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Nintendo E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

Mr. Smith

im so ready for the wii showing. i already signed up at ign and gamespot. we are going to watch the conferece at my budys house on a big wall projector, that will be so much fun i cant wait. i pray to god that nintendo doesnt fuck this up like last year. if they dont show enoght wii games i will go breserker on them. this will be the greatest e3 ever, ever :D
My predictions ...

Theme of the show will be about bringing people together (gamers + non-gamers)

Zelda: TP is *the* Wii flagship launch title w/Wii-control and updated graphics. GCN version will be sold seperately or they'll maybe do something like put both versions and make it a 2-disc minidisc game.

Several new franchises, many of them aimed at "non-gamers". Iwata will spend a lot of time on these titles.

Super Mario and Metroid Prime 3 for the Wii will both be demoed and maybe even playable, but are both 2007 titles.

Super Mario for the Wii will be co-op (Mario + Luigi) oriented to encourage gamers to invite a non-gamer member of their family or friend circle to join in.

Donkey Kong Wii will get a lot of attention from Nintendo.

Star Wars Lightsaber Wii title from LucasArts.

Original Super Mario Bros. (NES) will be shown with updated graphics and Wii-control, to be availible on Nintendo WiFi. Donkey Kong (arcade) Remake and Pac-Man VS. will also be shown as part of the WiFi download launch service.

Wii Camera (ala EyeToy) and Wii LCD screen will make their debut.

At least two more Wii-exclusive FPS titles.

My "wildcard" prediction:

After showing Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles 2 and their DS stuff, Nintendo and Square-Enix announce a joint RPG project ala Kingdom Hearts which will bring together Nintendo and Square-Enix characters in one new game series for the Wii/DS.


what is this?


is GSpot repeating the conferences? (dont remember from last year). if so, why 3 times for Nintendo and only 2 for MS?


Saoh said:
what is this?


is GSpot repeating the conferences? (dont remember from last year). if so, why 3 times for Nintendo and only 2 for MS?

The 9 am for Nintendo is just a preconference thing. And the conference will start at 9:30 and they are assuming that it might be possible it will last until 11 or a little later

Microsoft's conference will be taped, that is why there is only one time slot.


ahmad said:
The 9 am for Nintendo is just a preconference thing. And the conference will start at 9:30 and they are assuming that it might be possible it will last until 11 or a little later

Microsoft's conference will be taped, that is why there is only one time slot.

oh, cool. but Nintendo is always 1hr top :p


PowWow said:
So Nintendo's conference is closer to 2 hours than 1?

No. All I am saying is that it is possible that Nintendo might take more than one hour.

But Nintendo is usually late to their conferences. :p
soundwave05 said:
My predictions ...

Theme of the show will be about bringing people together (gamers + non-gamers)

Zelda: TP is *the* Wii flagship launch title w/Wii-control and updated graphics. GCN version will be sold seperately or they'll maybe do something like put both versions and make it a 2-disc minidisc game.

Several new franchises, many of them aimed at "non-gamers". Iwata will spend a lot of time on these titles.

Super Mario and Metroid Prime 3 for the Wii will both be demoed and maybe even playable, but are both 2007 titles.

Super Mario for the Wii will be co-op (Mario + Luigi) oriented to encourage gamers to invite a non-gamer member of their family or friend circle to join in.

Donkey Kong Wii will get a lot of attention from Nintendo.

Star Wars Lightsaber Wii title from LucasArts.

Original Super Mario Bros. (NES) will be shown with updated graphics and Wii-control, to be availible on Nintendo WiFi. Donkey Kong (arcade) Remake and Pac-Man VS. will also be shown as part of the WiFi download launch service.

Wii Camera (ala EyeToy) and Wii LCD screen will make their debut.

At least two more Wii-exclusive FPS titles.

My "wildcard" prediction:

After showing Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles 2 and their DS stuff, Nintendo and Square-Enix announce a joint RPG project ala Kingdom Hearts which will bring together Nintendo and Square-Enix characters in one new game series for the Wii/DS.

Nice predictions, I can definitly see them doing what you said on Mario, with coop support. And that last prediction, how cool would that be!

EDIT: One prediction I would add is that I think they will do something with Luigi's Mansion 2 or some type of Luigi game that uses the remote. I think the vaccum would work out well with the remote, or maybe some new type of ghost catching device.
Hmm. Okay. I thought I had seen it would only be 1 hour. So it is in question. If there was a conference that could be more than 1 hour, this would be it.
sonycowboy said:

1) Wii will win system of the show. On the back of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, & Super Smash Bros and, of course, the controller

2) The system will look on par with the lesser 360 titles, but the games will be very clean and vibrant giving them a more appealing look to many media folk.

3) Everyone (and I mean everyone) will love the controller

4) They will have MAJOR Japanese 3rd party partners on stage with some killer announcements.

5) American made games will be underwhelming and ~many will make uninspired use of the controller, but there will be a few games which will capture folks imagination and fancy.

6) Virtual console games will be $10 and less for GCN games and select N64 games, $5 and less for other N64 and older games with some being as low as $2-$2.50.

I agree with most of these predictions.


I think you guys need to take into account the Sony conference. If Sony drops some sort of bomb (like last year) then Nintendo may go into a "plan B" mode (again, like last year).
DrGAKMAN said:
I think you guys need to take into account the Sony conference. If Sony drops some sort of bomb (like last year) then Nintendo may go into a "plan B" mode (again, like last year).

Good point but what was the bomb of last year?
DrGAKMAN said:
I think you guys need to take into account the Sony conference. If Sony drops some sort of bomb (like last year) then Nintendo may go into a "plan B" mode (again, like last year).

"Plan B" mode?

My memory is fuzzy.. what did they change last year about their conference?

Nintendo can't afford to go back into their turtle shell this year, and I think they know that. This will be Wii's coming out party.. it has to be.


DrGAKMAN said:
I think you guys need to take into account the Sony conference. If Sony drops some sort of bomb (like last year) then Nintendo may go into a "plan B" mode (again, like last year).

What Sony bomb last year? All I remember was being bored with powerpoint presentations then near the end shown pre rendered trailers.

Last year at E3, everyone overestimated how far along Nintendo was with Wii, they didn't even have a controller or games to show.
littlewig said:
What Sony bomb last year? All I remember was being bored with powerpoint presentations then near the end shown pre rendered trailers.

Last year at E3, everyone overestimated how far along Nintendo was with Wii, they didn't even have a controller or games to show.

Agreed, they said many times that 2005 wasn't when Wii (then Revolution) would be unveiled. The whole Aries/Broken Saints thing had a lot of folks believing otherwise, when Nintendo had never planned to show anything on the console that year.


Robobandit said:
Agreed, they said many times that 2005 wasn't when Wii (then Revolution) would be unveiled. The whole Aries/Broken Saints thing had a lot of folks believing otherwise, when Nintendo had never planned to show anything on the console that year.

actually, they were planning to show more MP3 footage, but they didn't because they didn't want people to think that it was the BIG game at launch
DrGAKMAN said:
I think you guys need to take into account the Sony conference. If Sony drops some sort of bomb (like last year) then Nintendo may go into a "plan B" mode (again, like last year).

Even if Sony drops every last detail about PS3 and prices it at 349.99 w/60 gig HD, I don't think Nintendo's plans are gonna budge all that much this year. Nintendo KNOWS that all eyes are on them right now, and that pulling back punches now would be devastating. If anything, I think that a strong Sony showing will just force Nintendo to show a few more cards that they hadn't intended on doing.

Last year's E3 was a stopgag to this one. Ever since the last conference, they've been talking up this E3 saying that this is Rev/Wii's big unveiling. They've booked the biggest theater they've ever presented at, and they sent out specific information about the E3 conference in like January or something; way earlier then previously.

Nintendo's ready and prepped to go, and we've only got 3 days now.


Right, right, Nintendo's plans for the pre-show conference won't change too too much, but there's still the possibility though.

Sony had tons of games shown off last year and I think most everyone was shocked/surprized by them...that's what I meant by bomb. And obviously something was up with Nintendo's conference last year 'cos it was delayed almost an hour (fire marshall suppossedly came in and said there was too many people there, then it got delayed again 'cos Nintendo was having some "technical difficulties" which is where I think they want into a lighter "Plan B" showing).

My predictions:
-Nintendo Conference- Wiimote, wiimote, wiimote...oh wait what's this: A BUILT-IN CAMERA TOO, the "secret" (tm) is that Wii CAN SEE YOU NOW, PS3 CUNTER-TRUMP TOTAL
-Microsoft Conference- Hey guys, we should be focussing all our efforts on X360 games, but here's the HD-DVD strap-on & X-BOY portable connectivity gaming system 'cos everybody's doin' it yo...NEW HARDWARE FTW, oh yeah and Halo 3, 'cos that's all we got
-E3 Day 2 06- Sony later announces possible launch price for PS3 to save face/continue hype
-E3 Day 3 06- Nintendo counters soon after: "we're launching with Mario in Japan in 1 month...oh yeah, and for like $200 cheaper"


DrGAKMAN said:
My predictions:
-Nintendo Conference- Wiimote, wiimote, wiimote...oh wait what's this: A BUILT-IN CAMERA TOO, the "secret" (tm) is that Wii CAN SEE YOU NOW, PS3 CUNTER-TRUMP TOTAL
-Microsoft Conference- Hey guys, we should be focussing all our efforts on X360 games, but here's the HD-DVD strap-on & X-BOY portable connectivity gaming system 'cos everybody's doin' it yo...NEW HARDWARE FTW, oh yeah and Halo 3, 'cos that's all we got
-E3 Day 2 06- Sony later announces possible launch price for PS3 to save face/continue hype
-E3 Day 3 06- Nintendo counters soon after: "we're launching with Mario in Japan in 1 month...oh yeah, and for like $200 cheaper"

:lol :lol :lol

Oh Gosh, my gut...
IAmtheFMan said:
Even if Sony drops every last detail about PS3 and prices it at 349.99 w/60 gig HD, I don't think Nintendo's plans are gonna budge all that much this year. Nintendo KNOWS that all eyes are on them right now, and that pulling back punches now would be devastating. If anything, I think that a strong Sony showing will just force Nintendo to show a few more cards that they hadn't intended on doing.

Last year's E3 was a stopgag to this one. Ever since the last conference, they've been talking up this E3 saying that this is Rev/Wii's big unveiling. They've booked the biggest theater they've ever presented at, and they sent out specific information about the E3 conference in like January or something; way earlier then previously.

Nintendo's ready and prepped to go, and we've only got 3 days now.

Yeah, it really seemed like a big mistake at last E3. But of course, it's not the same situation this E3. I dont think it would have "helped" Nintendo revealing all of Wii's big factors before now. 360 ended up rushed, PS3 was nowhere in site. Where exactly would Wii have fit into the picture?

At least now, when the news comes out it'll be coming out when the next-generation scene is actually coming into the forefront
(yes, I purposely dodged the whole opinion of next-gen doesnt begin until PS3 is released slash(/) 360 is only Xbox 1.5 and not next gen opinion)


-Nintendo Conference- Wiimote, wiimote, wiimote...oh wait what's this: A BUILT-IN CAMERA TOO, the "secret" (tm) is that Wii CAN SEE YOU NOW, PS3 CUNTER-TRUMP TOTAL

Huh... How would that counter anything? I doubt something like a camera would have much impact...


Amir0x said:
haha, DrGAKMAN isn't meant to be taken seriously.

He's a cool fellow, though. Just as long as he doesn't troll hardcore then he's OK in my book.

Anyway my Nintendo E3 predictions
Nintendo for the first half focuses on tons of Nintendo DS stuff.
- Mario Basket 3 on 3: 6 player online play
- New Super Mario Bros: go on a couple of minutes how this game rocks (which it does obviously)
- Zelda PH: go on a couple of minutes on how the game rocks (which it most likely will)
- Pokemon DS: should'nt be much of a surprise that this shows up. I believe it will. I'll definitely be a happy panda once this releases... it'll be my first Pokemon game
- Ouendan is going to be translated for American shores; it's going to have a level editor of sorts where fans are able to download other fans patterns to play with. You can download their patterns online
- 3rd party titles: Tales of the Tempest / Children of Mana / FF3DS and others
- I expect Capcom is going to reveal not only Phoenix Wright 4 is coming... but 2 and 3 as well for the DS (not coming to just cell phones)
- Jam with the Band is going to be there; and there's going to be similar to the Ouendan idea I came up with... download song patterns and such online

Otherwise I think all DS fans will be happy and this year is going to be the systems best year yet.

Then for the 2nd half of the show Nintendo goes all out with Wii.
- Metroid Prime 3 will be shown; everyone loves it
- SSB Wii is going to be shown; we all take a shit in our pants until we find out that the control method they thought is actually pretty cool. Oh yeah, online play too!
- Zelda TP will be shown again. Orchestral music and awesome environments FTW.
- 3rd parties will show Nintendo fans that they are trying their damnest to come up with neat ideas for the controller: I think Madden / a baseball game / Tony Hawk game and other 3rd party games will ease our concerns a bit.
- The secret? Something that brings us closer to virtual reality! (I'm sorry but I love anything dealing with VR. I would LOVE to program something in VR one day too!)
- Nintendo reveals $199 price point with 2 remotes packed in.
- Virtual console will have the following prices: 2 bucks for NES/Turbographix/Genesis games; 4 bucks for SNES games; 8 bucks for N64. 5- 10 bucks for new game content that will be available. (terrific idea from Nintendo taking a cue from XBLA... I hear all the Xbox360 players love Geometry Wars)

I think the online aspect will be much more fleshed out on the Wii
- univeral name for all games; a buddylist for over 300 users.
- each game has a lobby to voice chat in
- and there's going to be a rental service of some sort for the Virtual console games
- and there will be games that will get away from the DREADFUL 4 players that DS games have right now... expect online games with players from 20 and maximum of 48 for those FPS games. I know the Wii doesn't come anywhere CLOSE to the 360/PS3... but I believe it has enough power under its hood to allow alot of players at the sametime in a game as well as having a true lobby system like Xbox Live has

DS online stuff
- there's going to be more games online more than ever by the end of the year; Mario Basket online, Madden online, 4 swords rip off online and etc.
- Nintendo (hopefully) will fix the problems with the friends list. You no longer have to add a fucking stupid 500 DIGITS just to add a friend to the buddy list. You just tap in their name and you add them automatically. And you can add strangers and the like also.

The final surprise that Nintendo has?
- a new franchise from Miyamoto that myself and all Nintendo fans will go batshit insane over
- and then Miyamoto shows us next-gen Mario; and that's the case where I buy $10k of Nintendo stock and wait like a kid in Christmas for the Wii

Wii release date? Thanksgiving. $199. A decent launch, not all of us will be convinced at first; but then as the year goes along we'll all be surely convinced and etc etc.


JavyOO7 said:
He's a cool fellow, though. Just as long as he doesn't troll hardcore then he's OK in my book.

I would call DrGAKMAN many things, but "cool"... eh. ;)

GAKMAN's crazy over the top predictions which never come true, where he makes long posts filled with graph paper images and hopeful dreams that always get dashed... I feel sorta sad sometimes :p


every year nintendo fans go crazy over nintendo at e3 and have the most wild and insane expectations...yet at the same time nintendo hasn't really had a great e3 since 2002.


SomeDude said:
every year nintendo fans go crazy over nintendo at e3 and have the most wild and insane expectations...yet at the same time nintendo hasn't really had a great e3 since 2002.

This year... is the good one.



SomeDude said:
every year nintendo fans go crazy over nintendo at e3 and have the most wild and insane expectations...yet at the same time nintendo hasn't really had a great e3 since 2002.

This E3 should'nt dissapoint, IMO. I truly feel that Nintendo will show the world that the Wii is a serious competitor in the industry and that its wacky controller it has will one day be adopted as a standard. And of course there's the DS.

I see nothing wrong with Ninty fans go batshit insane though... yeah, the fallout is crazy afterwards if the show doesn't meet their expectations but oh well. IMO its all good and fun. It's honestly a great time to be a Nintendo fan, or a videogame fan in general.


People just have to remember that Wii is not trying to compete with PS3 and 360 anymore, especially in terms of that same kind of support. Nintendo knows that's a costly, losing battle that they don't want to be part of.

If you accept that, this E3 will be great for you... because Wii is gonna win E3 2006 system of the show, yo.


...and then when the Wii sells an absurd 100 million consoles, than Ninty fans can salivate at the fact that their new machine will boost insane hardware that will give us TOY STORY GRAPHICS(tm).*



Ticket arrived today, it's Hyrule for me!

Any final word on how the sections are aranged yet? I've heard conflicting stories about who's closest, etc.

Oh, and fingers crossed for a replay of GDC, but this time everyone gets copies of NSMB.


fugimax said:
Ticket arrived today, it's Hyrule for me!

Any final word on how the sections are aranged yet? I've heard conflicting stories about who's closest, etc.

Oh, and fingers crossed for a replay of GDC, but this time everyone gets copies of NSMB.

What are the sections???
fugimax said:
Ticket arrived today, it's Hyrule for me!

Any final word on how the sections are aranged yet? I've heard conflicting stories about who's closest, etc.

Oh, and fingers crossed for a replay of GDC, but this time everyone gets copies of NSMB.

Haha yeah right. With Brain Age, Nintendo needed to show people it was a good game and gave some copies away. With NSMB, they'll grab every dime.


BorkBork said:
Pretty good 2005 too. The DS lineup was widely regarded as the best lineup for any system.
Yep. 2001 was also a great e3. Nintendo has had great e3's every year but 2003.


It is almost unbelievable that in 3 days we will finally discover the Wii's games. We have wait for so much time that it seems irreal now.


soundwave05 said:
My predictions ...
Star Wars Lightsaber Wii title from LucasArts.
You could make a light saber game where whatever you cut melts like butter, but to have a dueling game would not be possible.


Hopefully we'll get...

- Mario 128 demonstration
- Pikmin Wii announcement
- Metroid 3 playable

I'm really looking forward to this. Wii will be an instant purchase anyway.
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