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NIS CEO: "Important that PS4 and Switch balance out." Multiplat "very much" possible.


Neo Member
So do you expect to see FF XV, Ni No Kuni 2, Nier Automata, Marvel VS Capcom Infinite, Tekken 7 and RE VII for the Switch

Ni No kuni shouldn´t be that hard, because it is also cellshading.
About the other games I can´t speak, because I never played them or saw enough to judge.

And for FFXV, no. Not because the switch couldn´t handle a downgrade version, but rather no one at SE wants to go back to development hell because of the luminous engine.

To the CEO. I am happy. I never played Disgaea just had interested in it. Now I watched the WHY IS DISGEA V THE BEST GAME I am really hyped and will buy it.
I don't see any way that switch doesn't succeed in japan.

Ps4 suffers from home console stigma and cost of development expectations.

Switch is the only mobile games platform alternative to mobile free to play games.

Maintains ps3 era level fidelity expectations that can manage production cost that many Japanese developers target anyway.

Best case scenario (semi-realistic) would be it being closer to the DS and PSP in terms of getting of getting 3rd party Japanese support, with the hopefully added benefit of being a mix of 3ds+wiiu+vita for indies (where, asides from sometimes PC, vita especially became a great indie machine)

Worst case scenario (semi-realistic) is that it when you take 3ds+vita into account, it continues a steady decline as mobile takes over more.
I did. It doesn't change the point though. As for Switch being not much different, you're right. This is why it'll struggle imo as of now, because of a lack of exciting exclusive. 3rd parties multiplatforms weren't going to make it a success, at all.

One thing I can't knock the Wii U for is its exclusive library. I have the upmost faith that the Switch's exclusive library is going to be where it needs to be. What the Switch needs is 3rd party multiplatforms to fill in the holes and to draw in a wider audience to be successful.


Poor Xbox. Sitting in the corner, crying



Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Switch + PS4 = the new Nintendo Playstation

I feel like this is the best course of action for smaller and medium sized multiplat developers.

Focus on Switch's hardware as lead platform, then port up to PS4.

PS4 can get global sales and Japan console sales. Switch can supplement with Japanese handheld and also console sales. Throw in PC for the western market and profit +_+


Tangentially related but if the switch gets a plenty of mid tier and indie third party support, I will personally be happier with that than AAA third party support. The AAA stuff would do more for overall success but I don't really play that stuff.


Who are the ones developing the PC ports? NISA? They got Yomawari day 1 so that's nice, hope they continue with the higher profile works.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
So spend a majority of resources making the version few people are going to play and then port to the console that more people have? Makes sense...

Well it would also be a good limiter for devs who generally are smaller and don't have the resources to stretch their budget too far to take full advantage of PS4 anyway.

I mean it might be cheaper to do so right? And then they dont have to worry about making a PS4 title and scaling it down to Switch. With Switch to PS4, they can just port it over directly without having to touch anything outside of the codebase


Well it would also be a good limiter for devs who generally are smaller and don't have the resources to stretch their budget too far to take full advantage of PS4 anyway.

I mean it might be cheaper to do so right? And then they dont have to worry about making a PS4 title and scaling it down to Switch. With Switch to PS4, they can just port it over directly without having to touch anything outside of the codebase

There's also the possibility that smaller games may have a chance to stand out more in the switch library. Especially early on.
I mean it might be cheaper to do so right? And then they dont have to worry about making a PS4 title and scaling it down to Switch. With Switch to PS4, they can just port it over directly without having to touch anything outside of the codebase

I find it hard to believe a game would be cheaper to develop for a Nintendo system than for a Sony system since that has been the opposite of the way it works since the PS1/N64 days. That was part of the reason Sony went with a simplified design for their system rather than reliving the development nightmare that was the Cell Processor. I also find it very hard to believe you wouldn't have to make many drastic changes since PS4 and Switch are going to have completely different hardware, completely different software, and completely different API's being utilized. To port anything well is going to require a substantial amount of work.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
An order of magnitude isn't generally considered "a bit", lol.

Exactly. I really think it would be easier to do up ports of Switch games, which generally are going to have a lot more in common with PS4 games than Vita games or 3DS games.

Switch's games are going to basically be last gen console games as opposed to traditionally handheld compromised experiences


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I really don't expect XV to be on the Switch. Why? You'd have to compress the shit out of XV (from a 50GB game to a 15GB-20GB game) and the graphics will be heavily compromised as seen in one certain game: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=228459553&postcount=151

Although i agree that the highest of the high end games on PS4 likely won't be able to run on switch without cuts devs won't be keen on making, your example of that in Dragon Quest heroes is disingenious.

DQH is probably a rushed port with a lot of downgraded stuff as opposed to fully taking the Switch's architecture into consideration to make the best trade offs for the hardware


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Although i agree that the highest of the high end games on PS4 likely won't be able to run on switch without cuts devs won't be keen on making, your example of that in Dragon Quest heroes is disingenious.

DQH is probably a rushed port with a lot of downgraded stuff as opposed to fully taking the Switch's architecture into consideration to make the best trade offs for the hardware

It could either be rushed or heavily compressed if it's just using 1 cart since DQH1 is already 22.1 GB on PS4 and DQH2 is a bit less than DQH1.
Switch is generations stronger than Vita, let's atleast say that. I think we should all be happy about the new minimum standard for Japan jumping up from flipping 3DS and Vita.

Switch to PS4 upports are a much more positive scenario than the current Vita to PS4 ports in which the games are semi compromised in design decisions to have both platforms run decently, and as we've seen recently with games like Nights of Azure, even those compromises don't stop Vita from running the game like crap.

Toukiden 1 is just a series of repeated levels, and Toukiden 2, while leaning much more on PS4, still has to account for vita, meaning the visuals are sub par and the open world is very constrained while the vita version runs sub par.

If Japan considers the Switch to be a handheld.



But it was interesting not seeing the likes of proper Capcom, Level 5 at the Switch event. Thought they would announce something.

They're probably still developing their next iterations of their franchises. Youkai Watch just released for Level 5 and a new Monster Hunter was announced recently from Capcom. If anything, we'll probably hear from one of them by E3 time.
If you haven't noticed, Japanese PS4 games with the exception of FFXV and MGS4 could probably run on toasters too.

Publishers like Bandai Namco are chomping at the bit to re-use their PS3 Tales of engine again.

This; Most Japanese games on PS4 should have no problem running on the Switch one bit.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
People seriously underestimate the middle and higher end games of Japan in terms of scope.

A lot of these mid tier games could not run on vita even if they are PS3 level. There's a big difference between what vita can do and what PS3 can do at any rate.

People who say they are vita level are being willfully ignorant of the vita and 3DS's limitations on many new releases. Having switch as the new baseline will definately help with that


The Amiga Brotherhood
Yes I do. PC is a different market obviously, because these are different needs, different users.
The closest comparison would be PS4 and Xbox One and why the PS4 is performing much better as it became the de-facto platform to play these games.
But you're right, as for me I don't count these as I can play them better on my PC. What makes a platform stands are the exclusives.

We'll see if I'll write the same for Switch ? Wtf is that ? Some kind of platform loyalty accusation or double standard ? Right, you can actually read my thinking on the matter right now or even before switch event: 3rd party multiplats wont make Switch or Nintendo relevant or a success as these are already on established platforms.

Wii U was all about exclusives.. and yet it's exclusive library was dire and really lacking in term of excitement. No, Wii U didn't failed because it only had exclusives, it failed because it had a really small library of exclusives. Multiplats games count saleswise, but when you come into account thinking of getting a platform, it's a lot of factors that comes into it. And when you try to sell a new platform with games you can already have on a platform, and better on the platform you already own, it's a tough sell.

I get it, there are people who loves their Vita or their Wii U, that's cool. But they also have to realise that these platforms failed saleswise not because they were some kind of underrated special flakes or misunderstood platforms, but because they just had a lack of games and by that I mean good exclusives titles, that'd make people go "Wow, I need this platform to play this game !"

If you consider pc a different market from ps4 beacuse reasons how can you not consider vita a totally different market from ps4 since it's a handheld?

About exclusives and their importance on platform success we disagree but this isn't the place to discuss it, i will only add that i have never bought a console for its exclusives, exclusive are a very small part of a library and it's shrinking more and more, what i have always wanted is choice, the more games the better, no matter if exclusive, multis etc, exclusives are a big value for sure, but apart some very well known names the more casual people usually don't even know or care if a certain game is exclusive or not.
It's all about the Great Software Pipeline: https://seanmalstrom.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/the-great-software-pipeline/

Exclusives still matter but so does the diversity of games. I largely agree with that piece. I think what ultimately killed off Vita hardware sales growth was the fact that earlier adopters - who bought the system for very different reasons than what it stands for today - weren't assured that they'd receive a steady pipeline of games that they knew they'd be interested in in the future. Sure enough, very little of the Vita's initial library of games saw similar followups (in budget, IP, publisher support). It's the same story with Wii U, where wasn't a credible signal for future support for what people expected for it. 3DS had that so why get a Wii U?

malstrom said:
Above: Selling game consoles is about creating a Great Software Pipeline of both First and Third Party games. It is not about the hardware. It also isn’t about the Killer App. It is about the probability of creating killer-apps. The best way to increase that probability is release as many games as possible.
That's a big deal. Why have there not been any threads about this speculation/rumor? We need to figure this out

But there have been. One of the guys who kept trying to keep people's expectations down on the Wii U and was pretty accurate with some things there has been saying the Switch CPU is stronger than the PS4/XB1 for months now. Right here on GAF, but it's positive Switch rumors so it's ignored and downplayed.


Without Vita, Japanese 3rd parties need the switch to suceed. If it fails there's only PS4 and mobile. PS4 sells poorly in Japan, and mobile isn't super friendly to the sorts of games they tend to make.


The Switch is going to be the system that fills in those niche games the vita has. I have a feeling a lot of vita developers are going to abandon ship.
Switch CPU is faster (foxconn leak that was proven true friday) so that shouldn't happen.


You'd just have switch version with less frames and or resolution. Though it seems Switch is capable of about half the performance of PS4 if fp16 is used. The device should still be able to do everything the ps4 can with graphical downgrades.

You're assuming docked speeds. You can't just cut resolution from 1080p to 720p for the docked spec and call it a day, because undocked the thing is still a Wii U's worth of performance.

(The CPU is the logic processor, so it was the most important to get right here)



And even i am moderately surprised
Eh the gaming sphere is still a thing. It's an industry.don't be negative

if the switch is a mid range tablet with nintendo branding, you think third parties aren't porting their stuff to other tablets?

The one - short game - advantage nintendo MAY have is "oh look, your fave tab games but now with real controls!" - i'll be honest, this HAS moved some of my purchases from iOS to Android because my Android tab is a shield with a custom controller.... so having something built in may actually be a thing.

But ... why would you , if you're building a mid tier game for the Ntendo Shield , not target other tablets? I dunno - i'm missing something?


The Switch is going to be the system that fills in those niche games the vita has. I have a feeling a lot of vita developers are going to abandon ship.

Maybe, but I think Vita users are not the same as Nintendo users... I actually would not buy a Switch just for the games I usually play on the Vita... different system, different features, different cost...

But I guess it's inevitable if Sony doesn't come out with a Vita successor... and right now it's really hard it happens... :\


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Maybe, but I think Vita users are not the same as Nintendo users... I actually would not buy a Switch just for the games I usually play on the Vita... different system, different features, different cost...

But I guess it's inevitable if Sony doesn't come out with a Vita successor... and right now it's really hard it happens... :\

I agree with that post.

My fav handheld between the 3DS and the Vita was the Vita. If Sony doesnt do another handheld I'm going to use the Switch for that.

Still gotta convince my kids to want a Switch instead of a Vita, lol. If I play it right we will have at least 2 in the house for my 2 sons.


Maybe, but I think Vita users are not the same as Nintendo users... I actually would not buy a Switch just for the games I usually play on the Vita... different system, different features, different cost...

But I guess it's inevitable if Sony doesn't come out with a Vita successor... and right now it's really hard it happens... :

I mean if it has the games what reason would you have to avoid it? It also doesn't have mandatory expensive memory cards so launch price seems to be similar.
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