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Nintendo Smash Presentation 6/22


Yeah Arms doesn’t really do anything for me. I’m sure the character will be annoying to play against though! I’m imagining a fast and ranged smash attack with those springy arms

Codes 208

Gold Member
Fuck me Nintendo need to get over Smash. It’s all they ever fucking talk about.
This is the first time they e even brought it up since the last big direct which was back in march.

plus its not like people arent excited to see new characters, the game has the second largest install base on the system behind mk8


I like Smash, but who the fuck cares about ARMS?

I like the character designs



My guess, either Twintelle or Min-Min. Then you can't complain about minority representation, am I right?

Considering the lack of female characters in the first pass it has to be one of the girls as the rep. Min-Min and Twintelle are just too popular to not pick one of them at this point.


Oh fuck yeah!

Love Smash, loved ARMS!

If this track doesn't make it in I'm gonna riot! Best track in the game.

I'm assuming it gonna be kinda like Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings, you can selected from a bunch of different skins but the base character is essentially the same.

I sure hope so! That would be great!


And we're all gonna watch it anyway.

To be honest, I kind of enjoy seeing Sakurai break down the new characters.
I wish we could see a lot more of that from developers.

It gives a good insight into how they see gaming compared to how the audience might see it.
I just wish they added an associated Assist Trophy to each character (even if this game has one in the main game).

I am interested in the Stage and Music anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
I sure hope it isn't the most generic character in the cast...
I sure hope it isn't the most generic character in the cast...

It'll cause outrage anyway:

- Springman/Ribbon Girl: BORING
- Twintella: Pandering to the Clique
- Minmin: Skin not black enough

Although personally any option is BORING, because ARMS is BORING. If I had to choose, Minmin would be my favorite, though. Although that Atztec guy looks cool, too.


I'd understand the salt in this thread if the ARMS character was the final DLC character.

It's still taking up a slot that could have gone to one of the remaining 3rd party characters that still need to make it in. I prefer an ARMs character to something of the usual fan requests but it still isnt super exciting.


Gold Member
It's still taking up a slot that could have gone to one of the remaining 3rd party characters that still need to make it in. I prefer an ARMs character to something of the usual fan requests but it still isnt super exciting.
I guess if you're picking fighters based on character popularity and series representation. I'm excited about an ARMS fighter because (in a series packed with clones or and characters with shared moves) they'll play radically differently from any other fighter in the roster... at least I hope they will. Are there any extant fighters whose moves could be cobbled together an ARMS character?
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It's still taking up a slot that could have gone to one of the remaining 3rd party characters that still need to make it in. I prefer an ARMs character to something of the usual fan requests but it still isnt super exciting.
I mean yes but can't have every character be Banjo-level, y'know? Nothing to stop them from extending with another pass after the next. That said I'll fucking riot if they give the ARMS character a sword ARM.
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