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New EGM Scores (Halo 2 = GTA:SA > MGS3 > MP 2)


Outrun 2 6, 6.5, 8

Haha,comedy gold.

Theres no point in bickering over a Metroid score either. Laugh and move on,its just some yahoo's opinion. At the end of the day the game is more than likely going to take you by the balls and kick your ass,enjoy it. Let the scoring be what it is,a score. These guys are simply selling the public subscriptions to their opinions. Doesn't mean all that much in the long run.


This is 2002 allllllllllll over again.
bishoptl said:
It's not so much restrictive beyond measure than just stupid. Why take a step back instead of advancing the genre?
The genre's been around a long time, and to me, the latest advancement in controls is being able to look with your mouse in Quake 1.

But then again I don't play many FPS games on consoles...


Angelus said:
Outrun 2 6, 6.5, 8

Haha,comedy gold.

Theres no point in bickering over a Metroid score either. Laugh and move on,its just some yahoo's opinion. At the end of the day the game is more than likely going to take you by the balls and kick your ass,enjoy it. Let the scoring be what it is,a score. These guys are simply selling the public subscriptions to their opinions. Doesn't mean all that much in the long run.

I love how you call him (or her) a "yahoo". Have you played the game? How do you know its a perfect 10 or should get a perfect 10? Fuck these fanboys are idiots. (not just pointed at you Angelus but to people demanding that it gets a 10 or EGM is teh biased)


Youre refering to Outrun2,right? Yes I own it,very fun game with some good legs on it. And Btw-Yahoo referrs to a joker. Everyone is one of those is one way or another. Its not like I'm calling him an idiot. I sisagree with the scores,but its not going to influence me to hate on someone.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
What are you people arguing about? That a lot of games got good scores?!?!? o_O

*Me backs awaly slowly*


Angelus said:
Youre refering to Outrun2,right? Yes I own it,very fun game with some good legs on it. And Btw-Yahoo referrs to a joker. Everyone is one of those is one way or another. Its not like I'm calling him an idiot. I sisagree with the scores,but its not going to influence me to hate on someone.

No I'm talking more about the Metroid Prime 2 review lashback.


Justin Bailey said:
They gave it a low score and when the fanboys had a backlash one of the reviewers went on the GI boards and bascially said that they did it because they thought the "gaming public" wouldn't like it. You can read all about it in the thread here on GAF:

^ That post was later erased from the GI forums. They tried to sweep it under the rug :D

Ah yes, silly that.

Driv3rgate was also pretty interesting.


Justin Bailey said:
They gave it a low score and when the fanboys had a backlash one of the reviewers went on the GI boards and bascially said that they did it because they thought the "gaming public" wouldn't like it. You can read all about it in the thread here on GAF:

^ That post was later erased from the GI forums. They tried to sweep it under the rug :D

Rather than sweeping it under the rug because some of you bozos pitched a fit, they should be proud of it, and to hell with what the complainers think. I'd much rather read reviews that try to take their readers' tastes into account than ones that descend into idiosyncratic weirdness (like David 'Foot Fetish' Smith complaining about the 'inappropriate footwear' of the girls in his DoA: Ultimate review for 1up.com--yes, WarPig, I'm looking at you! :p) just to share the reviewer's oddball preferences with us. I also think that if GI had run a glowing review of Paper Mario 2, then privately commented that they thought it was childish and didn't enjoy it much, but felt that the majority of the readers would and had scored it accordingly, 99% of you wouldn't've said a word, but that's another story.


Razoric- ok Meroid Prime Echoes.

Don't put me in the same boat as some of these crazies who are bitching about the review. Because I call the 3 reviewers a yahoo,thats my general feel for all the gaming media. Their inconsistency always shows up in one way or another. Yahoos are not to be taken seriously.
Its not some agenda because they scored Metroid high or low,its that over the years I've learned to not trust media reviews. Their scoring is sometimes right on,other times its way off.


Razoric said:
Fuck these fanboys are idiots. (not just pointed at you Angelus but to people demanding that it gets a 10 or EGM is teh biased)
Note: it did get a 10. It just didn't get quite as many.


Pic of Matt with his newborn:


Justin Bailey

------ ------
Tellaerin said:
Rather than sweeping it under the rug because some of you bozos pitched a fit, they should be proud of it, and to hell with what the complainers think. I'd much rather read reviews that try to take their readers' tastes into account than ones that descend into idiosyncratic weirdness (like David 'Foot Fetish' Smith complaining about the 'inappropriate footwear' of the girls in his DoA: Ultimate review for 1up.com--yes, WarPig, I'm looking at you! :p) just to share the reviewer's oddball preferences with us. I also think that if GI had run a glowing review of Paper Mario 2, then privately commented that they thought it was childish and didn't enjoy it much, but felt that the majority of the readers would and had scored it accordingly, 99% of you wouldn't've said a word, but that's another story.
Well I couldn't disagree with you more. A review should be one person's opinion on a game/movie/book/whatever, not what they "think" other people's opinions would be. Seriously, how the hell does that work? You'd have to be a pretty arrogant bastard to sit there and say that you know for a fact what other people are going to think of something.


Angelus said:
Razoric- ok Meroid Prime Echoes.

Don't put me in the same boat as some of these crazies who are bitching about the review. Because I call the 3 reviewers a yahoo,thats my general feel for all the gaming media. Their inconsistency always shows up in one way or another. Yahoos are not to be taken seriously.
Its not some agenda because they scored Metroid high or low,its that over the years I've learned to not trust media reviews. Their scoring is sometimes right on,other times its way off.

heh yeah I only look to reviews as a usual guide... for example I know I'm getting Halo 2, MGS3, etc... I don't need a magazine review to tell me different. But for a game like, say, Fight Club, I liked the movie so I'm a little interested in the game but after seeing the EGM reviews I probably wont bother looking into it anymore.
Each gamer is different in how they respond to controls, some accept the controls because of the overall package. Some get their opinions based on the content, and see the controls as a extention. Then there are the gamers that get used to a certain type controls, and view them as what should be the norm.

To say the controls are asstastic is a little harsh, MP2 strays far from your normal FPS. Its a title based on a exsisting franchise. So question becomes, should Retro have made the gameplay more akin to the style of most FP Shooters or stay true to the franchise?

Now Bish, comment about the controller may have some truth, mainly a lack of buttons. Would a extra button have changed things, there really isn't a way of knowing.


Razoric said:
heh yeah I only look to reviews as a usual guide... for example I know I'm getting Halo 2, MGS3, etc... I don't need a magazine review to tell me different. But for a game like, say, Fight Club, I liked the movie so I'm a little interested in the game but after seeing the EGM reviews I probably wont bother looking into it anymore.

Agreed. If its a franchise I like,thats say tv or movie related,as in hot license,then I'll give it a read. In hopes that it turned out decently. It'd probably influence me all the more to pick the game once it falls to that magical price point. Or I'll just run out and rent the game as soon as possible.


Banstick Emeritus
My point is, if you're going to bring Metroid into an already established genre, don't reinvent the wheel unless you're making it easier for players to access your game. MP came into the FPS genre - and believe me, if it's first person and there's shooting involved, you've got an FPS - and didn't bother to follow established protocols with the control scheme. Now I'm all for innovation and refinement, nobody's saying that you can't break new ground with a new game in a familiar genre...but making it MORE difficult to control than other titles in the same genre was not a smart move.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
bishoptl said:
My point is, if you're going to bring Metroid into an already established genre, don't reinvent the wheel unless you're making it easier for players to access your game. MP came into the FPS genre - and believe me, if it's first person and there's shooting involved, you've got an FPS - and didn't bother to follow established protocols with the control scheme. Now I'm all for innovation and refinement, nobody's saying that you can't break new ground with a new game in a familiar genre...but making it MORE difficult to control than other titles in the same genre was not a smart move.

It isn't difficult to control, though....

It just doesn't allow you to some of the things you are used to. I can fully understand why THAT might be disappointing, but I still don't see why that prevents you from playing the game well. It just isn't difficult...

What features DO you miss, though?
bishoptl said:
...but making it MORE difficult to control than other titles in the same genre was not a smart move.

This is the flaw in your argument. It's not MORE difficult. It is DIFFERENT. What makes it more difficult is people's innability/unwillingness to adapt which personally, I find perplexing.
bishoptl said:
My point is, if you're going to bring Metroid into an already established genre, don't reinvent the wheel unless you're making it easier for players to access your game. MP came into the FPS genre - and believe me, if it's first person and there's shooting involved, you've got an FPS - and didn't bother to follow established protocols with the control scheme. Now I'm all for innovation and refinement, nobody's saying that you can't break new ground with a new game in a familiar genre...but making it MORE difficult to control than other titles in the same genre was not a smart move.

There wasn't even a first person view in MGS!

You can't even move while aiming in MGS2!


dark10x said:
What features DO you miss, though?
He misses the codec conversations.

And really, don't we all?

Oh, and the Metroid card games.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
huzkee said:
This is the flaw in your argument. It's not MORE difficult. It is DIFFERENT. What makes it more difficult is people's innability/unwillingness to adapt which personally, I find perplexing.

Yes, that is right. It isn't more difficult to do anything. The game is not hard at all...

You loved GTA3 and Vice City. I was used to other 3rd person action games that allowed for free aim, strafing, and other standard features. I still managed to enjoy the games and I KNOW Bish loved them both. Yet, their control schemes were considerably worse than what you find in Prime. Very VERY sloppy mechanics and tons of other issues.

It seems to me that some poeple simply didn't find the content in Prime interesting enough to deal with the controls. That's kinda how I was with Resident Evil at one time, so I can understand it from that end...


Banstick Emeritus
huzkee said:
This is the flaw in your argument. It's not MORE difficult. It is DIFFERENT. What makes it more difficult is people's innability/unwillingness to adapt which personally, I find perplexing.
Go back and read it again, while taking a timeout to hit dictionary.com for the correct definition of unwillingness.

The fact that MP's controls are radically different from different from other entries in the FPS genre, not to mention unintuitive, makes it more difficult to play. By attempting to persevere and learn the new control scheme (I'm not sure how far the xray visor is in regards to percentage completion, but I was playing for some time), I demonstrated an extreme willingness to give it a shot. Eventually one tires of ramming one's head against the wall, and frankly the rest of the game wasn't compelling enough to convince me to finish it. So it got the Halo treatment and was traded in. As MP isn't offered on any other platform (with a decent control scheme) besides Gamecube, I guess I won't be finishing it. Small loss.

As Freeform's post stated, if they haven't fixed the controls in MP2, why would I bother, assuming that I still had my GC? Wonky as San Andreas' controls can be, the storyline and content are compelling enough that I can push myself to obtain the rewards. I can look to earlier titles in the series and see how the controls have been refined and changed for the better. Halo 2, I'm not so sure about - but what I've heard is promising, and anyways that's what rentals are for.

Here's a little tip: making something different without offering any actual improvement is not progress. It may be innovative, but that doesn't make it intuitive.


Tellaerin said:
like David 'Foot Fetish' Smith complaining about the 'inappropriate footwear' of the girls in his DoA: Ultimate review

Says the man who kicked up a stink about Fran's high heels in the first FFXII thread.

Folks who live in glass shoe shops shouldn't throw mismatched pumps.

edit: ;) ;) ;) ;P, etc.


Banstick Emeritus
I don't get it. Did you want my laundry list of complaints about MGS 2? I thought we were talking about EGM's big three? You can't bait me, Mike, I'm immune to your brand of bullshit. :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The default control scheme which many MANY people used with Goldeneye was very similar to what you see in Prime (though certainly less intuitive).

The dual analog control setup has only become a recent standard.

I see that I was correct regarding the appeal of the content not being worth the extra effort required to learn the controls...however, I still don't understand just what the problem with them is. They are different, but they are NOT difficult to use and the game is anything but challenging. Resident Evil controlled terribly, but the games WERE somewhat difficult...which is why I did not want to put up with them. Prime isn't a tough game, however...


Gold Member
dark10x said:
The default control scheme which many MANY people used with Goldeneye was very similar to what you see in Prime (though certainly less intuitive).

The dual analog control setup has only become a recent standard.

I see that I was correct regarding the appeal of the content not being worth the extra effort required to learn the controls...however, I still don't understand just what the problem with them is. They are different, but they are NOT difficult to use and the game is anything but challenging. Resident Evil controlled terribly, but the games WERE somewhat difficult...which is why I did not want to put up with them. Prime isn't a tough game, however...

the sequel is appearently tougher since EGM nitpicked on it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SantaCruZer said:
the sequel hwoever is appearently tougher since EGM nitpicked on it.

Then perhaps the argument holds more weight...

However, with Prime, I just refuse to believe that someone could struggle with the controls to the point that they were have any difficulty playing the game.
bishoptl said:
I don't get it. Did you want my laundry list of complaints about MGS 2? I thought we were talking about EGM's big three?
EGM's big three?

You mean Halo 2, GTA:SA, and METAL GEAR SOLID 3?


bishoptl said:
My point is, if you're going to bring Metroid into an already established genre, don't reinvent the wheel unless you're making it easier for players to access your game. MP came into the FPS genre - and believe me, if it's first person and there's shooting involved, you've got an FPS - and didn't bother to follow established protocols with the control scheme. Now I'm all for innovation and refinement, nobody's saying that you can't break new ground with a new game in a familiar genre...but making it MORE difficult to control than other titles in the same genre was not a smart move.
More difficult? For all my complaints of Metroid Prime, the control scheme has never been one. It didn't even take that long to adjust before it became second nature.


Gold Member
dark10x said:
Then perhaps the argument holds more weight...

However, with Prime, I just refuse to believe that someone could struggle with the controls to the point that they were have any difficulty playing the game.

yeah I didn't think Metroid Prime was hard. The only time I struggled was with the bosses, and that's normal. The controls didn't affect anything for me.

If MP2 is a tougher game I will be happy. Very happy. I enjoy tough games, and I have beaten Viewtiful Joe on adult.


Banstick Emeritus
That's what digital version is for. Point and click.

How you people get by with your "paper" and "magazine racks", I'll never understand.

Kon Tiki

Dual analogue result in no lock-on. No lock-on result in no dash jump, no dash jump results in no sequence breaking, no sequence breaking means it is not a metroid game.

There are elements in all of the metroid games (except fusion) that most players will never experience. These element are there for the hardcore Metroid fans. I would rather the game feel like a Metroid than feel like a FPS.


So wait, I'm confused...is 9, 9, 10 a good score or not? 'Cuz if it isn't, I'm selling my GCN (and then like everyone else, make a thread about it)!
Is it possible for ANY thread to go without a debate over Metroid Prime's controls? I was half-expecting one to occur in the presidential election threads. . .

Goon A: ""Aww man, Bush is getting served in this debate.""

Goon B: ""No way, he is destroying Kerry.""

Goon A: ""WTF!? You suck! How can you believe that?""

Goon B: ""Eat shit! You don't have morals.""

Goon A: ""Yeah, well at least Kerry doesn't have to stop moving to be able to freelook.""

Goon B: ""He just isn't doing it right! It's all about atmosphere! AND MORALS!!""

Goon A: ""Halo > MP 2""

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