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Nier: Automata. GOAT, m̵y̵ her ASS!


What in the holy hell raking pants pissing motherfucking hot dick sucking controller breaking save system does this game have?!

An hour in and I still can’t save? I die to a buzz saw and the game has the fucking audacity to send me back to the beginning? And runny watery diarrhea cherry on top is that I can’t back out to the main menu once it starts back at the beginning. What. the. hell?!

There is no fucking excuse for not having an option of backing out of a game any time you desire.

And don’t give me this “get gud” bullshit neither. I’VE JUST STARTED THE GAME.

I don’t care how good this game is and how “meta” it is not to give you a save option. This isn’t Ghost n Goblins. Give me a chance to learn the game before you make me replay shit in a TUTORIAL that I’ve already learned!

Please tell me it isn’t like this throughout the game. I swear if I have to repeat long ass sections of the game because of a poor save system, then I’m uninstalling the game now.
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Edit: I asked a mod to change the title because of a typo and they didn't just fix it, they improved upon it. Bravo.
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Please tell me it isn’t like this throughout the game. I swear if I have to repeat long ass sections of the game because of a poor save system, then I’m uninstalling the game now.
How about repeating the game 3 times to finish it? I played the first 2 playthroughs on Game Pass Xbox because I was told the third playthrough is the "real" game but there was barely any differences so I gave up on it at the beginning of the third. I felt like I was wasting my time. Also too many robots. Deleted.


I enjoyed it but sympathize, I almost finished the third playthrough but was annoyed near the end. Also games which don't just let me save anywhere are starting to lose my interest. You either need save anywhere or very generous checkpoints. I'm an adult, I don't necessarily have 1-2 hours uninterrupted to focus on your game.


Darkness no more
The intro segment doesn’t have a save but once you get past that it isn’t as bad the rest of the game. I died at that same part my first play through also. You can just sprint back to the boss pretty quickly.


michael jordan laughing GIF

git gud


I played it on GamePass and believe I had passed the tutorial and defeated the first 'saw' boss or whatever it is and then died some time after and was taken back to the very start and was like fuck that for a joke and rage quit and never went back to it.

Can someone advised where the first save is and how to save it?


Pretty sure you can save after the prologue. Just set it to easiest difficulty or whatever and get past it if it's a problem.


You've got unlimited invincible dodges, just mash that shoulder button. You shouldn't have any trouble if you're remotely experienced with this kind of 3D beat em up genre, it's really not a hard game.


It was a weird decision, but it wasn't that tough and you can get through the prologue pretty quickly if you get a move on.

The most annoying thing is if you play it while it's installing. The first hour turns into basically a demo, you can't save and it won't let you continue into the main game, with no warning.

If I hadn't enjoyed the atmosphere enough to rush through the prologue again, I'd have never played the main game.


I honestly might have to agree, even as someone who loves the game to bits. Maybe the meta-reason was beyond me, but I never understood why there wasn't a checkpoint autosave system. I ended up getting booted right to the start of ending C because my game crashed before I could get to a save vendor.

The game is good, but it's not a game you can play without regard for when you want to stop. If you only have like, say, 30 minutes left of free game time before you have to clock in for something else, I'd honestly put the game down and return later because you'd never know when you're going to see the next save vendor at times.

Also, does the Gamepass version have raw-input camera? I know it implements most, if not all, of the FAR fixes. I heavily advise you play this game with a controller because controlling the camera with a mouse is pure torture, lmao.
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I'm not really sure what you are talking about since it's been awhile.

But as someone who 100% the game it is more the story then the actual gameplay for me. I doubt you'd find many people who did that and not enjoy the end result.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
It's dumb, but it's literally just for the long tutorial section. After that you'll never have that kind of problem again.

Just sprint back through it.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
That kinda pissed me off too because I started playing it on hard. Just restart on normal and then pump up the difficulty if you like.

Game is awesome, you'll be missing on that with that attitude.


Gold Member
Honestly, the best way to do this just put it on easy difficulty for the prologue then turn it back to a higher difficulty afterwards.

It makes no sense to keep beating yourself over such a small thing.


Gold Member
The game is a bit overrated but not for the start without saves...

Still a good\great game.
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Further proven my thoughts :messenger_winking:

It's the kind of people where both your EQ and IQ drop the more you interact with them .


Don't listen to weaboos when it comes to games. Especially if you ever see them use the P word (philosophical), just stay away from it because that's a code word for when they start rationalising why they're actually "playing" such games. Real philosophy consists in reading & thinking, then debating, not hearing fortune cookie trivialities as an excuse to stare at underage npcs in underwear.


What's funny about the intro is that it 100% makes sense within the context of the game, you'll realise that later.

Congrats on your first ending.
Yes, quite important for the story and atmosphere, but it takes too long until you reach the point where you can save. What makes it worse, if I remember correctly, you can't skip the dialogue scenes while in gameplay mode which are quite long. In my opinion they could have come up with a more accessible intro without losing too much from the build up and presentation.
Set the game to easy difficulty and breeze through the intro. Go back to Normal difficulty afterwards and you will be able to save very frequently. You don't even have to git gud.


Gamers these days.

People seriously had a problem with the beginning of the game xD?

I've worked with this woman. She's a fucking nightmare.
I enjoyed watching Nier destroy XQC a couple years back. He just cockily starts on highest difficulty and manages to fluke his way a decent distance towards the boss before the inevitable.
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Gold Member
Don't listen to weaboos when it comes to games. Especially if you ever see them use the P word (philosophical), just stay away from it because that's a code word for when they start rationalising why they're actually "playing" such games. Real philosophy consists in reading & thinking, then debating, not hearing fortune cookie trivialities as an excuse to stare at underage npcs in underwear.


Yes, quite important for the story and atmosphere, but it takes too long until you reach the point where you can save. What makes it worse, if I remember correctly, you can't skip the dialogue scenes while in gameplay mode which are quite long. In my opinion they could have come up with a more accessible intro without losing too much from the build up and presentation.
Yes! The unskippable dialogue scenes. I knew I was forgetting something. And the beginning takes so long because of the forced tutorial.


I honestly don't understand why people like Nier Automata so much.
Played it for a couple of hours and didn't think much of it. Maybe some day I'll reinstall it from my Steam account and check if it gets any better...
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