a quest involves you getting a companion character soaped up/dressed up for a date. The critique doesn't really work as well on the TLOU, especially when people claim their complaint stems from "realism" concerns.
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