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Next Xbox Reveal Set For May 21, 10:00 A.M. PST, Livestreamed

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I think it's not the best choice to demo a cross-gen game which doesn't really blow anything away graphics-wise during a reveal of the next-gen console. I mean seeing the PC footage of COD sure is nice and looks better than consoles but that's about it. Compare that with the likes of Killzone or even some of MS's internally developed games it will just eat up time while doing nothing really for the next-gen hype. It's like demoing FIFA at Playstation meeting.

I expect they'll demo the Durango version by showcasing some exclusive features that are only available on next gen hardware. It's an easy way to differentiate the current gen version from the next gen. The visuals boost will also be heavily showcased, but the features, etc will be the highlight of the demo.

Any cross generational title that showcases on next gen hardware will probably show off some features, etc that aren't possible on current gen machines.


3 days until... Selena Gomez at the Xbox reveal?




I'm not touching that with a 60-foot pole.



I think its pretty brave of Microsoft to devote basically the entire show to the hardware and then field questions from the media afterwards. They must be pretty confident and at least I hope pretty confident about their device. I know Keighley will at least ask the questions about no used games and always online.
We all have our preferences. I have been a been a PlayStation fan from the beginning. Nintendo before that and Amiga/ST before that.

Back to Xbox specs.

I think outside clock bumps and RAM upgrades, what VGleaks/insiders have leaked is what we'll get.

I base this on history. The 360 had much more detailed specs leak 18 months before launch and apart from the RAM being upgraded last minute, the specs for some things went down (eg: CPU 3.5+>3.2Ghz).

Going by the February 2012 Durango dev summit (21 months before launch) the specs given to devs there and where the VGleaks/Aegies/insiders documents come from, is likely what we'll get.

If Microsoft somehow manage to come up with a relatively massive upgrade on Tuesday without a single leak of it...? I'll be the first to give them a Golf clap.

its wishful thinking on every level.

they want to be in profit asap this gen
I'm hoping killer instinct opens the conference

make a new stylized "intro" based off the KI arcade intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWsCfJf68hw

reveal the name of the console at the part where it says "Coming to your home in...2013 only on Microsoft Xbox Infinity"

after KI logo swirls in, make the rest like a trailer

sets a statement, gets the name out of the way, brings a huge old core favorite and makes me giggle for probably like 5 minutes afterwards


Hell yes !!




I went into other thread thinking their was going to be real discussion it was a trap. I'm so ready for xbox announcement! 3 Days! Crackdown 3 and alan wake 2 and that NDA thing will be sweet! oh SNAP


The Kaz thread had 20016 posts. Just a few thousand to go.

In comparison, the Kaz thread had posters like GopherD, Thuway and Kagari who continually teased and provided positive hints, on top of the leaked PS4 controller pictures...that helps with post counts.


I went into other thread thinking their was going to be real discussion it was a trap. I'm so ready for xbox announcement! 3 Days! Crackdown 3 and alan wake 2 and that NDA thing will be sweet! oh SNAP

Tell us more. :)

We're too close now anyway
any of you dude want to give us a hand with some legendary halo co op to kill some of that remaining time?

Online now if you up for it.

GT = Ninja Moomin

got halo 4 and anniversary to do... :)
isn't it amazing that the PS reveal can't be downloaded from the ps store?

sony do make me lol sometimes.

Huh? What region of store are you using? I was able to download and watch it soon after the reveal directly from the store. Perhaps it depends on where you live and what storefront you are using.
Where's the sequel, MS.


Would definitely buy Romance Dance Central day 1.

As for you guys contemplating Crackdown 2, I loved Crackdown 1. Loved it. Crackdown 2 is a game I hated more than I liked, but mostly because it felt lazy and unfinished. But when I beat it, I didn't want it to end. Take that however you want. Definitely worth playing. Just dont expect a lot. Crackdown >>>>>>>>>>inFamous>>>>>crackdown2+inFamous2


VP : ]

I think Viva Pinata could be bigger if they simplify it a bit. Take the role of Leafos (hell, make it Avatar based), third-person, give me an inventory, and open up the world for exploration.

Let me visit an actual town where the services are. Let me capture, tame, ride, race, and dress up, and breed Pinata in a variety of environments instead of just my garden. Let me go fishing, swim, plant, destroy, etc. Let me use that blimp. Give me a big, open world to play around in.

It could be Microsoft's answer to Animal Crossing.
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