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Nier: Automata. GOAT, m̵y̵ her ASS!


I played this game kind of recently. First time I couldn't go through the second playthrough so I dropped it. A couple of months later decided to go back and this time I actually finished. Ended up liking it a lot.

There is a reason behind why you can't save at the beginning and that's because the android's consciousness is supposed to be uploaded for saving. It happens at the end of the tutorial. Afterwards you have to wait until a special pod is activated so the information can be uploaded to HQ. Yes, it is inconvenient but at the same time it tells you that the game is trying to be faithful to the concepts it tries to convey. A lot of the fanservice has an explanation. Maybe at the level of Quiet needing her skin to be touched by the sun and water but at the same time it is kind of coherent with the universe.

After all the backtracking (that I hate with a passion in general) there is a good story and gameplay. The regular game is not particularly difficult. I only really had difficulty with one of the bosses towards the end of the game.

The payoff for the real ending is well worth it, in my opinion. What happens at the credits is something that I haven't seen in any other game in the past.

I found the combat somewhat lacking because it is not as good as an action game (as in DMC) but I guess it is isn't supposed to be given that it's supposed to be an RPG but at the same time it is not really a very comprehensive RPG. So in the end is just a genre mashup that doesn't excel at any of them. However, the whole package is enjoyable and well worth it.

My biggest complain is the lack of PC support and the fucked up move of finally fixing it up for Gamepass but leaving the Steam players hanging after so many years.


So, let's talk about the Game pass version being (mostly) fixed while the Steam version is still a disaster without user mods.

Square has shown time and again that they are only willing to fix a broken game when there's enough outrage. Final Fantasy 14, the Chrono Trigger PC release, I'm sure there are others. Even though Nier is a huge hit with over 5 million copies sold, it's been a slow burn, the majority of the sales happened outside the initial 30 day launch window. I'm sure they point to the continued sales as evidence that fixing the Steam version isn't necessary.


Same here. Maybe because I'm a women and 2B's ass does NOTHING for me, well actually it annoyed me. A combat robot tottering around on 6" stiletto heels in a French maid costume just came across as retarded to me.

Yeah this is funny for me to think about as a men, imagining if I asked a bunch of women what was good about a game and they said the story is great and also:

I would be like "ohhhh... okay, yes the man's ass is... quite nice... as far as asses go... Is the gameplay any good?" :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I can't say I haven't met some men-esque "man-ass fiending" ladies in my time, but they weren't exactly birds I'd want to take to church.

I feel your "ass-pain" CatLady CatLady 👀
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Hey, the game warns you just before you start playing, so if you felt tricked the jokes on you.

That doesn’t tell you shit. When I read that I thought “Oh okay, it will tell me immediately how to save the game when I start the story” what it should of said was “Hey asshole, waste 30-45 min of your life thinking you’ll get through a tutorial no problem and then oh we’ll hit you with two boss fights and not tell you that ahead of time and then not let you back outofthegamejustmakeyourestartsandNOYOUCANTSKIPTHECUTSCENESWHOTHEFUCKDOYOITHINKYOUARE”GITGUD”OLDTIMERWEKNOWYOUHAVEALLTHETIMEINTHEWORLD.




How about repeating the game 3 times to finish it? I played the first 2 playthroughs on Game Pass Xbox because I was told the third playthrough is the "real" game but there was barely any differences so I gave up on it at the beginning of the third. I felt like I was wasting my time. Also too many robots. Deleted.
Uh what? Are you sure you started the third playthrough?
I agree about the second one, route B is really the worst part of the game in my opinion and they shouldn't have made it that way. Replaying the same things as 9S was not interesting, his gameplay sucks so it's, for a big part, just route A, but not as good.
But route C is actually a real sequel to the first, it's only new content with nothing similar to the previous playthroughs, it's really the second half of the story, so I don't know how you could think there weren't any differences, it's different right from the beginning since, like I said, it takes place after the ending.


Uh what? Are you sure you started the third playthrough?
I agree about the second one, route B is really the worst part of the game in my opinion and they shouldn't have made it that way. Replaying the same things as 9S was not interesting, his gameplay sucks so it's, for a big part, just route A, but not as good.
But route C is actually a real sequel to the first, it's only new content with nothing similar to the previous playthroughs, it's really the second half of the story, so I don't know how you could think there weren't any differences, it's different right from the beginning since, like I said, it takes place after the ending.

Is it possible to skip the 2nd run? I saw that secret "cheat" with the barrels they discovered recently but I didnt really get what was happening, seemed like it skipped the whole game, or am I confused and it was just another alternate ending to the game?


Yeah that's one of the things I didn't like about the game, I think I was around 50-60% of the story when I got bored and dropped it. Music is incredible, combat is fun but the level design and story are just average.


You can enjoy your weeabo shit despite my criticism of the game, dont worry

Dont be ashamed of your 2B pillow
I don't understand how you can think this is a legitimate complaint against the game or has any relation to it, lol. Of course the "anime avatar" is busted out immediately after.


Is it possible to skip the 2nd run? I saw that secret "cheat" with the barrels they discovered recently but I didnt really get what was happening, seemed like it skipped the whole game, or am I confused and it was just another alternate ending to the game?
I don't know what you are talking about sorry, I played the game around launch, haven't for about 3 years now so I'm not really up to date if it's something recent.

But skipping the 2nd run would be a bad idea because there's still stuff that is needed, but yeah... It's a shame they did it like this, because route A is great, route B is super mediocre, and route C is the best in my opinion (A2 is my favorite character). I also hated at how much they force you to play with 9S, even when you get to route C, there's still a lot of scenes or sidequests that you can only do with 9s, so he's basically the character you will play the most in the game, and the one with the worst gameplay, it almost feels like devs trolling you at some point, and it's quite sad that it's like that.

Still a great game, just, would have been much better without this.

I also can't imagine how many people stopped right after route A, when seeing route B was the same thing just with a different character, not suspecting that route C would be the second half of the game. It was stupid to make it like this.
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Is it possible to skip the 2nd run? I saw that secret "cheat" with the barrels they discovered recently but I didnt really get what was happening, seemed like it skipped the whole game, or am I confused and it was just another alternate ending to the game?
Route B is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. There's new gameplay mechanics (that you can almost entirely skip if you don't like), divergent paths, new story beats that are important to the overall plot, and it's much shorter than Route A. It is still the weakest part of the game, but it makes Route C that much more powerful when it hits.


Is it possible to skip the 2nd run? I saw that secret "cheat" with the barrels they discovered recently but I didnt really get what was happening, seemed like it skipped the whole game, or am I confused and it was just another alternate ending to the game?
It's important to Route C and the overall understanding of the story. Route B makes the beginning of Route C hit harder imo. Also, you can speed-run Route B in one or two sittings like I did because it's only some hours long.


Honestly, system wise the game is extremely overrated but its more about the sum of its parts than the parts themselves. Playing route B was some of the most unfun chore in a long while, I couldn't care less about shinji ikari that little bitch called 9s and at the end of the say only one character actually has some decent shit going for her

Pretty meh game overall


Gold Member
Beat the game just recently for the first time 3 times and I loved it.

What I might add to criticisms present in this thread tho, I think the fact this game is done in anime aesthetic doesn't always work in its favor. That has nothing to do with the art style which I think it's great - I'm talking about some anime tropes of the narrative, like characters being totally histrionic (theatrically over- melodramatic, shouting each others names etc), which in my opinion sometimes ruins the landing of an otherwise brilliant story.

But I don't think designs of 2B or A2 being part of this problem. I don't care if female videogame characters I play are sexy, and I find the whole woke-ugly-game-woman-bad issue some people have rather silly... but here, it just felt actually incredibly refreshing to finally play a game with such unapologetically sexualized characters! It's been a while. That's the beauty of gaming, where there should be a place for both bare assed robot slaying androids as well as the lesbian middle-aged mom from Returnal. That's the real diversity we should be supporting.
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really happy the game is finally on gamepass pc so i can finally see for myself what the fuss is all about...

ust came out o f the first hour or so of gameplay and i'm liking what I see


Gold Member
I beat it for the first time last week. I really enjoyed it, especially 3 ending and beyond.

The best part for me was:

When you're trying to save Pascal and the children and after defeating the Zombie machines, you return to the children to find they all killed themselves because they all learned what fear was...

Shit like that got me all the feels.

But as others have said, the combat is pretty basic and not that hard at all. But I enjoyed it all the same. 9/10 game for me.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
this game looks like some weeabo shit, i would just drop it

dragonball is the only good anime


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Disagree. Game has difficulty modes. Use them.

Easy is basically autoplay.
Just watch a youtube video.

If normal is fucking you up, youtube is the next difficulty setting.

j/k I actually forgot the game had autoplay mode below normal.
Maybe OP should use that mode.


That intro is not hard, how the hell did you die there? xD

and I'm not defending the game, not at all, I am on record saying that this game was the biggest disappointment of the generation for me. I loved the first Nier and absolutely hate Automata.

the game is just so fucking awfully designed it's ridiculous. the fighting system is braindead, the Leveldesign is absolutely horrendous, the story is not even close to the first one and neither are the characters, music or atmosphere.

they somehow managed to make the special moves feel worse than in the first game, which is crazy considering Platinum Games made it.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
It's important to Route C and the overall understanding of the story. Route B makes the beginning of Route C hit harder imo. Also, you can speed-run Route B in one or two sittings like I did because it's only some hours long.

Route B is really good, and crucially important to the overall story. Never been able to agree with people complaining about it.

Its not just retracing the same path as route A, there's a significant amount of new content and cut-scenes, as well as all the hacking related stuff offering up some fun opportunities to experiment.

The "final hack" in route C was for me one of the highlights of the game.
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what difference are we looking at? there are some new amd graphics options, but visually and fps seems same.

I played the steam back then with 1080ti and lucky i never had any problems some faced.

Native res and true fullscreen unlike steam where it's borderless window but it says fullscreen and it renders the game @ 1440p max


always chasing the next thrill
What in the holy hell raking pants pissing motherfucking hot dick sucking controller breaking save system does this game have?!

An hour in and I still can’t save? I die to a buzz saw and the game has the fucking audacity to send me back to the beginning? And runny watery diarrhea cherry on top is that I can’t back out to the main menu once it starts back at the beginning. What. the. hell?!

There is no fucking excuse for not having an option of backing out of a game any time you desire.

And don’t give me this “get gud” bullshit neither. I’VE JUST STARTED THE GAME.

I don’t care how good this game is and how “meta” it is not to give you a save option. This isn’t Ghost n Goblins. Give me a chance to learn the game before you make me replay shit in a TUTORIAL that I’ve already learned!

Please tell me it isn’t like this throughout the game. I swear if I have to repeat long ass sections of the game because of a poor save system, then I’m uninstalling the game now.
pissing motherfucking dick sucking die fucking diarrhea fucking bullshit


another game to avoid thanks OP
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Your Ho229 cancellers are ineffective!!!

Do you often think about the God who blessed you with this cryptic puzzle...and wonder if you will ever have the chance to kill him?

From what I can tell there are generous save points everywhere after the prologue, you just have to fight a group of robots to access them.
When i started the game, i was bit bored. I was not feeling it and then i tried self destruct option on 2B and it became my Goty. I went on to platinum it. :)
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