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Nick Robinson (Polygon) answers to sexual harassment allegations, leaves Polygon


Yeah how come it's being escalated after he's apologized? I'm not saying I don't believe it, it's just crazy to me the rate at which this whole situation is escalating now.

It bugs me how these public personalities put that shit out there for everyone to read then yell at people who want to know what the dude actually did. If you make statements like that in a public forum, people are naturally going to ask about them.


I am not feeling this apology at all. He refers to his actions as "flirting", not once does he mention harassment. He focuses on the "position of power" thing too much, implying a regular dude doing the same thing would be OK.

I mean, glad that he says he will "listen", but it reeks of self-serving, damage control bullshit. I don't buy it one bit.

I mean he's not wrong. Yes what he did is wrong no matter who does it, but his fame protected him and led to his downfall. Regular dudes do this shit all the time. You just block them or report them. Hardly ever would a regular dude doing this lead to what they would consider real world consequences. It's a sad fact.
You make a valid point, but look, his apology isn't perfect, but we have to move in a direction that acknowledges fault. So many people in this situation just blame other people.

He didn't do that. There's not a lot of details in his posts, and it's possible he got hungry with that power and started harassing people after he became famous.

I'm just trying to find something for people to cling to here, people were hurt.

If a bunch of young followers of Nick realize they can't do this shit, and that it's not okay, and that they look into why and come out more educated and ready to be a part of this new world, then I'm happy for that.

Is that wrong? I just don't want these kids to think that people are attacking their favorite personality, and that "those people tried to hurt Nick". I want them to be aware that Nick hurt people, and I feel he's at least made some effort to relay that message.

It's probably not good enough of an apology, but then, nothing would be right? He can't not do what he did. I just want these women to be safe.

Here's my take. There's a lot to unpack here. Some of what he says is good. Some isn't.

But I can certainly focus on the last part. He acknowledges that he has a lot of work to do to regain people's trust. Because he does. Because even if this was unquestionably a good apology it isn't going to cut it alone.

We will know if he does, indeed, change his ways. I will wait until he has done enough to earn back my trust. I think that's the most 'fair' stance to take.

He hasn't even begun to earn back my trust. I hope he does.

Anyone who thinks this is enough, should maybe look into the harm actions like his can cause. Anyone who thinks this is all lies... I don't know you're right, but I certainly can't blame you for taking that stance.


Yeah how come it’s only being escalated now, after he’s apologized? I’m not saying I don’t believe it, it’s just crazy to me the rate at which this whole situation is escalating now. But again, this is only from what I’ve seen. I’m as ignorant to this whole issue as most people here.

I think because of the way Nick handled his apology by categorizing his actions as flirting. And then multiple people in the industry are pretty much saying it goes way beyond DM's and asking for nudes. The implication seems to be Nick engaged in criminal behavior, not just in the realm of the internet, but against people.


I'll read over his message again, it seemed like he acknowledged that what he did was wrong, but maybe I'm wrong? If so, sorry for that.

I'm out of the thread anyway, cheers and hopefully more positive comes of this, enough people were hurt.

He acknowledged that accidentally flirting while popular was bad as if that was the only thing he did. He didn't say anything about intentional sexual harassment, which is what he actually did.

I think you're well-intentioned, but we're far from the point where [i[he[/i] can make this a teachable moment.


Where is the part where he either quit or was fired from Polygon?


Why "good"? What difference does it make? The guy apologized for his immature ways which is all that matters. Next is him working on what he said he'd do.


I don't think "immature" quite covers what he did.

He's a grown ass man, first of all.

When I think immature, I put sticky googly eyes on my coworker's laptops sometimes. That's an immature thing to do.


Tbh I'd never heard of this dude before this shit storm but that apology is admirable. I have lost respect for certain journalists through this,the people that said they had heard stuff about him and did nothing about it but took great pleasure in decrying him.

^^^THIS. This so hard. There's no reason none of the journalists that knew about this could not have reached out to Chris Plante in private about this sooner. Is it their responsibility? Maybe not but if they cared as much as they pretended to then they should have told Chris.
Instead, they were like the person that hears/witnesses abuse happening at their next door neighbors house and does nothing about it. They just continue with their day as if nothing ever happened. Sure that's hyperbolic but I think that gets my point across. Nick was the one who did something wrong but others had the power to put a stop to this sooner.

No, nah. This is completely unwarranted and unfair to people who were being good friends.

It wasn't like they just overheard this like you're framing it as. People were told about things in confidence, by their friends, and were told not to pass it on. When that happens, you listen to the victim. In this case, doing otherwise would end with them being dragged out into the spotlight after they, who already went through a bad situation, specifically told you not to make things worse.


Why "good"? What difference does it make? The guy apologized for his immature ways which is all that matters. Next is him working on what he said he'd do.
It's good because he was using the position to cultivate a clean image so he could harass people without looking like a creep and more easily build trust with women, to later harass, because he was a staff member of a very popular website.

Yes. My main issue with his apology was him downplaying how aggressive he was. If all he did was some light flirting and backed off immediately after being turned down it would still be hugely inappropriate because of his position but certainly more forgivable and not as disgusting. Other than that, I think it was a decent apology. He seems like he's at least becoming aware of the fact that what he did was very wrong. Hopefully he'll fully realize just how wrong he was. Then maybe he can grow and learn from it.

^^^THIS. This so hard. There's no reason none of the journalists that knew about this could not have reached out to Chris Plante in private about this sooner. Is it their responsibility? Maybe not but if they cared as much as they pretended to then they should have told Chris.
Instead, they were like the person that hears/witnesses abuse happening at their next door neighbors house and does nothing about it. They just continue with their day as if nothing ever happened. Sure that's hyperbolic but I think that gets my point across. Nick was the one who did something wrong but others had the power to put a stop to this sooner, but instead choose to do nothing.
It is pretty standard journalism ethics to not disclose info that could put a source in harm, financially, physically, or otherwise. It's an odd place to be in. They're happy now because he got outed as a creep.


I'm a little LTTP but do we know what he did other than asking for nude pictures? Sorry if this has been asked to death but some are vaguely speaking as though he did way worse than that.
Why "good"? What difference does it make? The guy apologized for his immature ways which is all that matters. Next is him working on what he said he'd do.
It's good cuz we're seeing proper ramifications of his actions. You know what typically happens when a harasser is outed? The place that they work for try to keep it on the down low and allow the harasser to continue working for them. This dude was abusing his power. He had to go.


Why "good"? What difference does it make? The guy apologized for his immature ways which is all that matters. Next is him working on what he said he'd do.

Nah, he doesn't get to skip over the punishment phase. Being held accountable takes more than tweeting out a (pretty terrible) apology. Actions have consequences and Polygon dropping him is a good fit.


I'm a little LTTP but do we know what he did other than asking for nude pictures? Sorry if this has been asked to death but some are vaguely speaking as though he did way worse than that.

As far as we know? It was many unsolicited propositions for nude photos, including young fans (one of whom he reportedly knew was underage). He asked one in particular for a blowjob, too.

Reactions from the victims & people that know them suggest this went further, though. We don't know how, but it's why people are dreading the worst.
I think because of the way Nick handled his apology by categorizing his actions as flirting. And then multiple people in the industry are pretty much saying it goes way beyond DM's and asking for nudes. The implication seems to be Nick engaged in criminal behavior, not just in the realm of the internet, but against people.

Okay, but it's a bit like when Elijah Wood was all "Hollywood is full of pedophiles! I know about some crazy shit!" and then refused to name names.

If you know that someone behaved in a merely unethical manner, then I can understand the desire to throw shade while staying quiet. But someone who caused "absolute pain" to their victims? Either that's hyperbole, or you should be talking with the police.
Why "good"? What difference does it make? The guy apologized for his immature ways which is all that matters. Next is him working on what he said he'd do.

I mean, I don't see why a publication would want an employee that is a serial harasser on their payroll. In his statement he did not admit or apologize for the actually harassment, just that he was too forward with his 'flirting'.


Okay, but it's a bit like when Elijah Wood was all "Hollywood is full of pedophiles! I know about some crazy shit!" and then refused to name names.

If you know that someone behaved in a merely unethical manner, then I can understand the desire to throw shade while staying quiet. But someone who caused "absolute pain" to their victims? Either that's hyperbole, or you should be talking with the police.
The victim may not want to go through the ordeal that the legal route can be. And, rather than calling the police and negatively affecting the life of a friend, the victim, you don't.
Nah, he doesn't get to skip over the punishment phase. Being held accountable takes more than tweeting out a (pretty terrible) apology. Actions have consequences and Polygon dropping him is a good fit.

Yeah. While I don't think the apology is terrible (I think it's got good and bad parts) he absolutely shouldn't avoid ramifications for his actions just because he apologized it.


Okay, but it's a bit like when Elijah Wood was all "Hollywood is full of pedophiles! I know about some crazy shit!" and then refused to name names.

If you know that someone behaved in a merely unethical manner, then I can understand the desire to throw shade while staying quiet. But someone who caused "absolute pain" to their victims? Either that's hyperbole, or you should be talking with the police.

Yeah I think you'll find that sexual harassment is so confronting and so out of order people cannot process or react like the little logical model of a person you have in you head reacts.

Anecdotally listen to Shannon reflecting on her time at Uni.

Or how about Sarah where she's taught it's her fault, and she initially accepts that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwBTceHscoo&list=PL4P5HNnwRQI_0HT0KOLrwpOwgd5AbTuXw

Minnie again how sexual harassment is so out of order she does not know in the moment what is actually happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFnOdSrRrhM&index=5&list=PL4P5HNnwRQI_0HT0KOLrwpOwgd5AbTuXw

Also sod Nick he's obviously a serial harasser.


Okay, but it's a bit like when Elijah Wood was all "Hollywood is full of pedophiles! I know about some crazy shit!" and then refused to name names.

If you know that someone behaved in a merely unethical manner, then I can understand the desire to throw shade while staying quiet. But someone who caused "absolute pain" to their victims? Either that's hyperbole, or you should be talking with the police.

With how this society treats victims of sexual assault as a whole, and then looking at some of the fringe elements of gaming culture, its not unusual to see why people who have been victimized would be reticent to step forward.


Stunned how many posters are okay with this garbage apology in which he doesn't even address his harassment as harassment


Okay, but it's a bit like when Elijah Wood was all "Hollywood is full of pedophiles! I know about some crazy shit!" and then refused to name names.

If you know that someone behaved in a merely unethical manner, then I can understand the desire to throw shade while staying quiet. But someone who caused "absolute pain" to their victims? Either that's hyperbole, or you should be talking with the police.

No, what you're describing is someone refusing to name victims, not the perpetrators.

It is always better to respect the wishes of a victim. There's nothing more to it.
Happy to see people are not okay with that apology...

read the first page of this thread and couldn't believe the "oh: he apologized. He's good again." comments.
Okay, but it's a bit like when Elijah Wood was all "Hollywood is full of pedophiles! I know about some crazy shit!" and then refused to name names.

If you know that someone behaved in a merely unethical manner, then I can understand the desire to throw shade while staying quiet. But someone who caused "absolute pain" to their victims? Either that's hyperbole, or you should be talking with the police.

Maybe the victims did do that and they were told to fuck off like usual


Tweets from some Polygon staffers seem to indicate they have been told that commenting on Nick Robinson can be actionable.

Edited: Because my speculation should be kept to myself.


Tweets from some Polygon staffers seem to indicate they have been told that commenting on Nick Robinson can be actionable.

Edited: Because my speculation should be kept to myself.

If you're referring to what I think you are, that's vague enough that it could be about respecting victims' wishes by not saying things (rather, I saw some people in its replies taking it that way).
Edit: I am a bit concerned about how much he leans in on his 'position', I'm not sure he completely understands that this is wrong regardless of whether you're a prominent games journalist or not.

That's my problem with it as well. By all accounts, these messages were inappropriate from anyone, not just a famous person.


If you're referring to what I think you are, that's vague enough that it could be about respecting victims' wishes by not saying things (rather, I saw some people in its replies taking it that way).

Yeah, that was part of my speculation, and it went in other branching paths. And then as I looked at the paths I made, I was like, "Fuck this, I'm not their attorney. No one is paying me right now to think about this like that."


lol this reminds me when james franco messaged that 17 year old asking when her birthday was and shit. Wonder what would've happened if that came out today...


I am not feeling this apology at all. He refers to his actions as "flirting", not once does he mention harassment. He focuses on the "position of power" thing too much, implying a regular dude doing the same thing would be OK.

I mean, glad that he says he will "listen", but it reeks of self-serving, damage control bullshit. I don't buy it one bit.

It seems to me that he thought he was flirting, after being called out, he realizes it was harassment, and he's sorry and ashamed.

But he's not going the publicly admit to harassment, because because it'll be used against him in court (if that were to come of this).

It would be nice to hear the words... but going all the way would probably cost him more than his intitial transgressions already have.
Let see how the reasonable level-headed and totally not insane people on the alt-right are taking Nick's apology...


What does this even mean ffs


I understand that he's trying to make it right. But not addressing sexual harassment directly by outright calling it "flirting" just doesn't sit right with me. Here's hoping he can learn from his mistakes, and continue his videogame journalism when he's ready.


Let see how the reasonable level-headed people on the alt-right are taking Nick's apology...

What does this even mean ffs

Given who he is, I can't tell if that first line is genuine or his fumbling attempt to say something that looks like what his followers say.


Is he even using cucked correctly? Do I even know what that means?

I mean, before this last election cycle. I would have read it that SJW's (typically African-American, as cuckolding has racial connotations) had intercourse with Nick's partner, while Nick watched, and then, there are a variety of endings to this scenario.
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