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New Games with Gold for August 2022: ScourgeBringer, Saint’s Row 2, and Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine


Gold Member
LOL its been out 1 whole month chief, check back in 6 months to a year. MS waited quite a while to start scraping the shit off the bottom of the portapotty
MS could had gone the PS route and scrapped 360 games (Sony scrapped PS3 games altogether in 2019). As bad as these GWG games are, at least they still include some last gen games for sake of variety and any gamers still playing old systems.

But at this point, just scrap GWG altogether. I dont think theres too many gamers out there with Gold or GP considering GWG to be a life or death feature for Xbox gaming.
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MS could had gone the PS route and scrapped 360 games (Sony scrapped PS3 games altogether in 2019). As bad as these GWG games are, at least they still include some last gen games for sake of variety and any gamers still playing old systems.

But at this point, just scrap GWG altogether. I dont think theres too many gamers out there with Gold or GP considering GWG to be a life or death feature for Xbox gaming.
PS3 games can't run on PS4/PS5. They can see the numbers of who's signed into PSN on a PS3 still, probably about no one. They'll still be adding more PS3 games for Premium members to stream. Xbox stopped adding BC games. Expecting them to give games that don't run on the last two generations of consoles is kinda crazy.


They fucking did not :messenger_tears_of_joy: GwG has basically been an afterthought for MS since their hand was initially forced with Plus. Sure they might have tossed us a bone here or there but overall the service has been pathetic.

They inarguably put out much higher quality games before Gamepass. They might not have been as good as PS+'s best months, but they certainly weren't Calico Cat Cafe or unknown Pixel Art Roguelite #16,789 level trash.


From their website:

Games with Gold​

Get 2 free games a month, including backward compatible Xbox 360 games. Get free games at https://www.xbox.com/en-us/live/games-with-gold

Sounds like they’re offering new games, not the same game you already own. Not sure if or how what they’re doing is legal. You can’t offer the same thing someone already got last time as part of a “monthly perk.”


Oh my god… This is so bad - what’s the point even anymore? (n)
The point is they advertised 360 games included and therefore owe them or owe us a refund.

You can’t tell people they are getting free 360 games included with a subscription and then not give them anything.

Those who own those games from redeeming it via their Gold subscription did not get what was advertised this month.
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Isn't GWG just 360 and Xbox One games? Have they been adding Series games to it?

And just curious, but what 360 games would you like to see on there?
Anything that's BC and available for digital purchase should be what Microsoft is negotiating to have on XBL Gold, but the reality is they only choose things these days that cost them a couple bucks at best per game (hence re-using Saints Row 2 because that goes for exactly that during a sale, a couple bucks).

I went flicked through the Backwards Compatible list to see what hasn't been on GWG yet and these are some of the games I found (that I'd want):

Aliens vs Predator, Brothers in Arms 3, Burnout Revenge, Enchanted Arms, Fable 2 (3 was available but I missed that so wouldn't mind a re do lol), Elder Scrolls IV and III, Lost Planet 1/ Colonies Ed, Fallout 3/ New Vegas, Half Life Orange Box, Portal 2, Dead or Alive 4, Mirrors Edge, Silent Hill HD, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy games, Braid, Call of Juarez games, Command and Conquer games, Condemned, Jet Set Radio HD, The Darkness 1 and 2, Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant, Far Cry 1, FEAR 2 and 3, Hitman HD, Metal Gear Solid 2/3 HD, Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands, Rage, RE: Operation Raccoon city, Ridge Racer 6, Shadow Complex, Spec Ops The Line, Timeshift, The remaining Tom Clancy games (Double Agent, Advanced Warfighter 1 etc.), Tomb Raider Anniversary/ Legend, Unreal Tournament 3.

I know some of this stuff is now on Gamepass, but this service has been around for almost a decade now and given that they own a lot of these games outright, they would still add value for Gold members.

Also there's the original Xbox games they've added to BC, which all should be possible to have/ be negotiated to be in Games with Gold too. Additionaly, anything that they knew were being delisted should have been a priority.
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Anyone else notice the overlap of GWG XBOne games and Amazon Prime Gaming free games? There's been a lot lately. Even take this month for example. I already had Calico on Prime Gaming, and Scourgebringer just got added to Prime Gaming for this month's drop.
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