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New The Witcher 3 Gameplay

It not being set to ultra settings as well as being open world is makes me not worry. Trailers and cutscences will always look better than gameplay until we have perfect indirect lighting and procedural animation.

Looking good IMO.


The game looks great and a lot of fun for sure but man... I'm kinda burned out on open world fantasy themed RPGs right now after having played 70+ hours of Dragon Age.

I'm sure my opinion will change by the time it comes out (and I already have it pre-ordered anyway) but yeah...
It's almost as though when developing their largest title ever, which undoubtedly is also their biggest-budget project of all time, they want to make sure it actually sells enough to continue making games.

It ain't that crazy. Of course they want to take lessons from the two biggest-selling CRPG devs in modern gaming.

I understand. I'm incredibly excited for this game as I am a huge fan of the other 2 and was not being 100% serious.
So according to you being disappointed with one aspect of a game necessitates the person disappointed to not be excited for the rest of it. Ok there.

Already have it preordered but man =/

Cancel it!

You sure were ready to fly off the handle and take things the wrong way when someone just pointed out you can cancel a preorder you're bummed out with. All that BS you posted in your last few posts is on you. Keep on trucking, Herpes.


"Our approach has totally changed from The Witcher 1 and The Witcher 2," Iwiński tells me. He says that with the earlier games, CD Projekt Red was targeting the super-hardcore, PC-only audience that exists in the studio's home country of Poland. Now, as the series and company has grown, it wants the audience to expand as well.

"With every single game, we're adding a lot more polish and making it a lot more welcoming to the general gamer," he says. "I think this is just the way games should be done. I really admire, for example, BioWare or Bethesda for introducing its games to gamers."


sadly, it's no surprise if you followed the games development.
but honestly, I never expected them to carry the quality of witcher 1 and 2 over to an open world game. that would have been a huge effort.


Junior Member
The quest design seems much more interesting than your standard Bethesda/Bioware fare though. That stuff matters.

That was before they embrace open world design though. I'm a little curious/skeptical on how they fill the world that is multiple times the size of Skyrim with interesting side quests everywhere.
The combat was awful in W2 but w/e.

I wouldn't hold your breath for good menus, the same preview said pad controls were bad and you had to pause the game just to change sign in combat.

I assume they mean the same radial quick menu that was in TW2? If so that's fine - it worked shitty with a gamepad but there's no reason they couldn't get it right this time around. I expect to have to pause to change my sign/equipped item.


The one thing I do like is that they're having hands on events while we're still 4 months or so away. Hopefully this means that major issue that may not be immediately apparent to the dev team can be fixed before release. They already mentioned some press had issues with the bomb aiming reticule, so they're going to work on that.

For the most part, CDPR is being fairly transparent at this stage. Having all three versions of the game up on screens, telling the specs of the PC they're running the demo on, etc. Who knows if this will translate to the final game, but it is somewhat nice to see.


On a similar note as above, I'm not sure I can do these massive games any more with a million side quests and what not. I played Dragon Age for about an hour and felt overwhelmed by the amount of shit to do. And I feel like for me the sweet spot for games is around 10 hours. There's just too much to play to dedicate more time and to sustain my interest for that long. Except for Bloodborne, I'm gonna play the shit outta that.
Already have it preordered but man =/

Cancel it!

You sure were ready to fly off the handle and take things the wrong way when someone just pointed out you can cancel a preorder you're bummed out with. All that BS you posted in your last few posts is on you. Keep on trucking, Herpes.

He's not going to cancel it because he said that CD Projekt makes great games. What about that is so hard to understand?


From the other thread i posted. But this is gameplay talk, so it seems more relevant.

RPS gameplay thoughts

RPS thoughts on gameplay. RPS is one of the few websites i do take seriously since they have a lot of my preferences.

What stood out of the write up.

That’s not to say the combat is bad, just bland. When I entered into the climatic fight with the griffin, a battle that had been looming for a solid hour, I was saddened that my heart didn’t race once during this deadly showdown. The beast would fly into the air while I shot my crossbow at its backside and then crash down to earth with violence on its mind. I experimented a little, using one sigil to stun it, another to set a trap around it, and I died plenty as I figured out the best way to success, but the fight never grabbed my attention. When I finally triumphed, it was with relief rather than joy, as I happily set out to listen to people’s reactions to my conquest.

I guess this is the norm from most places i have read thoughts from. At least it doesn't seem to be as bad as the previous games.

The Witcher 3 is a setting that I want to explore, and it begins with characters who are more than soulless puppets. Maybe when I play the finished game come May, I’ll turn my Geralt into a pacifist who does nothing but chatter with the locals and dive for treasure.

I am excited to get into the world tho. I hope they really go out to reward exploration and adventuring into the wild.
So according to you, simply stating one's disappointment with a game's visuals not being as impressive and somewhat dissappointing compared to the reveal constitutes them cancelling said game or simply cease voicing said discontent? Ok Nego, that makes TOTAL sense...
Well, why did you mention you pre-ordered it in every post, then? Also, pre-ordering is pointless. I'm super excited for Witcher 3 and many big games but I don't pre-order.


I'd be in the dick
This is the first footage that's really gotten me excited for this game. I was worried that this game will be too big for its own good but looking at it today makes me feel like it'll have lots of interesting areas to explore, which makes a big difference for me in RPGs.


For me, as long as the writing quality holds up, I won't be sweating the small stuff at all.

Maybe we, as gamers, need to understand the concept of a vertical slice and that the first showing of any major game is likely employing this approach? Feels like we've been on this merry-go-round several times.

Hope there's much more optimization to come though...rebuilt my machine 8 months ago with a 780 and a 4870 expecting to get pretty close to maxing this out....


That was before they embrace open world design though. I'm a little curious/skeptical on how they fill the world that is multiple times the size of Skyrim with interesting side quests everywhere.

Based on the previews it seems that they have put that attention into their sidequests. But I agree, I would be skeptical that they could have that much depth to every quest in a world this large.
It looks awesome.
4/5 months of polish will make it even better, and may be what it needs to be truly incredible.

Day one. I have exams in that period so I'll have to wait to play it though.. good job I'll have the extra content;)


I dont think the animation is all that bad.. I did notice however in the first video, as i was staring as Geralt's feet.. his legs and cloak have a weird super-imposed feel to it.. like he's running on a green screen and the back ground is added.. a light floating feel..

Anyone else see this?

its just like a thin outilne around the character model at points..


According to gamestar the PC footage runs on high with a 980, a Intel Core i7-4790 and 8GB ram.

edit: also says Ultra wasn available yet.
Well I hope ultra is much closer to the advertised graphics from CDPR otherwise I don't see why they won't deserve the same scrutiny that Ass Creed, Watch Dogs and Dark Souls 2 got for their downgrades.

The graphics in these previews are not what was being marketed to consumers.


"Our approach has totally changed from The Witcher 1 and The Witcher 2," Iwiński tells me. He says that with the earlier games, CD Projekt Red was targeting the super-hardcore, PC-only audience that exists in the studio's home country of Poland. Now, as the series and company has grown, it wants the audience to expand as well.

"With every single game, we're adding a lot more polish and making it a lot more welcoming to the general gamer," he says. "I think this is just the way games should be done. I really admire, for example, BioWare or Bethesda for introducing its games to gamers."

Abandon ship, all hope is lost.

Oh well, we will always have the memories of The Witcher 1.


There's Xbox controller button prompts, which is where I'm assuming people are thinking its XB1. Could just be a PC with an Xbox controller obviously, though. We don't know either way at the moment.

It still wouldn't look bad even for PC. I really don't fucking understand what impresses people anymore. Its no wonder publishers are spending ludicrous amounts of money on making these games, because people are so quick to shit on anything they deem 'not the best looking thing ever'.

This, I don't know if there's a lot of console-only gamers on this site that are having a hard time analyzing what constitutes as "impressive" lol But that game was impressive looking even for a PC version...

I mean what is this majestic game we're comparing it too?

I'm new here, but neogaf baffles me sometimes, more so than other forums lol
Already have it preordered but man =/

Cancel it!

You sure were ready to fly off the handle and take things the wrong way when someone just pointed out you can cancel a preorder you're bummed out with. All that BS you posted in your last few posts is on you. Keep on trucking, Herpes.
yup hes the one awkwardly flying off the handle in this situation. youre the lvel headed one.
Bearded Geralt is simply the best.

Well, why did you mention you pre-ordered it in every post, then? Also, pre-ordering is pointless. I'm super excited for Witcher 3 and many big games but I don't pre-order.

Not everyone is apprehensive of preorders or has been burnt by them.


Im having a lot of trouble figuring out what's joking, insane hyperbole, and some genuine concern and criticism.

Yeah.....its rough.

I agree. Just to add my two cents: the game is looking fantastic thus far! It would definitely benefit from further refinement, but not drastic overhaul.
He's not going to cancel it because he said that CD Projekt makes great games. What about that is so hard to understand?

What's so hard to understand the cancel it comment was in direct reply to already have it preordered, but man *sad face*? Nobody actually cares beyond just being polite and forum friendly if he loves or hates its, somebody only pointed out he can easily cancel it. I don't think it's internet law that you must cancel a preorder if someone else points it out, though.


That was amazing. Game looks beautiful.

I like how the segments always ended when things started to get interesting. More like a teaser.

Cant wait.... still 4 months to go.
Well, why did you mention you pre-ordered it in every post, then? Also, pre-ordering is pointless. I'm super excited for Witcher 3 and many big games but I don't pre-order.

Pre-order isn't pointless to those who pre-order. To you it may be and that's fine. Also, every post? I made one original post that included I preordered it and was RESPONDING to other posters when I mentioned where I preordered it at. And again, if you're incapable of comprehending how people can be excited for a game on one hand and disappointed with an aspect of said game on the other, that's on you.
Already have it preordered but man =/

Cancel it!

You sure were ready to fly off the handle and take things the wrong way when someone just pointed out you can cancel a preorder you're bummed out with. All that BS you posted in your last few posts is on you. Keep on trucking, Herpes.

If me responding as I did to Nego was flying off the handle, then you must be quite the delicate and sensitive flower. And it seems that like Nego you're incapable of understanding how someone can be disappointed with the visuals and still excited for the game itself. But keep trucking Seed.


Black crush in XB1 version? Or maybe different lighting conditions?

Probably just the angle. BTW black crush only applies when you lose detail into the blacks, but it looks to be all there. Not really a good source for comparison, especially off screen.
If me responding as I did to Nego was flying off the handle, then you must be quite the delicate and sensitive flower. And it seems that like Nego you're incapable of understanding how someone can be disappointed with the visuals and still excited for the game itself. But keep trucking Seed.

Thanks, buddy. I'm just a sensitive kind of person.
It's no showcase, but it still looks good. Exploration and combat look like standard stuff that will be better enjoyed while playing. Context can do a lot there.

The best stuff to me was the tone in the story clips. The gryffon and Nilfgaardian scenes pulled me in just like that. Love the imagery

What I enjoyed in the 2nd game was the world and it's characters. It's gonna most likely be the same thing here except a bigger and better game underneath.


Game looks great. If you're a fan of Skyrim and DA, then W3 would fit right in.

No! CDPR! You were one of the only AAA-level developers left that produced compelling RPGs. Bethesda and Bioware have betrayed us for the lowest common denominator. Trading deep mechanics and skill builds for mundane choices and simple quests.

I'm sad.

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