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Naughty Dog made female characters less feminine to be trans friendly (No Spoilers)




This entire quote is ridiculous. Trans women can and DO grow breasts without having to get implants. It comes down to hormone replacement therapy regimen and their genetics.

If the women in their family are usually flat-chested, they likely will be also. If the women in their family are busty, chances are they will be too. Take it from me...I'm quite happy with
He specifically said large breasts which I would say is a C cup and above, I dont think hormone therapy can achieve that, or maybe it can.


In fact I’d say the apocalypse would spawn more “she hulks” than “sexy”(in a western mainstream sense) women.
It wouldn't, because "She hulk" requires a high calorie intake and (time for) dedicated training. Both things hard to come by in the apocalypse. Meanwhile, being "sexy" generally just requires enough food not to be bony and some level of fitness, that is far easier to acquire than "hulking". Also.. being womenly is a better survival trait for women than being strong, because competing with men in terms of strength is just foolish..
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Another generalization.
You're like a generalisation vending machine.
Lol. I don’t think you understand the meaning of the world.

Valid is a strange adjective to use in this context. Of course it's as legitimate as any other story. Neil has the right and the means to talk about whatever he wants in his games. People have the right to criticize him and not all criticism can be boiled down to "white straight males wanting ND to keep pandering to them."

This is especially true in light of Neil himself being a white straight male!
Oh, the irony!
Obviously he’s decided to pander to those who may not have the same perspective as him.

That’s a good thing. All types of stories exist. Even LGBT ones. It’s great that he’s decided to step outside himself and try to tell a story that will resonate with people who may not look/live like him.
Dumbest thing ever said LOL so you are nerfing characters in games to not make IRL trans people to not feel bad that they cant in IRL afford spend 50K or more to have the "desired body". Then what is abby then abby looks like a man fused with Brock lesnar no WOMAN and very guys are going to look like The Rock, Brock lesnar, Stone cold ect. So how does that body shape help these people...........................................................


Sure she didn’t.

But the existence of a “she hulk” during an apocalypse is no less realistic than a sexy woman with big ass and tits and a small waist.

In fact I’d say the apocalypse would spawn more “she hulks” than “sexy”(in a western mainstream sense) women.
I know if I was in the world of Last of Us I'd wanna bulk the fuck up so I could stand a chance against clickers. endure and survive and all that.


King Snowflake
I will never really understand why these influences need to be implemented into already running franchises. If there's a demand for female protagonists / trans people in games / games centered around non-cis sexuality.... wouldn't a market develop naturally?

Am I insensitive here? :<

What planet are you from? Real markets don't provide products for all niches, businesses go for something that is worth it. What do you think the size of the market is for Trans games given there are ~ .6% trans people in the population? Random character generation should create roughly 1/2 % characters that are trans yet people bitch and moan when one gets added to a sequel because it isn't natural? Sure.
I will never really understand why these influences need to be implemented into already running franchises. If there's a demand for female protagonists / trans people in games / games centered around non-cis sexuality.... wouldn't a market develop naturally?

Am I insensitive here? :<
No in fact there are already games for people like that there all mostly Dating and shipping games but it seems like those types of games would be popular with those folks.


It wouldn't, because "She hulk" requires a high calorie intake and (time for) dedicated training.
As does big tits, big ass, and small waist.

Both things hard to come by in the apocalypse. Meanwhile, being "sexy" just requires enough food not to be bony and some level of fitness, that is far easier to acquire than "hulking".
Not sure about that. Check indigenous women. Not very many of them have a “sexy body” in modern standards.

The modern sexy woman is just as much a result of modern culture as a unsexy woman.

In an apocalypse setting none of that will matter. We’d all be starving and working hard.

Also.. being womenly is a better survival trait for women than being strong, because competing with men in terms of strength is just foolish..
I’ll just say, I disagree.


I know if I was in the world of Last of Us I'd wanna bulk the fuck up so I could stand a chance against clickers. endure and survive and all that.

In my mind. Women would more likely find a way to gain muscle than fat titties in that situation.


Dreams in Digital
I think we have to look at is rationally though. I live in a pretty rough town on the East coast of England and women here get into quite a lot of fights. Whole areas of Grimsby have women that don't look 'pretty' but more 'rugged', and that's because the life they lead begins to effect their expressions and demeanours. It would actually be out of place for a women, used to combat, to look 'feminine'. You know nothing John Snow. By the way, Grim was a Danish fisherman and 'by' is the old norse word for 'village'.
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Looking at the 2017 Gameplay Trailer she looked buffed yes, but nothing that isn't achievable. I've seen woman that are bigger than her.

Also for what we know, she could've used some kind of drug to get this buffed. It's a game after all.
Any trans person who suffers actual gender dysphoria would only be triggered by these decisions. We WANT to look like non-transgender people. We WANT to look like anyone else...blending into the crowd of the gender we feel we are. Anything less makes most of us extremely uncomfortable much of the time.

This is it right here; I always thought this was the main point of transitioning, because you felt like you were the opposite gender. So by that logic the assumption should be if a male wants to transition to a female, then they want to transition to appearing like a female, not a trans woman. And if you're going to transition, you would keep in mind that yes, societies have certain perceptions of what a woman typically looks like and certain mannerisms they may have because a lot of those things are associated with natural feminine energy. It doesn't mean women have no masculine energy or that there aren't women who have a large amount of masculine energy, but they are the exceptions to those natural tendencies.

Some of the loony so-called progressives seem to want to force those case exceptions as the natural aim for most who are transitioning, and that's an insult to them and I'd assume a lot of non-trans people, too. If someone wants to transition from male to female, or female to male, then by all means they should be allowed to do so, as long as it's their choice. But I and a lot of other people have ideas of what the average woman looks like, the average mannerisms they have, natural tendencies in terms of social and maternal skills the average man doesn't have, etc. etc. And the same goes with common perceptions on the average guy.

Those average perceptions are healthy for the long-term sustenance of a society, and even if someone transitioning may not biologically be that of which they're transitioning to, as long as are wanting to fit within those general expectations, it should be fine. And these are very broad things I'm speaking of here, nothing that would prevent a person from expressing their own individuality whatsoever.

Sadly some far-left "progressives" seemingly want to shun the natural female form in its entirety, and don't seem to realize how much that messes things up for male-to-female trans people.

I’m only taking about TLOU. The first game clearly explored political topics.

Politics is pervasive, as they dictate pretty much all of our daily lives. People only complain about politics when a topic or statement they don’t resonate with is explored.

Nope, miss me with that. There is a very select group of people who a definition of "politics" which is VASTLY different to the majority of the regular population's definition of "politics". Now, these days it may seem the former's definition holds given all the infusion of political bodies, think-tanks, bodies etc into entertainment (we can just call this propaganda because that's basically what it is), but it doesn't change the fact that politics as the way we see it in today's environment, is not inherent to entertainment as a whole.

Also there's a ton of conflation by those select cliques of people as to what is considered political, as they've retroactively designated many philosophical and idealistic concepts (which maybe had slight political musings into them but of a different time and era) as fitting the mold of what they consider to be political in current-year.

TLOU was called the “Citezen Kain of gaming”

No way you can argue the first game was devoid of politics.

A lot of the stuff people refer to when they compare something to be a Citizen Kane equivalent is more to do with storytelling techniques and devices the work uses within its medium to tell a story/narrative effectively and, supposedly, in ways other work before it has not managed to do.

TBH I always felt that designation a bit much high praise for TLOU, because you can certainly point to survival-horror games with more engaging stories, or 3rd-person action/adventure games with better gunplay, gameplay loops, mechanics etc. Granted, it's also about a "whole great the sum of its parts" kind of deal, can't necessarily take all the elements in isolation from one another.

As I said above. Western media has pandered to a certain demographic since the beginning. And some artists have decided to purposely fight against that reality.

Look I don't want to get into the whole percentages BS (because some people use it as a means of asking why certain people should even be in a story, when that's something they don't hold against, say, dragons or gremlins, neither of which exist whatsoever in the real world), but you're dealing with a country that's 60+ % white. Most of the people in these positions are white, and it's just going to naturally gravitate that way...


Nothing wrong with that.

...because that hasn't stopped me from enjoying plenty of media that had no minorities or LGBT people in it, or only had a small handful. My favorite war film of all time is Come and See, a Russian film. Not a single non-white in there, doesn't matter. One of my favorite cyberpunk films is Tetsuo; 100% Japanese cast, not even a white person in there, let alone another minority. Doesn't matter, movie is still all kinds of awesome.

I may not be white, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy works with a majority or exclusively-white cast. I may not be gay, but two of Gregg Araki's movies (Doom Generation and Mysterious Skin) are among my (vast) stable of damn good movies. It also means I can still appreciate stuff that might be majority-minority without needing to somehow claim it's a sin when something comes out with few or no minorities in it. I can go from watching Squeeze or Juice, to something like Gattaca and maybe watch something like Pulp Fiction after that. Just treating them as three awesome flicks, I don't need some sudden influx of a bunch of white people in Juice, or a bunch of black people in Gattaca, to even consider enjoying those movies.

Would be no reason to pander to LGBT if they weren’t being under/misrepresented in the first place.

In what, exactly? Because there's actually tons of media with LGBT people in them AND creating them, some of it quite good in fact. I mentioned Gregg Araki movies earlier, and you've got other movies like Dandy Dust too. Fun movies, very LGBT-focused at that. There's been quite a lot of LGBT themes and characters in games; you can even go back to the '90s and find games with gay characters in them like Phantasmagoria 2 (and the gay guy there is actually one of the best characters in the whole game, probably the most fleshed out too).

To me all this stuff about under/misrepresentation just seems to be due to people feeling they don't have "the big one". It doesn't matter to them if they can get all of that in arguably more creative, albeit smaller and less-mainstream, works. No, it ONLY matters if they get the big representation in the SUPER-mainstream stuff. Which, more often than not, tends to be the safest, least creatively engaging work out there (doesn't mean it can't be entertaining, of course).

Only reason you say the story is “compromised” is cause you don’t agree with the themes within it.

No, because too many hack creators these days actually DO compromise a story's natural integrity for a forced political narrative, and they have a big tendency to do so when making a work revolving around some minority group. Actually just having minorities in a work would be no problem if said work didn't do so at the expense of putting down "the privileged", but with these hacks, they can't seemingly lift EVERYONE up.

Nope, in order to lift up Group A, they have to put down Group B. It's all very intentional in these types of works, and it's called divide-and-conquer.

An LGBT story is just as valid as your everyday “white guys shoots brown faces and gets the girl” story.

Depends on if the groups involved just happen to incidentally be those things and such things aren't literally defining their existence in the score of a fictional piece of work.

If it doesn't, then no, I don't see the problem. If it does, then yes, it's a BIG problem. And that would go towards BOTH of your examples.
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I think we have to look at is rationally though. I live in a pretty rough town on the East coast of England and women here get into quite a lot of fights. Whole areas of Grimsby have women that don't look 'pretty' but more 'rugged', and that's because the life they lead begins to effect their expressions and demeanours. It would actually be out of place for a women, used to combat, to look 'feminine'. You know nothing John Snow.

Considering the World TLOU2 is placed in and both Ellie and Abby basically been born into fighting, i can't se her being slim and sexy.
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In my mind. Women would more likely find a way to gain muscle than fat titties in that situation.
however, i'm over 40 days in quarantine and my titties have been getting fatter. but the second I hear about a spore virus sweeping the nation, it's time to hit the weights! my husband will miss my chonky chest but he won't be complaining when i'm able to brick dick ball cannibals in the face.


Dreams in Digital
Considering the World TLOU2 is placed in and both Ellie and Abby basically been born into fighting, i can't se her being slim and sexy.

I'm not saying there aren't pretty women in Grimsby. It's just we have to temper out objections to the SJW crap with an even head, or we become as entrenched in bubble think as they are.
What planet are you from? Real markets don't provide products for all niches, businesses go for something that is worth it. What do you think the size of the market is for Trans games given there are ~ .6% trans people in the population? Random character generation should create roughly 1/2 % characters that are trans yet people bitch and moan when one gets added to a sequel because it isn't natural? Sure.

6%? Where are you getting this figure from?
6% out of 328 million is roughly 20million trans in the US alone.

I reject the concept of representation altogether. Well-meaning intentions to fix alleged real-world problems, demographics, proportionality in the real world, are all meaningless to me when it comes to fiction. Either you have good stories and good characters or you don't.

Good stories are internally consistent.


I'm not saying there aren't pretty women in Grimsby. It's just we have to temper out objections to the SJW crap with an even head, or we become as entrenched in bubble think as they are.

Oh i hope there are beauties where you live, would be pretty sad otherwise lol. What i'm saying is, that being buffed and muscular isn't out of place in a setting like TLOU. People be hunting and fighting there whole life.
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6%? Where are you getting this figure from?
6% out of 328 million is roughly 20million trans in the US alone.

I reject the concept of representation altogether. Well-meaning intentions to fix alleged real-world problems, demographics, proportionality in the real world, are all meaningless to me when it comes to fiction. Either you have good stories and good characters or you don't.

Good stories are internally consistent.
.6 means 0,6 :D

Lol. I don’t think you understand the meaning of the world.

Obviously he’s decided to pander to those who may not have the same perspective as him.

That’s a good thing. All types of stories exist. Even LGBT ones. It’s great that he’s decided to step outside himself and try to tell a story that will resonate with people who may not look/live like him.

Hint: when a sentence stars with the plural noun "People" it usually is a generalization. Your sentence, one among many iof yours n this thread, starts with....wait for it..

Legitimate generalizations exist. For example, saying women have wombs is a legitimate generalization.


Dreams in Digital
Oh i hope there are beauties where you live, would be pretty sad otherwise lol. What i'm saying is, that being buffed and muscular isn't out of place in a setting like TLOU. People be hunting and fighting there whole life.

Yeah, I agree. The mother of my children was a head turner by the way! It just turned out, she was a monster ...


6%? Where are you getting this figure from?
6% out of 328 million is roughly 20million trans in the US alone.

I reject the concept of representation altogether. Well-meaning intentions to fix alleged real-world problems, demographics, proportionality in the real world, are all meaningless to me when it comes to fiction. Either you have good stories and good characters or you don't.

Good stories are internally consistent.
I agree with this sentiment, but on the contrary. People tend to see a problem only when the narrative doesn’t resonate personally.

Majority of stories. Sexual orientation, race, sex isn’t very important. It’s just the expression of the artist.

Seems lots of time people make the “pandering” argument just cause the story doesn’t resonate personally.

How do you decide what’s an organic story or an attempt to make a statement?


Hint: when a sentence stars with the plural noun "People" it usually is a generalization. Your sentence, one among many iof yours n this thread, starts with....wait for it..
No. That’s not true at all.

There’s plenty types of people on earth.

People in this very thread are those I’m addressing.
Legitimate generalizations exist. For example, saying women have wombs is a legitimate generalization.
Nope. It’s not.


They do stuff like that for the female audience in Japanese games since pretty boys are what girls are into over there
Absolutely. Alucard is a perfect example that works. Raiden, specifically was made androgynous, as detailed in the Metal Gear 3 (as it was known at the time) game plan.

edit: even raiden’s motion cap actor was directed to act androgynous.
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No. That’s not true at all.

There’s plenty types of people on earth.

People in this very thread are those I’m addressing.

Nope. It’s not.

You don't know what a generalization is.
You don't know even when a dictionary definition has been provided to you.
Even when your sentences fit the provided definition you keep regurgitating more.

Of course, there are women who don't have wombs. Those are in the statistical minority, around 0,0002% ( source ) , but let's aggregate all conditions and compound the figure and assume, say, it's 1%.

That means 99% of women do have wombs. It is therefore entirely legitimate to generalize and claim women have wombs.

Your profound irrationality and the attempt to ad hoc redefine language just to suit your conjunctural needs will be called out. But, hey, I hear there's just the right gaming forum for people who cannot engage in rational discourse.
Considering the World TLOU2 is placed in and both Ellie and Abby basically been born into fighting, i can't se her being slim and sexy.
Thats not what the "worker" is saying tho.

The Naughty Dog source did confirm that there people who question the progressive narrative that Naughty Dog are injecting into their games are at high risk of losing their jobs:

“The team is very much divided on the game [The Last of Us Part II], and even voicing your concerns on its story will upset certain individuals; it usually results in said person being called closed-minded or even phobic, or some such nonsense. Some people literally have to bite their tongues or fear losing their jobs, even careers, to an outrage mob.”

It seems, though, that the inclusion of gay and lesbian characters in the last three Naughty Dog games was not enough to appease the activists who are reportedly working at Naughty Dog. The Last of Us Part II gameplay footage leak confirms that the plot has some extreme trans rights ideologies, too.

The characters in The Last of Us Part II are designed in such a way to not make trans people feel uncomfortable. Every single new character introduced in the sequel does not have definitive feminine or masculine qualities.

Ellie and Dina, specifically, have been remodelled to look less feminine. It even seems as if they Ellie has completely changed since they first revealed her in The Last of Us Part II.

The "source" is saying they designed the Characters and Story to please the members of the team who are "activists". That people don't fight for their views on Story and Character design because of fear to their careers... Being labeled as LGBTQ Haters.

As far as people questioning the website as a source, it seems unlikely that people who worry about their careers and labels of transphobic would talk to sites like Kotaku (for example) who at this point have a similar reputation as the "activists" co-workers they worry about.
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She is hot. There is something here to complain?
Are you just talking about the actress? Because the complains are about the character model in comparison.
They made her shoulders pointy, shriveled up her breasts, enlarged her waist (that last one might just seem that way because of the less full breasts) and what they did to the ears..(well, actually detail is too low to tell)
All of this is deliberately done to make the character look worse than the actress. She is not horribly ugly or anything, but it's fair to question why they felt the need to remove a lot of the female charm and to disagree with their reasoning. (if their reason was setting related, poor food situation and so on.. fine. But that's seemingly not the case.)

An often heard argument is that "They want to make the character models look more like real women".. so taking a real women and making her look worse is kind of invalidating that argument..

Note that this is based on the provided comparison pictures and not on any other footage that might exist.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
Women who are fitness models or have a lot of muscles can still have pretty faces, even without any makeup. The women in this game are just plain ugly looking facially and it is done on purpose because being pretty is now problematic.

I present you...

Gina Carano

An actual female fighter with a fighters body and a pretty face.

OR hey Polyana Viana

Women wouldn't magically become ugly as sin if the apocalypse happened.... 50% or more of them would still be attractive, and again, that is with zero make up. I am not aware of Native Americans wearing make up back in the wild west/ colonial times yet we hear tales of how beautiful their women were(and still are). My wife is still very pretty without makeup as well.

Ugly people are a massive miniority among physically fit people.

Its painfully obvious that ND's politics are fucking up their entire company and games. There is no reason for all women to be ugly in Last of Us just like there is no reason for them to be hideous in Outerworlds. Unless of coarse you have something against attractive people.
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Women who are fitness models or have a lot of muscles can still have pretty faces, even without any makeup. The women in this game are just plain ugly looking facially and it is done on purpose because being pretty is now problematic.

I present you...

Gina Carano

An actual female fighter with a fighters body and a pretty face.

OR hey Polyana Viana

Women wouldn't magically become ugly as sin if the apocalypse happened.... 50% or more of them would still be attractive.

Ugly people are a massive miniority among physically fit people.
While i do think that Drukman is a cuck and comes off as a douche usually on twitter or interviews, i think grown up Ellie looks pretty hot.
It's also worth mentioning that even when characters are based on actors likeness they are not always a 1:1 recreation, look at Norman Reedus in DS, Sam Porter Bridges it's fucking swole compared to Mr. Reedus, and it makes sense, if you carry 100+ Kilograms on your back for tens of kilometers at the time, you probably need a strong back too.
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It's certainly more rare, but it can still happen for some people, thankfully. (C-cup bra wearer here.) :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

When discussing the (im)plausibility of the varying muscular body-types, sexual orientations & various characters in The Last of Us 2, I hope people remember we're not discussing real people here, but the fantasies of a 41 year old man, aka Neil Druckmann. He's the one sitting with his laptop writing about lesbians & muscular women. That's it. End of. It's his equivalent of Tolkien's Hobbits, Orcs & middle-earth, yet unlike Lord of the Rings which aspires towards the "fantasy" genre, Druckmann plasters current-year politics all over his own oeuvre as a shield against critique.

There are millions of examples of people & events (in real life, including throughout history) who exhibit the exact opposite traits from the ones seen in Druckmann's writing, but he ignored all of them & went full-steam ahead with an ultra political checklist based on a well known modern political doctrine. People can choose to go with it, or not. But it's certainly not above reproach or critique (that's not a remark aimed at your post, but in general terms).


Women who are fitness models or have a lot of muscles can still have pretty faces, even without any makeup. The women in this game are just plain ugly looking facially and it is done on purpose because being pretty is now problematic.

I present you...

Gina Carano

An actual female fighter with a fighters body and a pretty face.

OR hey Polyana Viana

Women wouldn't magically become ugly as sin if the apocalypse happened.... 50% or more of them would still be attractive.

Ugly people are a massive miniority among physically fit people.

Its painfully obvious that ND's politics are fucking up their entire company and games. There is no reason for all women to be ugly in Last of Us just like there is no reason for them to be hideous in Outerworlds. Unless of coarse you have something against attractive people.

Ofcourse they can be and often are, even if they don't look "perfect" they can still look good for a photo and hide their bad angles. Ugly may be the minority but atleast in MMA it's easy to find some very masculine girls that could look ugly if they didn't put the effort in.

But I don't think it's a big issue to have one really jacked girl that the apocalypse isn't doing any favors for. I think it's fine if they want to have a single character where everything in her design communicates that she is here to fight and she has been through a lot of shit.
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There's a lot of words here without a single shred of evidence.

But this is Neogaf trans bait so why am I not surprised.

Sadly, it's not just GAF that loves to Trans bait like this. Too many people are still anti-LGBTQ. And right now the most hated out of that group are the "T's". Like you said, no evidence. Why is it so hard for people to also believe that women can build muscle mass too?


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Ofcourse they can be and often are, even if they don't look "perfect" they can still look good for a photo and hide their bad angles.

But I don't think it's a big issue to have one really jacked girl that the apocalypse isn't doing any favors for. I think it's fine if they want to have a single character where everything in her design communicates that she is here to fight and she has been through a lot of shit.
The issue is they made Ellie ugly as well. Hell they have made every female character I have seen associated with the game ugly.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Sadly, it's not just GAF that loves to Trans bait like this. Too many people are still anti-LGBTQ. And right now the most hated out of that group are the "T's". Like you said, no evidence. Why is it so hard for people to also believe that women can build muscle mass too?
Its not about muscle, its about force feeding ugly people to us for an agenda which defies reality. The great majority of human beings are attractive so long as they retain a healthy weight. Being ugly is actually a minority. Go look at any research into "average" looks and you will find the "average" person of every race is attractive.

So filling your post apocalyptic world with ugly people is unrealistic. Esspecially when you think about how pretty people, particularly women, would be given preferential treatment when it came time to choose who gets access to life saving supplies in post apocalyptic communities. Humans would need to keep breeding, and men would want pretty women to breed with.

You can call it sexist or whatever but post apocalyptic communities would revert back to tribal-like societies where women don't have the rights or privileges that they have in modern society.
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Where are the disabled people in games? Amputees? Burn Victims?
Days Gone has both. Dont worry Sony has you covered.
I will never really understand why these influences need to be implemented into already running franchises. If there's a demand for female protagonists / trans people in games / games centered around non-cis sexuality.... wouldn't a market develop naturally?

Am I insensitive here? :<
What does Ellie do next? Does she really believe him? Druckmann has his own ideas on that front. "It's Ellie waking up for the first time and realizing that she can't rely on him anymore," he explains. "She knows that she has to leave him, and make her own decisions and her own mistakes." For Druckmann, who became a father during the development of The Last of Us, turning Ellie into a strong, capable character was no accident. "I had this secret agenda," he said during a talk at the Toronto chapter of the International Game Developers Association. "I wanted to create one of the coolest, non-sexualized female video game protagonists. And I felt that if we did that, there's an opportunity to change the industry. I know it sounds pretentious, but that was my goal.

Those influences were implemented since the first game. They dont happen suddenly because companys always feared the insecurities of the fragile.
But Sony has discovered that if you expand your characters, you expand your audience.
Unless someone fires Druckmann outta there, Naughty Dog is dead to me.
Druckmann is the vice president of naughty dog. He has been involved in a increasing role in every Naughty Dog game since Jak 3. His work in Uncharted 2, got him the gig to TLoU. He is Naughty Dog at this point.


The issue is they made Ellie ugly as well. Hell they have made every female character I have seen associated with the game ugly.
I disagree, Ellie looks prettier than before.
Just consider how Ellie looks in the context of the game, those are some strong genetics. If anything, she should have some pimples and maybe some teeths missing all things considered, if you want the real deal.


The issue is they made Ellie ugly as well. Hell they have made every female character I have seen associated with the game ugly.
What? She looks, totally fine. Like, just totally fine.
Her girlfriend looks good too.

I'm not saying they are literally perfection but she's definitely not ugly. Are you sure you didn't just see her with really bad lighting or something?

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