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NPD Sales Results for April 2016 [Sony, MS, & Nintendo refuse to comment on hardware]

star fox and rachet and clank charting makes me a very happy person as both games have been fantastic now we just need some sales data on star fox :)


I'm looking at Sony's studios and independent ones as well, and I'm not sure there's one that will be able to make an Uncharte game.

Bend maybe, but even so, Sony seems like they don't mind putting an IP to rest and moving on, seeing how many IPs from the PlayStation one era are dormant now. GT I think is the only IP from back then still kicking (well with rumors of wild arms coming back)


In a thread where we have so few numbers its been the best thing possible - havent laughed so hard - expecting QB to regress to some indie kickstarter that was only announced the day it launched...

ps3ud0 8)

Im honestly in a state of shock at how much sudden and avid denial there is in this thread. Its unreal. I thought with all the information we had regarding the game up until now that this performance would have been expected/accepted. Guess I was mistaken.
Congrats are in order for FROM Software and Insomniac. I don't want to pour liquor out for Remedy just yet without having numbers and (of course) not knowing internal expectations, I will say that as a studio they may potentially be in a hard place if Quantum Break isn't considered successful internally. How did Alan Wake initially chart? Was it a big mover for the X360 when it came out? Going by a previous Neogaf thread Alan Wake ended up over 3 mil with about half of that on the 360 (as of last year). Spitballing, but Remedy games may sell to a specific audience if their previous games sales end up consistent in the future. With that said, I'd still have to imagine Quantum Break being a much grander project for them than Alan Wake and Max Payne was.

As far as Xbox One's hardware sales, there's nothing they can do outside of competing during the holidays in terms of bolstering numbers. The smarter move at this point is further monetizing the audience they do have. As it relates to this month, it seems that it was a particularly slow month though.

I think a lack of any global market presence is really hurting Microsoft exclusives. It isn't about raw install base but a solid base of engaged customers that buy games regularly and keep up to date with your platform and it's releases.

They basically have such an insignificant share of these customers outside of the US that their exclusives sell bugger all and their performance in their home territory has to be disproportionately good to offset this (which isn't happening).

Like, The Order was a bomb at NPD. But it was bought across the world in presumably meager amounts. QB is a bomb at NPD but hasn't been bought anywhere else at all.

There's nothing they can do about that. They've tried penetrating non American markets with the OG Xbox and Xbox 360 and it was met with moderate-to-nil success. If after roughly 10 years of a market(s) rejecting your product, you got to cut your losses and focus on markets that are receptive to and actively purchasing games on your console (i.e. profitable). For all the criticism Microsoft gets, this is area that I think they understand.


You know as expected as it may be it is still depressing to see yet another new IP fall flat on its face. Seems like there are far more failures than there are successes when it comes to new IPs so far this gen and thats a very dangerous message to send an industry already so obsessed with sequels and franchises.

Hopefully we start to see some more big success stories to join Destiny and The Division this gen. I think Overwatch stands a very good chance of being such a success given the beta numbers it managed.


In the short term, I'm expecting a TLOU 2 that looks pretty much like a straightforward cinematic game.

In the medium term, I'm imagining something more like a large hub based game like Deus Ex, where you can still maintain a strong story setup, a bunch of locations, and a variety of cinematic linear missions, but while having more freedom in between, presumably with a new IP.

That probably doesn't look all that different in the end, but I think things like that can actually be a world of difference in the market place.
That would be bold and something they would be contemplating if tlou wasn't a success. I feel they found a happy medium for the time being and fans know what to expect and they are one of the few who are very successful with this type of game. Once you start giving choices or more freedom it starts to veer into open world genre and then you have lots of competition.


Neo Member
I mean April wasn't exactly packed,nor was there any worthwhile exclusive on Xbox when Qb arrived.

Sigh.... Well yes but to be honest, even in its broken state Scalebound looked like a funner game than QB... and games have to at least look appealing.

I just remembered how busy Platinum Games schedule must be.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Seriously, you have no idea how happy I am that Ratchet and Clank did that well. This all but guarantees a return to that series and I bet the game has legs.
Im honestly in a state of shock at how much sudden and avid denial there is in this thread. Its unreal. I thought with all the information we had regarding the game up until now that this performance would have been expected/accepted. Guess I was mistaken.

Your first mistake is assuming that everyone posting in this thread watches the trends as closely as you do.
Strange that neither Sony nor Microsoft are commenting on hardware sales. Sony always says when they win and if Xbox won you'd think MS would want to make a pretty big deal about it.
Sigh.... Well yes but to be honest, even in its broken state Scalebound looked like a funner game than QB... and games have to at least look appealing.

I just remembered how busy Platinum Games schedule must be.

Even if it looks funner it's probably going to do worst than QB...


Sony staying mum oN hardwarE...I wOnder why.

That would be my guess. Everyone was reporting on the neo replacing the ps4 so I'm sure it'l has tainted potential ps4 sales. Even on GAF people's opinion on Sony seems to be getting more toxic due to the neo.

Wouldnt be surprised if Xbox outsold them but numbers are low enough all around no one wants to comment.


In the short term, I'm expecting a TLOU 2 that looks pretty much like a straightforward cinematic game.

In the medium term, I'm imagining something more like a large hub based game like Deus Ex, where you can still maintain a strong story setup, a bunch of locations, and a variety of cinematic linear missions, but while having more freedom in between, presumably with a new IP.

That probably doesn't look all that different in the end, but I think things like that can actually be a world of difference in the market place in terms of making sure things feel fresh and current. As a new IP, the format change is likely to garner less pushback as well.

I could easily be wrong.

Imagining a Deus Ex type game made by ND is too much. I can't even. Please stop.
So glad to see Ratchet & Clank up there at the top - been one of my favorite franchises since the original on the PS3. Good for Insomniac!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
With the addition of well known actors to the cast and the extended dev time the budget for QB had to be absolutely massive. The chances of them making a profit with the game at this point are basically nill.

I mean I don't think they were that famous. lol. Ok that's just mean.


Gold Member
That would be my guess. Everyone was reporting on the neo replacing the ps4 so I'm sure it'l has tainted potential ps4 sales. Even on GAF people's opinion on Sony seems to be getting more toxic due to the neo.

Wouldnt be surprised if Xbox outsold them but numbers are low enough all around no one wants to comment.

Zhgue has already stated that the PS4 was #1 for the month.


With the addition of well known actors to the cast and the extended dev time the budget for QB had to be absolutely massive. The chances of them making a profit with the game at this point are basically nill.
I wonder how much the game cost to make?
That would be my guess. Everyone was reporting on the neo replacing the ps4 so I'm sure it'l has tainted potential ps4 sales. Even on GAF people's opinion on Sony seems to be getting more toxic due to the neo.

Wouldnt be surprised if Xbox outsold them but numbers are low enough all around no one wants to comment.

There's no way in hell xbox outsold them, MS would be singing to the heavens, no one forces them to comment on hard numbers anyway.


That would be bold and something they would be contemplating if tlou wasn't a success. I feel they found a happy medium for the time being and fans know what to expect and they are one of the few who are very successful with this type of game. Once you start giving choices or more freedom it starts to veer into open world genre and then you have lots of competition.

That's why I'm thinking they might try both.

TLOU series as the safe bet, the new IP as the less safe one.
Have to wonder what Microsoft is doing right now.

Hardware isn't selling great, even though it seems like it's always on sale. Software isn't selling great. I guess Gears will still do well.

Well, the VR stage is starting as we speak and really kicks off this Summer/Fall and they don't appear to have anything gaming VR related either...

If VR takes off, they are going to be scrambling like crazy in that field as well...


You know as expected as it may be it is still depressing to see yet another new IP fall flat on its face. Seems like there are far more failures than there are successes when it comes to new IPs so far this gen and thats a very dangerous message to send an industry already so obsessed with sequels and franchises.

Hopefully we start to see some more big success stories to join Destiny and The Division this gen. I think Overwatch stands a very good chance of being such a success given the beta numbers it managed.

What new, big IPs have launched this gen? I'd guess they are batting at least .500 in the aaa space, which seems good to me.

RAther, I think the takeaway from MS' new IP adventures is that MS is bad at project management.


I own all 4 home consoles, and I have no idea why Ratchet & Clank sold so well. This game is a furbait nostalgia title to get the zootopia and ps2 crowd, doesn't even have open world. Why would sell better than Quantum Break? Time powers are crazy!! And the movie was garbage, but game still sells? Wut? :^/

I dunno why people are saying greatness awaits tbh...none of the titles have been that great except for Bloodborne but hopefully UC4 can prove me wrong, Naughty Doges better put out something good, I use my XB1 for multis and my PS4 has been collecting dust for months

Still at least MLB is a great game and Sony should make more stuff like taht and more stuff like quantum break, maybe they can get people to buy their console it would sell like bonkers even better than the Wii if they just put out some games for it!!! But still grats sony game still sells well gj :^)

This post is trash.
No comments from anyone? Damn, must've been a terrible month.

I'm guessing down YoY for PS4 and XB1 and both are fairly close as well.

And QB bombed like crazy. Damn.
Well, the VR stage is starting as we speak and really kicks off this Summer/Fall and they don't appear to have anything gaming VR related either...

If VR takes off, they are going to be scrambling like crazy in that field as well...

But they DO have VR.

Problem is it costs 599 US Dollars.


Well, the VR stage is starting as we speak and really kicks off this Summer/Fall and they don't appear to have anything gaming VR related either...

If VR takes off, they are going to be scrambling like crazy in that field as well...
Microsoft (and Google) seem to be backing AR instead.


I just hope this doesn't sink Remedy. I mean yes luckily they are not first party studio but after this kind of bomb it could be hard to get new contracts (especially as Alan Wake didn't set the world on fire either and how short single player games are dying).

Luckily Remedy has already been paid for their work. Thats the advantage of being a contracted studio. They should be safe.


Let's be honest now if someone said that RC would outsell QB a few months ago they would have been laughed and mocked at.
Lot of people were pretty confident last month it would be QB > RC.

I don't think anyone expected RC > QB up until a week after RC came out and it became apparent between the high reviews and good word of mouth, that something was brewing with the game. I know for me personally, I went from not really caring it came out to buying it within a week once I heard how good it was.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The game came out before the movie so it's not like the movie was a drag.

As opposed to quantum break where the movie came out at the same time


I forgot Quantum Break released in April, looks like it's another Remedy bomb, hopefully it has decent legs. Great to see Dark Souls 3 and Ratchet & Clank doing great. Especially R&C, be nice to have retail games that aren't just full priced or boxed indie games again.
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