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New Halo Infinite PC 32:9 super ultrawide screenshots



It does look noticeably bit better tho
Reach looks as good if not better 🤷‍♂️


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Brutes still look like trash.

This is an Xbox One game, people still expecting amazing graphics are in for a dissapointment.

Hopefully, the gameplay is good.

They can reach and surpass those trailers if they make a Halo exclusive for the Series X.

This is just an Xbox One game souped up for Series X/PC.

No lies detected.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Erm maybe when clowns like you are shouting about 12tf monsters that eat planets for breakfast hype up stuff. How many times did we hear how hr infinite reveal would blow us away.

How short peoples memories are, to change their narrative.
Feel free to find a single thread or comment where I said even once that halo infinite would blow anybody away, or hype it up at all. You have zero idea what you are talking about.
Xbox fans should demand more from Phil. It's not wrong to criticize. It's for Xbox to be better. But what happens is that you're always giving him a pass.

Personally I think the man is fortunate to have the amount of good will he has. However not all Xbox fans think he’s great. They are probably a minority myself included.

What really bugs me is some of the hardest defenders criticise people for wanting them to do better and improve, not everyone is a troll or a zealot of PlayStation or whoever and if or when Xbox delivers something decent those criticising the people for wanting better are the first to champion it .


The game looks good & the improvements are clear, but it will not be a next-gen showpiece. It doesn't even matter, it has to be about gameplay first and at the very least it's quite nice to see their dedication to having a separate team do justice with the PC version. Never been a Halo fan but I look forward to giving a go, thankfully I have gamepass so I don't have to wonder about spending $70.
The game looks good & the improvements are clear, but it will not be a next-gen showpiece. It doesn't even matter, it has to be about gameplay first and at the very least it's quite nice to see their dedication to having a separate team do justice with the PC version. Never been a Halo fan but I look forward to giving a go, thankfully I have gamepass so I don't have to wonder about spending $70.

When or what is their next gen showpiece? That’s what irks me. My money will be on yet another Forza Horizon in the autumn , Starfield maybe.
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This is something I've been saying in regards to this game. Halo 5 looked really good on X1X, I don't know why people don't like it, I am not Halo fan and enjoyed it a lot in co-op with my buddy.
Halo 5 did look really good on X1X.

I still think that they will overhaul the grfx and release a massive patch next year for this.


Unconfirmed Member
This could be true. We'll see. I already don't like the materials in those screenshots. They look like Gears/DOOM metal which is completely wrong. I hope they go back and revisit their material shaders.
Game looks so bad to me...

them trees... gawd damn. Everything looks bad. The grass.. the rocks.. the lighting... everything.

feel like we are gonna be waiting forever to get a Series X showpiece. This is decidedly last gen looking.
It is a open world game isn't it?
But those graphics...
Brutes still look like trash.

This is an Xbox One game, people still expecting amazing graphics are in for a dissapointment.

Hopefully, the gameplay is good.

They can reach and surpass those trailers if they make a Halo exclusive for the Series X.

This is just an Xbox One game souped up for Series X/PC.
Still doesn't look like great visually at all
Man, it just doesn't look good :/
They should just scrap it all and use idtech
This game looks bad.

This game will never come out.



A 60fps game per se IS demanding. On Xbox original and 360, Halo was always (if there were exceptions correct me) a 30fps game. That framerate gave enough render time for the original Xbox to display all those bump mapped textures (that was revolutionary and I was floored seeing how the textures interacted with Chief's flashlight) and light sources. The 30fps did the same for the 360 which brought those beautiful water shaders, HDR-like lighting and really detailed textures. Halo on original Xbox and 360 would look very different if the devs targeted 60fps.
Well, Halo Infinite is targeting "up to 4K", so it will likely be 4K DSR like Halo 5 was on Xbox One X, which also ran at 60 FPS. Given that the XSX is double the speed of the One X, not counting the 25% IPC improvement, I think it's reasonable for people to expect a decent bump in visual fidelity. On the other hand, maybe it's the art style that's putting people off the game, since they seem to be intentionally going for less detailed assets to reduce the amount of visual clutter.


When or what is their next gen showpiece? That’s what irks me. My money will be on yet another Forza Horizon in the autumn , Starfield maybe.
Dunno, not sure it's all that important anyway. Forza Horizon is going to look insane, for sure, I mean 4 already looks so god damn good. Not sure what they'll improve on besides LOD management but I'm here for it even if it's just a new location. FH4 is just gorgeous.


I don't care about the graphics at this point, it makes sense why it looks like this given the 60fps target, scale of the game and it also having to run on the Xbox One, so just make the gameplay as good as the original 3 games were and I'll be happy.
I don't care about the graphics at this point, it makes sense why it looks like this given the 60fps target, scale of the game and it also having to run on the Xbox One, so just make the gameplay as good as the original 3 games were and I'll be happy.
Not just that it’s a multiplayer focus game with forge elements and I can’t even begin to imagine what sort of custom game options there are, and it has to run on a wide variety of device graphical strengths. I can’t think of a game that looks better than this and does all those things

the game still looks great and honestly at this point I don’t care as much about the graphics.


Looking forward to this a great deal. I'm more interested in the gameplay than graphics, so 60fps on Series S and I'm happy.
I never quite understood all the hate and negativity towards Infinite's graphics.

The current gen consoles (PS5 and Series) aren't true 4K 60 machines. Their optimal resolution for displaying next gen assets (geometry, texture and effects) is around 1440p.

2160p native IS HARD ON THESE MACHINES and limits them greatly.

A 60fps game per se IS demanding. On Xbox original and 360, Halo was always (if there were exceptions correct me) a 30fps game. That framerate gave enough render time for the original Xbox to display all those bump mapped textures (that was revolutionary and I was floored seeing how the textures interacted with Chief's flashlight) and light sources. The 30fps did the same for the 360 which brought those beautiful water shaders, HDR-like lighting and really detailed textures. Halo on original Xbox and 360 would look very different if the devs targeted 60fps.

In Infinite's case the devs are targeting 4K 60 and the visuals will suffer for it. But even so I can see the world is really large, the models have dense geometry and the textures, when properly lit, are really detailed (the infamous last year trailer displayed what appeared to be displacement/parallax mapping on the ground) and the performance was a rock solid 60fps.

I think that when judging Infinite's graphics we should bear in mind that the developers have chosen a resolution and render time that is outside the current gen's consoles comfort zone performance wise and there will be a graphical penalty for that.

It definitely won't run native 4K 60fps on Series X come release. 343 made that clear I think right away when they said in that very first blog that it will run "up to" 4K. The environments are this size for a good. They have pretty big plans for what they'll do in campaign.
I just wanna play the game already. They've shown some images of what I assume is from the campaign. I wanna see the multiplayer side of the game.

Buggy Loop

This could be true. We'll see. I already don't like the materials in those screenshots. They look like Gears/DOOM metal which is completely wrong. I hope they go back and revisit their material shaders.

Strangely, when looking at the metals/materials in these screenshots, first thing I thought was that it’s following the first Halo’s artistic style.. now I’m wondering if it’s intentional or if they fucked up their shaders. Might not be like a technical compliment to compare to Halo Combat evolved shaders, but it’s the first thing that I thought of, and also strangely, I think the sequels kind of ditched the first Halo material art style..


I still don’t see the appeal of a monitor that wide.

Unless you’re using like some kind of a multi monitor set up with different applications on different screens then it’s a bit too much.


Man, I'm late to this latest round of screenshots, but the game still looks rough, in my opinion. Maybe it looks better in motion? I certainly hope so. The lighting on the textures just looks very 360/PS3 gen, I'm not sure exactly what they're doing wrong, but it looks like plastic and clay.


Simps for Amouranth
A lot of you guys saying it doesn't matter about the graphics it's all about the gameplay and basically giving MS a pass for spending years and this is what they have to show for it need to change tune, if I was in charge I would've put every resource at my disposal to churn out a fucking visual spectacular playable on Xbox series only and went all out and put Halo back on the pedastal it deserves, this would've generated enormous hype for the machine and it's capabilities and got people talking, hell I would've hired Zack Snyder to cut a fucking trailer for it... And don't give me shit about Zack, the man can cut a fucking trailer, this is what MS should've done in my eyes and then sub the game out to another team to make it playable on the og Xboxes.

I remember when Sony first showed off Killzone Shadow fall and this place went nuts as did every other website as we where finally looking at proper next generation visuals and it was that game that convinced me to jump ship, that and MS utter balls-up tech wise and reveal wise. So when it came out that MS was coming out swinging with better hardware it needed that WOW game, not some questionable CGI/cutscene bollocks but it needed that Halo 3 reveal cause as much as we all love gameplay over visuals, it's visuals that gets the internet talking and gets it buzzing and Halo should've been on fucking fire...

Diddy X

Yeah doen't look too hot but haters are probably gonna exaggerate, it won't be the best looking game around ofcourse due to it being crossgen and also I expect some good amount of action, physics, etc going on at those stages.
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Codes 208

A lot of you guys saying it doesn't matter about the graphics it's all about the gameplay and basically giving MS a pass for spending years and this is what they have to show for it need to change tune, if I was in charge I would've put every resource at my disposal to churn out a fucking visual spectacular playable on Xbox series only and went all out and put Halo back on the pedastal it deserves, this would've generated enormous hype for the machine and it's capabilities and got people talking, hell I would've hired Zack Snyder to cut a fucking trailer for it... And don't give me shit about Zack, the man can cut a fucking trailer, this is what MS should've done in my eyes and then sub the game out to another team to make it playable on the og Xboxes.

I remember when Sony first showed off Killzone Shadow fall and this place went nuts as did every other website as we where finally looking at proper next generation visuals and it was that game that convinced me to jump ship, that and MS utter balls-up tech wise and reveal wise. So when it came out that MS was coming out swinging with better hardware it needed that WOW game, not some questionable CGI/cutscene bollocks but it needed that Halo 3 reveal cause as much as we all love gameplay over visuals, it's visuals that gets the internet talking and gets it buzzing and Halo should've been on fucking fire...
Ironically killzone was quickly dropped by many including any kind of esport competitive scene in favor of the bigger shooters like CoD and Battlefield 4 because despite its gorgeous graphics it lacked, oh what was it: GAMEPLAY

it played like another run-of-mill FPS with a linear campaign (and a meh story which is a shame because killzone 2-3 had really good campaigns) and the multiplayer took away some of the uniqueness of killzone 3 by making it more of a CoD clone.

I mean if we really want to talk graphics or gameplay let’s look at Nintendo. They’ve juggernaut’ed their way to the top consecutively for more than two years now and their console is a fucking potato with a screen on it.

I’m not gonna lie, would I prefer better graphics in halo? Yes. But let’s not kid ourselves, the inside of the book is more important than the cover.

also 343i doesn’t need to do much to get people to talk about halo. They could confirm a BR mode for the game and the internet would explode.
Ironically killzone was quickly dropped by many including any kind of esport competitive scene in favor of the bigger shooters like CoD and Battlefield 4 because despite its gorgeous graphics it lacked, oh what was it: GAMEPLAY

it played like another run-of-mill FPS with a linear campaign (and a meh story which is a shame because killzone 2-3 had really good campaigns) and the multiplayer took away some of the uniqueness of killzone 3 by making it more of a CoD clone.

I mean if we really want to talk graphics or gameplay let’s look at Nintendo. They’ve juggernaut’ed their way to the top consecutively for more than two years now and their console is a fucking potato with a screen on it.

I’m not gonna lie, would I prefer better graphics in halo? Yes. But let’s not kid ourselves, the inside of the book is more important than the cover.

also 343i doesn’t need to do much to get people to talk about halo. They could confirm a BR mode for the game and the internet would explode.
Not only that, but there is still so much we don't know about the game. It's true we have seen some images and some like them and some don't, but when thinking about the entire game as a whole we've seen diddly squat so far. At least we know that at E3 they are going to do a full reveal on everything. I don't think they an afford to be like, "well we're gonna push back even further." And totally agree about the gameplay has to be good or better graphics wouldn't matter in the end.
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They should just scrap it all and use idtech
Such a bizarre take. How do you know idtech is even remotely equipped right now to handle whatever Halo Infinite is set to be on release and over the next 5-10 years without having a full understanding of what was done with the game engine and what their plans for the game are? I'm sure it can perhaps be made to be ready, but my assumption is it is not, which is why they built their a new engine around their desired ambitions and goals.

Also, call me crazy, but I think work in progress may actually mean "work in progress." I don't think it's an elaborate fake out lol. The game is still being built, and it looks fantastic btw.




Simps for Amouranth
Ironically killzone was quickly dropped by many including any kind of esport competitive scene in favor of the bigger shooters like CoD and Battlefield 4 because despite its gorgeous graphics it lacked, oh what was it: GAMEPLAY

it played like another run-of-mill FPS with a linear campaign (and a meh story which is a shame because killzone 2-3 had really good campaigns) and the multiplayer took away some of the uniqueness of killzone 3 by making it more of a CoD clone.

I mean if we really want to talk graphics or gameplay let’s look at Nintendo. They’ve juggernaut’ed their way to the top consecutively for more than two years now and their console is a fucking potato with a screen on it.

I’m not gonna lie, would I prefer better graphics in halo? Yes. But let’s not kid ourselves, the inside of the book is more important than the cover.

also 343i doesn’t need to do much to get people to talk about halo. They could confirm a BR mode for the game and the internet would explode.
I don't think you're getting what I'm trying to say lad, obviously gameplay will always trump graphics, but I'm talking about their marquee game, the one to get everyone talking about the series X and how do we get people talking about a console, you blow their minds with visuals first and halo did the complete opposite


He is comparing 2 completely different scenes...what a dumbass.
Sound like Klobrille alright. I've never seen anyone dedicate so much of their time and energy toward doing PR for a massive multinational corporation...

...for free. It's embarrassing, and I genuinely wonder what his daily life is like when he spends so much of his time on this.
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Unconfirmed Member
You are agreeing with console fanboys, you need to think for yourself instead of following the moron parade.
You interpreted my post wrong, so I'll fully explain it out to you like a villain from an anime explaining his powers.

I was joking with the intent of my first post, because the developers allegedly held the game back due to previous complaints about graphics. So my post was referring to the fact that if people keep complaining about the graphics, they'll keep pushing it back, and thus the game will never come out.


Gold Member
I don't think this game will ever NOT look like an Xbox One game. No matter how much work they put in.

343 shouldn't have ever shown the E3 2018 "GAME ENGINE DEMONSTRATION" trailer. Hopefully this bites them in the butt, and other devs learn from this BS.
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Such hyperbole in this thread. Although its no graphical benchmark by any means, it looks absolutely fine for a cross gen title.

There is solid improvement shown in the screenshots compared to what was shown in the gameplay reveal. Denying this is just being willfully ignorant. Whether those screenshots translate to the state of the graphics on release day is another thing altogether.


Great that it supports super ultrawides, though as someone said 21:9 is the sweet spot for gaming.

It still looks like an Xbox One game, and the artwork is very rudimentary. But the game will live and die by its multiplayer.

The biggest concern for the game has to be the fact that Battlefield 6 is releasing in a similar timeframe, and will have all the bombast of EA's marketing, and the graphics/physics to steal attention away from Infinite.
Those are PC screens and H5 on X1X still looks better...

lol not at all. You seriously trying to say the meridian level of Halo 5 looks better than THESE environments? Cut it out! What was impressing you was post processing on a finished game, not raw texture quality because those didn't get upped till enhanced X1X version and the textures and environments on display in Infinite still look a clear step above.
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