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NPD Sales Results for June 2014 [Up3: All Hardware (June/LTD), Top 10 Software SKUs]

PlayStation was #1 in combined home console hardware sales (PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3) for the month

For PlayStation to be number, xbox family must have sold that bad or ps4 sold that good. Cause i am thinking ps3 must be last among the 4 or 3rd?


Re: WatchDogs XBO<360

Sony: #1 current gen > #3 last gen
Microsoft: #2 current gen < #1 last gen

Instead of laser focusing on the weakness of the Xbox One, you also need to consider the strength of the 360 and the weakness of the PS3.
Then why did you say this statement was not true: "They were all either cheaper or launched earlier,"

The PS2 was not cheaper but did launch earlier. Therefore that statement was true.

You're right, my mistake. I was thinking within the context of GameCube and forgot how I worded the original statement.

At either rate, my point was there's no evidence hardware tech specs had anything to do with the PS4 sales, nor have they historically.


I wonder how close system sales between all three this month.

PS4 was at like 199K last month, right? Is it supposed to be higher this month?

If it sells at the same rate as last month, it'd do 250k this month, as it is a 5 week month (last month was 4 weeks)


So Sales Gurus (Aquamarine and Nirolak I'm looking your way!), how good of news is this for Nintendo? Just okay, or actually pretty good...?

Well, it brought it up to a bit below the performance level of the Xbox One. If it could hold at that level in general, it would be a complete revival of the console. However, that is probably something I wouldn't place money on.

The question then becomes if it doesn't hold, how much does it go down, and how quickly. Obviously it's going to get a good boost this holiday season, as Nintendo systems always do, and they have some strong software out. How well it holds prior to that though will be something of a preview for how demand might be in January 2015 and beyond.

It's undeniably a good month, and my initial impression is the boost there looks more encouraging than what we saw in Japan, where the hardware bump nigh exactly mirrored Pikmin 3.
Some people are crazy. The numbers so far aren't great for the XBox One, but are not so bad either. I see posts saying the console is dead, go back to square one, etc. It's not like it's selling half of what the PS4 is selling, come on.

The next 3 or 4 months will not be good either, but the holiday season could be really strong for the XBone.

Also, before anyone says I'm salty or anything, I'm not. Check post history if necessary, I'm actually a PS fan. :p


Re: WatchDogs XBO<360

Sony: #1 current gen > #3 last gen
Microsoft: #2 current gen < #1 last gen

Instead of laser focusing on the weakness of the Xbox One, you also need to consider the strength of the 360 and the weakness of the PS3.

So what you're saying is, people are just too satisfied with their 360s?


I haven't really been following the news lately, so I'll ask knowledgeGAF...

Is the PS4 still sold out (as in not always available) in US retail stores?


Sony must advertise Minecraft Vita as the ultimate portable Minecraft version and make it cross-save with PS3 and PS4, in addition to release a Vita+Minecraft bundle.

PS4 on top is the most unexpected thing ever.

It is more powerful so multiplatform games look better there, this gen there isn't online flaws like missing crossgame chat, both consoles have been released at the same time and Xbox still doesn't have Halo.
In addition to this, the best selling game of the month has been marketed why more as PS4 game etc.
Data they collected themselves. It was most likely slightly higher than NPD's data. Easier to spin.

Its weird, cause I never remember Microsoft quoting sales numbers with that asterisk, and basing their sales numbers on internal data. They always seem to quote NPD around this time, not their "*- Internal data based on retail calendar and sold through numbers."


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
I would imagine Nintendo will use the massive eshop dump/refresh that's rumored to fill the software gap coming up.... And hopefully fatal frame 5.

A) What rumored massive eshop sump/refresh?
B) Nope, that's pretty much it. To what are you referring?


Every time NPD comes around, I think back to a few months before the XB1 launch, and how many pieces I read saying it doesn't matter whether we like MS's approach or not, the XB1 will sell a shit-ton and we will all end up buying into it anyway.


Yeah, they did say "doubled*"

Then at the bottom of the press release, the asterisk said "*- Internal data based on retail calendar and sold through numbers"

So yeah, they basically told us it was "internal data"

That makes it a dead giveaway in which MS was trying to cover up bad sales through PR by saying that the sales for Xbox One have doubled.


Because it sold well? Hmm...why does that make the game more attractive to you?

/is a sheep.

Honestly though, it's just a cumulative build up of word of mouth and a very current and prominent presence that the game has right now. I also attribute solid sales as an indication that it'll have a healthy, thriving community ala Animal Crossing or Pokemon (hopefully) which is a big plus for me.


Some people are crazy. The numbers so far aren't great for the XBox One, but are not so bad either. I see posts saying the console is dead, go back to square one, etc. It's not like it's selling half of what the PS4 is selling, come on.

The next 3 or 4 months will not be good either, but the holiday season could be really strong for the XBone.

Also, before anyone says I'm salty or anything, I'm not. Check post history if necessary, I'm actually a PS fan. :p

Well, last month it was less than the half.


Re: WatchDogs XBO<360

Sony: #1 current gen > #3 last gen
Microsoft: #2 current gen < #1 last gen

Instead of laser focusing on the weakness of the Xbox One, you also need to consider the strength of the 360 and the weakness of the PS3.

Yep people are satisfied with 360.


The top 10 chart for the past year just makes me feel real sad. Did we have NPD back in like 2001 or around there? I'd like to go back and see how different the landscape looked.


Damn. It seems like the friends effect is already in full force. If the gap is near 1 million around the holidays, it's going to start to look like the 360/PS3.

US gap would have to be at least three times bigger during this part of the gen for that to be the case.

Xbox 360 having a whole year to itself greatly helped in terms of that gap last gen.
Nintendo's problem for the next six months is two-fold:

1) Does anything they're releasing have the potential to bring in players that would not already own the system the way Mario Kart did?

2) Does the 3DS hurt the Wii U by offering cheaper alternatives to a lot of the same experiences?

(The answers are no and yes, respectively, if you're curious.)

Now, the silver lining for them here is that they still might do okay. Even if they're not massively increasing the install base (guessing ~60k is the new average until November), if they're getting Wii U owners to finally buy software and pick up what they're releasing this fall, it's a good thing for them. Keep in mind, when I say it's a good thing, I mean it's an extremely relative good thing, but it's a good thing all the same.

They have to take this lesson to heart and come out in 2015 with a steady stream of games to keep people interested. Don't just crowd the latter half of the year as if it's the only part that matters.
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