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Nearly 50 Million People Tuned in to GT Sport’s World Tours Last Year, Up 300%


This didn't happen.

Also are you saying the forum consensus are delusional? There's nothing that I am omitting that would change the overall opinion of the thread, I know you're desperately trying to use the ol' "you're missing info" shtick but the conclusions don't change.

But stay losing Etho.
Consensus? :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:
You really lives in an alternate reality.

It is one guy saying he things the 2018 season was better and while the increase exists it is put out of proportion due the Facebook, YouTube, way to count views.

He make solid points about the structure of the tournament.

But you keep quoting a line without context because you maybe feel better with the L on your head.


This site is an anomoly.

Sony fans are the majority, yet Forza fans greatly outnumber the GT fans.

Pretty much.
And believe there is way more GT fans than Forza fans in the world too but they are pretty vocal and some delusional like this thread shows :D
Consensus? :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:
You really lives in an alternate reality.

It is one guy saying he things the 2018 season was better and while the increase exists it is put out of proportion due the Facebook, YouTube, way to count views.

He make solid points about the structure of the tournament.

But you keep quoting a line without context because you maybe feel better with the L on your head.

SO let's breakdown your mental breakdown here.

You said there was only one guy saying this but it's not accurate, as someone else mentioned a similar issue earlier, and the admin agrees with the guy you're talking about so that's already multiple people including an admin which you decided to pretend I didn't quote to be dishonest.

The structure of the tournament was part of one post, did you dodge all the quotes I made in the earlier post? There were several of them from different people. Of course you did, but you're hoping people don't pay attention.

I also quoted way more than one line, and also again, multiple people.

What DC will you have net?


SO let's breakdown your mental breakdown here.

You said there was only one guy saying this but it's not accurate, as someone else mentioned a similar issue earlier, and the admin agrees with the guy you're talking about so that's already multiple people including an admin which you decided to pretend I didn't quote to be dishonest.

The structure of the tournament was part of one post, did you dodge all the quotes I made in the earlier post? There were several of them from different people. Of course you did, but you're hoping people don't pay attention.

I also quoted way more than one line, and also again, multiple people.

What DC will you have net?
You do know what sarcasms mean?
The admin made fun of the dude comment lol

Continue delusional.
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You do know what sarcasms mean?
The admin made fun of the dude comment lol

Continue delusional.

Still dodging the line I only quoted one guy. This is the reason why you keep failing you pretend the other failings don't matter and try to start each post over. Doesn't work like that.

Also no, sorry, but the context is clear, in BOTH of the admin responses that he knows the numbers are fluffed. But you're to busy lying saying I quoted one guy to see that.

Keep trying.


Still dodging the line I only quoted one guy. This is the reason why you keep failing you pretend the other failings don't matter and try to start each post over. Doesn't work like that.

Also no, sorry, but the context is clear, in BOTH of the admin responses that he knows the numbers are fluffed. But you're to busy lying saying I quoted one guy to see that.

Keep trying.
The admin was clear the engagement increased like they said in the article... he just said he thinks it is not that impressive like the numbers shows.

:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Now you don’t like Facebook and YouTube metrics? Just go complain with Google I don’t know.

Or maybe you need to realize it is how TV gather audience too like the admin poke the fun and you failed to even understand the reference.


I will make fun of you there.
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The admin was clear the engagement increased like they said in the article... he just said he thinks it is not that impressive like the numbers shows.

Engagement has nothing to do with views, which is what we are discussing here. Stop moving goal posts.

Now you don’t like Facebook and YouTube metrics? Just go complain with Google I don’t know.

Facebook isn't owned by Google.

Also the Facebook metrics don't exist and the YouTube ones are debatable, you literally stopped counting Facebook videos at 3 million because you know there aren't 27 million views on Facebook.

But you thinking Facebook has something to do with Google pretty much seals the deal here, and still won't admit to lying about me quoting only one guy.


I remember a time people said "who is going to watch a car racing game"......Yet, everytime I watch GT championships, I can't tune away....So many talented performers, every race is a nail biter......Last year's tournament, the finals was a race to the finish, so intense, production quality through the roof.....This is what GT has brought to the table......Anybody who does not see what GT has brought to the table in this sport version is probably stuck in the past or only appreciate Destruction Derby Type online Sims....

The online+tournament feature will expand even moreso next gen...…..GTS as we know is already a platform, just like Capcom+Sony has setup
the Capcom PRO Tour, GTS has done that and even gotten normal GTS players on a track racing in motorsports......There is nobody I would like more behind the wheel than Mr Kazunori Yamauchi for the next GT......GT7 on next gen machines, will restore the GT name on Meta and record sales, even now...GTS has established a platform and it will be the standard other racers try to emulate next gen, but PD will be two steps ahead then...….Don't forget, the competition have tried their hardest to fix their online system and make it better, but they are still several leagues behind...


The growth of the GT Sport FIA events is pretty extraordinary. They now consistently draw in more live viewers than the real life motorsports series I watch on Youtube. Such as European Le Mans Series and Blancpain GT.

Each GT event is also accompanied by a significant social media reach across numerous platforms, ad’s, vid’s from invited content creators & media outlets.

18 months ago I hadn’t watched any Esports content. I only started watching to catch early previews of upcoming content. Now I tune in religiously as I do real world motorsport.

Production quality, commentary, venues, special guests etc. has also improved immeasurably.


Gold Member
The growth of the GT Sport FIA events is pretty extraordinary. They now consistently draw in more live viewers than the real life motorsports series I watch on Youtube. Such as European Le Mans Series and Blancpain GT.

Each GT event is also accompanied by a significant social media reach across numerous platforms, ad’s, vid’s from invited content creators & media outlets.

18 months ago I hadn’t watched any Esports content. I only started watching to catch early previews of upcoming content. Now I tune in religiously as I do real world motorsport.

Production quality, commentary, venues, special guests etc. has also improved immeasurably.
According to one user, nobody cares though. I think what he's trying to say is "nobody cares as much for the other" racing series. Just trying to think out loud.


The only person being disingenuous here is you. You are the one disputing the numbers and questioning their accuracy, therefore the onus is on you to do the investigating to ascertain whether your feelings are true or not.

I've provided you with the places where you can go and do your own due diligence to verify the source of the numbers, but yet you're still here typing paragraphs of spiel which ultimately amount to nothing more than your thoughts and feelings on the matter rather than anything factual.
He well tell you to wait for E3 then dissappear from the thread.


This site is an anomoly.

Sony fans are the majority, yet Forza fans greatly outnumber the GT fans.

Most GT fans are playing, going to tournaments, getting into Formula 3 and motorsports and being relevant, whilst most Forza fans are supersampling 16k shots on their PC's and posting the worse shots they can find on GT in the next gen thread....That is at the odd time when they are not destruction derbying online, where the online heard has whittled away considerably due to the lack of etiquette and a good online racing system.......


Afro Republican Afro Republican

Are you feeling well?

Famine said:
Then I hope he enjoys this nice, steaming hot cup of shut the **** up:





And before you stop to cry... let's check the reply from the quote you used here to say the data is fake from GT6meme.

Thats plain wrong. The streams have had higher concurrent viewers and videos have more views right?

I think PD have done a fantastic job, in production, getting community figures on board, and planning these event. GT is the premier racing eSport, I can only think of the F1 eSport being close.

I know I'm a bad person to expose your lies every time in this site.
I don't fell happy for that but facts and accuracy come in first place.
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Afro Republican Afro Republican

let's check the reply from the quote you used here to say the data is fake from GT6meme.

You didn't disprove anything, you took my quote out of context and made a fake one to create an artificial argument.

I said the Facebook numbers are wrong, and they are. I never said there wasn't engagement or Kaz didn't announce the numbers and the "quote" was fake, which is the lie you told on the other forum. Show me where I said the "quote" was fake? I never said Kaz didn't announce the numbers.

Even new posts in that thread assume the numbers aren't entirely accurate. The only thing you got right is that they got more views than 2018, but they don't know if the views announced are unique users. Yes that is a valid concern, and several users acknowledge that may be the case but that an overall increase may still be good "regardless" if the numbers are fluffed up.

So basically you have to lie about what I said to pretend to have an argument. Typical Ethomaz. Thanks for linking the thread though now everyone can read the "consensus" that the numbers aren't accurate and unlikely unique users,

But its even sadder in the digital world where we have a much better handle on metrics.

Companies like Facebook have already been exposed in how fake their viewcount is. Youtube secretly includes paid ad views as part of viewcount now, not to mention how its recommendation algorithm now can choose what goes viral.

Then there's the complete arbitrary definition on what a view or a player is.

Its all well and good saying "Engagement is up 300% from last year", but 2018s competition only started in mid-May and they're pushing out far more content.

We did cover that in the article - there's roughly a 100% increase in uploads (700-something to 1500-something)

Then you look at the other side of the coin, where they struggled to "sell" a handful of free tickets this weekend

Figures are virtually meaningless, especially from places like Facebook where something simply appearing on your feed is enough to count as a view, where engagement is everything.

Its all well and good saying "Engagement is up 300% from last year", but 2018s competition only started in mid-May and they're pushing out far more content.

The TL;DR is this isn't as impressive as it seems.

And you still lied even on THAT forum and said that I only quoted ONE guy when I quoted multiple people, and what's even worse is it's A DIFFERENT USER than the last time you lied and claimed I only quoted one guy:

So you've already been caught lying multiple times just to create a fake argument.

Facebook counts are publicly available and matches the upload count, the announcement claims 27 million facebook views, even combined live streams and off-line for videos related to FIA 2019 they don't add up to 27 million.

Where are the other views Ethomaz? Why can't you answer the question? There are no hidden Facebook videos where did they get the number from? You can literally make this all go away if you can actually find the 27 million Facebook views that don't exist, which even on theere, the GTplanet forum,s they say the numbers are likely pumped up.

And you can't run because you already started counting the Facebook videos earlier, you just stopped because you knew the 27 mill is not there, and you are too scared to keep going because you are well aware that it'll be even more clear it doesn't exist:

You have over 3 million there just with Monaco event lol

So you already challenged the Facebook argument but didn't finish, are you too scared to keep counting? There aren't that many videos with very high view numbers so I know you likely already know that you don't have a valid argument here, just trying to move the subject.

You also have a bad track record of avoiding other facts:

1. Like GTplanet lying about Forza 5 sales which you say based on their report, "Officially" sold 2 million, yet they have no proof and did not hear it from MS and no other outlet reported it. They also never gave a source.

2. You have also lied using dollar sales from NPD as sales units in the other thread to say that one game outsold another, when even on this site, and you were quoted in other various threads, that NPD does not release sales unit data. But you lied and said it was sales data anyway.

This is why nobody generally takes your garbage seriously and barely engages because you move the goal posts or will respond omitting key points of the persons post you quoted, so you don't have to address where you messed up at and to make new comers have a false perception of the conversation, instead you opt to create a fake argument that was never made. The only time people back you is if it's a pro-sony thread and the fanboys come to back up a narrative they want.

Here's the facts, you are never going to address any of these points directly because you are a hit and run coward. And will continue to be in most cases. That's why you never elaborate on anything and just make lol posts that are usually only a few lines that address absolutely nothing when responding to others, and then hope the other person tires out and leaves, then you spread lies about how the conversation occurred in other parts of the forum. Rinse repeat.

But you'll tag me and try to make a slick thread like you did here. pretty sad.

But that's the game you play. You won't actually do the count so I'll just write this off as another evasion thread. One which you intentionally called me to.


It’s really not worth arguing over.

Views are not just official channels. You also have affiliates, ad’s, links from Twitter etc. It’s impossible to track unless you are the one placing the vid’s/ad’s etc.

It’s a science in itself.


...lacks reading comprehension.
Lock that eSport if old.



2018 GT Sport FIA Online Championship
Total viewers: 15.9 million
Final (Igor Fraga win): 4 million

2019 GT Sport FIA Online Championship
Total viewers: 47.2 million
Final (Mikail Hizal win): 11.6 million

Well GTS still had a lot of work to reach the avg. of 90 million viewers from each event in Formula 1 (real life).
But 47.2 total viewers doesn't equal nearly 50 million people. If you watched just two events you would be counted as two viewers. Considering there were a total of 60 rounds, and 11.6 million views alone for the final rounds, that leaves 35.6 million views for the other 58 rounds. Or 613.000 viewers on average. That's close to the number of actual people that watched. 600.000 people watched throughout the season, then 5.2 million additional people tuned in for the finals of the two cups. Which would put the overall number of people that watched at 5.8 million. Which is still a ton (for comparison, Forza RC 2020 managed to be watched by around 10.000 people). But not in any way close to 50 million.


You didn't disprove anything, you took my quote out of context and made a fake one to create an artificial argument.

I said the Facebook numbers are wrong, and they are. I never said there wasn't engagement or Kaz didn't announce the numbers and the "quote" was fake, which is the lie you told on the other forum. Show me where I said the "quote" was fake? I never said Kaz didn't announce the numbers.

Even new posts in that thread assume the numbers aren't entirely accurate. The only thing you got right is that they got more views than 2018, but they don't know if the views announced are unique users. Yes that is a valid concern, and several users acknowledge that may be the case but that an overall increase may still be good "regardless" if the numbers are fluffed up.

So basically you have to lie about what I said to pretend to have an argument. Typical Ethomaz. Thanks for linking the thread though now everyone can read the "consensus" that the numbers aren't accurate and unlikely unique users,

And you still lied even on THAT forum and said that I only quoted ONE guy when I quoted multiple people, and what's even worse is it's A DIFFERENT USER than the last time you lied and claimed I only quoted one guy:

So you've already been caught lying multiple times just to create a fake argument.

Facebook counts are publicly available and matches the upload count, the announcement claims 27 million facebook views, even combined live streams and off-line for videos related to FIA 2019 they don't add up to 27 million.

Where are the other views Ethomaz? Why can't you answer the question? There are no hidden Facebook videos where did they get the number from? You can literally make this all go away if you can actually find the 27 million Facebook views that don't exist, which even on theere, the GTplanet forum,s they say the numbers are likely pumped up.

And you can't run because you already started counting the Facebook videos earlier, you just stopped because you knew the 27 mill is not there, and you are too scared to keep going because you are well aware that it'll be even more clear it doesn't exist:

So you already challenged the Facebook argument but didn't finish, are you too scared to keep counting? There aren't that many videos with very high view numbers so I know you likely already know that you don't have a valid argument here, just trying to move the subject.

You also have a bad track record of avoiding other facts:

1. Like GTplanet lying about Forza 5 sales which you say based on their report, "Officially" sold 2 million, yet they have no proof and did not hear it from MS and no other outlet reported it. They also never gave a source.

2. You have also lied using dollar sales from NPD as sales units in the other thread to say that one game outsold another, when even on this site, and you were quoted in other various threads, that NPD does not release sales unit data. But you lied and said it was sales data anyway.

This is why nobody generally takes your garbage seriously and barely engages because you move the goal posts or will respond omitting key points of the persons post you quoted, so you don't have to address where you messed up at and to make new comers have a false perception of the conversation, instead you opt to create a fake argument that was never made. The only time people back you is if it's a pro-sony thread and the fanboys come to back up a narrative they want.

Here's the facts, you are never going to address any of these points directly because you are a hit and run coward. And will continue to be in most cases. That's why you never elaborate on anything and just make lol posts that are usually only a few lines that address absolutely nothing when responding to others, and then hope the other person tires out and leaves, then you spread lies about how the conversation occurred in other parts of the forum. Rinse repeat.

But you'll tag me and try to make a slick thread like you did here. pretty sad.

But that's the game you play. You won't actually do the count so I'll just write this off as another evasion thread. One which you intentionally called me to.
Lies lies and more lies.

You asked for a source... I said it was Kaz... you said that you don’t believe... said you don’t believe in GTPlanet and that no other site published the news :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Take the L again.

Everytime you claim something it goes against you asa lie... people are expecting the E3 data you have until today lol

All data I showed for GTS or Forza 7 are found in sites... NPD, Sony, GTPlanet, GFK, Media Create, Gran-turismo.com, etc.
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Lies lies and more lies.

You asked for a source... I said it was Kaz... you said that you don’t believe... c.

Still not addressing any of the point because you are a coward hit and run poster.

Also what does any of this have to do with your lie telling the other forum I said "the quote wasn't real" which I never said?

The fact you didn't address a single point in this post proves my point that you can't actually discuss anything and all you do is lie about posts, wear argument down, and then lie about the context of the article when people leave. Or maybe you'll put a laughing emoji but not respond, you do that a lot to, as well as waiting to edit your posts after the other person responds.

Pretty shitty, but I guess that's how it you is.


Still not addressing any of the point because you are a coward hit and run poster.

Also what does any of this have to do with your lie telling the other forum I said "the quote wasn't real" which I never said?

The fact you didn't address a single point in this post proves my point that you can't actually discuss anything and all you do is lie about posts, wear argument down, and then lie about the context of the article when people leave. Or maybe you'll put a laughing emoji but not respond, you do that a lot to, as well as waiting to edit your posts after the other person responds.

Pretty shitty, but I guess that's how it you is.
I already addressed all of them you that just keep the non-argument :messenger_tears_of_joy:
But keep lying to yourself.
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Final lap battle from Sydney.

Genuinely exciting sport that will sell itself as more eyes are on it. I say that as someone who’s a big GT fan. But never took the slightest interest in any Esports until 18 months ago.



Had a look myself. Very professional production. Jimmy Broadbent is a great commentator, should get a gig in F1 with that iconic voice.

On a side note, as good as GT looks, it’s still obviously a video game. Can we expect a massive photorealistic jump on PS5 with the added horsepower and ray tracing? Pro virtual racing will take another leap in engagement if it looks almost indistinguishable from real life.
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Japanese commentary is fun and has over 1m views.

Had a look myself. Very professional production. Jimmy Broadbent is a great commentator, should get a gig in F1 with that iconic voice.

On a side note, as good as GT looks, it’s still obviously a video game. Can we expect a massive photorealistic jump on PS5 with the added horsepower and ray tracing? Pro virtual racing will take another leap in engagement if it looks almost indistinguishable from real life.
We’ll likely see the use of photomode car models. But the biggest jump will be higher resolution textures and the use of more effects like motion blur.

For driving games at least next-gen should give us full photorealism.
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