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NPD January 2023: Small decline in general YoY, both PS5 (1st) and Switch (2nd) up YoY.

Not bad for Forspoken.

No... that's pretty much a disaster. Everyone sees a game debut in the top ten and are like "oh damn it did really good!" -- but that's not true. Game sales is similar to box office receipts, where the games in the top 3-5 are doing 80% of the business. Debuting in 7th means it probably did sub-500k sales, in the period where it will make most of its sales. Would be great for an indie game, not so much for a huge budget AAA PS5 game.

For example, the #6 game of October 2022 was Mario + Rabbids 2, which Ubisoft said had disappointing sales (and would've been much cheaper to produce). The #7 game of that month was Persona 5, basically just selling copies on Switch. Need for Speed: Unbound debuted in #8 in December 2022 and was a flop. Forspoken bombed.
XSS didn’t have a shortage in the states since September 2021. Wouldn’t surprise me if they have a ton of stock in their warehouses that they can’t move. That could explain the deep discounts we are seeing.
I mean, given the figures both units are losing per unit sold, it is kinda shocking to see them doing some deep price cuts in their strongest markets, so you're definitely onto something here.


Gold Member
Dog Morning GIF


Those Hi-Fi Rush numbers aren’t good. It got beaten by MonHon Rise. A game that came out almost 2 years already on other consoles.


Last year, we didn't really have a solid enough picture to understand just how the business plans of Sony & MS were being met by the various markets; I never thought the ATVI sale was a panic buy move. But looking at it now, with 12 months of data in our hands, with supply issues largely in the rear view, its quite clear that ATVI is exactly what you described it as: a $69b panic button.

And MS had this data 1 year ago. Hence why they resorted to this $69 Billion panic button.

Iced Arcade

Those Hi-Fi Rush numbers aren’t good. It got beaten by MonHon Rise. A game that came out almost 2 years already on other consoles.
The game came out on January 25th lol

(Personally don't think it's going to be massive in sale wise regardless though)
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Late at night
when you're sleeping
That's when Jimbo becomes a peeping

You're better watch out
You better beware
Or Jimbo will take your take-home pay

1, 2, 3, 4, Jimbo's at your closet door


Few things going on imo:

Vast majority of gamers last gen were on PS4. Solid output of quality games throughout it's lifecycle and still getting the vast majority of games till now.

PS5 was heavily restricted in terms of availability initially. Finally getting decent availability 2 years into the generation. Those PS4 owners thinking of upgrading can now do so with relative ease. Pricing is still high at $500 for the disk version. The incidences where they would switch to an Xbox series s or x because they couldn't get a PS5 are relatively rare imo. They'll stick with their ps4s till the price gets to $400-$300.

We are seeing that there's about 20 million Xbox gamers that will buy the console each generation. Despite the track record of broken promises in regards "games are coming, please wait till next year ...". So when Phil said stock would be constrained recently, is it that they wanted to build more series x than they had due to some supply chain issue, or deliberately reducing the production rate of the X so they aren't stuck with potentially millions sitting in warehouses like the S as demand from the general population continues to drop.

Once Microsoft announced that all Xbox 1st party console games would be available on PC, that was the end of any hopes of 360 type sales in future Xbox console generations. They decided that "gaming anywhere" and playing on cloud or phones etc would offset any hit in console sales. Exclusivity matters when you are trying sell hardware.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Now see.....a few months ago I said MS didnt take advantage of Sony having very low PS5 stock the first half of last year.

And if MS has low console stock now..Sony is taking advantage of it. They are marketing the shit out of the PS5. And by some magic seemed to have solved the stock issues.

Uphill battle.



And the damage controlling begins…

If they can't produce more - it's their problem. Like it was Sony problem when they couldn't produce more PS5. It's not a justification that he think it is. Also it's pretty disingenuous trying to shift focus from the fact that series s gathering dust in shops and storages all over the world. Though who would expect anything different from this guy.


If they can't produce more - it's their problem. Like it was Sony problem when they couldn't produce more PS5. It's not a justification that he think it is. Also it's pretty disingenuous trying to shift focus from the fact that series s gathering dust in shops and storages all over the world. Though who would expect anything different from this guy.
This is precisely it. I'm not sure how accurate his claim is that Xbox Series X is unavailable in North America: I've checked online store of my (previous) European country, and I've noticed that the typical big online retailers are currently sold out of Xbox Series X.

The thing with the Xbox Series X is that it's probably not impossible to find one, and they're not sold out everywhere, but they are still not readily available at every location where they should be. The Series S probably has a lot to do with it: A not insignificant amount of them are clearly sitting on store shelves while MS can't produce enough of the system that people actually want. I've noticed that the conversation about the Series S has changed online as well: It's no longer labeled as the “Little stroke of Genius” and is now more accurately described as the poor investment that it really is.
This guy is a maniac
His livelihood is tied to Xbox so he has an inherent interest in keeping people believing in the brand

People have invested years into the Xbox ecosystem. They have an inherent interest in believing in the brand.

Think Microsoft and Sony are going to let people port their Xbox purchases to PS6? Yeah, that's not happening.
The only thing that's unavailable is the demand.

Microsoft hasn’t bothered to market the thing for months, it’s all about Series S and all that talk about power has farted into the wind too.

He has a substantial following , he gets his freebies, I just can’t respect the guy. He’s everything I didn’t want the Xbox fan base to be.


Probably 12-13 million. Worldwide.

And that's being nice to Xbox.

Xbox will likely see a big lift if they close ABK and Bethesda deliver some outstanding games. Bethesda alone has some 3 major IPs (Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Doom). Fallout shipped 12M copies at launch and Elder Scrolls is way beyond 20M sold. Doom made $450M revenue in 9 months. The gap in the US market is also quite small (about 4M units).

ABK will come with Diablo, Overwatch, Call of Duty, Crash, Spyro, Warcraft and Starcraft. Those are some real heavy hitters. Diablo and Call of Duty will be multiplatform in the medium-term and so the impact of those IPs will be diminished in terms of console sales. The other IPs are still strong. The challenge for Xbox is that PS5 is shaping up to be even more dominant than the PS4. Sony is projecting to sell 6.2M PS5 this Q4, which would be the highest in home console history. Sony first party is stronger than it's ever been, with 5 IPs that sell 20M (Spiderman, TLOU, Uncharted, GoW, Horizon) and 3 IPs that sell 10M+ (GT, GoT, Destiny). The benefit of Xbox new IPs and studios might only start bearing fruit next-gen, by then, Sony would have likely further strengthened their 1st party and increased the strength of their brand.
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And the damage controlling begins…

This is precisely it. I'm not sure how accurate his claim is that Xbox Series X is unavailable in North America: I've checked online store of my (previous) European country, and I've noticed that the typical big online retailers are currently sold out of Xbox Series X.

The thing with the Xbox Series X is that it's probably not impossible to find one, and they're not sold out everywhere, but they are still not readily available at every location where they should be. The Series S probably has a lot to do with it: A not insignificant amount of them are clearly sitting on store shelves while MS can't produce enough of the system that people actually want. I've noticed that the conversation about the Series S has changed online as well: It's no longer labeled as the “Little stroke of Genius” and is now more accurately described as the poor investment that it really is.
Actually a little correction. The reason why you don’t see the $499 console in USA is because ms are shoving the Forza Horizon 5 bundle down peoples throats. That’s an extra $60 to offset the costs they are losing on each console. Normally ms bundles the Forza games for free but they are losing way too much money so they are making the consumers pay $60 for a year old racing game. Pretty shady imo.

But yes, the console is available and there’s no shortage.


I've noticed that the conversation about the Series S has changed online as well: It's no longer labeled as the “Little stroke of Genius” and is now more accurately described as the poor investment that it really is.
Yeah remember "little beast" and is it too late for Sony to make their own S version?? or when they were sitting on store shelves they would jump at you "iPhones are in stock too, I guess Apple is not selling any har har har"

Now we know the reality and it's not pretty.
Xbox will likely see a big lift if they close ABK and Bethesda deliver some outstanding games. Bethesda alone has some 3 major IPs (Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Doom). Fallout shipped 12M copies at launch and Elder Scrolls is way beyond 20M sold. Doom made $450M revenue in 9 months. The gap in the US market is also quite small (about 4M units).

ABK will come with Diablo, Overwatch, Call of Duty, Crash, Spyro, Warcraft and Starcraft. Those are some real heavy hitters. Diablo and Call of Duty will be multiplatform in the medium-term and so the impact of those IPs will be diminished in terms of console sales. The other IPs are still strong. The challenge for Xbox is that PS5 is shaping up to be even more dominant than the PS4. Sony is projecting to sell 6.2M PS5 this Q4, which would be the highest in home console history. Sony first party is stronger than it's ever been, with 5 IPs that sell 20M (Spiderman, TLOU, Uncharted, GoW, Horizon) and 3 IPs that sell 10M+ (GT, GoT, Destiny). The benefit of Xbox new IPs and studios might only start bearing fruit next-gen, by then, Sony would have likely further strengthened their 1st party and increased the strength of their brand.

It's not that simple, though. Fallout shipped 12 million at launch, but didn't sell that many more (certainly not 2x that amount) over the course of its lifetime; was a very front-loaded game and, that's not considering it was multiplatform at launch. Same with Skyrim, same with DOOM. We know the next Fallout & Elder Scrolls will not be on PlayStation or Nintendo. We also kind of know that at least for Fallout and Skyrim, most sales were between the consoles collectively.

TES6 and Fallout 5 will be in Game Pass Day 1, but they're years away. And there's no guarantee they'll lead to a massive subscriber boost, nor that they'll increase revenue by leaps and bounds (particularly since we now have proof from MS themselves that Game Pass does not increase game sales, but cuts into them), especially if the loopholes and sub deals exist by the time those games launch. Diablo 4 is going to be a multiplatform game, and if it's anything like MLB The Show, it being in Game Pass Day 1 isn't going to necessarily swing players on PlayStation to get an Xbox to play it, or sign up for Game Pass to play it, either. Overwatch 2 has subsided a decent bit from the debut, though it's still doing well, and again it's multiplat plus F2P; the only advantage Xbox/Game Pass can give the game are free and discounted perks & MTX with a sub, kind of like with the RIOT games deal in PC Game Pass.

Crash & Spyro are not system sellers and won't generate big boosts in Game Pass revenue, either; I also think it's kind of hilarious that either one could come back before an actual Banjo-Kazooie 3 happens. WoW, I don't know why it's taking so long to bring it to console, I think its window of opportunity has diminished strongly because of that. Starcraft is a dormant IP currently, and I think it'll do way more for PC than Xbox anyway, considering its genre and lineage.

Honestly I think Xbox's biggest issues are internal; Sony & Nintendo are going to keep doing what they always do. MS have IP that either are in decline (Halo), stagnating (Gears, Forza Horizon), are generally decent/good but aren't really appealing to a mass market the way marquee Sony & Nintendo IP are (Sea of Thieves, HiFi Rush, Forza Motorsport, Age of Empires, Flight Sim), or do have mass-market appeal but are more or less not associated with the brand or Microsoft at all by the mainstream (Minecraft). I would throw DOOM, Elder Scrolls & Fallout into that last category as well, but only because there haven't been new installments yet for us to see if they will definitively be multiplat or Xbox console-exclusive, and in some cases (like Elder Scrolls) the next installment is 3-4 years away at earliest. Microsoft have a borderline catastrophic problem with a lack of brand IPs that are either healthy, have mass-market appeal, or are both healthy & mass-market but have next to no association with Xbox in terms of cultural mindshare.

And, they created that problem themselves. It's going to take a lot of effort to begin fixing that, let alone other things like the effect Game Pass is having on player spend in the ecosystem, or what way their Day 1 PC strategy for ALL their games has negatively hurt Xbox specifically. And like you said, Sony (and Nintendo) aren't standing still; anything MS does right or sees gains in software-wise is going to have a harder & harder time standing out and appearing like a spectacle because Sony & Nintendo are to keep upping their own output over time. Even 3P AAA devs are effectively competition for MS's 1P efforts, especially if those are games they don't have marketing rights on.
This is precisely it. I'm not sure how accurate his claim is that Xbox Series X is unavailable in North America: I've checked online store of my (previous) European country, and I've noticed that the typical big online retailers are currently sold out of Xbox Series X.

The thing with the Xbox Series X is that it's probably not impossible to find one, and they're not sold out everywhere, but they are still not readily available at every location where they should be. The Series S probably has a lot to do with it: A not insignificant amount of them are clearly sitting on store shelves while MS can't produce enough of the system that people actually want. I've noticed that the conversation about the Series S has changed online as well: It's no longer labeled as the “Little stroke of Genius” and is now more accurately described as the poor investment that it really is.

I've heard that it's basically 3 Series S for every 1 Series X produced. In other words, 75% of global stock would (theoretically) be Series Ss.

Considering the lack of demand for that model specifically in the majority of markets, Microsoft might have made a disastrous miscalculation.

Microsoft hasn’t bothered to market the thing for months, it’s all about Series S and all that talk about power has farted into the wind too.

He has a substantial following , he gets his freebies, I just can’t respect the guy. He’s everything I didn’t want the Xbox fan base to be.

And unfortunately, Xbox corporate freely associate with people like him, even play games with them online.

It's just way too much blurring of the line for me, personally. Where does the genuine fan enthusiast end and the shilling begin?

To be honest FH5 must be at around 25 million player count already, and Starfield is absolutely going to crush these numbers.

About the players on PC vs console, i'd say the opposite, i can't see less than 70% of it's sales being on PC. It's the biggest gaming platform outside of phones, plus Starfield is a RPG which is a PC centric genre, so i'd expect very big numbers there.

This said, i agree it won't be enough to save Xbox's 2023, it's going to take years and many games for Xbox to rise again, it will help sure, but nothing huge

Considering various other things MS have claimed in the past about performance metrics of Xbox & Game Pass have turned out to be lies or half-truths at best (going by the court documents), I would have some reservations over the player count numbers. We already know they are lifetime cumulative; you can go look up FH5 concurrent numbers right now and they usually hover around 5K or so on PC. Which is better than Halo's average, but not by much.

The audience for both are mainly on console, but probably nothing more than 10x on PC, so maybe 50K - 60K concurrent for them on Xbox side of things. Cumulatively that would still be lower than any of the biggest Steam games are doing concurrent, or the biggest MP games on PlayStation concurrent. Even other MP games on Xbox are doing bigger numbers, like COD and I'd imagine maybe Minecraft.

Starfield's PC sales will be interesting because I kind of agree with your percentage range; in the past games like Skyrim did most of their sales on console actually, but that was between Xbox, PS and Nintendo. Starfield isn't coming to PlayStation 5, and Game Pass's subscriber base is vast majority on Xbox consoles. We know most people on Xbox are going to play the game on Game Pass, so that's going to severely impact the Xbox sales numbers. PC, though, it's a different story because gamers there by large don't mess with PC Game Pass, so they'll more than likely buy it on Steam.
Last year, we didn't really have a solid enough picture to understand just how the business plans of Sony & MS were being met by the various markets; I never thought the ATVI sale was a panic buy move. But looking at it now, with 12 months of data in our hands, with supply issues largely in the rear view, its quite clear that ATVI is exactly what you described it as: a $69b panic button.

Yeah, same. Back in January 2022 I thought the ABK announcement was a 4D chess-level move, but cracks started showing almost immediately, in hindsight. Going out of their way to signal COD would remain multiplat, talking with Sony right after the announcement...then seeing how the announcement wiped away $20 billion off Sony's market cap in a flash (I wonder if this has been brought up to regulators? Maybe they've kept it in mind).

At the time I wasn't really trying or wanting to see some of those things for what they were; then they do the Sega announcement and I thought that was going to be for some exclusive games similar to the OG Xbox days...nope. Not even. Really just a thing for Azure & Game Pass. Then the barrenness of Xbox's 2022 really started showing itself, then early console lifetime sales reports from analysts, then all the problems with various Xbox 1P games (Halo, Perfect Dark, Fable, Everwild etc.).

In truth I don't feel that when MS made the ABK announcement they did it as a "panic button" move; they probably saw it as them putting Sony into a checkmate situation. But here we are a little over a year later and, well, it's MS who have checkmated themselves. Talk about an absolute reversal of (mis)fortune, and all Sony had to do was stay the course and focus on what they've always focused on.

Oh, and I guess calling Microsoft's bluff over ABK & COD was also a thing.
Sony recovered because chip demand dropped. There weren't any on shelves for the first half of last year hence the huge percentages of uplift you are seeing now vs YoY.

Somethings going on with the series x now and I'm not sure what it is. I don't think any of us know as there seems to be less series x now than a year ago which doesn't make sense. Maybe they are going through an internal design change or chip size reduction that's affected production.

They need to get it sorted before starfield.

If it's true that MS manufacture 3 S chips for ever 1 X chip, and that they share a single wafer pipeline, I don't think there's a lot Microsoft can do to change the situation. Because if they want to increase Series X chips, they're going to be SIGNIFICANTLY increasing Series S chip production amounts, too. They can't just elect to only increase volume of production for one portion of the wafer.

It's either that or they get a 2nd wafer just for Series X chips, but now they're paying for two chips. The wafer part of their production, TBH it's not something I thought much about before but talking with someone else kind of cued me to consider it more deeply. MS's "problem" is that they probably can't justify increasing Series X volume without also dramatically increasing Series S production, since they both use the same wafer line.

If that 3:1 rule holds true then we also have a global sales split for S to X units; at least, up to January this year, if MS were at say 17.62 million, then 4.405 million of those would have been Series X units. The other 13.215 million would have been Series S systems. So I guess folks saying the sales situation would be absolutely dire if MS only had the Series X, are right. Maybe on that same wafer they'd of been able to have 3 Series X chips if they didn't have a Series S? But then that'd of put them at 13.215, it'd be something like 2.42:1 in favor PS5 in that scenario.

That's assuming MS would have stayed with the same volume of production. I'm wondering if Sony simply have more wafer lines than Microsoft; it would make sense considering expected demand and combine that with PS5's chip being smaller than Series X's; Sony probably spend more on chip wafer production but it's Microsoft losing a lot of money on hardware because the chip they're manufacturing at a 3x rate (Series S) just isn't selling well at all.


Moderated wildly
Actually a little correction. The reason why you don’t see the $499 console in USA is because ms are shoving the Forza Horizon 5 bundle down peoples throats. That’s an extra $60 to offset the costs they are losing on each console. Normally ms bundles the Forza games for free but they are losing way too much money so they are making the consumers pay $60 for a year old racing game. Pretty shady imo.

But yes, the console is available and there’s no shortage.

How I the world would you know there is no shortage?

This place is showing its complete ass in the last few days. Lmao.

The numbers are so big, they have to reminded to snap back to reality.

I think MS's fiscal results for FY 2022 Q3 are going to be quite a bit worst than internal predictions at the time they gave Q2's fiscal numbers. Multiplats aren't moving much on their consoles. No big 1P games for January, this month, or March. No big 3P games for Game Pass. Reduced ad budget.

It's going to get really bad before it starts to get better, basically.

As a brand but as far as consoles go it's up in the air if they will come out to play in a traditional way next go around. Lately Microsoft don't even talk about Xbox Consoles & it seems they are taking a wait & see approach instead of making a push for a turnaround for Series X . PlayStation quickly got the manufacturing price down on PS5 & they will take it further with the redesign but Xbox doesn't seem to be focusing on making a big hardware push. I can see them releasing Surface products that will play your Xbox games or moving to cheaper Xbox consoles moving forward.

That's what I've been thinking they will likely do, too. Go full 3P, shift Xbox to some gaming-focused mini PC NUC product line, let them run Windows, sell the hardware for a profit, and do what Valve couldn't do with Steam Machines.

They could also consolidate the Xbox hardware unit into the Surface division; Surface sales took a heavy drop last quarter, too. I think the two units could benefit from a merger and Surface team were already involved in the creation process of Series X & S. Just make sense.

And with that I am off to get some much-needed rest.


That's what I've been thinking they will likely do, too. Go full 3P, shift Xbox to some gaming-focused mini PC NUC product line, let them run Windows, sell the hardware for a profit, and do what Valve couldn't do with Steam Machines.

They could also consolidate the Xbox hardware unit into the Surface division; Surface sales took a heavy drop last quarter, too. I think the two units could benefit from a merger and Surface team were already involved in the creation process of Series X & S. Just make sense.
Would love to see a Surface team gaming especially handheld device (rebranded studio laptop don't count).

I don't think they will stray too far if they do consolidated, the xbox console isn't too different in terms of a business sense than a Surface device except the margins are lower.

The xbox console would probably still exist as a reference design.
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Moderated wildly
The numbers are so big, they have to reminded to snap back to reality.

I think MS's fiscal results for FY 2022 Q3 are going to be quite a bit worst than internal predictions at the time they gave Q2's fiscal numbers. Multiplats aren't moving much on their consoles. No big 1P games for January, this month, or March. No big 3P games for Game Pass. Reduced ad budget.

It's going to get really bad before it starts to get better, basically.

That's what I've been thinking they will likely do, too. Go full 3P, shift Xbox to some gaming-focused mini PC NUC product line, let them run Windows, sell the hardware for a profit, and do what Valve couldn't do with Steam Machines.

They could also consolidate the Xbox hardware unit into the Surface division; Surface sales took a heavy drop last quarter, too. I think the two units could benefit from a merger and Surface team were already involved in the creation process of Series X & S. Just make sense.

And with that I am off to get some much-needed rest.

The multiplatform splits are absolutely in line with what is expected from the market share. You're doing the thing which a lot of people seem to be doing this last week or so is totally spread miss information.

Even elden ring a typical Japanese game saw a more or less identical split to market share size on xbox vs playstation.
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I've heard that it's basically 3 Series S for every 1 Series X produced. In other words, 75% of global stock would (theoretically) be Series Ss.

Considering the lack of demand for that model specifically in the majority of markets, Microsoft might have made a disastrous miscalculation.

And unfortunately, Xbox corporate freely associate with people like him, even play games with them online.

It's just way too much blurring of the line for me, personally. Where does the genuine fan enthusiast end and the shilling begin?

Considering various other things MS have claimed in the past about performance metrics of Xbox & Game Pass have turned out to be lies or half-truths at best (going by the court documents), I would have some reservations over the player count numbers. We already know they are lifetime cumulative; you can go look up FH5 concurrent numbers right now and they usually hover around 5K or so on PC. Which is better than Halo's average, but not by much.

The audience for both are mainly on console, but probably nothing more than 10x on PC, so maybe 50K - 60K concurrent for them on Xbox side of things. Cumulatively that would still be lower than any of the biggest Steam games are doing concurrent, or the biggest MP games on PlayStation concurrent. Even other MP games on Xbox are doing bigger numbers, like COD and I'd imagine maybe Minecraft.

Starfield's PC sales will be interesting because I kind of agree with your percentage range; in the past games like Skyrim did most of their sales on console actually, but that was between Xbox, PS and Nintendo. Starfield isn't coming to PlayStation 5, and Game Pass's subscriber base is vast majority on Xbox consoles. We know most people on Xbox are going to play the game on Game Pass, so that's going to severely impact the Xbox sales numbers. PC, though, it's a different story because gamers there by large don't mess with PC Game Pass, so they'll more than likely buy it on Steam.

Yeah, same. Back in January 2022 I thought the ABK announcement was a 4D chess-level move, but cracks started showing almost immediately, in hindsight. Going out of their way to signal COD would remain multiplat, talking with Sony right after the announcement...then seeing how the announcement wiped away $20 billion off Sony's market cap in a flash (I wonder if this has been brought up to regulators? Maybe they've kept it in mind).

At the time I wasn't really trying or wanting to see some of those things for what they were; then they do the Sega announcement and I thought that was going to be for some exclusive games similar to the OG Xbox days...nope. Not even. Really just a thing for Azure & Game Pass. Then the barrenness of Xbox's 2022 really started showing itself, then early console lifetime sales reports from analysts, then all the problems with various Xbox 1P games (Halo, Perfect Dark, Fable, Everwild etc.).

In truth I don't feel that when MS made the ABK announcement they did it as a "panic button" move; they probably saw it as them putting Sony into a checkmate situation. But here we are a little over a year later and, well, it's MS who have checkmated themselves. Talk about an absolute reversal of (mis)fortune, and all Sony had to do was stay the course and focus on what they've always focused on.

Oh, and I guess calling Microsoft's bluff over ABK & COD was also a thing.

If it's true that MS manufacture 3 S chips for ever 1 X chip, and that they share a single wafer pipeline, I don't think there's a lot Microsoft can do to change the situation. Because if they want to increase Series X chips, they're going to be SIGNIFICANTLY increasing Series S chip production amounts, too. They can't just elect to only increase volume of production for one portion of the wafer.

It's either that or they get a 2nd wafer just for Series X chips, but now they're paying for two chips. The wafer part of their production, TBH it's not something I thought much about before but talking with someone else kind of cued me to consider it more deeply. MS's "problem" is that they probably can't justify increasing Series X volume without also dramatically increasing Series S production, since they both use the same wafer line.

If that 3:1 rule holds true then we also have a global sales split for S to X units; at least, up to January this year, if MS were at say 17.62 million, then 4.405 million of those would have been Series X units. The other 13.215 million would have been Series S systems. So I guess folks saying the sales situation would be absolutely dire if MS only had the Series X, are right. Maybe on that same wafer they'd of been able to have 3 Series X chips if they didn't have a Series S? But then that'd of put them at 13.215, it'd be something like 2.42:1 in favor PS5 in that scenario.

That's assuming MS would have stayed with the same volume of production. I'm wondering if Sony simply have more wafer lines than Microsoft; it would make sense considering expected demand and combine that with PS5's chip being smaller than Series X's; Sony probably spend more on chip wafer production but it's Microsoft losing a lot of money on hardware because the chip they're manufacturing at a 3x rate (Series S) just isn't selling well at all.
The Elder Scrolls started as a PC game and that’s where there fans are. It got popular on consoles when Oblivion came out. If i had to guess i would wager 30%+ of Skyrim are from PC gamers. I doubt a sci-fi game like Starfield will even get close to Skyrim numbers.

I thought the wafer was 2 to 1, that’s even worse if its 3 to 1. They should change the layout of the wafer to just make XSX. But then there’s no guarantee that they would get good yields.


Gold Journalism
How I the world would you know there is no shortage?

This place is showing its complete ass in the last few days. Lmao.
Because those consoles are available everywhere - and that's the opposite of "shortage."

Except Series X is not supply constrained. It's available almost everywhere.
Both Series X and Series S are readily available. The problem now is the lack of demand, which is why they are not selling as many consoles, and which is why the hardware revenue is also down.
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