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Nintendo Switch will not be sunk by PS5 and Xbox Series X


The Switch Pro doesn't even make sense. First off how is it going to work? Is it going to be an upgraded handheld? Welp there goes the thermal and power consumption envelope not to mention a dramatic uptick in cost merely because of the form factor.

Oh it's going to be a new dock? So essentially they're going to sell you a second console on top of the one you bought but you're going to need to have the Switch arbitrarily for operation when in reality the dock should be 100% standalone.

None of it makes any sense.
It doesn’t make sense to you.
You do realize there are die shrinks to make things more power efficient and have better battery life.
nVidia doesn’t like being left out of the console market and makes custom SOC for Nintendo like Mariko but better, you ask how it’s going to work? Duh , like the old one just better.
There have been confirmed reports from Sharp and other insiders saying they are suppliers for new IGZO screens which surprise are again more energy
efficient .
The Switch Pro doesn't even make sense. First off how is it going to work? Is it going to be an upgraded handheld? Welp there goes the thermal and power consumption envelope not to mention a dramatic uptick in cost merely because of the form factor.

Oh it's going to be a new dock? So essentially they're going to sell you a second console on top of the one you bought but you're going to need to have the Switch arbitrarily for operation when in reality the dock should be 100% standalone.

None of it makes any sense.
The same way PS4pro and XBX work


mhm his information is wrong. Wii dropped like a rock the moment kinect and move started selling. Also the Wii aged HORRIFICALLY due to it's horrible xbox specs as the PS4/XONE started launching with tech that was two generations ahead of wii.

If nintendo does not drop a 4K SWITCH PRO that has specs on par with at least a ps4 pro, good luck against the PS5 and SERIES X. Especially if remote play takes off.
mhm his information is wrong. Wii dropped like a rock the moment kinect and move started selling. Also the Wii aged HORRIFICALLY due to it's horrible xbox specs as the PS4/XONE started launching with tech that was two generations ahead of wii.

If nintendo does not drop a 4K SWITCH PRO that has specs on par with at least a ps4 pro, good luck against the PS5 and SERIES X. Especially if remote play takes off.
I don't think those consoles can play Pokemon Games.

3ds sold nearly 75m thanks to Pokemon.

Switch is currently outpacing 3ds+WiiU and PS4 launch alligned.

One thing to note, Wii was heavily owned by casual and soccer mom demographic.

Wii Sport - 83m
Wii Sport Resort - 33m
Wii Fit - 22m
Wii Fit Plus - 21m
Wii Play - 28m
Wii Party - 9m

Zelda Skyward Sword only sold 4m lol while BOTW is the highest selling Zelda and tracking to pass 20m barrier soon.

SMO is already the best selling 3d Mario.
Smash Bros Ultimate is the best selling Smash.
SMP is tracking to be the best selling Mario Party Game.
LM3 is tracking to sell more than 10m
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is going after 37m barrier with 17m more to go.

Switch audience = core Nintendo fanbase and not casual fans that go after smartphone craze in 2010.
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Nintendo will live they've been correcting there mistake of trying to chase casual like they did with the wiiu. Sony and MS are the ones people should be worrying about sony especially them not investing in the jp market at all outside of some throw away vr titles is dishearting to say the least. But hey we got to keep paying for BS like Cod DLC exclusivity and limited fortnight skins for johhny.
Nope, for as long as they keep making great games they’ll be fine. It’s only a small bunch of neckbeard nerds who care too much about teraflops.
Releasing $500 console is really a big gamble for those companies.

I think mid gen console upgrades like PS4pro and XBX did more harm than good when it comes to building the next gen hardware as the expectation raised and used those mid gen as the benchmark whether the system is truly a gen ahead or not. Even at $500 price point they're still selling it at loss based on rumored specs.


I don't think those consoles can play Pokemon Games.

3ds sold nearly 75m thanks to Pokemon.

Switch is currently outpacing 3ds+WiiU and PS4 launch alligned.

One thing to note, Wii was heavily owned by casual and soccer mom demographic.

Wii Sport - 83m
Wii Sport Resort - 33m
Wii Fit - 22m
Wii Fit Plus - 21m
Wii Play - 28m
Wii Party - 9m

Zelda Skyward Sword only sold 4m lol while BOTW is the highest selling Zelda and tracking to pass 20m barrier soon.

SMO is already the best selling 3d Mario.
Smash Bros Ultimate is the best selling Smash.
SMP is tracking to be the best selling Mario Party Game.
LM3 is tracking to sell more than 10m
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is going after 37m barrier with 17m more to go.

Switch audience = core Nintendo fanbase and not casual fans that go after smartphone craze in 2010.

true. I don’t expect Nintendo to disappear at all tbh. I think they are at their most popular since the wii era. Switch is the 3Ds and Wii U platform come together. That’s some 80 million or so people as a home base. So I wouldn’t be shocked if switch sold upwards of 80 million units. But there will be a big disparity between it and the ps5 when it comes to visual fidelity and loading times.

Airbus Jr

true. I don’t expect Nintendo to disappear at all tbh. I think they are at their most popular since the wii era. Switch is the 3Ds and Wii U platform come together. That’s some 80 million or so people as a home base. So I wouldn’t be shocked if switch sold upwards of 80 million units. But there will be a big disparity between it and the ps5 when it comes to visual fidelity and loading times.

Nintendo will thrive while the other two will fail...

The next Nintendo system after Switch..

If it can provide amazing hardware to sustain third party game support ...combined with their amazing first party game...will be the an epic system that xbox and ps would never achieve...
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Gold Member
Nintendo will thrive while the other two will fail...

The next Nintendo system after Switch..

If it can provide amazing hardware to sustain third party game support ...combined with their amazing first party game...will be the an epic system that xbox and ps would never achieve...
Nintendo is in a different boat. They don't even need good third party support. When was the last time they had top notch third party games like PS and Xbox systems have? Maybe Gamecube?

A good price, a cool gameplay factor and first party games. That's all they need. The brand can live off gamers buying 10 first party games and a handful of small scale games or gimped third party ports.

Sony and MS are different. People expect more games, more power, better online, more system features you name it. Higher expectations.
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Airbus Jr

Nintendo is in a different boat. They don't even need good third party support. When was the last time they had top notch third party games like PS and Xbox systems have? Maybe Gamecube?

A good price, a cool gameplay factor and first party games. That's all they need. The brand can live off gamers buying 10 first party games and a handful of small scale games or gimped third party ports.

Sony and MS are different. People expect more games, more power, better online, more system features you name it. Higher expectations.

There were times when they have such a powerhouse unit

N64 and Gamecube were ahead of Playstation back then

Would love to see the return of that ( Nintendo to outmuscle the competition )

They can become the home system everybody wants that can support both first and third party game
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Gold Member
There were times when they have power house unit

N64 and Gamecube were ahead of Playstation back then

Would love to see the return of that ( Nintendo to outmuscle the competition )
I would like to see that too. And I'm not even a Nintendo gamer. Haven't been since SNES.

But with more power = more third party devs jumping on. For those gamers who only have one system and it's Nintendo, your gaming options open up a lot when EA, Rockstar, Bethesda etc..... start releasing all their games in full and on time too.

That way you get first party and full support of third party games. All in one ecosystem. No need to buy another platform for other third party games.


Nintendo will thrive while the other two will fail...

The next Nintendo system after Switch..

If it can provide amazing hardware to sustain third party game support ...combined with their amazing first party game...will be the an epic system that xbox and ps would never achieve...

mhm you can argue ps has stepped up their first party dramatically this gen. It’s not Nintendo yet, but it’s not far. I canstill see Nintendo going 3rd party w their ip. It makes the most sense to release Pokémon on iOS and Android. Vs a small console base.
It doesn’t make sense to you.
You do realize there are die shrinks to make things more power efficient and have better battery life.
nVidia doesn’t like being left out of the console market and makes custom SOC for Nintendo like Mariko but better, you ask how it’s going to work? Duh , like the old one just better.
There have been confirmed reports from Sharp and other insiders saying they are suppliers for new IGZO screens which surprise are again more energy
efficient .
A die shrink wouldn't alleviate any of the problems I outlined if your intention was a 'Pro' console.

The same way PS4pro and XBX work
This doesn't explain away anything.


Gold Member
They may not sink it but honestly who will actually care about it? The Switch had the luxury of launching when people were already thinking about new consoles from Microsoft and Sony, when they were on the beginning of a downward trend.

To make matters worse for Switch 3rd party is basically going to cease in its entirety. I mean right now it barely gets anything from the 8th gen and is surviving on first party, old ports from the 360/PS3 and indie games.

I sold mine, it's becoming a shovelware platform like the Wii and getting abandoned by third party like the Wii U.

First post and it's already about Xbox, could you people be any more buttblasted about their console...
Aren’t you tired of always being wrong?


Gold Member
They may not sink it but honestly who will actually care about it? The Switch had the luxury of launching when people were already thinking about new consoles from Microsoft and Sony, when they were on the beginning of a downward trend.

To make matters worse for Switch 3rd party is basically going to cease in its entirety. I mean right now it barely gets anything from the 8th gen and is surviving on first party, old ports from the 360/PS3 and indie games.

I sold mine, it's becoming a shovelware platform like the Wii and getting abandoned by third party like the Wii U.

First post and it's already about Xbox, could you people be any more buttblasted about their console...
Nintendo systems are for fans of their first party games, and form factor/gameplay gimmick. And as a diversion, some small scale indie games or shovelware to round out the game library.

If any gamer is buying a Nintendo console expecting top notch third party support, you're about 3 generations too late.

When even money hoarding EA doesn't bother releasing most of their games on a console, you know the audience doesn't care about third party games.

Even when a Nintendo system did have good third party games at release (Wii U), the buyers still didn't give a shit. They'd rather play Call if Duty, Batman, Mass Effect etc.... on MS, Sony or PC. Those Wii U versions were supposed to be pretty good, yet sales still stunk.
Nintendo systems are for fans of their first party games, and form factor/gameplay gimmick. And as a diversion, some small scale indie games or shovelware to round out the game library.

If any gamer is buying a Nintendo console expecting top notch third party support, you're about 3 generations too late.

When even money hoarding EA doesn't bother releasing most of their games on a console, you know the audience doesn't care about third party games.

Even when a Nintendo system did have good third party games at release (Wii U), the buyers still didn't give a shit. They'd rather play Call if Duty, Batman, Mass Effect etc.... on MS, Sony or PC. Those Wii U versions were supposed to be pretty good, yet sales still stunk.
Which plays completely into what I've said, that when those systems release it's going to eat a big portion of Nintendo's lunch. People are going to be thinking about them, talking about them, focused on the games coming out for them, spending their money on them. Sure the Switch will continue to sell but a portion of the finances being poured into their market is going to be diverted away without any shred of a doubt.


Gold Member
Which plays completely into what I've said, that when those systems release it's going to eat a big portion of Nintendo's lunch. People are going to be thinking about them, talking about them, focused on the games coming out for them, spending their money on them. Sure the Switch will continue to sell but a portion of the finances being poured into their market is going to be diverted away without any shred of a doubt.

Nintendo's success comes from unique gameplay first, games second. I'd say MS and Sony are opposite. Pretty sure the average PS or Xbox gamer just wants a traditional black box under their TV and let the games do the talking with a standard controller.

If Nintendo comes up with a cool new system with a unique twist on gameplay, they'll be fine. and may sell like hotcakes. But if they release a system that the gaming public seems as ho hum gameplay, or pointless since they already have an iPad (Wii U) then their Marios and Zeldas won't be enough and it will sell crap.

That's why N64, GC and Wii U bombed. They still all had great Marios, Zeldas and Karts. But with no gimmicky gameplay, the system didn't have enough draw as third party game support are lousy.

One factor that always helps Nintendo regardless.... price. They always have low priced systems.

The second they release a system comparable to competition (Wii U at $300 when 360 and PS3 were around the same price), Nintendo sales drop like a rock.
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I bought switch because it was proven to be this and next gen JRPG trove, so yeah people buying switch has different intention from the people that buys the two other


Let me paint a picture here and obviously you can disagree:

Nintendo does it thing and is separated from the other two competitors which is good as they have their own niche and mass market (Pokemon/Mario/smash) carved out.

MS knows what is coming in the long run and is changing to a more play anywhere future where you can have game pass on PC or an Xbox and play the games between the two, maybe even the switch if Nintendo and them can iron terms out. Meaning that MS no longer has to rely on Hardware sales in order to make money and their games can reach wide swath between PC, Xbox, Switch (or whatever Nintendo has going on in the future). Not to mention Xcloud which can extend out to iPhone/android. Meaning that MS now has a solid foundation to reach out to any platform and be able to maybe help small developers along with big publishers without them having to make their own services and or apps.

Sony tries to rely on their hardware business along with their exclusives. Maybe branching out to PC a little to late and ignoring the actual future ahead of them.

Now mind you I don't hate Sony and will always respect what they have brought to the table, but it seems to me right now looking from the outside they are behind in the future outlook and seem to be trying to play catch up. MS is putting out hardware that you have the option to buy if you want and it will be capable. Nintendo has their niche and mass market games yet seems to be looking to the future with some MS pairings and dabbling in co-existence with MS. Sony just seems to be lagging behind and trying to play catch up.

I could be totally wrong and welcome it if I am, but it just seems Nintendo/MS are looking ahead and may be willing to work together in the future. Sony seems to be shying away and trying to build everything themselves which may work, but it may not. We shall see and I am hopeful that everybody can co-exist.
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Nintendo Switch already has created its own demand, and that will continue even into next generation. Nintendo doesn't need to try and be like Sony and Microsoft. Their only concern is to keep up with and stay relevant with the much broader gaming industry in general, and that doesn't necessarily mean make the most powerful box out there.


Gold Member
Clearly he has a vested interest in saying/believing that given his business. It doesn't make him wrong though. The Switch is different enough (and cheap enough... for now, we'll see about the pro) that it can still hold its niche while the other two battle it out for the primary console slot.

On the other hand, people have a finite amount of time and money that they are willing to spend on gaming, and early adopters want to devote most of that to their shiny new toy. There will be a dip compared to the alternate universe where Sony and MS don't release followup consoles, but Switch sales won't crater or anything. To succeed, Nintendo just has to ride out the next three years, keeping up as much momentum as they can with new games and price drops.

The real question for Nintendo's long-term prospects is, "Will they finally learn how to pull of a successful generational transition?" Or, to put it another way, "Can they keep putting out games for the last 18 months of the Switch's life while also preparing for their next gen machine?" If they do, they might be able to jump from success to success instead of having each generation be a roll of the dice.

EDIT: All of this assumes that Lockheart, if it exists, is a budget console and NOT and ultra-powerful Switch-like capable of running next-gen games at lower settings. Even then though, I think Nintendo would still be pretty safe, unless Microsoft is planning to lean hard into a loss-leading strategy... like really, really hard. lol
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Mass Shift

Doesn't Nintendo usually stay in their own lane every generation anyway?

They don't pose a threat and they don't have any perceived threats to their business model.
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Doesn't Nintendo usually stay in their own lane every generation anyway?

They don't pose a threat and they don't have any perceived threats to their business model.
Nintendo's biggest enemy is Nintendo.

WiiU failures wasn't because of PS4 and XBO but because they were trying to recapture the casual fans that was already abandoned the gaming devices and gone to smart phone as the main platform.

That big ass WiiU gamepad controller was the evidence of that lol. What were they thinking when designing that monstrousity? Nintendo themselves didn't know how to ultilize that shit properly. I think only Zombi U was the only game that came close in ultilizing that concept.


The new consoles will make a dent in it for sure. Not many people have $1000 to just splash on video game consoles this year, and four years into the Switch's life cycle means the majority of people who want it, have it. It's not going to move as many units as it did the previous years unless it receives a deep discount or a pro version releases(which they would be moronic not to.)

4 years? Switch hasn’t been out even 3 years yet.
Zelda Skyward Sword only sold 4m lol while BOTW is the highest selling Zelda and tracking to pass 20m barrier soon.
Switch audience = core Nintendo fanbase and not casual fans that go after smartphone craze in 2010.

This is a very important distinction between past Nintendo consoles and the Switch. The other important distinction is that it is also a handheld. Previous Sony / MS consoles didn't materially affect Nintendo handheld sales, it's unlikely they will affect the Switch very much. A little? Sure. But the market is completely different.
We have gaming market expert like Mat NPD who believed that PS5 and XSX will not going to do anything to Switch and he predicted Switch to be the market leader YOY even with those new consoles on the market
That's neat, it's simple economics. If you introduce new products into a competing market it will cause run off from existing products. No one is saying the Switch is going to fall off so stop acting all butt blasted about this, merely that it will take a hit as a result of these systems.
That's neat, it's simple economics. If you introduce new products into a competing market it will cause run off from existing products. No one is saying the Switch is going to fall off so stop acting all butt blasted about this, merely that it will take a hit as a result of these systems.
Dispersal of equity 🤭
Posting dumb smileys isn't some form of rational counter, it's rudimentary as can be. Nintendo may not compete with Sony and Microsoft in terms of the experiences they offer but they absolutely do compete for where money is spent.
Same thing can go against the new Systems as well. Why would they spent $500 on a new system when they can get Nintendo Switch+BOTW+MK8D+SSBU+SMO at the same price.

New Pokemon, new Zelda, new Mario, and AC will not available on PS5 and XSX.
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Same thing can go against the new Systems as well. Why would they spent $500 on a new system when they can get Nintendo Switch+BOTW+MK8D+SSBU+SMO at the same price.

New Pokemon, new Zelda, new Mario, and AC will not available on PS5 and XSX.
Sure it can, but the impact will be extremely one sided. These are new consoles, the Switch is not. It will be nearly 4 years old at the time these release and there's going to be a large financial upheaval as people begin saving money to invest in these new ecosystems.

Also your example doesn't do you any favors in relation to the Series X because you'll be able to get the console and a breadth of games right off the bat with a subscription so it would effectually cost the same.
Sure it can, but the impact will be extremely one sided. These are new consoles, the Switch is not. It will be nearly 4 years old at the time these release and there's going to be a large financial upheaval as people begin saving money to invest in these new ecosystems.

Also your example doesn't do you any favors in relation to the Series X because you'll be able to get the console and a breadth of games right off the bat with a subscription so it would effectually cost the same.
Why would they spent it on XSX instead of playing that library on the existing console?

It's time for you to stop using WiiU as a benchmark of what going to happen to Switch, WiiU was a catastrophe from the get go and selling at the snail pace in the first year of release while Switch is currently outpacing PS4 launch alligned without any price drop.


We have gaming market expert like Mat NPD who believed that PS5 and XSX will not going to do anything to Switch and he predicted Switch to be the market leader YOY even with those new consoles on the market

Could easily be, PS5 and Xbox series X could easily try to outmuscle eachother again much the PS3 and xbox360 area which ups the prices considerable where nintendo is the only option for many. A 150 buck switch with a game and new zelda is a no brainer then.
Oh it wouldn’t , that tells me you have no clue what your talking about then.
Thanks wasting my time.
I know exactly what I'm talking about, don't delude yourself into thinking you do.

You want to cram 3-4 times the compute into roughly the same form factor and you think a die shrink is going to make that possible without dramatically increasing cost not only because of the hardware itself but also how it has to be engineered around the form factor, plus the obvious thermal and power consumption issues....

But I don't have a clue what I'm talking about? Go back to your toys.

Why would they spent it on XSX instead of playing that library on the existing console?

It's time for you to stop using WiiU as a benchmark of what going to happen to Switch, WiiU was a catastrophe from the get go and selling at the snail pace in the first year of release while Switch is currently outpacing PS4 launch alligned without any price drop.
Well it's pretty simple really, that period of crossover is extremely short not to mention the results on these varied platforms will be starkly different so it will absolutely sell.


I know exactly what I'm talking about, don't delude yourself into thinking you do.

You want to cram 3-4 times the compute into roughly the same form factor and you think a die shrink is going to make that possible without dramatically increasing cost not only because of the hardware itself but also how it has to be engineered around the form factor, plus the obvious thermal and power consumption issues....

But I don't have a clue what I'm talking about? Go back to your toys.

Well it's pretty simple really, that period of crossover is extremely short not to mention the results on these varied platforms will be starkly different so it will absolutely sell.
You truly don’t, stop trying to fool people you do because it’s obvious you don’t . You have no idea how technology works and living in your own reality by yourself, thanks for the laughs but I can’t take anything you say seriously anymore.
Who says it has to be 3-4x the power, your just making up stuff as you go and talking through your ass....again.
You truly don’t, stop trying to fool people you do because it’s obvious you don’t . You have no idea how technology works and living in your own reality by yourself, thanks for the laughs but I can’t take anything you say seriously anymore.
Who says it has to be 3-4x the power, your just making up stuff as you go and talking through your ass....again.
Nice hot take, saying a whole lot of nothing in many words. What would the power profile of a Switch Pro be in your eyes exactly?

1.5x? 2x?

Wow, modern third party games might be able to hit 720p then... Use your head.....
After Zelda and Mario the switch lost a lot of appeal. They don't have good legacy support and the ones that exist are overpriced. It's very underpowered, which is okay, but it makes the longevity questionable going into next gen. Nintendo will always have a spot, but they seem less impactful as I grow older.
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Top 10 best selling XBO and PS4 games worldwide.


Top 10 best selling Switch games worldwide.

Pokemon SwSh
Pokemon Let's GO PE
Splatoon 2

The system that will be affected the most by the new gen consoles is the system that primarily bought to play COD, GTA, FIFA, BF, and etc.
After Zelda and Mario the switch lost a lot of appeal. They don't have good legacy support and the ones that exist are overpriced. It's very underpowered, which is okay, but it makes the longevity questionable going into next gen. Nintendo will always have a spot, but they seem less impactful as I grow older.
BOTW consistently selling 4.5m units every year.
MK8D consistently selling 6m units every year.
Smash Bros Ultimate sold nearly 6m units last year.
SMO, SMP, and Splatoon 2 are selling 2-3m units last year.
NSMBUD, Zelda LA, and MM2 is about to hit 5-6m units mark at the end of 2019

The new Animal Crossing will be released soon, the franchise that consistently sold over 10m in the past.
The sequel to the highest rated game of the generation is confirmed for Switch too.

The base Switch SKU didn't receive any price cut yet.

Nintendo Switch is about to hit the biggest year in term of hardware sales in 2020. In just 2 weeks of 2020 Switch already 34% YOY vs 2019.


Switch will only do as well as it's been supprted. If we keep having years like last year it'll be fine.

Give us a year like 2 years ago and we could be in trouble.

The best example is the Wii which kept selling but had no games after 3 years so it was the only console I can remember that died a death while it was still selling big. Due to the lack of software support from Nintendo.

Nintendo's success comes from unique gameplay first, games second. I'd say MS and Sony are opposite. Pretty sure the average PS or Xbox gamer just wants a traditional black box under their TV and let the games do the talking with a standard controller.

If Nintendo comes up with a cool new system with a unique twist on gameplay, they'll be fine. and may sell like hotcakes. But if they release a system that the gaming public seems as ho hum gameplay, or pointless since they already have an iPad (Wii U) then their Marios and Zeldas won't be enough and it will sell crap.

That's why N64, GC and Wii U bombed. They still all had great Marios, Zeldas and Karts. But with no gimmicky gameplay, the system didn't have enough draw as third party game support are lousy.

One factor that always helps Nintendo regardless.... price. They always have low priced systems.

The second they release a system comparable to competition (Wii U at $300 when 360 and PS3 were around the same price), Nintendo sales drop like a rock.
Dude where is the Pokemon games in you analysis?

Nintendo system with mainline Pokemon games = Success

3ds Pokemon games sales data
Pokemon X and Y - 16.5m
Pokemon Sun and Moon - 16.2m
Pokemon ORAS - 14.2m
Pokemon USUM - 8.6m

Over 55m units sold in 75m 3DS hardware.

Switch only got 2 Pokemon games so far.

Pokemon Let's GO PE - 11.28m
Pokemon SwSh - ??(My estimation for the first shipment is around 12-14m)

So Switch is likely to get at least two more Pokemon games(Remake and Gen 9) in future.
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