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Naughty Dog's new team likely started production of a new game in Sept. 2020


Hopefully the game will have a new, fresh and maskulin protagonist. Dunno, maybe an Elliot.

Just kidding. Curious what directions they'll take regarding story, characters, gameplay etc.

Ugly obese people are in dire need of representation in games. ND, step up to the plate.


I want uncharted with a new settings and maybe a new story with different places to visit, a new IP and maybe 3rd game of the The Last of Us to end the saga.

Mikey Jr.

They'd be foolish not to dip into TLOU again, now that HBO show is in the works. This may very well be the first time we get a proper video game adaptation, given Druckman himself is involved.

Ohhh, they'll go back to it for sure.

But I've never seen tlou as a "franchise" the way Uncharted is, or Jak, or ratchet, etc.

Just druckmann has a story he wants to tell, so they'll make a tlou game.

I'm kinda done with joel, abby, and ellie personally.

I think whatever story there that was told is enough for those characters.


I do but Cyberpunk is my number two game of the year. That being said nobody can deny TLOU2 was launched in much better working condition but then again that is easy when you are developing for one platform.
and made a game thats identical to 1st game

there is only so many bugs you can have in mocapped cutscenes 😏
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Can't wait to see what they're up to. They just keep pushing the envelope with every project. Under normal circumstances I would say they should leave TLOU and Uncharted to rest, but considering they made a Last Of Us sequel and it worked I fully trust whatever they decide to do now.


Unconfirmed Member
whatever it is i ain't touching it as long as that Druckmann idiot is in charge.
Dumb take. Without Druckmann we wouldn't have this.
A gay black female who has her revenge against white evil heterosexual racist nazi toxis males for their privileges and for not letting her know that she's strong, independent and beautiful African-American princess.

AKA Manhunt 3.


Hopefully they have similar success to the current team.
I'm surprised they took so long to start a 2nd team at ND.
Naughty Dog had a second team ages ago, for 'The Last of Us' and 'Uncharted 3'. If I remember rightly, the problem was 'The Last of Us' team kept siphoning team members from 'Uncharted 3', leaving that team struggling with changing teams trying to handle the work load. After 'Uncharted 3', that team moved on to 'Uncharted 4'. When 'The Last of Us' shipped, the 'Uncharted 4' leads left Naughty Dog - apparently over creative differences and the direction of the game, however this is mostly speculation. The 'The Last of Us' leads effectively took over all development at Naughty Dog, and they collapsed the teams.

If Naughty Dog are indeed branching out into two teams again, I suspect its because their new team is in-line with the creative direction established when 'The Last of Us' leads took over. I suspect both teams will be making dour cinematic third person shooters with a heavy focus on cut-scenes for the foreseeable future.


It's probably just Factions.
Yet somehow that "unfinished" game has far superior gameplay, writing and characters.

ND games barely qualify as games. They are highly pretentious, derivative, poorly written cutscenes with a few button presses here and there.
Cyberpunk can barely get A.I walking through a door properly yet it's somehow has better gameplay than the refined masterclass stealth action of TLOU2? Laughable. I guess you must really love looter shooters, if that's the case there's at least 10 of them that do it better than Cyberpunk.
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[Not OC] Found and copied from Reddit.

I was just reading this article published by Naughty Dog when I noticed something ... new.

The article referred to Vinit Agarwal and Richard Cambiere, who have worked as Lead Game Designers at ND for years, as Game Directors. I checked their LinkedIn profiles (Vinit's, Richard's), and this promotion happened in September 2020 for both of them.

We saw something similar a few years ago when Kurt and Anthony were promoted to co-game directors. They then made The Last of Us Part 2.

Assuming Kurt and Anthony are working on another game as co-directors again, it is safe to assume that Vinit and Richard are now developing a completely new game with a new team. The production must have started 5 months ago when they were promoted, so it should take a few years.
nice catch


They need to have one team make a short quicker to release game and then the second team more in depth ones.

Their output this past gen is not acceptable. Two games? No last of us remastered does not count nor does any of their multiplayer releases/addons
Porting their Cell optimized engine over to X86 for PS4 (TLOU port) was a unique challenge to PS3/4 transition that took time. Thats not an issue for moving to PS5. Otherwise, its almost the same so idk what you're talking about.

PS3 : 4 shorter games (+ 1 DLC) over the 7 year gen.
UC1 -2007
UC2 - 2009
UC3 - 2011
TLOU - 2013
(TLOU LB - 2014)

PS4: 3 longer games (+ ports) over the 7 year gen.
(TLOU R - 2014 port)
UC4 - 2016
UCLL - 2017
TLOU2 - 2020
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Naughty Dog had a second team ages ago, for 'The Last of Us' and 'Uncharted 3'. If I remember rightly, the problem was 'The Last of Us' team kept siphoning team members from 'Uncharted 3', leaving that team struggling with changing teams trying to handle the work load. After 'Uncharted 3', that team moved on to 'Uncharted 4'. When 'The Last of Us' shipped, the 'Uncharted 4' leads left Naughty Dog - apparently over creative differences and the direction of the game, however this is mostly speculation. The 'The Last of Us' leads effectively took over all development at Naughty Dog, and they collapsed the teams.

If Naughty Dog are indeed branching out into two teams again, I suspect its because their new team is in-line with the creative direction established when 'The Last of Us' leads took over. I suspect both teams will be making dour cinematic third person shooters with a heavy focus on cut-scenes for the foreseeable future.
The head of ND Evan Wells said the 2 teams approach got shutdown due to trouble staffing 2 full teams with enough talented devs. The unspoken reality of course is that Amy Henning left, forcing Straley and Druckmann to make Uncharted 4 first instead just moving on to The Last of Us Part 2. So they lost "team 1" leadership and thus the 2 teams merged.

Also probably payroll cost factor in a lot too. Sony Santa Monica tried the 2 team thing and it didn't work either, cause that new IP got cancelled. So that game director left and made that Star Wars game for EA (ironically that same thing didn't work out for Amy Henning) and a bunch of devs got laid off when they merged the teams and focused on just God of War 2018. They even moved buildings etc.

The likely thing they're gonna try is the so called "1.5 teams" where 90% of the devs are making the 1 game coming out sooner, and then like 10 people are doing pre-production on a second game. Then they finish game 1 and everyone shifts over, while ideally leaving like 5-10 people behind to brainstorm and pre-pro a new 3rd game for afterwards. Thats how ND did The Last of Us. Most of the devs did Uncharted 2 and UC3, while Straley and Druckmann and like 5 devs took 2 years (2009-2011) to come up with their new IP and do concepts, pre-pro, etc. Thats why they had a trailer ready in 2011 to announced as soon as UC3 shipped. Same with how The Last of Us Part 2 and Uncharted Lost Legacy both got announced at the same event in late 2016, and why UCLL got made in like 15 months.
I really hope it’s a new IP. It would be an awful waste for Naughty Dog to be locked into continuously making Uncharted and TLOU games for Althea foreseeable future.


I just hope they won't do that "we dont want players to have fun while playing our game" approach to game design again. TLOUII dragged me through the mud and I felt bored and tired after finishing it. With real life being tough on its own nowadays I dont think I need to get extra dose of depression and hopelessnes also in my entertaiment.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Uncharted PS5 4K bundle aggressive marketing remind everyone who they are than drop a BOMB in UNCHARTED 5, attack Microsoft at their core.


I want a Jak & Daxter precursor legacy like sequel/prequel...less Jak 2 & 3. Insomniac should be given the property and have the Ratchet & Clank team make it. They could even remake the first J&D like they remade the first R&C.


3 game, thats quite acceptable imo

Uncharted 4 A Thieves End

Uncharted Lost Legacy

The Last of Us pt II
Sure as a hell better output than most top tier studios like them.

I think they're in charge of factions 2. If they aren't in charge with factions 2, then I hope they're making a new IP without any guns in it. I'd be interested to see what naughty dog could do with a game without any guns in it


Gold Member
I expect most of the Sony teams are moving into a concurrent development structure like Insomniac, where you have a dedicated 20% - 30% of the team on each project which scale up as they get closer to launch with the remaining 70% moving between projects


Gold Journalism
I expect most of the Sony teams are moving into a concurrent development structure like Insomniac, where you have a dedicated 20% - 30% of the team on each project which scale up as they get closer to launch with the remaining 70% moving between projects

Yeah, me too! I believe they have made significant strides in increasing their studio sizes, considering Insomniac is running three teams, GG now has multiple teams, and ND and SSM also have multiple teams. That's what Jim Ryan meant by 'organic growth'.

It wouldn't surprise me if ND releases 3-4 games (one being a smaller game) this generation.


Porting their Cell optimized engine over to X86 for PS4 (TLOU port) was a unique challenge to PS3/4 transition that took time. Thats not an issue for moving to PS5. Otherwise, its almost the same so idk what you're talking about.

PS3 : 4 shorter games (+ 1 DLC) over the 7 year gen.
UC1 -2007
UC2 - 2009
UC3 - 2011
TLOU - 2013
(TLOU LB - 2014)

PS4: 3 longer games (+ ports) over the 7 year gen.
(TLOU R - 2014 port)
UC4 - 2016
UCLL - 2017
TLOU2 - 2020

Lost legacy does not count it's like DLC shit. also last of us remastered does not count.

PS3 era had 4 huge games.

PS4 had 2. You can really only count UC4 and last of us 2. Not enough. Period.
Factions 2 then a Lost Legacy length New IP game and then straight into The Last of Us Part 3 is what I want.
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Lost legacy does not count it's like DLC shit. also last of us remastered does not count.

PS3 era had 4 huge games.

PS4 had 2. You can really only count UC4 and last of us 2. Not enough. Period.
Lost Legacy is a full game, its longer than Uncharted 1. And much better. Its not even close to DLC so no.

"4 huge games" lol UC123 are all like 8-10 hours long. TLOU is 12.

UC4 is like 15-20 hours long (the longest game they'd made) and UCLL is 8-10 hours. TLOU pt2 is 25-30 hours.

Game dev was faster 15 years ago than now, for all studios. It took Sucker Punch 7 years to make 2 games on PS4.

No Sony first party studio (other than San Diego with MLB) makes more games faster than Naughty Dog. Santa Monica made 1 game over 7 years, Guerrilla & SP did 2. Insomniac are the only one at a similar speed but they have multiple studios and teams. Ratchet is made in North Carolina by a separate team.
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Rick Monster

Neo Member
My prediction for new IP is that it's going to be a spy game. Naughty Dog has all the elements for something great - shooting, stealth, and though we don't do much driving in their games, there is some in Lost Legacy. So there's some room for car chases and shooting from cars. They'll want to create their own spy team, as to not crib too much from 007, but just as Uncharterd lifted Indy Jones, I think, with R*'s Agent now abandoned, ND might feel there's room for a game that's an unacknowledged spiritual successor to No One Lives Forever. I don't think they'll make it a parody. That's not their style. I think they will do something like the last few Mission Impossible movies with a female lead. We'll get everything we've gotten so far from ND in terms of systems, but with gadgets and a different kind of globe-trotting story. They will go full Michael Bay movie. Still grounded in terms of graphics, weightiness, stakes, but are happy to go full action film. And in the meantime, the other 2 groups are making TLOU3, with Zev as the main character with the now teen JJ as his sidekick, and the newest Uncharted, with Drake's daughter as the protagonist. Drake's old enemies have need of a guide, and it's up to her and Elena (they have a rocky relationship. Elena is overprotective, and the kid takes after her dad) to rescue him. I think ND's goal, by the end of this current next-generation is to have 3 franchises, all starring women, transfolk, or BIPOC. And I am here for it. The world's demographics are changing, and Naughty Dog are being rebels and revelling in it.I want to play the games the way they're meant to be played, however the creators intended. I want to eat the meal they've prepared.
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Gold Journalism
My prediction for new IP is that it's going to be a spy game. Naughty Dog has all the elements for something great - shooting, stealth, and though we don't do much driving in their games, there is some in Lost Legacy. So there's some room for car chases and shooting from cars. They'll want to create their own spy team, as to not crib too much from 007, but just as Uncharterd lifted Indy Jones, I think, with R*'s Agent now abandoned, ND might feel there's room for a game that's an unacknowledged spiritual successor to No One Lives Forever. I don't think they'll make it a parody. That's not their style. I think they will do something like the last few Mission Impossible movies with a female lead. We'll get everything we've gotten so far from ND in terms of systems, but with gadgets and a different kind of globe-trotting story. They will go full Michael Bay movie. Still grounded in terms of graphics, weightiness, stakes, but are happy to go full action film. And in the meantime, the other 2 groups are making TLOU3, with Zev as the main character with the now teen JJ as his sidekick, and the newest Uncharted, with Drake's daughter as the protagonist. Drake's old enemies have need of a guide, and it's up to her and Elena (they have a rocky relationship. Elena is overprotective, and the kid takes after her dad) to rescue him. I think ND's goal, by the end of this current next-generation is to have 3 franchises, all starring women, transfolk, or BIPOC. And I am here for it. The world's demographics are changing, and Naughty Dog are being rebels and revelling in it.I want to play the games the way they're meant to be played, however the creators intended. I want to eat the meal they've prepared.

I completely agree! I've been thinking about such a game from ND for years now.

A mix of Jason Bourne (story elements and globetrotting) + James Bond (a suave character w/ a cool car and gadgets) + Mission Impossible (for big set pieces and OMG moments like UC).

That'd be a perfect game. Also, as you said, there aren't many games like that -- at least not until IOI drops 007.


My prediction for new IP is that it's going to be a spy game. Naughty Dog has all the elements for something great - shooting, stealth, and though we don't do much driving in their games, there is some in Lost Legacy. So there's some room for car chases and shooting from cars. They'll want to create their own spy team, as to not crib too much from 007, but just as Uncharterd lifted Indy Jones, I think, with R*'s Agent now abandoned, ND might feel there's room for a game that's an unacknowledged spiritual successor to No One Lives Forever. I don't think they'll make it a parody. That's not their style. I think they will do something like the last few Mission Impossible movies with a female lead. We'll get everything we've gotten so far from ND in terms of systems, but with gadgets and a different kind of globe-trotting story. They will go full Michael Bay movie. Still grounded in terms of graphics, weightiness, stakes, but are happy to go full action film. And in the meantime, the other 2 groups are making TLOU3, with Zev as the main character with the now teen JJ as his sidekick, and the newest Uncharted, with Drake's daughter as the protagonist. Drake's old enemies have need of a guide, and it's up to her and Elena (they have a rocky relationship. Elena is overprotective, and the kid takes after her dad) to rescue him. I think ND's goal, by the end of this current next-generation is to have 3 franchises, all starring women, transfolk, or BIPOC. And I am here for it. The world's demographics are changing, and Naughty Dog are being rebels and revelling in it.I want to play the games the way they're meant to be played, however the creators intended. I want to eat the meal they've prepared.
I completely agree! I've been thinking about such a game from ND for years now.

A mix of Jason Bourne (story elements and globetrotting) + James Bond (a suave character w/ a cool car and gadgets) + Mission Impossible (for big set pieces and OMG moments like UC).

That'd be a perfect game. Also, as you said, there aren't many games like that -- at least not until IOI drops 007.

Ehh tbh I bet the next Naughty Dog new IP will be built around a black guy as the main player character.

No ND game has ever let us play as a black guy yet, not even for a second, and I honestly bet they notice that too and will make a new franchise starring a black dude. Other than Miles, Sony has like no big core black characters either. All small side roles or smaller games.

I'd like a Jason Bourne style action game, somewhat like Uncharted + The Last of Us blended together for a darker more mature game than Uncharted, but still lighter in tone and more fun action movie style than The Last of Us is.

I'd love to see an Uncharted game but with dodge and melee combat like The Last of Us Part 2, but no crafting, more just fights. Maybe a few more boss fights and some cool tech gadgets to mess with. Set the game in the near future and go more high tech than Uncharted was, but without going full on sci-fi like Mass Effect or Star Wars, or CP2077.

Uncharted was inspired by Indiana Jones. The Last of Us was inspired by No Country for Old Men and The Road. I want a game from ND thats inspired by Jason Bourne and Inception, or Nolan's new film TENET. Gimme some stylish melee action, jumping across rooftops, car chases, but still let me shoot a guy in the head and have it have weight and matter, unlike UC which just ragdolled every enemy and stuck to its Teen rating. I don't want as dark a tone as TLOU, but go for a Mature rated game with a cool near future spy thriller story or heist movie vibe.
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